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October 22, 1978 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1978-10-22

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Take Ten
On Oct. 22, 1968, with the presidential election less than a month
away, three members of the liberal Americans for Democratic Action
debated the relative strengths of the candidates. Law Prof. L. Hart
Wright supported Humphrey since he could "provide America with
badly needed time" to reach solutions to domestic problems; his
colleague Paul Carrington backed Nixon in part because "Humphrey
lacks the ability to get out of the war; and Dr. Edward Pierce-now
running for State Senate-compared Humphrey to former President
Johnson and recommended voters back McCarthy.
A head for business
Everybody's out looking for a way to make a couple of bucks but
not many people use their head the way Philadelphian George
Dashnav did. The 55-year-old advertising executive has obtained
several human skulls from a medical supply firm and is marketing
them for $100 each. "It all started when I was a kid," Dashnau ex-
plained. "I saw a print of an alchemist holding a skull and I thought
"Gee, that would be a keen thing to have." The salesman said he hopes.
his clinetele will include "business executives who want an unusual
desk ornament." If the idea catches on, he plans to offer a wider range
of merchandise. Who knows? Perhpas the next attraction will be'en-
tire skeletons for those avid entertainers who went an unusual stan-s
ding lamp for their living room.
Happenings.. ..
are scarce today ... an Israeli dance group will perform at
Hillel at noon.. . then at 1 everyone is invited to join in an open dance
session..; . the Ann Arbor Jazz Workshop is holding its advanced in-
structional from 3:30 to 5:30 in the Anderson Room of the Union. . . at 5
the Wesley Foundation is hosting a sing-along, to be followed by a
workshop at 5:30 and dinner at 6:30. . . also at 6:30 will be a Shemini
Atseret at Hillel. MONDAY ... even if you sleep in through half the af-
ternoon you can still catch the day's happenings . . . at 4 Jack
Koplowitz of Clarkson College will speak on "Quantization of Line
Drawings" at 1042 East Engine ...'. art lovers will have two events
from which to choose this evening.. . the opening of a multi-medi
exhibition called Images/Objects will be held at 7 in Rackham ...
and a photography exhibit reception, in the Intermediate Gallery at
Ypsilanti's McKenny Union, will take pla'ce at the same time .. ,
also at 7, the Women's Studies Free Film Series will show "Agueda
Martinez-Our People, Our Country" in Aud. 3, MLB . . . Chabad
House, 715 Hill, is holding a Simchas Torah at 7:15. . . the Nuclear
Concerns Film Series presents "The Last Resort," a film about
Seabrook, at 7:30 in the Assembly Room of the Union.. . also at 7:30,
Jan Hodder of the University of Cambridge will give a speech on "New
Archaeology in America" in room B115, MLB. . . if you've been trying
to spruce up your living quarters, a plant might be just what you need
... head over to the Matthai Botanical Gardens for the Indoor Light
Gardening Society's Plant Auction and Sale at 8... Tom Weisskopf
will be speaking on "Marx at Michigan? Part II" at Guild House, 802
Monroe at 8 . . also at 8 Soprano Veronica Tyler will give a recital in
the Rackham Auditorium.,.. jazz enthusiasts can take a break from
studyng at the Eclipse Jazz jam session at the University Club, from
9:30-1... and finally, Congressional candidates Earl Grene and Carl
Pursell will debate in the Markley Cafeteria at 10. . . the public is in-
vited to ask questions.
On the outside
There should be a warming trend today, with a high of 77 and
a low of 52. Skies will be partly sunny or partly cloudy, depending
whether you are an optimist or a pessimist.


Mrs. Griffin visit


y R Bit1i JJEtim nAsnv
As she joined the small, hesitant
circle of people at the entrance to the
living room at Betsy Barbour dor-
mitory Friday afternoon, the smiling
young student wasn't quite sure what,
she should say. She stood still, looking
expectantly at the small, white-haired
woman who was the center of attention.
As if from reflex, the energetic older
woman leaned forward, offered a hand,
and recited cheerfully, "Hi, I'm Marge
Griffin. The senator's wife. What's your
"DONNA SARAFIN," answered the
casually dressed student as she let go of
the handshake, wondering, perhaps,
how else she might identify herself.
Without hesitation the visitor asked
where Sarafin was from. Since she was
Resident Director, there was a moment
of discussion devoted to a definition of
that job -before the conversation turned

The scene has been repeated coun-
tless times over the two decades Marge
Griffin has been married to a,
politician-smiling and introducing
herself, then smiling and saying good-
SINCE 19571 when Republican
Robert Griffin first ran for Congress
and Marge walked door-to-door on one
side of the street and her husband
walked the other, she has been setting
aside election years as periods for
exhaustive public exposure.
During the 55-year-old politician's
five terms in Congress-from 1956 to
1966-the Griffins sought exposure
every two years, at election time. But
since 1966, the senator's first year in
that office, the exposure has become in-
tense only during the sixth year of the
Throughout the career of her
politically conservative husband, first
while he was in the House of Represen-
tatives and now as he tries to earn a
third term in the Senate, Marge has
campaigned so hard for him that, on
occasion, she feels "dead."
"BY THE END of a day, I feel so
tired," she-said Friday, while visiting
campus on a handshaking trip. As if it
explained her weariness, she added "I
have children your age, you know."
She had only just finished a descrip-
tion of the political views of those
children-one is a "great liberal,'
another "quite conservative," and both
are to her left, as is the senator by her
estimation. Then she launched into a
vigorous defense of her husband's
voting attendance record with all the
enrgey that she hopes voters will iden-

tify with the Griffin
"When he was (
he learned which'
and which votes ar
(the Whip position
necessity to be on
bers) floor all the t
fin. "There are a
things which you
over for."
66 per cent a
challenger Levin h
insincere candidat
retirement in April
sidering and annou
' MI
bid last Februry.
"We were a littl
the defeat of Gera
'76, Mrs. Griffin
own loss to How
Senate minority l
the disappointmen
But, "though it
e lttersand

The Michigan Daily-Sunday, October 22, 1978-Page 3
s campus
rname. Although she supported President Car-
Senate GOP) Whip, ter's stand on the Panama Canal issue,
votes are important she said her husband "made the most
en't. So when he lost logical arguments" for his opposing
) he didn't feel the position. She stressed that since "there
the (Senate Cham- were two sides to that question," Grif-
ime," said Mrs.Grif- fin's lone stand on the Foreign
a lot of procedural Relations Committee was valuable no
don't have to race matter which side he took.
Griffin recently surprised some ob-
o attacking Griffin's servers by coming out in favor of exten-
ttendance record, sion of the deadline for ratification of
has called Griffin an the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA)
e for announcing his by state legislatures. He also argued
11977 and then recon- against allowing states which have
incing his re-election ratified the ERA to rescind that vote.
DID HIS wife have anything to do.
with those decisions? She wasn't sure.
I& V t "I yak at him all .the time," she
smiled, ". . . I think he listens to me. I
know he listens to me and that's what I
like about him ... he always listens."
e discouraged" after When she married him, she thought
ld Ford in the fall of he was going to be a journalist. When he
explained. Griffin's ran for Congress 22 years ago "nobody
vard Baker for the gave him a prayer."
leader spot added to Nearly a quarter-century later,
itdr sp dthough, Marge Griffin has learned to
may sound a littleshake hands with the instant warmth
nny shinha i,'te that marks a life-long politician.
~..JLLI~~ ~LIA. ~notesJA. whic ca me.I to'

the Griffin's at Christmas time asking
him to reconsider his retirement made
Sen. Griffin "come to realize that he
has a role" in the Senate due to his ex-
perience, his wife said.
MR. AND MRS. Griffin, who met at
Central Michigan Univesity and were
married before he entered Law School
in 1947, find themselves on opposite
sides of some political issues, though
usually the disagreement isn't sound
too intense.


The Air Force Dental Corps has
immediate openings in the fol-
lowing dental specialties: Pros-
thodontics, Periodontics, and
Endodontics. Starting salaries and
entry grade are commensurate
with experience and postgraduate
education. If you have prior mili-
tary service or are under 35 years
old, investigate this outstanding
career opportunity. Contact:
23400 Michigan Ave.
Dearborn, Michigan 48124
A great way of life

PIRGIM finishes pric

Three members of the Public Interest
Research Group in Michigan
(PIRGIM) who were thrown out of
Ralph's Market Thursday for conduc-
ting a price comparison, completed
their task Friday.
Michael Kwosman, Gregg Nathanson
and Steve Michaelson of PIRGIM,
conducting a price comparison of small
food markets in the Ann Arbor area,
were told by an employee of Ralph's
that they couldn't take down the store's
prices because the "owner doesn't want
it," said a clerk who refused to reveal his
KWOSMAN SAID if the store em-
ployee threw them out, the three
PIRGIM members could charge the
The University's research volume
last year totaled more than $76 million.
University alumni are concentrated
in Michigan (108,258), California
(17,541), New York (14,481), Ohio
(11,502) and Illinois (11,290).

store with assault. "But if we don't
leave," Kwosman continued, "we're
The store employee was aware of
PIRGIM's activities because an em-
ployee has to sign the price sheet "for
our own security," said Kwosman.
Paul Teich, a Legal Aid attorney,
said that under Ann Arbor's Unit
Pricing ordinance "a retailer must
disclose to the consumer the infor-
mation about their pricing." Legal Aid
also said they have the right to do
business "as long as they don't
According to Kwosman, Ann Arbor's
Consumer Action Center said that
Ralph's is a public place open for
business but that they have the right to
evict anyone who isn't buying anything
or is causing a disturbance. Under city

e survey
law, this constitutes trespassing and is
subject to arrest.
Kowsman said other Ann Arbor
stores, including Campus Corner's and
the Food Mart, have been cooperative
in PIRGIM's effort.

soundstage presents
TUES., OCT. 24-8 pm
in the U CLUB
Student talent performing in an
informal atmosphere
Sponsored by Union Programrming-UAC


Old-Time Political

volume LIX; No. 40
SundayOctober 22, 1978
is edited and managed by students at the University
of" Michigan. News phone 764-0562. Second class
postage is paid at Ann Arbor. Michigan 48109.
Published daily Tuesday through Sunday morning
rduring the University year at 420 Maynard Street.
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. subscription rates: $12
September through April (2 semesters); $13 by mail,
outside Ann Arbor.
Summer session published through Saturday
morning. Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann Arbor;
$7.00 by mail outside Ann Arbor.

MINI-COURSE 415 (I credit)
all at 8 P.M,
REGISTER: 101-M Econ Bldg.
CLASS SESSIONS: 2029 Angell Hall
Tuesdays 4-6 P.M.: Oct. 24, Nov. 7, Dec. 5

a XQ

U iD~L


On The Steps Of Our State Capitol
OCTOBER 26th - 2:00 PM
A measure on the November billot which would

(Ib raising the legal drinking age to 21)

PRICE- everyday savings up to 60l
NAME BRANDS- from famous makers
wide variety of styles and
SELECTION - fashions in misses & junior sizes
ATMOSPNERE--- pleasant decor ... friendly service
QUALITY FASHONS- always first qualiy, never
seconds or irregulars


Stand up for your rights! March on the Capitol and show the people of
Michigan that Proposal D is nothing more than "Prohibition" in a new form.
Speakers at the rally will include Senator Jackie Vaughn, sponsor of the bill
which lowered the age of majority, members of the Governor's Commission
on the Age of Majority, students, and concerned citizens.
Sponsored by: STOP D
Students To Oppose Proposal D


For Rally Information Call



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