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October 26, 1978 - Image 10

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1978-10-26

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hursday, October 26, 1978-The Michigan Daily

NG BEACH, Calif. (AP) - The
York Yankees' dramatic drive to
World Championship was one of
ball's most spectacular
backs, but even that pales in com-
on to Manager Bob Lemon's per-
reversal of fortunes this year..
ly a few months ago, Lemon was
iging the Chicago White Sox, a
. that seemed destined to go
ere. Things grew even more bleak
m when he was fired on June 30.
it was when his luck bottomed out.
REE WEEKS later, the Yankees
Lemon to replace Billy Martin.
was let go by Chicago and really
in the dumps. Then all of a sudden

picked i
I find myself managing in the World
Series," said Lemon, named American
League Manager of the Year yesterday
by the Associated Press.
"I feel like a man who's come from
the lowest desert to the highest moun-.
taintop. I just 'can't imagine all this
happening to me."
LEMON SAID following the Yankees'
six-game victory over the Los Angeles
Dodgers in the World Series that it
would take a while for him to fully
-realize what's happened.
He still hasn't. .
"I'm trying to get some rest, but
nothing's really hit me," he said. "I'm
not down to earth yet."

winner in Lemon

WHEN LEMON took over the'
Yankees, they trailed Boston by 10/2
games in the American League East.
Under his guidance, they caught the
Red Sox, then finally won the
harrowing one-game showdown when
the two clubs finished the season tied.
The Yankees went on to beat Kansas
City in the AL playoffs. Then, achieving
a feat unprecedented in the 75-year
history of the World Series, they boun-
ced back to win four straight games af-
ter losing the first two.
Lemon, a quiet, soft-spoken man in
marked contrast to the fiery Martin,
seemed just the balm needed by the
frequently bickering and troubled
"THE ONLY things that concerns me
is what the players do between the
white lines," said Lemon, a Hall of
Fame pitcher who won 20 games seven
times during a 13-year career with the
Cleveland Indians.
"This club will take advice. The
players do what it takes to help the

team win ball games, and that's what's
"It seems that players today in
general express themselves more, talk
more freely to the media, and
especially on this Yankee club. Dif-
ferent managers express themselves in
different ways, too," Lemon continued.
"I guess it has a lot to do with how you
were brought up, whether you're a sort
of quiet person or whether you talk a
lot. I do know you can't force your per-
sonality on somebody else, whether
you're a player or a manger. Nothing
bad has happened to me in that regard
so far, knock on wood."
LEMON SPURNS rah-rah leadership
and said he had just one formal meeting
with the Yankees, that one during his
first day on the job.
"We had a five-minute meeting and I
just told them that as far as I was con-
cerned, the season started that day and
to go out there and win some games and
have some fun."
They did.


Sprnt4 " the kai4
Rangers' Hargrove traded
By the Associated Press


Jufy rIoo y otbyM DAnENJAI
Double crunch

igan defenders Mark Braman (28) and Michael Harden (40) hit Michigan
e tailback Steve Smith (20) from two angles during the Spartans' 24-15 upset
e Wolverines. This Saturday the Wolverines must contend with Minnesota
ack Marion Barber, whose speed poses a threat to opposing defenses.
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DALLAS-First baseman Mike Hargrove was traded yesterday from
the Texas Rangers to the San Diego Padres in a deal involving outfielder
Oscar Gamble and three other players plus cash.
Hargrove, infielder Kurt Bevacqua and catcher Bill Fahey were dealt to
the Padres for outfielder Oscar Gamble, catcher Dave Roberts and an
estimated $300,000.
"They probably did a good thing to trade me to the other league,"
Hargrove said. "If they hadn't, I'd come in with a crowbar, a stick of
dynamite and a shotgun and would have eaten first base if I had to to help
beat Texas."
Hargrove, who batted .251 with seven home runs and 40 runs batted in
this season, became the latest bargaining chip in the wheeling-dealings of
team owner Brad Corbett.
Gamble, contacted in Montgomery, Ala., said he welcomed the trade
because he hits "better in the American League-because I played more
when I was over there."
"I knew it would come some day, but I'm surprised and hurt it happened
this soon," said Hargrove, the American League Rookie of the Year in 1974.
Hargrove got the official word Tuesday night during a dinner with Cor-
bett, reported the Dallas News and Dallas Times Herald.
Former Texas Rangers manager Bill Hunter had described Hargrove as
"the kind of guy you like to build a team around."
But Hunter-was axed with just one game left in the season, and now the
player he prized has been traded in an apparent economy move by the
Ranger management.
"I've had some time to get over the shock and I'm looking forward to
going there," said Hargrove. "But I didn't want to leave. I don't understand
it other than maybe the economics involved."
The Hargrove swap is the second trade for the Rangers since the end of
the season. Earlier, they dealt slugger Bobby Bonds and pitcher Len Parker
Cleveland for pitcher Jim Kern and infielder Larvell Blanks.
Lafleur staying with Habs
TORONTO-Jerry Petrie, agent for Montreal Canadiens' hockey star
Guy Lefleur, said last night Lafleur is not planning to leave the club because
of a salary dispute.
In an earlier report published in a Montreal newspaper, Petrie had been
quoted as saying that he had issued an ultimatum to the Canadiens: if
Lafleur did not have a new agreement by Wednesday night, he would sit out
future games.
Lafleur dressed and was on the ice for last night's game after Petrie told
reporters the 27-year-old right winger will remain with Montreal "until a
satisfactory conclusion is realized.''

Squeaky tennis shoes and all, the
defending state champion Central
Michigan women's volleyball team
couldn't overcome a determined
Michigan squad as the Wolverines
ousted the Chips three games to one at
the Central Campus Recreation
Building last Tuesday evening.
wearing a{ certain brand of gym shoes
that made a high-pitched squeaking
noise against the floor, suffered their
first defeat at the hands of a four-year
college in the last two seasons.
"We were pathetic," said CMU's
head coach Marcy Weston. "We made
all kinds of mistakes, like trying to
return shots that would have gone out
and letting others fall in between
players. I don't want to take anything
away from Michigan, they played a
very good match, but we didn't deserve
to win even one game."
The Wolverines won the first game,
coming from behind three times to win,
15-13. But Central came roaring back
from a 6-2 deficit to win the second
game by a 15-7 score. The 'Wolverines

A smooth take-off
Philadelphia Flyer forward Mel Bridgman is tripped and sent into the air by,
New York Islander defenseman in Tuesday night's game. The game ended in
4-4 tie.
Spikers upset Chips;"
B ig, Ten torney nextn

led in the second game 6-2 at one point,
before the Chips ran off 13 of the last 14
points to even the match.
very ,pleased with his team's perfor
mance, as their dual match record-wen
to 6-3 on the year. "I thought the girl
played real well," he said. "They (Cen
tral) had beaten us three games t
nothing earlier in the year in Mt
Pleasant so we had something t
The Wolverines gad an easier time in
the last two games, winning 15,6 and 15
12 as Central's record dropped to a stil
impressive 19-5 on the season. At on
point in the third game, Michiga
scored 13 points to only two for Centra
as they made a rout of that contest. I
the last game, the lead changed hand
six times before the Wolverines erupte
for five straight points to take an I
lead that they never relinquished.
The Blue spikers will now head
Champaign, Ill. this weekend to pa
ticipate in the Big Ten tournamen
Vong feels his young team shoul
definitely improve on last year's eighti
place finish in that event.


Seniors who would like to be eligible
for better basketball seats through the
Athletic Department's lottery should
remember to turn in their ID cards and
coupons to the ticket office between Oc-
tober 30 and November 4. One
representative may enter for up to 20,
people in a block.

Minnesota coach Cal Stoll was all
smiles as he emerged from the plane
which carried his Gopher football
squad from Minneapolis. On Saturday
Stoll would invade Michigan Stadium to
defend the Little Brown Jug trophy
which he wrestled from the Wolverines
16-0 last year in the north country.
Stoll plans on using a balanced attack
in an effort to duplicate last year's
stunning upset. "All we have to do is let

Mark Carlson loft a few long ones, and
send Marion Barber * on some
breakaway runs."
"But our most important task thi
weekend will be getting our Gridd
Picks into the Daily at 420 Maynard b
midnight tomorrow night. Last year, I
was the only contestant to pick us over
the Blue, and did I laugh all the way to
Pizza Bob's, where I heartily munched
on a small, two-item pizza.



takes me back
.every year when I come to town for Home-
coming. What could be finer than strolling
across the Piag again on a crisp October
morning, and through the Engin Arch to

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