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November 03, 1978 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1978-11-03

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Candidates debate
(Continued from Page 1)

personal attacks than in earlier debates.
Colburn continually insinuated that
Pierce is not really interested in state
government but in higher political
goals, while Pierce questioned whether
Pierce should be paid his full Univer-
sity salary while campaigning. Several
times Pierce mumbled or laughed
while Colburn was speaking.
BOTH CANDIDATES said they op-
posed proposal D, which would raise
the drinking age to 21, but Colburn,
unlike Pierce, said he backs the new
state law raising the drinking age to 19.
Pierce said he supports proposal A,
which would call a state constitutional
convention, while Colburn opposes the

Both candidates said they are against
the Tisch and school voucher proposals.
But Pierce said he favors easing the
burden on property taxpayers by
providing state support for public
schools through other taxes. Colburn
said he supports the current financing
structure because property tax revenue
is more stable.
Colburn said wearily that the final
debate, which was sponsored by the
League of Women Voters, marked the
fifth time the candidates had debated in
two days.
Colburn's candidacy has been official
for only about a month because of
problems with primary recounts.

* (Continued from Page 1)
broke. We would be forced to drop some
of our sports programs," said Canham.
"This MSU case is sheer nonsense. If
the case is won; which I seriously doubt,
it could ruin both men and women's
athletics," he added.
A HEW REPORT examining the in-
tent of Title IX stated that "much of the
discrimination against women in
education today exists unconsciously
and through practices long enshrined in
The general intent of Title IX was to
awaken eduators and administrators to
this point and set them on the path
towards abolishing archaic rules
governing athletics, the report said.
Women athletes at the University
said they are satisfied with measures
the athletic department has taken to
follow Title IX. '
"It will take people a while to change
their minds but things are definitely
moving in the right direction. I
definitely see a flow towards overall
acceptance of women in athletics," said

sue MSU
Abby Currier, a women's basketball
team member.
BUT WOMEN athletes at MSU want
their school to take forceful steps to go
along with Title IX.
"What we really want is a commit-
ment from the university towards some
action. We want to see an effort to make
MSU competitive with other univer-
sities," DeBoer said.
Women coaches at the University
realize that, even with compliance to
Title IX provisions, the road towards
equality is long, and women athletes
must be patient.
"I believe that our athletic depar-
tment is moving toward total Title IX
compliance. A case like the one at MSU
could seriously hurt our program," said
Gloria Soluk, women's basketball
"It is a long process, but we are
helping women's athletics to grow like
the men's program has. It took 80 years
for the men's program to reach this
point," Canham said.

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