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November 02, 1978 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1978-11-02

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David Victor & Julie Nord
readings from their works
at the
GUILD HOUSE-802 Monroe
* No Admission *

Page 2--Thursday, Novenber 2, 1978-The Michigan Daily


Fitz, Gov. clash in debate regent


Ubn Policy An is and
Administration at Harvard
HORACE HOGANs MCRP-'79 of the Harvard
Department of city and regional planning
will be participating in the Minority Con-
ference being held on Nov. 6 & 7.
Discussions will take place Mon. Nov. 6 and indi-
vidual interviews will be held on Tues. Nov. 7. Con-
tact the Career Planning and Placement Office for
further information.
Students interested in careers in transportation;
housing and community development, environmen-.
tal quality and land use, budgeting and public man-
agement, regional development, developing coun-
tries, employment and anti-poverty policy and phys-
ical design should inquire about an appointment.

Special to the Daily
SOUTHFIELD-As the race for
Governor enters its final days, incum-
bent William Milliken and Democratic
challenger William Fitzgerald added
fuel to their stinging accusations in a
debate here late last night.
The PBB problem caused the biggest
tussle between the two candidtes and
took upnearly half of the hour long
debate taped at WXYZ TV.
FITZGERALD accused the
Republican governor of "indecision and
drift" in dealing with PBB, a toxic fire
retardent which was accidentally
mixed with cattle feed in 1973.
"There was no monitoring of the food
chain in the state," the state senator
from Detroit charged. He said
Milliken's veto of a bill to provide relief
to farmers with PBB tainted cattle
"caused thousands of herds of poisoned
Daily Classifieds Get
Results-Call 764-0557

cattle to go into the food chain."
Milliken, seeking a third term in of-
fice, 'said Fitzgerald's "single issue
thrust" on the PBB problem is "very
typical of his distortion of issues." The
governor said he vetoed the farmer
relief bill because it contained no
provision for funding the program.
"I SUGGESTED steps I could take
with the legislature, but received no
response from Fitzgerald, the 56-year-
old governor said. "For thirteen long
months, Senator Fitzgeald was
majority leader of the Michigan Senate
and I never heard anything about
lowering (PBB) tolerance levels."
But Fitzgerald, 36, countered with a
charge that the governor waited "24
long months after the poisoning oc-
curred" to deal with the situation.
Fitzgerald said when Milliken vetoed
the bill he cited funding problems but
later used money to balance the budget
that he could given to the farmers.
MILLIKEN responded to claims by
Fitzgerald that he didn't heed recom-
mendations to reduce pBB tolerance
levels. "My position has consistently
been to keep tolerance levels at the ab-
solute lowest levels."
"That isabsolutely not true," interjec-
ted Fitzgerald, who the latest polls

show is trailing the incumbent by a few
percentage points.
Fitzgerald answered his opponent's
charge that while majority leader of the
state senate he allowed the state gover-
nment to grow 54 per cent. He stated
that the Democrats had to take action
to offset problems caused by the
Republican administration's
mismanagement of state government.
only area Fitzgerald hasn't personally
blamed on me is the blizzard of last
But Fitzgerald disagreed.
"The indecisiveness and inaction of
the Milliken administration cost the
state hundreds of thousands of dollars
because the governor sat on his hand
after the emergency occured," Fit-
zgerald claimed. "Our governor
wasted 24 hours before calling federal
"My gosh, the only thing he hadn't
criticized me is on the blizzard,"
Milliken remarked. "Now he has done
The debate will be aired Sunay after-
noon on WXYZ at 2:30 p.m., and on
several other Michigan TV stations. It
is the third time the candidates have
debated head to head.



What isr
Because 'v
Yet anyone

nountaineering all aboutFunnyyou should ask
e just happen to have an answer. (Ah-h, life's little
s.) Mountaineering is a skill,a science and.an art. ,
with a thirst for excellence and normally
motor skills can master it. Simply study
damentals and follow them faithfully
Y - - a","
- on
ppropri-'- ;okay, here's
prowhere theynb's
. n ugh: - " e 0where the fun be-
v seleAct- " - apins TNold thomrnnei

(Continued from Page 1)
with the legislature and know them and
know the members of the ap-
propriations committee. I've been on
the appropriations committee."
BURSLEY'S MAIN objective as he
states it is "to maintain and enhance
the quality of the University." He cites
declining enrollment figures as one
reason that all schools in the state will
feel the budget pinch in coming years.
He predicts that there will be a greater
push for proportional allocation to all
Michigan colleges and universities.
"This university needs extra funding
to maintain its reputation as a quality
institution. There will be a constant
pressure in the coming years to water
down the relative quality position of the
University of Michigan and I think the
Regents are going to have to oppose
that at every turn, "he said.
Axe, a miunicipal bond specialist in
his Detroit law practice, also sees
securing University funding from the
state as an important task. Contrary to
his party's platform, he actively op-
poses the Tisch, Headlee and Voucher
plans at every campaign turn.
BOTH AXE and Bursley oppose
University divestiture from companies
that do business in South Africa - the
only salient social issue on campus
today but for different reasons.
"In the first place, I think it's kind of
silly to think that whether or not you
sell securities that you own has any ef-
fect on South Africa," Axe said.
Axe called the racially segregated
system of apartheid in South Africa
"absolutely intolerable - and they
won't give an inch." He said he sees no
chance for a peaceful solution to the
conflict "short of a miracle," and thus
considers divestiture too small a step.
"I WOULD a whole lot rather see the
University Regents do something that
was more directly symbolic, like refuse
to have anything to do with the South
African government," he explained. He
mentioned' the cancellation of all
educational exchanges and trips bet-
ween the United States andSouth
Africa as a more effectiie response.
Bursley meanwhile says that if the
Regents had voted to divest last March,
"the University wouldn't have any
arrows left in the quiver" to fight racial
segregation in South Africa.
"You'd have shot your bow and that
was it," he said. "We're still now in a
strong position with the threat of
Bursley also said that by maintaining
investments in American companies
with South African branches - and by
forcing those companies to improve
working conditions for their black em-
ployees - the other South African
blacks will get jealous at their inferior
status and will revolt. "The bottom
line," Bursley said, "is majority con-
"The improvement of working con-
ditions in some companies will of cour-
se lead to great discontent and unrest in
people not working for American coi-
panies. And this is like planting a seed.
It will spread like wildfire. It will
blossom right out."
Volume LXXXIX, No. 49

Thursday, November 2, 1978
is edited And managed by students at the University
of Michigan. News phone 764-0562. Second class
postage is"paid at Ann. Arbor, Michigan,48109.
Published daily Tuesday through Sunday morning
during the University year at 420 Maynard Street,
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. Subscription rates: $12
September through April (2 semesters) $13 by mail,
outside Ann Arbor.
Summer session published through Saturday
morning. Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann Arbor:
$7.00 by mail outside Ann Arbor.


g . eL'1 o1un1 a1J nU.U
firmly in your left hand,
Vrly he AUgrasp the .mountain
o top with your right
hand and twist
L\ the little fella off
)IdT here you go.
Once poured, pacing becomes paramount. As any seasoned
0 mountaineer will tell you, the only way to down a mountain
is slowly, smoothly and steadily - savoring every swallow of the
brew that is Busch. If you're a bit awkward at first, don't be
discouraged. Perfection takes practice. Soon enough, having "
emptied your gl s and filled your soul you too will be a

Now for the
. tricky part.
Neophytes, listen
up: the proper pour o
is straight down o
the center of the,
glass. Only in
this way will
the cold, invigo-oo
rating taste of 00 0OC
the mountain
come to a head.



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