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October 28, 1978 - Image 1

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Vol. LXXXIX, No.45

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Saturday, October 28, 1978

Ten Cents

Twelve Pages

Canham clear on stadium renovations,
By DENNIS SABO work costing over $100,000 must be ap- Dept., made bids before the work was ts' meeting. Fleming said he himself the auditor's claim that more than Athletic Department did proceed.
University President Robben proved by the administration. The awarded to A. H. Payeur and Sons took the responsibility for making the $900,000 of the allocated $998,000 was properly in this matter," Fleming a4-
leming said yesterday Athletic Direc- auditing firm claimed the athletic Foundation Co. of Ann Arbor. The con- statement about the expenditures. paid to the construction firm this year. ded.
r Don Canham did not violate Univer- deartment 'did neither t t dd dnra thn tnA4


sity policy when his department ap-
broved nearly $1 million in renovation
work for Michigan Stadium.
Allegations that the athletic depar-
tment approved the work without
seeking competitive bidssurfaced in an
annual report presented at last week's
oard of Regents meeting. In its report,
he Detroit auditing firm of Arthur
Young and Co. said the renovation work
was done in violation of University
The policy states all projects ex-
ceeding $1,000 in cost must be com-
pleted only after the solicitation of
competitive construction bids, and

Up .
AFTER REVIEWING the auditor's.
comments at the Regent's meeting,
Fleming said the questionable expen-
ditures were inappropriate and the ad-
ministration intended to investigate the
matter. Yesterday, however, Fleming
said his conceptions were "wrong."
"I now find that my comments were
erroneous," he stated. "The projects
had, in fact, been discussed with the
Vice President's (James Brinkerhoff),
office several years ago."
In a letter to the University ad-
ministration earlier this week,;Canham
denied any wrongdoing and said three
firms, including the University Plant

Bract was awarueu more nan ten years
renovations were considered "main-
tenance" expenditures and were ap-
proved by the athletic department's
Board of Control of Intercollegiate'
Athletics, not the administration.
According to University regulations,
any project deemed "maintenance or
renovation" in the sports department,
does not have to be approved by the
Regents, only by the intercollegiate
board. Work classified as new construc-
tion would have to receive Board of
Regents approval.
Brinkerhoff did not attend the Regen-

cording to Brinkerhoff, was the fault of
the auditing firm misunderstanding the
Regents' policy, established in 1975.
"Young really made a mistake in
terms of the assumpiton," Brinkerhoff
Matt Medrygal, Young's auditing
manager, refused to comment on the
firm's report.
"I CAN'T answer your questions," he
said. "I'm an external auditor. Any
questions should be answered by the
University management.
In his letter, Canham also disputed

Canham said five other firms, including
three sub-contracted through A.H.
Payeur and Sons, received more than
half the money.
The other firms were contracted for
plumbing, electrical and other repairs.
The $25 million stadium renovation
project is expected to be completed
next year.
BOTH FLEMING and Brinkerhoff
are content that Canham is clear of the
"Don Canham runs a very efficient
and effective business operation within
University policy," Brinkerhoff said.
"It should now be clear that the

the auditing firm was "chiding" the
athletic department's, as well as the
University administration's handling df
expenditures. He added the report was
intended more as a reminder of the bid-
ding policy and not a direct attack on
Meindert Vanderkooy, acting direc-
tor of the University Plant department,
which did some stadium renovation
work before the Payeur contract, said
the paperwork of the department's bid
on the project is "buried in files"'
because the work was done almost a
decade ago.

Sadat, Begin
win Nobel'
eace Prize
OSLO, Norwary (AP)-Anwar Sadat
and Menachem Begin, who buried 30
years of bitter enmity to sit down
together as partners at the negoitating,
table, were awarded the 1978 Nobel
Peace Prize yesterday for their historic
efforts toward a settlement of the Arab-
Israeli conflict.
The five-member Norwegian Nobel
Committee announced it was presen-
ting the prestigious prize to the Egyp-
tian president and Israeli prime
minister both to recognize their
achievements in bringing their nations
closer to peace and to encourage fur-
ther success.
THE COMMITTEE also lauded
resident Carter's "great role" in the
drive toward a Mideast peace.
The award ironically comes at a time
when Egyptian and Israeli negotiators,
with U.S. help, once again are trying to
surmount new obs4acles to agreement.
Face-to-face talks in Washington are
currently suspended while the three
parties consider Egyptian and Israeli
reservations to a U.S.-proposed draft
The Nobel Committee said in its
citation that it "wishes not only to honor
actions already performed in the ser-
vice of peace, but also encourage fur-
ther efforts to work out practical
solutions which can give reality to those
hopes of a lasting peace as they have
been kindled by the agreements."
for what it called their "courageous will
to peace."
The citation, read by committee
Chairwoman Aase Lionaes, said
See SADAT, Page 7 N

U.S. calls' off,
treaty talks.

WASHINGTON (AP) - The United
States, irritated with Israel's decision
to "thicken" Jewish settlements, called
off three-way peace treaty negotiations
with Egypt and the Jewish state
But Secretary of State Cyrus Vance
set up separate working sessions with
Israeli and Egyptian officials. And
Israeli Foreign Minister Moshe Dayan
said the dispute over the settlements on
the West Bank of the, Jordan River
should not stand in the way of com-
pleting the treaty.
"THERE IS no reason why we cannot
go on with the discussions," Dayan said
after calling on Vance at the State
However, State Department officer
George Shermann the spokesman for
all three governments, said that "in
light of all the circumstances, the
American side decided it would be bet-
ter not to have a trilateral meeting
Sherman said the Egyptian
delegation was waiting for instructions
from Cairo about "their future plans"
and that the decision to call off the
three-way meeting tentatively
scheduled for yesterday "originated"
with the United States.
HE DECLINED to say what "cir-
cumstances" prompted the U.S.
decision. Clearly, however, these cir-
cumstances were Israel's announ-
cement that it would expand the set-
tlements, and the controversy surroun-
ding that action.
The United States is concerned about
the impact on the Arab world and on
Israeli-Egyptian negotiations, which
despite some problems, were moving
deliberately toward completion of the
Besides Vance's meeting with Dayan
and a public U.S. statement on Thur-
sday that Vance is "deeply disturbed"
President Carter has registered U.S.
opposition in a letter to Israeli Prime
Minister Menachem Begin.
"I THINK the American position is
very much against the Israeli Cabinet
position," Dayan said after talking with
Vance. "But I don't think there is
anything personal about that."
Indicating a joint effort to work
around the dispute, Dayan and Vance
scheduled a, second session on the
treaty itself. They planned to review
the "reservations" Dayan brouth with
him from Jerusalem.

Vance also set up a separate meeting
with the Egyptian delegation. But there
was no immediate word whether the
Egyptians and Israelis would resume
their negotiations directly.
DAYAN SAID however, "nothing is
scheduled" between the two
The official Middle East News Agen-
cy on Thursday night quoted Egyptian
Prime Minister Mustapha Khalil as
saying the Egyptian delegation would
be recalled to Cairo, but as a "routine
The agency said that "does not mean
the negotiations are foundering.'"'
A U.S.'OFFICIAL, who asked not to
be identified, told The Associated Press
here that the Egyptians wanted to find
out what Dayan brought from Israel on
the treaty.
"I don't think they'll go back in anger
and not return," the official said.
As for the Israelis, the official said
the decision on the settlements ap-
peared to be based on "a number of
concerns," including securing political
support for the treaty. Begin has been
criticized by certain Israeli political
elements for making concessions on the
future of the West Bank.
The Israeli government's decision to
See U.S., Page 7

EYPTIAN PRESIDENT Anwar Sadat, left, and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin were jointly awarded the Nobel
Peace Prize yesterday. The two are seen here during the Egyptian leader's historic trip to Jerusalem in 1977.


C r


Greene, Pursell

trade barbs

Republican Rep. Carl Pursell,
eeking re-election from the Second
ongressional District, and
emocratic challenger Earl Greene, a
ity councilman from the Second Ward,
lasted one another's leadership
ualities during a debate yesterday.

The exchange took place before an
undergraduate political science class at
Angell Hall.
Accusing Pursell of being able to find
only "cosmetic" solutions to key issues,
Greene said he will bring "a new per-
spective to old problems" and help
restore faith in the democratic system.
"I SEE A lack of sensitivity to issues.
What is needed is some common sense
to help solve our problems and restore
our faith in this great democracy," said
Citing his own leadership
capabilities, the city councilman con-
tended that he has fought hard to find
solutions to the city's housing and
parking problems.
"We need someone willing to carry
crucial local and state problems to the
nation," Greene asserted.
PURSELL, running as the incum-
bent for his second term in Washington,
said a leader is one who can sponsor ef-
fective legislation as a member of the
minority party. In an obvious attack on
Greene, he added that a Democrat in a
Republican-controlled city council who
couldn't accomplish, much was not an
effective leader.
Claiming he has achieved a "record
unmatched by any other freshman,"
the 48-year-old Republican pointed out
.-.- .1 . .L L 1 ,n .. .a h

tack on Pursell for voting against a
raise in the minimum wage rate from
$2.30 an hour to $2.65 two years ago.
Greene said the average person could
not combat today's inflation ills by ear-
ning the current rate.
"Someone who makes just $2.30 an
hour cannot afford to eat the inflation
year after year," said Greene.
Pursell replied that he would prefer
to have more jobs available at the lower
rate than fewer jobs at the higher rate.
GREENE ALSO accused Pursell of
maintaining close connections with the
nation's big businesses. He vowed that
if elected, he would not appeal to the
"fat cats" and the large special interest
Pursel counteredsby indicating that
his opponent had sought the endor-
sement of the Michigan Education
Association (MEA) but he himself had
received it instead. Greene added that
the group voted 8-0 to support him, but
declined to fund his campaign because
they believed it would be a landslide,
and they preferred to divert money to

Pursell said he has spent a lot of time
in the district to hear the electorate's
views on crucial issues. He asserted it
is better to find out what the voters
think than to be present at insignificant
votes on the floor in Washington.
Pursell mentioned his votes on the B-
1 bomber, the neutron bomb and ERA
as issues in which he sought local
BUT GREENE maintained the
district needs a representative who can
be sensitive to the issues. He added he
is very suspicious of "those entrenched
in the process."
The two are scheduled to hold a few
more debates next week before the
November 7 election.

Chinese reps visit Ann Arbor to
begin college exchange program


A delegation from the People's
Republic of China, currently on cam-
pus, is exploring the possibility of
establishing a large-scale student and
faculty exchange between China and

visits. Our second reason is to help ac-
celerate the full modernization of our
"We came for a friendly visit," Teng
added. "We have a long history of
friendly relationships with your univer-
aitiP WP Ihave frvnniiit in tarfl nw_

Shanghai Communique whichw as
reached during the Nixon Ad-
ministration brought about a resum-
ption of the relationship. I feel that it
should be kept.
"WE MUST learn from the advanced
tehnnlnoiesg of the world.1Evervntin


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