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October 31, 1978 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1978-10-31

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Page 2-Tuesday, October 31, 1978-The Michigan Daily

Griffin: Levin campaign a 'hoax

fl //I
Child Care in the, 19803s
Special Assistant to the President and
Chancellor on Women and Work, M.I. T.
TODAY-Oo op.m.
Schoo of Education

Special to The Daily
DETROIT - U.S. Senator Robert Griffin took full
advantage yesterday afternoon of a receptive
audience filling Cobo Hall Ballroom and laid into
what he termed "one of the great political hoaxes of
modern political history" - the campaign of
Democratic challenger Carl Levin.
With a little over a week left before the last
speeches must be given, Griffin trailed in his own poll
by four percentage points. The GOP candidate
decided to campaign with the most dramatic
language to date in his campaign for re-election.
co LiIPII6?V 'WT


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Griffin told the Detroit Economic Club he thought
Levin has perpetrated a "clear and calculated
attempt to mislead the people of Michigan" with
regard to Levin's own political convictions and the
record of the two-term U.S. Senator.
DURING A MORNING press conference and noon
debate luncheon, Levin defended his largely anti-
Griffin advertising and press statements as entirely
fair. "Each of us (the candidates) has attempted to
place the facts before the public," said the former
Detroit City Council president. "Each of the facts
that we have put on our television ads has been
documented. There has not been one word of reprisal;
or retort."l
Also yesterday, Griffin assured the predominately
white, male, middle-aged audience that if Michigan
citizens disapprove of the shortage of nuclear waste1
in the state, he would not want the area considered
for underground burial of the material. This is a
refinement of a position taken during a televised
debate on Saturday when he said, "I think we ought to
take a good look" at allowing Michigan to be used as
an underground dumping site for the power plant
At that time, Griffin had said, "The state should
have a lot to say about" such a project.
BUT YESTERDAY, Griffin released a statement
expressing opposition to laying away nuclear waste

"in areas where the people or their state government
don't want it."
According to the statement, Griffin supported an
unsuccessful measure last year which would have
ended the federal government authority to over-rule
a decision by any state legislature of referendum to
block a potential site.
Levin pointed out yesterday that area residents
voted 10-1 against the construction of a nuclear power
facility near Alpena, Michigan and that the state
legislature passed a law banning the permanent
disposal of radioactive waste within state
"THE SENATOR should start to listen," said the
44-year-old Democrat, "because he clearly isn't
hearing what the people of this state have to say on
this issue."
Levin has contended throughout the campaign that
there are presently not any safe methods of eliminat-
ing nuclear waste and that he has called for a
moratorigm on the construction of new plants.
Griffin reaffirmed yesterday, however, that he
thinks "the technology is at hand to safely handle and
store nuclear waste." This time, however, he pointed
to "rock caverns in Southwest United States" as the
best suited dumping area.
WITH THE BACKING of generous applause from
the approximately 1,500 Economic club members and
press, Griffin took the offensive. He listed his major
campaign offerings: a constitutional amendment to
balance the federal budget, a tax-indexing measure
to keep cost-of-living adjustments from pushing
wage-earners into higher tax brackets, and tuition
tax credits.
Then he took off after the opposition.
"Mr. Levin is a grade-A, certified liberal," observe
Griffin with a smile, "but have you noticed he never
mentions or acknowledges his ideological orientation
in this campaign?"
LEVIN never directly responded yesterday to
claims by Griffin that he is "tip-toeing through the
issues, picking and choosing, bobbing and weaving,"
on the questions of the campaign.
Instead, Levin stressed his City Council record and
the need for "a new vision and a new perspective,"

and, as he has throughout the campaign he em-
phasized the fact that Griffin announced intentions to
quit his job last year.
"What Griffin has to offer us is more of the same,"
said Levin, who, like Griffin, is a lawyer by training.
"The same politics, the same policies, the same
personalities. People want more than that. They want
new directions and new visions."
THE 55-YEAR-OLD GRIFFIN-who has spent the
last 12 years in the Senate and the previous 10 in the
House-cited three Levin attacks as examples of
what he calls "false charges," part of a "vicious"
Levin campaign: complaints about Griffin's voting
'Mr. Levin is a grade-A, certified
liberal. But have you noticed he
never mentions or acknowledges
his ideological orientation in this
-Sen. Robert Griffin
record on both solar energy development and cost-of-
living benefits, as well as criticism of the senator's
low attendance record during debate over natural
gas pricing.
In earlier press releases, Levin acknowledged Grif-
fin "co-sponsored and fought for enactment" of cost-
of-living increases in Social Security payments in
1972, but charged in 1977 that Griffin voted against
semi-annual increases in Social Security during
periods of high inflation.
Levin has also charged Griffin voted against a $46
million solar energy research boost in 1976 and then
again in 1977 voted negatively on a measure to in-
crease solar energy prograrh funds by 16.4 million.
Yesterday Griffin responded by saying he, co-
sponsored a bill with Hubert Humphrey to set up
solar energy in 15,000 federal buildings and worked
with state politicians to bring the Solar Energy
Research Institutettoothe state.


State rep. hopefuls debate tai


By SHFI.I L.J 11(1 Q.T

"jjYW " stands on the Headlee tax limitation necessary first step to contro
Democratic State Representative proposal. government spending.
Perry Bullard and Republican Bullard said "nothing could be more THE HEADLEE proposal w
challenger Doug Buchanan took advan- disastrous" than passage of Headlee limit state taxes and spending ti
tage of a captive Political Science 300 (Proposal E) on Nov. 7, while present 9.5 per cent of Michigan's
class yesterday to slam each other's Buchanan called the proposition a bined personal income. The proj

X cut plans
ling would also limit revenue from local
property assessment increases to an
vould amount no greater than the rate of in-
o the flation. Voters would have to approve
com- all local property tax increases under
posal the plan.
Bullard warned the near-100 students
Sin the "Contemporary Issues" class
that Headlee's passage would "cripple
the capacity of the state government to
meet the needs of the future." Bullard,
who is running for a fourth term in the
House, said limiting state spending
would hurt public education and social
Bullard commented, "We've got very
unequal treatment of our older
citizens" and health care for the elderly
could not be improved if Headlee is im-
CIuu'ifV ww


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BUCHANAN said he shares many of
the same concerns as his opponent, but
sees different solutions to the problems.
"The Headlee amendment is
necessary to what we've seen," the Ann
Arbor lawyer stated. "We must start
here and then work at the federal level.
Our biggest problem is government
Buchanan said funds for education
will be unaffected if Headlee passes, as
it provides for a specific amount of
money to go to education. But Bullard
said Headlee will cut into health care
and Medicaid.
"IN LIGHT OF our experience and
others' ignorance and deception, we
need to organize a comprehensive ap-
proach - it's on the top of the agenda,"
Bullard said.
Buchanan and Bullard debated
several other issues during the hour-
long exchange, but came out with
similar stances on such topics as tenan-
ts' rights, tuition tax credits, and the
need for government involvement in
solar and nuclear research.
The two also backed marijuana



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