See Editorial Page
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Etai g
High-58 d
See Today for details
rol. LXXXIX, No. 48
Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, November 1, 1978
Ten Cents
Ten Pages
New spaces to alleviate
Because of a student complaint lodged with
the "Dean's Ear" in the Student Counseling Of-
fice (SCO), as well as increased student
criticism in general, U iversity officials have
decided to allocate four central campus
classrooms as study halls to alleviate over-
crowding problems in University libraries.
Bland Leverette, administrative manager for
space and equipment in the Literary College
(LSA), said yesterday that the study rooms will
probably be located on the fourth floor of
Angell Hall and could be available for student
use as early as tomorrow evening.
"WE ARE MOVING as fast as possible to get
this thing underway and it's just a matter of
making the final arrangements and getting ap-
proval (from University Library Director
Richard Dougherty)," Leverette said.
"Security officials and administrators are 100
per cent behind this idea, and we won't hesitate
to bend over backwards to find additional study
space for students."
The search for study space began with a
complaint from an unidentified student who
registered her grievance with "The Dean's
Ear," the official grievance bureau of SCO.
Although the normal channels for a complaint
involve a long process of inter-office memos to
deans and officials within theUniversity, SCO
counselors said the memo mention, of the
problem to LSA Dean Billy Frye initiated the
search for extra space.
"We just happened to mention the complaint
in a little chit-chat we had with Dean Frye and
he was very concerned about the problem,"
said Michel de Conick, a coordinator for the
SCO. "He (Frye) was not aware that this dif-
ficulty existed and said he would try to find a
way to solve it."
MANY STUDENTS said they have noticed a
significant increase in the number of studiers
using the libraries, especially in the evenings
and on weekends.
"It (the UGLI) is really crowded," said
Engineering School freshman Ed Feeley. "I
usually end up wasting a half-hour just looking
for a seat."
Mark Cheng, an LSA senior agreed that the
situation is worse than last year. "I noticed
more students here at the beginning of the
semester than at the same time last year," he
explained. "I think this is because of a trend in
the last few years that seems to show that
students are getting more preoccupied with
MANY STUDENTS also said they favored
the idea of opening classrooms in Angell hall
for the purposes of studying at night. "Those
classrooms wouldn't be a bad place to study,"
said Gunnar BE
too crowded h
classrooms op(
would be good.'
The planned]
be from 7:00 p
and Dougherty
proctor to super
In addition,
personnel wou
building and .
rescheduled to
at most campus
"We have a gr
put books," s
librarian of the
Hall. "We alwa
guess because
erg, an LSA junior. "It's a little comfortable as the other libraries, students
ere, so if they could keep the don't opt to come here."
en until at least ten o'clock it Jane Flener, associate director of University
libraries, said library personnel should take an
hours for the study rooms would active part in resolving the overcrowding
.m. to 11:00 p.m. or midnight, problem.
said the library would provide a "I do feel more study areas are needed very
rvise the classrooms, badly, but we can't very well push out the walls
Leverette said extra security of the UGLI any further;" Flener said.
ld be allocated to patrol the EXPANDING THE space in the UGLI is not
maintenance people would be an immediate goal of University officials but
avoid interfering with study hall suggestions for future construction are being
considered as long range goals.
STUDY space is at a premium "We are very concerned about the lack of
libraries, there are exceptions. space, but the government just isn't allocating
eater problem finding space to very much money on campus for future con-
aid Jack Weigel, the head struction," said Harold Shapiro, vice-president
mathematics library in Angell for academic affairs.
ays have plenty of seats, but I "The engineering school will eventually be
this building is older and not as See LIBRARIES, Page 2
Huge strike
slows Iran's
oil exports
Fitz, Go
In the wake of a judge's ruling that
low levels of PBB are not poisonous to
animals, Governor William Milliken
and Democratic challenger William
Fitzgerald yesterday reiterated their
conflicting views on controversy
surrounding the toxic fire retardant.
Fitzgerald, a state senator from
etroit, said people are "outraged" by
exford County Circuit Judge William
eterson's dismissal last week of a
50,000 civil suit against the two com-
aniesE blamed for the 1973 mixup of
BB with state livestock feed. The case
as filed by a Falmouth dairy farmer
hose herds sustained low-level PBB
"THIS IS an outrageous attempt to
whitewash this issue and it's having an
opposite effect," Fitzgerald stated at a
press conference in Southfield. He
called the timing of the decision "very
Wedn esday
* Donald Riegle, first term U.S.
Senator from Michigan, came to
town along with Barbara Levin,
wife of Senate hopeful Carl, who
wants to join his fellow
Democrat Riegle in Washington.
See stories, Page 6.
" Certain backers of the Tisch
proposal are now also endorsing
Headlee. The man behind plan J
seems unphased, however. See
story, Page 10.
" A representative from the
Zimbabwean African National
Union (ZANU) visits A2 and vows
to continue his struggle against
the white minority regime in
Rhodesia. See story, Page 10.
" Prime Minister Menaehem
TEHRAN, Iran (AP)-A strike by
37,000 refinery workers threatened to
cripple Iran's huge petroleum industry
yesterday. Oil exports from this riot-
torn country to the United States and
other world markets were reduced by
40 per cent, a government official said.
The oil workers' demands include
higher pay and repeal of martial law.
IN WASHINGTON, PresidentCarter
issued a strong public statement in
support of Shah Mohammed Reza
Pahlavi, praising him for moving
"toward democracy." Carter also met
with the shah's son, Crown Prince
U.S. energy officials in Washington
said it was too early to determine what
impact the strike will have on the
United States, which imports a total of
9.16 million barrels of oil daily. The
strike will have no immediate effect in
the United States because transport of
oil from Iran requires six to eight
Iran, which produces about 10 per
cent of the oil in the non-communist
world, is the second biggest U.S. oil
supplier behind Saudi Arabia. The
United States imports 919,700 barrele a
day from Iran and 1.2 million barrels
daily from the Saudis.
INFORMATION Minister Moham-
med-Reza Ameli-Tehran said the
government maintained 60 per cent of
its daily oil export quota of 5 million
barrels. He did not say whether the
government would be able to continue
to export oil or how it managed to get
the oil out of the country yesterday.
The information minister denied that-
Iranian soldiers had occupied oil in-
stallations but said troops were
stationed near them to prevent
Meanwhile, thousands of protesters
staged anti-government demon-
strations in at least two Iranian cities,
but no injuries were reported. Officials
Doily Photo by ALAN BILINSKY
ween brings out the beast in people; this monster and his master would surely agree.
MSA to
The Michigan Student Assembly
(MSA) passed an amendment last night
to continue to boycott the presidential
selection process "untilt he Regents
adopt in writing the verbal assurances
made by the Regents" at the special
meeting Monday night, and until these
assurances are deemed acceptable by
the assembly.
During the interim, MSA's ad hoc
committee on the presidential selection
process will decide on demands such as
the amount and timing of personal access
to candidates. These demands will be
discussed with Regent Robert Neder-
lander (D-Birmingham), and the ad
hoc committee will report back to the
assembly, the amendment states. If the
assembly gets a written guarantee
from the Regents a committee will
begin interviewing candidates for the
student presidentialt selection commit-
der, Paul Brown (D-Petoskey), James
Waters (D-Muskegon), and Deane
aker (R-Ann Arbor) met with MSA
Monday night, and Nederlander said he
would introduce a resolution at the
Regents' November meeting for a writ-
See MSA, Page 2
v. differ on PBB
interesting'; but did not accuse the
judge of intentionally influencing next
week's electioi.
"I think it was outrageous to tell
people that that food should have gone
into the food chain," Fitzgerald said.
"Do you want to eat that? Do you want
250 civic leaders in Grand Rapids, said
his administration "came face-to-face
with the largest agricultural tragedy
ever to hit" Michigan.
"We took extraordinary steps to
remove-PBB from our food chain and
recent developments are causing in-
spending is the direct result of a state
bureaucracy which has been allowed to
expand at will.
Milliken also discussed the need for
spending limitations, emphasizing that
his administration has been on top of
such efforts.
"A few short years ago our gover-
nment seemed to be growing uncon-
trollably," the Republican stated. "But
we have slowed the rate of growth and
have lived so frugally in recent years
our operations have been within the
guidelines proposed by the Headlee tax
limitation amendment."
cL WI MAv 48
to drink that milk? Do you? I don't."
Despite last week's ruling, a quaran-
tine remains in effect on the Missaukee
County farm, where livestock contain
1.62 parts per million of the toxic fire
retardant in their bodies. That figure
exceeds by 81 times safe health levels
under state law.
FITZGERALD said the governor's
endorsement of Peterson's ruling in-
dicates that he "doesn't even under-
stand" the PBB issue.
But Milliken, speaking before about
creased optimism that there is no long-
term health problem in Michigan
because of that contamination," said
Milliken, seeking a third full term in of-
ALSO AT yesterday's press con-
ference Fitzgerald said, .if elected, he
would impose a freeze on the hiring of
state employees in an attempt to bring
government spending under control.
"Total spending has more than
tripled during the Milliken years," Fit-
zgerald said. "Much of this increase in
See IRAN, Page 2
AFL-CIO rejects
Carter inflation plan
y~~ ~a n o-show
at seance
Special to The Daily
MARSHALL - The group of eight
persons seated around the large milk
can joined hands; they were waiting for
Harry Houdini to appear at the daylight
Halloween seance.
The group, comprised mostly of
notables from this small town concen-
trated trying to coax the master escape
artist from the spirit world.
SUDDENLY, A muffled tapping
sound was heard. Forty spectators
crowded in the small American
Museum of Magic strained. to listen.
Seance participant, local Fire Chief
assistant Doug Collins, was caught
WASHINGTON (AP) - President
Carter's anti-inflation program was
rejected as inequitable and unfair by
the AFL-CIO yesterday and the labor
federation called for a special session of
Congress to impose wage and price con-
The AFL-CIO action came as the ad-
ministration began trying to implement
its anti-inflation plan with more.
detailed explanations of the voluntary
restraints it is asking of workers and
cooperation of millions of workers to
make its program successful.
'THE GIANT labor union said Car-
ter's program of voluntary controls on
wages and prices does not "meet the
principles of equity and fairness," con-
tending that in practice it would hold
down only wages, not prices.
The union called for mandatory con-
trols on wages and prices, dividends,
profit margins and interest rates as the
only way to ensure that everyone
shares the burden.
Mpbnwia the rnnn ln Wno pani