Page 12-Friday, November 3, 1978-The Michigan Daily
Healthy Hubbard leads cagers
By GARY KICINSKI wise yet, but when he's fresh, he's as coach and his dad about the possibility ns sophomore Mike McGee, who las
Michigan basketball coach Johnny good as I've ever seen m of leaving. year broke the Big Ten scoring recor
Orr announced yesterday a tentative Hubbard, who averaged 19.6 ppg and "HE DID AND he came back from for freshmen with his 19.7 ppg. averag
starting lineup; one which will include earned All-American honorable men- spring vacation, and I said, 'Well, McGee figures prominently i
pair of new starte One ihwler, Phil tion in the 1976-77 season as a what'd they say?' and he said they both Michigan's fast-break offense, acco
Hubbard, sat out all of last year, while sophomore, still keeps the left leg told him to leave. And he says, 'Coach, I ding to Orr. "He's the quickest playe
the other, Johnny Johnson, just about heavily taped during practice, but is don't want to leave'." I've'ever had," said Orr, "and you-wi
did playing at full tilt, according to Orr. Orr Johnson said that he was upset with be amazed how much better he is than
Orr, speaking at the annual basket- joked that "When I tell the doctors to his playing time at the end of the year ago. His defense is improving,-hi
take that stuff (the tape) off, they won't season. whole game is improving, and he can d
ball press, luncheon, said that "Ifwe dit
were going today," his starting lineup do it,' but Hubbard said that "I keep it "I was gone," said Johnson. "I was anything he wants to, especially whe
ewrapped myself, for security." going to either USC or Syracuse." Then he puts his mind to it."
wolee ndHAubnbard atethe rwr-ke The coaches are running us real he changed his mind, although he Michigan's non-starters look to b
McGee and Alan Hardy at the forwar- hard," said Hubbard, "and my con- doesn't really know why. "I thought I stronger on the whole this year, acco
ds, and Johnson and Tom Staton in the ditioning is coming along real well." was good enough to play here, and ding, to both Orr and assistant coac
backBourt. ORR EXPRESSED satisfaction with asked for another chance. Bill Frieder. "The thing we've got thi
HUBBARD'S selection came as no the players' progress so far, and noted Johnson worked all summer and year that we didn't have before is co
yeasurprise, evence dughhe coming off surgery that the team has been looking returned to school, having shaken one petition between the players," Friede
"Our whole season depends on whether especially good of late. The Michigan bad attitude and 20 pounds. said. Freshman Keith Smith, a 6-0 ba
Hubbard stays healthy or not," said coach was particularly impressed with handling wizard from Detroit Macke
Orr. "He's not ready to play condition- the new attitude of Johnson, the 6-4 "His attitude and everything has zie, is liked by Orr for his ability to lear
Orr_"H'snotreayopayonitin-swingman from Buffalo, N.Y. been completely different," Orr said. the break and hit the open man, an<
The selection of Johnson came as "If we can keep him going and he can may yet find his way into the startin
"The game that somewhat of a surprise, considering his keep his weight down and work as hard lineup.
n r eperformance last year. Early in the as he's been working, why he's going to With just about every team in th
never loses! season, Johnson was the first man off play an awful lot this year." conference claiming to have improve
the bench and single-handedly beat Orr also stressed that freshman Thad since last year, Orr was asked to mak
Billiards Fordham with 18 points. But during the Garner (6-7, 190) is pushing Hardy for his prediction of the conference chai
at the Big Ten season he fell into disfavor with his starting forward spot. "In fact," pion. "Well, if I was picking, I'd have t
the coaches and saw little action. said Orr, "he (Hardy) wouldn't even say Michigan State, but if I was going t
Union Johnson himself was disillusioned, have to falter - he'll have to improve." bet any money. .. I'd bet on Indian
and seriously considered transferring. Garner has impressed everyone in and Michigan," Orr said.
Reduced Rates "He had some tough times here," said camp with his quickness, his ball- Why was that, a reporter asked
Orr. "We did not think he was ever in' handling ability, and his left-handed because they've been there before?
to 6:00 p.m. daiy condition. When the season was over, I rebound dunks. "Yeah," laughed Orr, "because o
called him in and told him to go home Bobby Knight and Johnny Orr
and discuss it with his (high school) AT THE OTHER forward post retur-
Comfort® & 7UP
Free agents turned loose today
(orange, pineapple,
apricot, grapefruit) NEW YORK (AP)-After two bull be among the 42 free agents who hope Other players expected to attract the
markets, the bears will be out in full competitive bidding will make them in- greatest attention are pitchers Tommy
force today in baseball's third annual stant millionaires. Cincinnati's Pete John, Jim Barr, Larry Gura, Luis
free-agent re-entry draft. Rose, who will be 37 next season, is the Tiant, Mike Marshal and Elias Sosa;
Not one star player in his prime will most glamorous name available, infielders Darrell Evans and Lee Lacy
and outfielder Billy North.
These eligibles are a far cry from
15th Anniversare the available talent of the past two
season, when a total of 23 players were
awarded contracts of $1 million or
more. In 1976, the new millionaires in-
eluded stars like Reggie Jackson, Jo
* "Rudi, Don Gullett, Gary Matthews;
Rollie Fingers and Bobby Grich. One
year later, the market was bullish
T e aagain with Richie Zisk, Larry Hisle,
To celebrate Lyman Bostock, Rich Gossage and
... Mike Torrez gaining instant riches.
A L L , Hisle, who rewarded Milwaukee's
financial backing with a power-packed
wquipmet..sseason in 1978, tops the free-agent rolls
with a six-year contract worth $3.155
million. Zisk of Texas, another big run-
1 % O F Fproducer this past season, signed a 10-
; Nov. 1-4 year contract worth $2.955 million.
Clothing and previously-reduced merchandise is not included. G R ID D E
Mon-Fri: 10-8:30
Sat: 10-5:30
(} D This has been a sad week for
2455 S. STATE ex-Detroit Piston Bubbles Hawkins.
662-7307 ANN ARBOR Not just because he was waived this
LIQUEUR . ST. LOUIS, MO. 63132 past Wednesday by the Pistons, but un
fortunately this could very well be his
last week to pick the Griddes.
"If I'm picked up next week by
another NBA team, it'll mean no
more Griddes," Bubbles lamented;
"Damn, and I was just beginning to get.
the hang of picking 'em too!"
Don't let your bubble burst, make:
to 420 Maynard by midnight tonight so
N o V0 you can win that delicious two-item piz-j
za from Pizza Bob's.
URgEl "N" E ON""
1. MICHIGAN at Iowa (pick score)
ile serving as a State Senator, CARL PURSELL supported and voted for 2. MichiganStateat Ilinos
Michigan law which lowered the Age of Majority. This act extended the 3. Nrnhsnta e atPresoa
rights and responsibilities of adulthood to Michigan citizens between 5. Ohio State at Wisconsin
ages ofl18 and 21 . 6. Baylor at Texas Tech
7. Oklahoma at Colorado
our Congressman, CARL PURSELL maintains that same faith in the judg- 8. MarylandatPenn State
nt and maturity of young adults. Therefore, on election day, Tuesday, . 9. Miami (Florida) atTulane
10. Navy vs. Notre Dame (at Cleve.)
/ember 7, we ask you to . . . 11. USC at Stanford
12. Texas A&M at Southern Methodist
13. Virginia at West Virginia
14. Air Force at Army
15. Ole Miss at Louisiana State
16. Louisville at Wichita State
17. Rutgers at Massachusetts
18. New Mexico at Utah
19. Citadel at William and Mary
20. DAILY LIBELS at Janesville
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