Page 4-Friday, October 27, 1978-The Michigan Daily heMtht4gaun Bat41 420 Maynard St., Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Eighty-Nine Years of Editorial Freedom. Quebec:A province divided Vol. LXXXIX, No. 44 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Distributing basketball tickets HE PROPER method for distribut- ing basketball tickets is not easy to determine. All sides present interesting points that are not easy to dismiss. This year, Ticket Manager Al Renfrew has decided to employ a lottery system. Under this plan, each student has an equal chance of getting a good seat, an average seat, or a poor seat. The system begins with seniors. Any senior who wants season basketball tickets had to first sign up, and pay $24 by Wednesday of this week. Then, basically, all the names are thrown : into a drum, and students are assigned seats randomly. Mr. Renfrew developed this system in response to widespread complaints over the old system of waiting in line ;f for tickets - to those of perseverance go the spoils. While it is refreshing to see a member of the University bureaucracy who is responsive to concerns, we feel that in this case Mr. Renfrew has overlooked the rights of the minority in order to satsify the whims of the majority. There is no completely just method of distributing tickets. We can only hope to recognize all students' needs, then try to meet as many of them as best we can. The flaw with the lottery system is that it does not distinguish between those who are loyal, rabid fans, and those who like basketball, but are not consumed by it. With the lottery, students who have purchased tickets for three or more years may well get bad seats. How can we tell these committed supporters who have suffered through poor to mediocre seats for three years. that now, when they are seniors, they may not get good seats? Much as the seniority system prevented them from getting good seats for three years, the lottery denies them the chance to determine their own fates. Under the lottery system there is nothing they can do, even if they are willing, to better their chances. Last year, and for many years prior, students were allowed to form lines to wait for tickets. Not everyone cared 4 that much about what seats they got, so not everyone got in line. Many seniors simply waited until the rush was over, and then picked up their tickets, which were still better than the juniors'. There were, however a handful of dedicated fans who braved the cold and waited several days in order to get the coveted mid-count blue seats. Many argue that this system was unjust because some students didn't have the time to wait in line, and they were thus denied good seats - this is not true. The ticket policy cannot work out the details so that each person can wait in line without interfering with his or her schedule. All the policy can do is afford everyone the same opportunity to wait in line. Some persons place basketball tickets high on their list of priorities, and others don't. Those who do will wait in line and get the best seats, while the others will get less good seats. What about the individual who has to work, or must attend class? There is a solution - get a group together to share waiting responsibilities. Alternatively, one could persuade a good friend to wait during the conflicting hours. The remaining problems with the line system - when does the line start and how to prevent underclasspersons from using senior IDs - are easily solved. First, in order to give everyone a fair chance to be first in line, we need only to have the ticket office announce that the line will start on a certain day at a certain time, but keep the location secret. Then, the night before the line is to start, announce the location over a pre-arranged radio station at a pre- arranged time. That way, no one could line up any earlier than the night before the official line starts, and everyone would have a fair chance to be first in line if he or she is willing to wait. As far as eliminating the ploy of getting a senior ID, the ticket office would simply make each person in line produce a va-lid student ID, senior standing, along with a picture ID. Then, when the tickets are distributed, each student would have to follow the same procedure. This would eliminate the problem except in cases where an underclassperson found a look-alike senior who didn't want his or her tickets. In general, Mr. Renfrew's, actions have been motivated by good intentions, but he has been duped into denying the rights of the minority. The majority of persons aren't willing to give up their time to wait in line, and we say fine. Don't wait. All we ask is that they not try to prevent those who are willing from doing so. Obviously, the non-dedicated persons prefer the lottery - they get a shot at the best seats without having to make any effort. We urge Mr. Renfew to consider the rights of all concerned in this affair, and to adopt a line system along the pattern we have laid out. EDITOR'S NOTE: Two years ago on Nov. 15, the French nationalist Parti Quebecois came to power in Quebec and began a quest for the sovereignty of the French-speaking Canadian province. The jolt was felt all across Canada and still is today. Here is a report by a Quebec correspondent for The Canadian Press. By KEVIN DOUGHERTY QUEBEC (AP)-In 1968 Pierre Elliott Trudeau became Canada's third French-speaking prime minister and Rene Levesque founded the Parti Quebecois with the goal of making a nation of Quebec province, where most French Canadians live. A showdown of sorts between them could come next week. Trudeay, 59, is still prime minister and will likely seek a fourth mandate in the coming year. although some members of his Liberal Party say he should step down because of recent by- election setbacks. Levesque, 56, premier of Quebec, will ask Quebecers in a referendum in the next year or two to approve his plans to seek negotiations with the federal government in Ottawa for what he calls sovereignty-association for his province. But Canada's 10 provincial premiers meet this week with Trudeau in Ottawa to discuss the prime minister's recent proposals to amend the Canadian federal system, eventually leading to a new constitution. The main matchup is expected to be between Levesque and Trudeau. It is confrontation Parti Quebecois (PQ)s strategists say they want to avoid, but Trudeau's back is to the wall as the result of the by-elections and it is considered likely he will force the issue in an effort to reassert his leadership. Trudeau's Liberals took a pounding in the by-elections on October 16, holding only two of 15 seats up at stake across the country. Both Liberal wins were in the party's Quebec powerhouse, where Trudeau maintains a popularity rating polled recently at 57.5 per cent of Quebers approve of Levesque. In the background is the French nationalist fervor in Quebec. In its first year of office the Trudeau administration made French and English the official languages of Canada, hoping to assure equality for the 25 per cent of Canadians whose first language is French. Levesque led his party-the PQ, as it is known-to an electoral win on November 15, 1976, promising to deliver good government and hold a referendum on the status of Quebec. In its first year the Levesque government passed a law making French the only official language of Quebec. Trudeau's goal of a bilingual Canada from the Atlantic to the Pacific was dismissed by the PQ as unattainable, even undesiraable. The good intentions expressed in the bilingualism law would do little to help the one million French-Canadians outside Quebec to preserve their identity, as the PQ saw it. It also held that encouraging bilingualism in Quebec would erode the position of French-speaking Quebecers, or Quebecois, since immigrants, given a choice, would not adopt English, the language of North America. Bilingualism was seen by the PQ as a threat to Quebec's status as the only Canadian province where French speakers form the majority. In order to maintain the French fact in Canada, the PQ said, Quebec, which is 80 per cent French anyway, should be unilingual French and eventually the Quebec government should achieve full sovereignty. Quebec is the largest of Canada's 10 provinces in area and with 6.3 million people ranks second after Ontario in population. The Canadian total is about 23.5 million. Although he remains popular in Quebec, Trudeau is losing support elsewhere to Joe Clark, leader of the Progressive Conservative Party. Inflation and unemployment are running high across Canada and the Canadian dollar, which until last year traded at a premium to the U.S. dollar, now has dipped to about 85 U.S. cents, at a time when the American dollar itself is on the skids. On top of the economic woes, there is lingering resentment toward Trudeau and his bilingualism. The last regular federal election was in 1974 and Trudeau won. By custom Canadian prime ministers call elections every four years but with recent polls indicating Clark's Conservatives could beat him, the prime minister has postponed the vote. Constitutionally he has until next July to go to the polls. As an underdog now, Trudeau is likely to come out swinging at the premier conferences Monday and Tuesday in Ottawa. At the start of the fall session of the Quebec National Assembly as the provincial legislature is called, Levesque announced he will seek in his referendum a mandate to negotiate sovereignty-association. It wouldn't be out of character for Trudeau to challenge Levesque at the conference to negotiate then and there, putting the Quebec premier on the spot and restoring Trudeau's image of leadership. Until his announcement that he will ask for a mandate to negotiate, it was unclear what Levesque would ask for in the referendum beyond the basics of political sovereignty and an economic association with the rest of Canada. It also appeared that Levesque was headed for certain defeat in the referendum if he asked outright for unilateral secession. Polls indicated that at most 30 per cent of Quebecers approve that option. But by saying he will ask for a mandate to negotiate, Levesque put himself back in serious contention. Polls indicate most Quebecers want some kind of increased powers for the provincial government and could will approve a referendum to negotiate with Ottawa. Levesque also watered down the content of the economic association portion, proposing a common currency, a joint central bank, continued participation in NATO and North American Air Defense and the free flow of goods and people between Canada and Quebec-in short, the continuation of existing arrangements. However, he maintained his position on sovereignty, proposing a break with the present federal structure. He called for assumption by Quebec of all taxing powers, rather than sharing them with the .-federal government, and replacerhent of the present division of powers between Quebec and Ottawa with one law-. making body, the Quebec National Assembly. Levesque also backed off from the Parti Quebecois position of declaring independence unilaterally if negotiations fail. In fact he refused to consider the possibility of failure. He said sovereignty-association is a package deal. "We have no intention of first obtaining sovereignty and then negotiating an association," he told the National Assembly. "We do not want to end, but rather to radically transform, our union with the rest of Canada so that in future our relations will be based on full and complete equality." Levesque holds that Quebec is not just one of 10 Canadian provinces, as Trudeau would say, but the home of a people with its own language culture and history. Parti Quebecois strategists say a Trudeau victory at their expense would be a major setback, and they don't want Trudeau to draw them out this week in Ottawa. 5 Editorials which appear without a by-lne represent a con- cen sus opinion of the Daily's editorial board. All other editorials,1 4,s well as cartoons, are the opinions of the indlividuals who sub- p it then.- - - Letters to the Daily 0 k' \1 ^.4 kA _ . .._. ___ _ 1 .. '" .. ; ,. , . , ' f 'i I I I 1 1 J7 1 The recent improvement of the Michigan basketball team which began during the 74-75 season has led to a sharp increase in the demand for tickets. Unfortunately, the heavy demand for tickets became a controversial issue when two years ago a dispute broke out over who was entitled to be first in line. This quarrel was intensified, when last year the Daily, after condeming the previous year's line assumed the number one spot. Despite efforts to start a line for the upcoming season, the Athletic Dept. has decided to use a lottery distribution system for senior tickets. Admittedly, finding a just and equitable distribution method is To the Daily at the request of higher authorities, such a system could no longer be used. Although there is some merit to that contention, the lotterya alternative has many faults of its own. First, using the so called 'successful' football lottery as a model would be misleading. Basketball, played indoors by only ten players is a much more intimate game, and attending fans in contrast to football, generally come to enjoy the game rather than an adventurous Saturday afternoon. Second, the problem of single students using other people to purchase extra coupons for private dispersion and scalping would be intensified by the institution of a lottery since students would seek to increase thair number of entries tn imnrnov their chances lottery. Conceivably, a ratio of one student in line for four tickets would not be so time consuming as to disrupt scholastic performance, but would be a sufficient burden to attract only the die-hard fans. If properly advertised and organized this system would roughly match the avid vans with the tickets they deserve, thereby providing a superior alternative to the lottery. However, so long as the lottery provides the athletic dept. with a convenient system of ticket dispersal, which indeed gives every interested student an equal opportunity, and as long as administration officials feel that it's their duty to tell university students when they ought to attend classes-it would appear that the lottery is here to stay, If I 200-300 Seniors would qualify for the highest bracket and so they are matched by a computer with the best seats. Computer matching of season tickets held with seat quality continues through the Senior class and successively down to the freshman level. Finally, Senior priority maintained by graduate students who have attended the university for longer than four consequtive years shosuld be revoked, thus enabling every Senior to enjoy at least one season from good seats. Certainly,m there are drawbacks in this system too, but some of the clear advantaes are: No incentive for underclassmen to use Senior ID, no reason for people to buy more than one ticket, guaranteed yearly ticket sales even in bad years, no lines, 5f