A The Michigan Daily-Thursday, November 2, 1978-Page 3 T F F YOU SEE NES fHAPPEJ CALLrDA lY Our man in Lansing Ann Arbor. State Senator Gilbert Bursley, now running for University Regent, has been deemed a "cellar dweller" by the Michigan Conservative Union (MCU). The MCU bestowed this title for what they call Bursley's "extremely liberal" voting record. Bursely received a 12 per cent rating from the MCU out of a possible 100 per cent for his, votes on 17 "key issues" of concern of conservatives during the last session of the legislature. His voting record showed Bursley voting against the conservative position on most of these issues. y a. Second Seger show The December 5 Bob Seger concert at Criser has been sold out. Fear not, however, for the Major Events Office has announced a second appearance slated for December 6th at 8 p.m. at Crisler Arena. Tickets will go on sale today at noon at Crisler Ticket Office for $7 and '$8. New 'U' officials named The Regents appointed two new officers in two separate schools of the University last month. Prof. Robert Goetz of the College of Engineering was named assistant dean of the college and will be responsible for the admission and counseling of students. Prof. George Morley, M.D., was named interim chairman of the University's Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. " Internship hunters, unite! Interested in getting an internship on your own, but don't know where to start? Go to the internship meeting, today from 7:30-9:30 p.m. at Angell Hall Aud. B. Interested students can find out the different options and sources, not only in Washington, D.C., but in many other cities in the United States and abroad. Get information straight from people who've had them. It's sponsored by the Undergraduate Political, Science Assocition (UGPSA). Questions-call UGPSA at 763-2227, or Carolyn Rosenberg at 663- 3725. Happenings FILMS A-V Services-A Chance for Change, 12:10 p.m., School of Public Healt II. Ann Arbor Film Co-op-The Shootist, 7 p.m., The Searchers, 9 p.m., Nat. Sci. Aud. Cinema Guild - La Dolce Vita,7, 10 p.m. Old Arch. Aud. PERFORMANCES Studio Theatre Programs - "Silence" by Harold Pinter, 4:10 p.m., Arena Theatre, Frieze Building, free. Guild House - Poetry Series: David Vicotr, Julie Nord, 7:30 p.m., Guild House. Showcase Theatre - Lorca's "Blood Wedding," 8 p.m., Trueblood Theatre, Frieze Building. Musical Society - Dimitri, clown-mime, 8 p.m., Power Center. R. C. Players - "Endgame" plus three short works by Beckett, 8 p.m., R. C. Auditorium, East Quad. Eva Jessya Music Collection - Choral Concert of Spirituals, 8 p.m., Rackham Aud. SPEAKERS Computer, Information, and Control Seminar - "Finitistic Channel Models For Communication Channels with Memory," David Neuhoff, 3513 East Engin. Museum of Anthropology - The Role of the Michigan History Division in Historic Preservation," John Halsey, 12:10 p.m., 2009 Museums. Humanities Lecture Series - "The Public and the Contemplative Life in Late Antiquity: The Philosopher and the Monk;" Peter Brown, 2 p.m., Angell Aud. C. Environmental Studies - "Ethics and the Environment," P. Railton, 3 p.m., 1528 C. C. Little. Law ASchool - "Law and Politics, and their effects on Urban Society," Detroit Councilman Kenneth Cockrell, 3:45 p.m., Law School, 120 Hutchins Hall. Geology and Mineralogy - "Principles, Practice and Problems In Terrestial Heat Flow," Prof. A. E. Beck, 4 p.m., 4001 C. C. Little, coffee at 3:30. Michigan Christian Fellowship - "Materialism and the Christian Perspective," Bonnie Ford, 7 p.m., Union Conference Rooms. Public Health - "EPA's Efforts to Control Toxic Substances in the Environment," Steven Jellinek, As't Admin. for Toxic Substances, U.S. EPA, 8 p.m., School of Public Health II. MEETINGS Michigan Economics Society - 5 p.m., 301 Econ Building. Students Against Domestic Violence -7 p.m., 2029 Angell Hall. Union of students for Israel - Discussion of current Middle East situation, 7 p.m., Hillel,1429 Hill St. Hillel - Children of Holocaust survivors, 7 p.m., Hillel, 1429 Hill St. Cooperative Extension Service - forum on Nov. 7 ballot proposals, 7:30 p.m., Slauson Jr. High School, 1019 Washington. GEO - Graduate Employees Organization membership meeting, 8 p.m., 4th floor Rackham. MISCELLANEOUS Professional Engineers Exam -7:30 a.m. -5 p.m., Chrysler Center. Materials & Metallurgical Automative Materials Conference - "Industrial Application of Non-destructive Evaluation," 9 a.m. - 5 p.m., Chrysler Center North Campus. Panhellenic CSociety Plant Sale - Union Ballroom, 10 a.m. -8 p.m. Peoples Action Coalition - Workshops: "Moving the U: Student Movements; Past, Present, and Future," 10 a.m. -12 noon; and "How to Get an Education Around Here Anyway? 1 - 3 p.m., Michele Russell, Green Lounge, East Quad. Student Blood Bank - Union Assembly Hall, 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. Student Activities Office - Fund-raising workshop, 6:45 p.m. -10p.m., Conference rooms 4 and 5, Michigan Union. Ballroom Dancing - sign-up to learn Ballroom Dancing at Ticket Central in the Union before Weds., Nov. 8, when course begins. Project Outreach Internship in Adolescense - POIA is accepting applications for this undergraduate full time field work program for Wintet '79; Contact 764-9179 or 555 Thompson. Cheeky education Who says "mooning" is a childish prank? The Cleveland School Roard's 27 year old nresident was fined $100 Tuesday for baring his LSA-SG requests, eleetion reform INTERNSHIP MEEING Find out how easy it is to get an internship on your own. Different options and sources-not only in Washington, D.C., but major cities and abroad. by LEONARD BERNSTEIN A productive Literary Colege Student Government (LSA-SG) last night placed a proposal claling for sweeping reform of its election procedures on its I think people will know what they are voting for this time.' -LSA-SG Vice President Jim Sullivan upcomning November ballot and also endorsed a letter asking that Political Science Professor Joel Samoff be gran- ted tenure. .The amendment, if approved by LSA students in this month's election, would institute annual November elections for all 15 LSA representaties as well as the body's president and vice-president. Under the council's current election code, elections are held in both Novem- ber and April, with the top eight vote- getters receiving full year terms and the president, the vice-president and the last seven places receiving half- year terms. THE PROPOSAL is designed to legitimize and generate interest in LSA- SG among LSA students. It will bring out "better informed, more qualified voters,"according to LSA-SG Vice-president Jim Sullivan. "I think people will know what they're voting for this time," Sullivan said. He added that the proposal will eliminate LSA-SG's history of "coattailing along" in elections run concurrently with the Michigan Student Assembly (MSA). But representative Mike Spirnak, voted against placing the measure on the ballot. He said it would reduce See LSA-SG, Page 9 Daily Official Bulletin THURSDAY, November 2, 1978 Daily Calendar: Humanities:.Peter Brown, "The Public and the Contemplative Life in Late Antiquity: The Philosopher and the Monk," Aud. C, Angell, 2 p.m. Environmental Studies: P. Railton, "Ethics and the Environment." 1528 C.C. Little, 3 p.m. ' Statistics: William Sudderth, U-Minnesota, "Topics from Gambling Theory," 1408 Mason Hall, 4 p.m. Physics/Astromony: A. Sanda, Rockefeller-U.. "Reexamining R in Terms of qcd; do p, w, o Know About qcd?", 2038 Randall, 4 p.m. Guild House: Poetry reading. David Victor, and Julie Nord, 802 Monroe, 7:30 p.m. Information from people who've had them. THURSAY, NOV. 2,-7:30- 9:30 P.M . Angell Hell, Aud. 8 t Questions?-Call UGPSA office (763-2227) or Carolyn Rosenberg (663-3728.) Sponsored by UGPSA work pants in a variety of colors "0 DECEMBER GRADS! Commencement will be held on December 17, 1978 ALL CAP & GOWN orders MUST BE PLACED BY NOVEMBER 15 LATE ORDERS are subject availability and $2 late fee. navy khaki royal o range gray 'r P, to Gown Rental $6.75 $7.50 Hood Rental Deposit Total $2.00 $11.75 BACHELOR MASTER DOCTOR All ordersi MON.-THURS. 9-9 $5.75 $2.00 $8.00 - $6.50 $2.00 must be prepaid IN FULL when placed. FRI. 9-5:30 SAT. 10-5 $18.25 $19.50 SUN. 12-5 ._.. r nickelsarcade 761-62O7 --------------- TALK FINDIN(, How the energy crisis chills your chances Are you getting ready to look for the perfect job? More power to you. Literally. You'll need it. America is having trouble finding the energy it takes to make you a job. Led by American ingenuity, the world today vorks by harnessing plenty of energy. Thank goodness. The alterna- tive is human drudgery. Yet because our system is energy intensive, a recent movement calls us wasteful. Our basic approach to using energy is wrong, say these zealots. Big is bad. Small is beautiful and the soft path (isolated, local energy systems-even individual ones) is what we need. Could you really depend on a windmill to power your hospital? How much steel could you make with a mirror in your yard? A curious combination of social reformers, wilderness fanatics and modern-day mystics has brought America's energy development almost to its knees. They've stalled the nuclear approach and stymied coal. They've choked down natural gas exploration and hamstrung oil. Their love of exotic energy sources-sun, wind, geothermal and tidal action-will last only until a few big projects get underway. Then, chances are they'll find a way to turn them off, too. Our real energy crisis is a crisis of common sense. Our government seems to actually encourage this madness. Politicians entertain harebrained schemes to tax this, ban that, rig fuel prices and regulate their use. We've strangled the market system, the only approach that' can deliver as nmuch of each kind A U we'll have to create another 17,000,000 jobs for more Americans, including you. Plain talk about ENERGY We Americans already know how to solve the energy crisis. We have the technology to reach solutions. Yet each solution comes with its own set of political problems. Natural gas mustn't cost too much. Offshore oil mustn't spoil our beaches. Coal mustn't rape the land or poison the air. The atom mustn't threaten to destroy us. Energy conservation mustn't inconvenience people too much. Fair enough. But so far, we're paying more attention to the problems than we are to the energy itself. We've got to stop making every social goal an ideological crusade. We need to think things through and make rational trade- offs if we're ever going to get those 17,000,000 new jobs. Next time some energy zealot crusades for anything, test the crusade against this question: Does it produce- or save-at least one Btu's worth of energy? If not, it won't do a thing to help you get a job. Let us hear YOUR plain talk about jobs! We'll send you a free booklet if you do Does our message make sense to you? We'd like to know what you think. Your personal experiences. . Facts to prove or disprove our point. Drop us a line. We'd like your plain talk. For telling us your thoughts, we'll send you more information on issues affecting jobs. Plus Armco's famous handbook, How to Get a Job. It answers 50 key questions you'll need to know. Use it to set yourself apart, above the crowd. Wri.; A mrnFrnti;n1 ol ntinn;- Dnt [[-, I m I4 #l