E LiEv ti CIA ON CAMPUS See Editorial Page NIFTY High-5 s Lbw-30 See Today for details Vol. LIX, No. 41 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Tuesday, October 24, 1978 Ten Cents Twelve Pages plus Supplement The job ain't hot, but Brickley wants it By RICHARD BERKE James Brickley admits the lieutenant governorship isn't such a hot job. And he should know. Brickley held the post from 1970 to 1974 and calls it "a somewhat strange office" and a "kind of hybrid office." THE LIEUTENANT governor's most crucial function, he says, is being around in case something happens to the governor. "I guess that's the whole purpose of it," said Brickley, 49. "I guess the other duties are merely given to fill the time. Then why does Brickley wish to spend another four years as second banana to William Milliken?" AMBITION. And Brickley candidly admits it. "I see it as a return to politics," he said. What's more, Brickley says, "it's the most likely of possibilities" that he'll seek the governorship in 1982. THOUGH Brickley considers the lieutenant governorship a pretty cushy See THE, Page 2 Here's the st'ate's GOP ticket These profiles kick off a series examining the major party candidates for governor and lieutenant governor. Tomorrow, Democratic gubernatorial hopeful William Fitzgerald and running-mate Libby Maynard willbe featured. Milliken: Will the 'nice guy' finish first? By RICHARD BERKE Michigan's governor told a Lansing audience two weeks ago that one of a thousand faceless committee chairmen recently introduced him, not as the powerful Republican, William Milliken, but as the powerful Democrat and for- mer governor, G. Mennen Williams. "I've been introduced at least four times that way in the last year," Milliken said, "so it doesn't bother me at all." WILLIAMS was a big-labor Democrat. Milliken is a moderate Republican balancing atop a personal coalition of popularity. But the resem- blance goes a bit beyond their slightly similar names, for Milliken, 56, is the latest in a line of powerful, well-liked Michigan governors which began with Williams in the 1950s. If Milliken defeats his 36-year-old challenger, Democratic State Sen. William Fitzgerald, on Nov. 7, his See WILL, Page 9 Brickley: The Second Banana'/ Milliken: The nice guy imnge Egypt questions Moon shadows Our photographer, using a 30 second exposure, captured this unidentified man, at midnight, in a downtown park-5 %ng lot. Strange, no?' Doily Photo by MAUREEN O'MALLEY issue, By The Associated Press Egypt asked for "modifications" yesterday in the proposed peace treaty with Israel,-apparently dissatisfied with the draft's language linking the Palestinian issue and an Egyptian- Israeli settlement. In Jerusalem, the Israeli Cabinet spent four hours last night discussing the proposed treaty and adjourned until Tuesday without ruling on the document that could end 30 years of hostility. PRIME MINISTER Menachem Begin told reporters the cabinet "heard detailed explanations" from Foreign Minister Moshe Dayan and Defense Minister Ezer Weizman, who head the Israeli team that has been negotiating with the Egyptians in Washington. in tre "Questions were asked and answers were given. It can be assumed decisions will be taken," Begin said of the secret session that observers had predicted would be stormy with heated opposition from some far-right Cabinet ministers. Other ministers emerging from the meeting refused to answer auestions. U.S. sources said in Washington over the weekend the two sides reached a "50-50 compromise" on the linkage issue. A loosely-worded formulation on the subject was inserted in the treaty's preamble to appease Egypt, the sour- ces said, and apparently the link was not strong enough to arouse Israel's op- position. But Egyptian Prime Minister Mustafa Khalil said yesterday that Egypt now has "asked for- ha ayt modifications." Khalil spoke with reporters in Cairo after discussing the treaty proposals for two hours with President Anwar Sadat. HE WOULD NOT specify what modifications were sought, but he said he and Sadat "informed our delegation in Washington about some technical remarks on the text." He then ex- plained that the "remarks" relate to the linkage issue. Khalil confirmed, however, that a linkage formula had been developed in the Washington talks and stressed that "Egypt has not rejected the draft treaty." A treaty incorporating a firm Israeli commitment to make progress on the West Bank-Gaza issues - such as a See EGYPT, Page 5 Carter scored on inflation plan WASHINGTON (AP) - President Carter takes his new anti-inflation program to the American public tonight and already business, labor and consumer groups are telling him it won't work. The program, to be unveiled in a nationwide broadcast at 10 p.m. EDT, includes voluntary limits on wages and prices. They would be enforced by some new government weapons, administration sources say. Carter's program would set a seven per cent limit on wages and fringe benefits. The price formula is more complicated but is aimed at holding increases to 5, per cent a year. THE PROGRAM WILL include price guidelines for specific companies that will be asked to hold their price increases of 0.5 per cent less than their averages for 1976 and 1977, it was learned. It was understood at the White House that Carter would also unveil additional steps to be taken in the future that would require congressional approval. The government plans to use sanctions to enforce the guidelines, such as possibly withholding federal contracts to firms which do not comply, and allowing more imports, sources said. AT A NEWS conference yesterday, spokesmen for some consumer groups said the main solution to the inflation program is to diminish the control over the economy exercised by big business. "Business control over the marketplace and government economic policies may be too hot for the Carter administration to handle," said consumer advocate Ralph Nader. The president of the Machinists Union, who regularly criticizes government policy, said the anti- inflationprogram will fail unless it stops "unbridled corporate power." "UNTIL THEN, the Machinists Union certainly is not going to comply with his wage guidelines," said the president, William Winpisinger. Last week, AFL-CIO President George Meany criticized voluntary wage-price guidelines as unfair to labor, arguing that it is easier to control wages than prices. Business leaders, on the other hand, say the solution to inflation is to control government spending and reduce environmental and safety controls. "I don't think guideposts are going to be effective," Reginald Jones, chairman of General Electric, said at a meeting of the Business Council last week. "Failures of guideposts are an all-too-familiar trend. They might as well forget the whold thing." HIOWEVER, IRVING Shapiro, chairman of the DuPont Co., said, "I don't hear anybody saying they're going to thumb their nose at the program." The Business Council, composed of corporate chairmen, recommended a smaller federal deficit and easing of many government regulations which it says are increasing business costs. The wage guidelines are not expected to apply to workers earning less than $3 or $4 per hour. - Tuesday " The Athletic Department has announced plans for a basketball ticket lottery for seniors. See story, Page 10. * Find out about the causes - and treatments - of low blood sugar, or hypoglycemia.bSee Health Service Handbook, Page 5' * Massachusetts Senator Ted Kennedy spun his crowd-pleasing magic on a partisan Detroit audience Sunday and pushed the state Democratic ticket. See story, Page 12. * Carl Pursell and Earl Greene SACUA MEMBERS SPEAK OUT: Proposed spy guidelines attacked By LEONARD BERNSTEIN Several members of the Senate Ad- visory Committee on University Affairs (SACUA) criticized proposed guidelines concerning relations bet- ween the University and intelligence agencies yesterday, indicating that the proposals may face a tough fight for ratification. The present draft of guidelines are the second attempt to formulate policy on the matter. An earlier draft was College reps piot o o apartheid offensive By MICHAEL ARKUSH DENNIS BRUTUS, confer( Special to the Daily chairman and a Northwestern Un overwhelmingly rejected by the faculty's Senate Assembly last May. Faculty members said at that time that the draft impinged on their academic freedom. THE PRESENT guidelines, drafted by the University Civil Liberties Board, were publicly aired for the first time yesterday at SACUA's weekly meeting yesterday. SACUA will hold further discussion on the code before the Senate Assembly receives it for review. The proposals state that: " No member of the University community assist an intelligence agen- cy "in obtaining the unwitting services of another member of the University community;u * "The express prior consent" of an Daily Photo by CYRENA CHANG The man with the banana creme is John Rexford. For a fee, he'll let people have their cake and eat it, too. Let them eat cake ience iver- By BETSY MANN John Rexford and Frank Sandler really take the cake. They also bring it. Tho im ..vrr ., csrr.. -e e n r ce, friends of Philosophy Teaching Assistant Norm Mecham recently hired Rexford to deliver Mecham a cake - right in the middle of his ,ircnnc;ef nn EVANSTON, I11.-Representatives sity faculty member, said the meeting "nrodnced a large measure of unity and