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October 27, 1978 - Image 16

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1978-10-27

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Page 16- Friday, October 27, 1978-The Michigan Daily

Gophers need Jug win
to remain in title race
By MARK MIHANOVIC whom was drafted in the first two rounds by the NFI
With the Big Ten race the tightest it's been in years, the defense probably isn't as good as it was a year ago. W
Minnesota football team comes into Ann Arbor with visions kids with the ability to play it (linebacker), bt
of upsetting the Wolverines and possibly winning the Big Ten. haven't," said Stoll.
Michigan will be trying to regain the Little Brown Jug and The -Gophers still have some fine defensive i
a measure of revenge, after last year's 16-0 loss to the however. Stoll pointed out safety Keith Brown and de
Gophers. It has shut out Minnesota the last three times the end Stan Sytsma as standouts. Senior defensive linen
two teams have battled on the Wolverines' Tartan Turf. Roman (6-5, 249) and Doug Friberg (6-3, 228) also c
Minnesota Coach Cal Stoll feels that his Gophers can part in holding the opposition to a minimum of yardag
make it two in a row oyer the Blue. "We're not a great foot- WHETHER OR NOT Minnesota is strong enough
ball team. We know that. We're going to have to have the Michigan remains to be seen. The Gophers not only
same good luck. We caught them a little flat, and we got some beat the eighth-ranked team in the country, but they
breaks. We've been beaten pretty soundly our last three do it before a pro-Michigan crowd of over 100,0
trips, but every time we walk on the field we have a chance to screaming for a Homecoming victory.
win. We'll show up." The latter prospect doesn't seem to worry Stoll.
MINNESOTA HAS a 3-3 record overall and a 2-1 record in accustomed to it. It's not as noisy in there as it waE
the Big Ten, with victories over Iowa and Northwestern and a Coliseum when we played UCLA."
loss to Ohio State. The Gopher offense features sophomore This is one of the key games for the Gophers in the
tailback Marion Barber and fullback Kent Kitzmann. Barber for a Big Ten title. "We've got to play two very fine M
is ranked second in the Big Ten in rushing and Kitzmann "is teams in the state of Michigan," Stoll moaned. "Th
one of the finest fullbacks in the nation," says Stoll. Each part of our schedule is still ahead of us." Besides M
scored two touchdowns in last week's 38-14 romp over North- and Michigan State, the Gophers still have to face ex
western. Wisconsin.
Quarterback Mark Carlson has the option of handing off to The matter to be settled tomorrow, however, is whe
those two fine backs or throwing to fleet receivers such as not Minnesota can keep that Little Brown Jug for a
tight end Glenn Bourquin or wide receiver Elmer Bailey. The year. Stoll described its significance. "The Min
offensive line is anchored by guard Pat Paquette,, a 6-5, 259- Michigan rivalry was a great natural rivalry until M:
pound sophomore. State came into the Big Ten. We've always placed gr
The Minnesota defense was hurt by the graduation of portance on it (the Brown Jug) because it's symb
three linebackers who had been three-year starters, each of beating Michigan."

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