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October 31, 1978 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 1978-10-31

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Page 10-Tuesday, October31, 1978-The Michigan Daily
Woody s temper boils once again

By The Associated Press
COLUMBUS, Ohio Woody Hayes,
Ohio State's 65-year-old football coach,
erupted over a question about his
possible retirement during his weekly
press luncheon yesterday, cursing a
A cable television audience survey,
part of the filming of the nationally
televised Phil Donahue show in Colum-
bus last week, showed 56 per cent of the
viewers thought Hayes should retire.
Marty Reid, a sportscaster for WC-
MH-TV IN Columbus, asked Hayes for
his reaction to the survey.
"You know those 56 per cent probably
weren't even living when I started win-
ning here. I'm not too interested. It's
more what I want to do," Hayes began.

"I'm not going to worry about that.
Sure, people are fickle. I don't much
care. There's 'nobody around in this
league or any other league that has won
as many games as I have (235 career
"I'm not going to let their opinion
decide the thing. If you're one of that 56
per cent, I don't give a damn about you
either. Good day," said Hayes, ending
his interview with the electronic media.
The Ohio State coach stalked toward
Reid and said, "You can go straight to
Reid told Hayes he was sorry the
coach felt that way.
Shot back Hayes: "Yeah, I wish you
were bigger and stronger. You're
young enough."
Reid again apologized.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," countered the
Ohio State coach, "Talk. That's all you
can do well. Oh, yeah, you're sorry."
Hayes frequently has had run-ins
with the media in his 28 seasons at the
Big Ten Conference power. But he's
shown remarkable restraint in 1978, un-
til yesterday.
Even moments earlier, Hayes did not
explode over questions about the Ohio
State Athletic Council voting against
the Buckeyes going to any post-season

games other than the Rose, Sugar, Cot-
ton and Orange Bowls this time.
Hayes' most famous brush with the
media came before the 1973 Rose Bowl
when he was charged with pushing a
camera back into the face of Los
Angeles Times photographer Art
The newspaper filed suit in a
Pasadena, Calif., court, charging
Hayes with battery. The suit was later



At the top of last week's Gridde entries is John Staatz. He compiled a 17-3
record to win the small two-item pizza from Pizza Bob's. Midnight Friday's
the deadline for anyone else who'd like to try his or her clairvoyant powers.

This Week in Sports
Well, here it is folks: the column of coming attractions that you love to
read as much as we love to compile. Much is happening this week in sports,
so if you don't see it here, it isn't worth mentioring (or I forgot to include it -
or I just didn't know about it). Anyway, let's start off with
College Football
To paraphrase Rah Rah Bob Ufer, the Wolverines will attempt to dig the
Iowa Hawkeyes' grave en route to the Rose Bowl (or the Whatever Bowl).
Admittedly it's not one of your-more exciting match-ups but then, Michigan
can't play hio State every week. Elsewhere around the Big Ten:
Illinois hosts Michigan State;
Ohio State plays at Wisconsin and
Minnesota travels to Indiana,
while Northwestern can only promise to show up at Purdue
In the weekly "other" column are these other fine contests;
Baylor hosts Texas Tech.
Oklahoma is at Colorado
Navy plays Notre Dame at Cleveland
Unbeaten Maryland travels to undefeated Penn State
and in the most meaningless game of the day, the North Dakota Fighting
Sioux will try to rebound from last week's loss when they play host to
Morningside. Pro Football
The amazing Detroit Lions (3-6) have amazingly won two games in a
row. Amazingly enough, this performance prompted amazing Lion player
Jimmy Allen to amazingly announce the Lions would now make the playoffs.
The Super Bowl-bound Lions travel to Minnesota in the NFL's tenth
week of regular season play. Other games include:
Cincinnati at San Diego N.Y. Giants at St. Louis
Cleveland at Houston N.Y. Jets at Denver
Dallas at Miami Oakland at Kansas City
Green Bay at Philadelphia San Francisco at Atlanta
New England at Buffalo Seattle at Chicago
New Orleans at Pittsburgh Tampa Bay at Los Angeles
And on Monday night, the incomparable Washington Redskins go against the
comparable Baltimore Colts.
Pro Basketball
The Pistons are in last place and Dick Vitale has already seen his team
lose more games in one month than his U of D team lost all last year. Other
than that, nothing much is worth mentioning other than to say that the San
Antonio Spurs have more accurate shooters than the Detroit Police
Department's SWAT team.
Anyway, the Pistons will take on Portland out on the West Coast tonight,
come home to play Seattle at the Silverdome Thursday, move quickly over to
Chicago to play the Bulls Friday, before finally returning to Pontiac to play
Golden State on saturday.Po oc e
Detroit's only first place team plays at home on Wednesday in a head-to-
head meeting with the second place Montreal Canadiens. After a slow start
the Wings are beginning to put it all together, though no one really expects
them to detrone Montreal as Stanley Cup champs. But then again .
College Sports
The Wolverine hockey team hosts the Huskies from Michigan 'lech in an
annual series both teams consider big no matter when or where they are
played. Currently, the icers are 3-1, 1-1 in conference play.
Other varsity sports in action include the volleyball contests against
Grand Valley and Eastern Michigan on Tuesday and Wednesday. The cross
country team participates in the Big Ten Championships to be held on
Saturday at Indiana. -BRIAN MILLER
Ex-Gopher fills bill

Mychal Thompson isn't wasting any
The 6-foot-10 rookie from Minnesota
was expected to play behind center Bill
Walton and power forward Maurice
Lucas. But the,native of the Bahamas,
the first player chosen in the college
draft, has been pressed into immediate
starting duty due to injuries to the two
- r
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Thompson scored 37 points in his
second game as Portland beat Kansas
City. He's averaging 19.7 points and 10.8
rebounds per game.
"I have never lacked for confidence,"
says Thompson. "I guess you might say
I just have a quiet confidence. I'm not
the bragging type, but I feel there isn't
a man in this league that I can't beat."
Dirty tricks?
TEMPE, Ariz.-Arizona State
University officials expressed surprise
yesterday at charges of dirty football
from Southern California running ace
Charles White.
The Heisman Trophy candidate was
held to 59 yards in 18 carries as Arizona
State upset the Trojans 20-7 on Oct. 14.
"Those are a bunch of radical guys,"
White was quoted as saying. "They
were just a dirty bunch of guys. They'd
twist your leg, grab your throat, and
they had some guys that constantly
hollered at you."
Frank Kush, Arizona State coach the
past two decades, said, "In all the years
I've been here, we've never been ac-
cused of playing dirty. We have been
called physical at times, but that's what
the game is all about."


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