Sweetest Day is October 21. Send roses to the man you love. Page 8-,Saturday, October 21, 1978-The Michigan Daily Ypsi sfuoting suspect of patient in. We can't take problems that her meeting with Hardesty last winter. are specifically drug related, in accor- "He seemed strange. My interpretation dance with the Mental Health Code," was that he was nervous and a bad in- Kenzie added. terview. But after listening to. the Hardesty's behavior in the past has psychiatrist who observed Billy, we been described as. "unbalanced" by decided that it was inappropriate to use those who have met him. Linda Wright- a person who had a multitude of other Avery, television reporter for WXYZ- problems to illustrate the problem of TV in Detroit, planned to use Har-, dyslexia." destyas a case study for a report on POLICE SAID that Hardesty's ram- dyslexia. Dylexia is a learning impair- page began in Ypsilanti shortly after 2 ment with which Hardesty was said to a.m. Thursday morning. He allegedly have suffered. His behavior, however, shot Timothy Schofield, 21, of and a psychiatrist's opinion that he was Belleville, and Troy Curry, 28, of Can- disturbed, forced cancellation of the ton, in the parking lot of Abigail's Dirty report. Shame Saloon. "Billy seemed to me like a nervous, About two hours later, Daniel Wood, mixed up kid," Wright-Avery said of Hardesty's ex-wife's brother, was shot critical list and killed inside the Stiles Wood Cor- poration ,shop where he was working. Bobby Baker, 26, of Westland, and Tommie Lee Brown, of Tecumseh, were wounded in the gunfire. Brown was listed in serious condition at St. Joseph's' Hospital yesterday, while Baker was in fair condition. Hardesty reportedly knew all of the victims. Police arrived at Hardesty's home in Van Buren Township at about 7:30 a.m,, and returned gunfire when Har- desty shot at them,, they reported During the gun battle Hardesty was hit by a shotgun blast, and was taken into custody by State Police officers. Profs who blocked Samoff tenure listed Voters favor 8 ballot proposals 0 I §EWSUPI - A new poll shows that Michigan voters favor by a substantial flowersmargin two of the tax reform proposals appearing on the Nov. 7 ballot. Nielsen's Flowers & Greenhouse 994-6112 Although a third tax-related amen- Nielsen's of Briarwood 769-6361 dment -- the so-called school voucher plan - was favored, the margin was slim. LSEI fcademic- Judiciary Interviews * Sunday, October 2Z * Sign-up sheet at 4001 LSA* *Student Government Office, Michigan Union,* 1 1 _ _ MEANWHILE, U.S. District Court Judge Noel Fox denied a request for a preliminary, injunction filed by attor- ney Zolton Ferency on behalf of the Michigan Education Association and the city of Detroit that would have prohibited the public from voting on the two measures, The Detroit News, WJBK-TV "Michigan Poll," conducted by Market Opinion Research, showed that a representative sample of 800 voters cast majority votes in favor of Proposal E, the Headlee amendment, and, Proposal J, the Tisch amendment. The poll showed that 68 per cent of those queried favored Proposal E while 15 per cent were opposed and 17 per cent undecided. When questioned about Proposal J, 57 per cent favored the measure, 21 per cent were opposed and 22 were undecided. REGARDING' Proposal H, the voucher proposal, 41 per cent of the 800 polled said they supported the measure, 40 per cent said they did not and 19 per cent said they had not yet decided. Regarding the other eight proposals appearing on next month's ballot, the "Michigan Poll" showed the sample of registered voters cast majority votes in favor of six of them. The poll said the biggest majorities turned" up on Proposal B, Proposal; D and Proposal K. Proposal B would prohibit the,. gran- ting of a parole to a prisoner convicted of certain violent crimes until a minimum sentence is served while K would grant authority to courts to deny bail under certain circumstances in- volving violent crimes. (Continued from Page 1) to the political scientist. Singer added that, while his vote was not political, anti-Marxist sentiment may have motivated other faculty members who voted against tenure for Samoff. "Some of the people who voted 'the way I did voted that way for ab- solutely different reasons," he said. During the support committee meting, which was billed as an informal "brain-storming" session, various tac- tics were discussed for seeking a rever- sal of Samoff's tenure denial. ONE PROPOSAL was that members of the group interview political science faculty members who participated in the tenure decision. The goal would be to ascertain their present positions on Samoff's tenure and to urge them to reconsider. Other proposed tactics included: " Attending the classes of those professors who voted against tenure for Samoff, and speaking to students there, as well as asking the faculty members to publicly discuss their positions; " Circulating petitions urging that Samoff be granted tenure; " Holding informational talks on the Diag and elsewhere to present facts of the Samoff case to students. During his appearance on campus this week, educational activist Jonathan Kozol called for a reversal of the tenure denial to Samoff. Kozol suggested that students confront the Literary College Executive committee with a sit-in, demanding it grant Samoff tenure. However, the support group ruled out any such tactic at the present time. The hours are long, but that's O.K., the pay is lous y. But as a volunteer you'll get to help America stand a little taller.. And you'll stand a little taller yourself. America needs your help or we wouldn't berasking. Your community needs your help. I People 18 or 80: we don't care as long as you do. VISTA is coming alive again. Come alive with us. VISTA. Call toll free: 800-424-8580. VISTA A Public Service of This Newspaper 8 SThe Advertising Council 7:)Saturday 7:02 FAMILY FEUI)-Game I TOWN MFFTING-Public Affairs 7 STUDIO4 D-interview 20 LOHMAN AND BARKLEY -Variety 50 LAWRENCE W ELK 56i ONC'E UPON A CLASSIC 7:301 2 WILD, WILl) WORLD) OF ANIMAIS 4 PROFILES-Discussion 7HIILI.YWOOD)SQUARES-Game 9t SPRTS SCENE 56 JULIA CHILI) & COMPANY --Cooking 8.0)4 2 RHOD1A 4 CHIIs-C1rime D~rama 7 WELCOME BA('K. KOTTER 9 NIIHOCKEY 241 CITY (UPD)ATE-IDiscussion 54) NBA BASKETBALL 56 EVENING AT.SYMP1IONY 9:934 G (OOF) TIMES 7 ('AIZTER COUNTRY t24 TIEMPL.E BAPTIST CIHURCHI '!:011, 2 AMERICAN GIRLS-Crime Drama 4 MOVIE-Corned'. "Rescue from Gilligan's sland" 7 LOVE BOAT zo 700 CLUB -Religion 10:460 2 D)ALLAS 4 $WORD)OF JUSTICE 7 FANTASY ISLANI) 50 UNTOUCHIABES 56 MOVIE-Documentary "Pumping Iron" 16:301 20 LESSON-Religion il:(Kl1 247iNEWS 9('BC NEWS-George Mclean 241 ('OI.EGF FOOTBALL. 501 FL.ASHI ORD)ON-Adventure 11:13 7 ABC NEWS-Chase/Jarriel 9 NEWS 11:340 2 MOVI E-Drama "The Adventurers" 4 SATURD)AY NIGHET LIVE 7 MOVI E-IDrama "McCabe & Mrs. Miller" M,4 MOV 1k-Thriller "House on Haunted Hill" 11::35 9 MOVIE-D~rama "Hlouse of ('ards" 1:04) 4 TWIGGY'S JL'KEBO01-Music 24) CITY UPD)ATE-lDiscussion 1::10 2 MOVIE-;'hriller 'She (lemons" INEWS 7 MOVIE-Adventure "Black Water Gold" Sun day' 7.004 264)l MINUTES 4 WORLD) OF D)ISNEY Movie: "Now You See Him, Now You D~on't" , 7 HIARDY BOYS 9i BEAC'HC('OM BERS 241 JERRY FALWELL-Religion a0) SPACE: 199-Science Fiction 56i FALL O)F EAGLES-D~rama 7:30 9 I)EVII. A~ND DANIEL MOUSE -(a rtoon 8:4)4) 2 ALL IN THlE FAMILY 4 IFE IHAW 10th ANNIVERSARY 14('ELEBRAUTI4)N 7 BATTLESTAR GALA'TI('A -Science Fiction 9 SUN PARLOUR CO4UNTRY-Music 20 700 CLUB-Religion { 50)MOVIE-Comnedy "Strange Bedfellows" 56 ('IIAMPI4)NS-D~ocunientarv 8:30) 2 AIICE 9 REACH FOR THE TOP-Quiz 91:00 2 MOVIE-Drama "Like Mom, like Me" 7MOVI .E('rime Dramia "Final Chapter-Walking Tall" 9 SID)ESTREFT-Crime Drama 56 I)UCHESS OF D)UKE STREET - braina 9:340 29 AMAZING G;RAC'E BIBLE CLASS t0;00 .4 LIFELINE-Profile 9 MASSEYS-Drama 20 REV. D)AV ID JONES-Religion 50) MOVIE-Comedy "Tillie and Gus" 56 SINAI FIELD MISSION -Documentary 16:(1) 240 JIMMY SWAGGART-Religion 11:0(N) 2 4 NEWS 9 C'BC NEWS-George McLeanr 20 MAKE IT AND) TAKE IT '-Bowling ;a me 11:15 9 NATION'S BUSINESS-Report 11:20 79NEWS I1:3-) 2 IRONSI)-Crimie Drama 4 MOVIE-Myster'y "The Long Goodbye" 54) FOR MY PEOPLE-D~iscussion 11 'I :10 1~' R.IAGIOU S~COPE' Mon day 7:04) 2 NEWILYWEI) GAME 4 BOWLING FOR l)OLLARS-Game 7 ABC' NEWS 94)ODD)COU'PLE-Come'dy 24) GREEN ACRES-C'omedy 50 SANFORDI AND) SON-('oinedv 56: MacNEII,/LEIRER REPORT 7:25 4 MICHlIGAN STATEIDAILY LOTTERY 7:3(0 2 PM MAGAZIN E-Kapp/Sa nders 1 J.P. FAND)THE LIONS -Sportsnma ga zine 7 $00,0004 NAME THIAT TUNE-Game 9 NMAR' TYLER MOORE-C'omedy 241 PETTIC'OAT JUNCTION-Comned'. 50 BO)B NEWHIART-Comedy Collected '-Q dlown'1 the S( igs t Monday-Saturd3y " GIFTS " CLOTHING " JEWELRY " BEDSPREADS OCTOBER 21-OCTOBER 27 11:30 21' I'RNWOOI) 2 NIGHIT 4 JOHINNY CARSON 50) MOVIE,-Musical "Swing Time" 56 AB(' NEWS 11:45 9C(ANAI)A AFTER D)ARK-Variety 12:0)0)2 ROCKFORD) FILES-Crime lDrama 7 NEWS 56 SCREEN ING RO)OM "The Birth of a Nation," Part I 12:301 7 MO)VIE: Dramia "The Rack" 32:45 9I LORD) PETER WHIIMSEY' 1:00) 4 TOMORROW-Toni Synder 1:111 2 MOIE-Tliriller ''The Million D~ollar Ripoff'' Tuesday 7:00 2 NEWLYWED GAME 4 BOWLING FOR D)OLLIARS-G;ame 7 AB(' NEWS 94)O)D) COUPLE-Come'dv 20) GREEN AC'RES-C'ome'dv 541 SANFORD) AND) SON-C'omedv. 36 MacNEII./LEHlRER REPORT 7:25 4 MICHIIGAN STATE DAILY LOTTERY' 7:30) 2 PM MAGAZINE-Kapp/Sanders .1 WILl) KINGDO4M 7 SHIA NA NA-Variety 9 MARY TYLER MOO)RE-t'omedy 20 PETTIC'OAT ,J UNC'TION--Coniedv 54) BOB NEWHIART-C'omedv 8:4)4) 2 MOVIE-Adlveniture ''Pap~illon'" I GRANDP-A (GOES TO WASHINGTON-Comiedv-D~rama 7 IHAPPY DIS 9 WHO'S NEW 20 ROOM 212-Comed-D~ramna 54) MOVIE-(Comiedy ''IFor Love or' Money'' 56 SO)tNI)STAGE 8:30) 7 IAVERNE & SHIRLEY' 9 FIELDS OF ENDLIESS DA)IY -Dlocumentary 2(1 TWILIGHIT ZONE-D~rama 9:414 4 MOVIE-Drama "D~onner Pass: The Road to Survival" 7 THREES('OMPANY 241 7004C('UB-Reli'ion 56 PRISONERS-D~rama 9:34) 7 TAXI-Coniedy 9 lFIFTHI ESTATE 9:55 50 NEWS 10:114 7 STARSKY & HIUTCHl-Crime' D~ramia 50) BEST 0OF GROUCHO-Game 56 D)ETROIT BLACK JOURNAL. 10::3(0 9 BEYONI) REASON 20 PRAC'TICAL. C'HRIS'T'IAN LIVING 50 IHONEY MOON ERS-Cormedv 56 REEL WEST-D~ocumienta ry 11:004)247 NEWS 9CB(' NEWS' 244 MOVI E-Dramia "Stanley and L~ivingstonie" 54) GONG SHOW-Game 56 ICK(CAVETT 11:25 9 NEWS 1:34) 2 I"ERNWOOI) 2 NIGHlT 4 JOHINNY (CARSON 7 MOVI E-D~rama ''Such Good Friends'' 54) MOVIE-Biography ''The Story of Vernon and Irene ('astle" 51; ABC NEWS 31:415 9 C'ANAD)A AFT"ER D)ARK-Var'iety 12:004 2 BAR NARY JONES-Crimie Drama 12:45 9 SOFTLY SOFTL~Y TASK FORCE 1:04) 4 TOMORRtOW-Tom Snyder 1:140 2 BANA('EK-Cr'ime D~ramia Wednesday 7:00 2ZNEWLYWED GAME 4 BOWLING FOR D)OLLARS-Game 7 AB(' NEWS 90O)D COUPLE-Comedy 244 GREEN ACRES-Comedy -50 SANFORD AND) SON-Comedy 36 MacNEIL/LEHRER REPORT 7:'25 4 MICHIGAN STATE D)AILY 1113 South University. Ann Arbor 662-3773 8:34) 2 FAT ALBERT-Cartoon Special 24) TWILIGHT ZONE=Drama 9:00 2 MOVIE-C'omedy-D~rama "The Grass Is .Always Greener over the Septic Tank" i 4I MOVIE-Comedy-Western "D~esperate Women" 7 CHIARLIE'S ANGELS-Crime D~rama 24) 7004C('1B-Religion 56 GREAT PERFORMAN(CES -IDra ima 101:004 7 VEGAS--Crime D~rama 10:405 56 GRlEAT PERFORM ANCES -Music 10:30 24)IIDIOUG-Religion 1(0:55 50 NEWS 11:0042 4 7 NEWS .9 ('B('NEWS ,chfafldere I-O U JEWELRY AND FINE WATCHES 7::30 2 PM MAGAZINE-KappSanders I IN SEARCHI OF 7 MATCH GAME PM J MARY TYILER MOOR-Comedy 20 PETTICOAT JUN'TION-Comedy 5) BOB EWIART-Comedv 56 DETROIT BLACK NEWS. 8:04) 2WALTONS 4 MOVIE-.Musical. "*Ctton ('and'."' 7 DR. SEUSS-Cartoon 9 ON THlE REC'ORD) 24) ROOM 222 50) MOVIE-Comedy "Promilse Ier Anything" 36 NOVA 8::30 7 NF. FOOTBALL 24) TWILIGHT ZONE-Dramna 9:0)0 2 HAWAII FIVE--Crime Drama 9 CANAD)IAN EXPRESS 20) 74141(LU B-Religion 56 GREASEBAND-Music , 9:55 544 NEWS 10:00 2 BARNABY JONES-Crime Drama 4 QUINCY-C'rimie Drama 9 WATSON REPORT 50 BEST OF GROU'1O-Ga me 56 SEC'OND I TY'TELEVISION 10:30 9 TWO'S A C'ROW-Comed 20 MANNA-Religion 50) HONEYMOON ERS-Comed'. 56 MONTY' PHYTHION'S FLYING; CIRC'US 11:00 241 NEWS 1) CB(NEWS 24) MOVIE-IDrama "Guerrillas in Pink Lace" 54) GONGSlO W-Game :6 DICK CAVETT 11:'25 9 NEWS 11:30 2 FERNWOOD) 2 NIGII'l' 4 JOHNNY CARSON 7 NEWS 50.MOVE-Musical- "The Ga'. Divorcee" 56 ABC' NEWS 11:45 9 CANAI)A AFTER D)ARK-Variety, 12:004)2 M*A*S*ll 7 STARSKY & HIUTC-('rime Drama 12:45 9 PROFESSION ALS-Sport 1:4)X) 4 TOMORROW-Toni Snder 1:10 7 S.W.A.T.-C'rime Drama Friday 7:00 )2 NEWLYWED)GAME 4 BOWLING FOR D)OLLARS-Gane 7 AB' NEWS 901)1)COUPIE-('omedy 2(0 GREEN AC'RES-Comedy 50 SANFORID AND) SON-Comedy 56 MacNEII./IEIIRIER REPORT 7:2S 4 MI('HIGAN STlATlEI)AILY LOTTERY 7:34) 2PM MA(;A1ZINE- Kapp/Satdems 4 MPPET SHO14W-Variety 7(GO)NG SHIOW-G;ame 9 MARY TYLER MOOR E-C'omedv 24) PETTIC'OAT JUN(TON-Comeitdv. 50 4BOB NEW lIART1-( onedy 56 FOCAL POINT-Discussion 8:004 2 MAGI'O(F lDAVID) 'OPPERFI ELI-Variety 4 WITC'H 'S NIC IIT OUT-C'artoon 7 DONNY & MARIE 9 KING 01" KENSINGTON 201 ROOM 222-(omed'.-Irana 54) NATI1ONA. GEOGRAPII(' -D~ocumientary 56 WASHINGTON WEEK IN REVIEW 8::30 4 WIIO'S WAT'''IING TIE KIDIS?-Comedy 9 FRONTr PAGE' CHIALLENGE 24) TWI LIGUT'l'ZONE-Dratna 56 WALL STREET WEEK -Louis Rkeyser 9:4)10 2 IN('REDI)BYHlUL~K 4 ROC'KFORD) FILES-Crime IDrama 7 MOVIE-Mystery ''Obsession'' 9 TOMMY HIUNTrER ('OUNTRtY 244 7004)(LU B-Religion 54) AFRICANS-D~ocumentary 56 CONGRESSIONAL OUTLOOK -D~isc ussion 10:004)2 FIING IIGI-Comedy-Drana 4 EDDlIE CAPRA MYSTERIES 9 I'MUSI'AMERA 56 HIIGHI S'HlOOI. FOOTBALL. 11:30) 241 HOLIDIAY AT MELODIYLAND) -Religion 11:1)4024 7NEWS 9C(B' NEWS 24) M(1V IE-Drama "Badi oy" 50 GONG: SHOW-Gane 11:25 9?NEWS 11:30 2 HIOT CITY-Music 430J1 NNY ('ARSON 7 BARFTTA-C'rime Drama -501 MOVIE-Musical " Clothing of Natural Fabric " IMPORTED 11-6 CRYSTAL Y' 8:4)0)2 WKRP IN CINCINNATI-Comedy r 4 LITTLE HIOUSE ON THlE PRAI RIE 9 SUPERSTARS ON STAGE AT THlE 01114 STATE FAIR-Variety 9 AGRISCOPE 241 ROOM 22'2 50) MOVIE-Adventure "Assault on a Queen" 56 PRO SOC'CER 8:34) 2 PEOPLE-Phyllis George 9 PIG 'N' WHISTLE 20 CMU FOOTBAL..HIGHILIGHTIS 9:011) 2 M*A*S*II 4 MOVIE-Adventure "Ivanhoe" 7 NFI. FOOTBALL 9 SUPERSPEC'IAL 24) 7044)CLUB-Religion 5VISIONS-D~ramna WATEPI P~WATFk bF D The Finest in Quolity Waterbeds & Bedroom Furoishlngs 3066 PACKARD ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN 48104 (313) 971-1355 Open 11-9 M-F 11-6 Sat. 24) MOVIE-Dlrama "Ililda ('rane" 50) (ONG 5S1OW-Game 56 DOC(K (CAVETT 11:25 9 NEWS 11:30)2 FERNWOOD) 2 NIGHT 4 JOHINNY CARSON 7 POLIC'E WOMAN-C'rimie Drama 50) MOVIE-Musical "T.op [fat" 56 ABC'NEWS 1:-15 9 (CANADIA AFTER DIARK-Variety d 12:004 2 HAWAII FIVE-O-Crime D)ramia 56 SCREENING ROOM "The Birth of a Nation," Part 2 12:44) 7 S.W.A.T.-(Crime D~rama 12:45 9 SIIADES OF GREENE-D~rama 1:0044d4TOMORROW-Tom Snyder 1:10 2 KOJAK-Crime Drania I:54) 7 NEWS 504 OMEGA 504 PIZZA 504 OFF a medium or l'arge pizza with 1 or more items. 769-3400, may not be used with any other stare discount your address______________