The Michigan Daily-Thursday, September 7, 1978-Page 63 RESEARCH PROJECTS BUILD PRESTIGE: 'U' exploring new frontiers By DAN OBERDORFER Chief among the factors behind the University's prestigious reputation- along with the football program-is the quantity and quality of the research that goes on here. If judged solely on the basis of dollars spent, over $75 million annually, the University ranks among an exclusive cluster of five or six top research in- stitutions in the country. EXTENSIVE research is conducted in virtually every University depar- tment, from nuclear engineering to linguistics, and is funded through a variety of sources. University Vice President for Research Charles Overberger, who is ultimately responsible for directing the countless projects and distributing research grants and endowment funds, points out that only nine percent of the research budget comes from Univer- sity funds. Approximately 70 percent comes from the federal government' which he says is "by far and away the largest donor." Yet although University research of- ten wins praise, it is not without its critics. Many members of the Univer- sity community complain that the ad- ministration overemphasizes research at the expense of other important University responsibilities such as providing quality teaching and superior educational resources. EARLIER THIS year, when Political Science Prof. Joel Samoff was denied tenure, many observers lamented that his award-winning teaching ability had been ignored. The departmental tenure board's primary criticism of Samoff was aimed at his research. "The reason (Samoff was refused tenure) is that the quality of his resear- ch is not up to Michigan standards," states Oscar Morales, who sits on the Poli Sci Executive Committee. Overberger adds that quality resear- ch and quality teaching are nearly synonymous. "WHEN FACULTY come to the University of Michigan, they are expec- ted to do research," he maintains. "Doing research keeps them intellec- tually at the front of their field: it gives them a fine cutting edge. "It's almost invariably true that the best teachers are usually the best researchers," adds Overberger, who doubles as a chemistry professor. "I think I'm a better teacher because of my research." Overberger also contends that favorable publicity, which often ac- companies research projects, may in- fluence state legislators when they ap- propriate funds for the University. "IT DOESN'T affect them (legisla- tors) directly," says Overberger, "but it does stay in the back of their minds." The bulk of University research is conducted by graduate students in con- juction with faculty members. The students usually receive tuition grants and sometimes monthly stipends in return for their time and energy. According to Overberger, most out- side research funding is channeled into the medical, physical, natural and social sciences. Humanities and arts lag far behind, he says, but are cat- ching up as a result of new federal en- dowment programs. , HOWEVER, CLASSIFIED gover- nment research, which was prevalent a decade ago when the University was conducting at least 76 military projects, is becoming less abundant. Today, less than $1 million a year is spent on classified research at the University. In the past, the University has been at the fore of many pioneering research projects such as efforts to cure sickle cell anemia and the development of an oral polio vaccine. Currently, several faculty members are conducting recombinant DNA ex- periments which involve transplant- ing the DNA of one organism into that of another to better study the functions of specific genes. AFTER A University-wide ethical debate, officials determined that recombinant DNA research is safe, and worthwhile. As a result, several University labs were remodeled, under federal safety guidelines, and they are now being used for "high risk" DNA experiments. Another widely-acknowledged type of research is conducted at the Univer- sity's Institute for Social Research (ISR), where researchers gather and analyze data in an attempt to answer current political, economic and social questions. ISR, which is 'comprised of four related centers, often receives national attention when it releases results of its extensive surveys. For example, government officials in Washington consider ISR's consumer attitude sur- vey to be the primary subjective economic analysis survey in the nation and take its findings into account when formulating policy which, con- ceivably, influences many lives. niversity Laboratory Director George imilar to one used on the Pioneer Ve layed an important role in engineering t CRISP: ick a class, ny class By ELIZABETH SLOWIK Before you're even out of your reshman Composition class, you'll ave to be become acquainted with ome very important University olloquialisms. All too soon you'll learn or example, that the University uses he word "crisp" as an acronym, a oun and a verb all at the same time. In order to accomplish this scholastic eat, the University created CRISP the cronym, which stands for Com- uterized Registration Involving "tudent Participation, a fancy way to ay computer scheduling. CRISP the oun is Room 215 in the Old Architec- re and Design Building at the corner f Tappan and Monroe Streets. And RISP the verb is often used as a niversity synonym for registering as : "Did you CRISP for fall yet?" DURING ORIENTATION, fresh- eople are led through the so-called CRISP maze" by orientation leaders nd counselors. But, once unleashed at e University, they are on their own to attle the computers. LSA Checkpoint can be a shining light rough the darkness of registration. heckpoint provides a telephone ser- ice (dial POINT 10) which informs tudents of LSA course availability uring peak registration periods. In ddition, Checkpoint publishes a ewsletter of academic information for SA students in October, December, ebruary and August. The newsletter ls. helps students in other University dhools and colleges by outlining RISP procedures and deadlines. For early registration, a student eeds an election worksheet, a student erification form, a student iden- fication card and patience while aiting in line. Barring problems such s broken computers, forgotten gistration appointments or closed ourses, registration should be a reeze. DROP/ADD IS a similar process. o drop or add a class, a student must ave a drop/add worksheet and an ID ard. But, if the course is closed, an verride form is also necessary. The override is a form, signed by in-, tructor and student, authorizing the omputer operator to schedule a class yen if it is closed. Students can juggle chedules for three weeks into the term ithout fear of the wrath of counselors r committees. Freshpeople, however, ay need a counselor's permission to rop/add in some schools. Between the third and ninth weeks, a tudent needs a "half-decent reason to rop," according to a Student Coun- eling Office counselor. In LSA, the tudent needs instructor and counselor pproval. A drop during this time esults in a W (withdrawn) on the tran- cript. After the ninth week, dropping a class s "next to impossible," the counselor dds. LSA students go through the same route as before, but if they are denied the drop, they can appeal to the Academic Actions Committee. Students have been known to CRISP in anywhere from several minutes to several hours, depending on the com- Daily Photo by PETER SERLING Carignan works on a mass pectrometer enus space shot. University researchers he project. I I 1 National Bank and Trust wants to make banking as convenient as possible for you. That's why there are nine Bank Key 24 locations. At every one, you can do almost all of the banking you'd do at a teller window inside the bank. The nice part iS... Bank Key 24 never closes. Open an NBT checking account and sign up for a Bank Key 24 card at the same time. You'll be able to get cash, make deposits, pay loans or Master Charge, even pay utility bills- any time of the day or night. 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