Page 4-Saturday, October 21, 1978-The Michigan Daily Eightv-Nine Years of Editorial Freedorn The presidential selection process Editor's note: Since University President Robben Fleming announced his retirement in December, Vol. LIX, No. 39 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan The unsuccessful Namibia talks, I T IS APPARENT from the recent actions of the South African government that the regime of Peiter Botha will further test the patience of the West'over the question of free elections in Namibia. Namibia, also called South West Africa, was made a South African protectorate shortly after World War II. Ever since, however, South Africa has used its parent-country position to put an economic and political stranglehold over Namibia. Namibia is currently in transition to, majority rule. Under a United Nations plan, free elections wilfbe held there in April and a U.N. force of over 7,000 troops would be stationed there to. supervise. As expected, the South Africans have rejected that plan. It was against that backdrop that the leaders of the five Western states- Canada, Britain, France, West Germany and the U.S. - went to South Africa last week to reach a compromise 'with the Botha government. What they left with was, in effect, nothing. In the so-called compromise, the South Africans are allowed to hold there own elections in Namibia in December, and the number of U.N. troops allowed was cut in half. And what did Botha promise in return? He would devote his "best effort" to persuade the government elected in December to hold the free elections in April. In essence, the west gave tacit approval to the December election run, by South Africa, and then left Namibia without absolute .assurance the free election would take place in April. secretary of _ State Cyrus Vance mitted even he was puzzled as to the purpose of the December election. British Foreign Secretary David Owen said the free election was the only election the West was interested in, and yet the West left South Africa without the assurance those April elections would ever take place. The eventual result of the December election is not secret to anyone. A coalition of moderate blacks and the whites will elect. the South African-backed Turnhalle Alliance while ignoring the South West African Peoples' Organization (SWAPO) - a group identified by the United Nations as the legitimate representative of Namibia's black majority. The South African government has refused to allow SWAPO to become involved in the elections, calling the group Marxist and communist, and has therefore ignored the majority of Namibians. This situation bears a striking resemblance to what has happened in Zimbabwe, where a moderate government was installed by Ian Smith and a significant proportion of the black population in Zimbabwe or "Rhodesia" was ignored. But apparently the West has not learned its lesson from the Zimbabwe settlement. Any agreement to govern a nation in southern Africa without the just representation of all people and political views in the area will lead only to a continuation of the guerilla wars. Mr. Botha's has promised to dedicate his "best efforts" to convince the Turnhalle Alliance to hold free elections after the South African- sponsored elections. But after the South African-backed election is completed, Botha could easily say his "best efforts" were not good enough, and that the resulting puppet government is legitimate. And the West has already approved the election. The negotiation attempts by the West this week were a fiasco. South- Africa gained concessions and offered nothing in return except the promise of a "best effort."' It would seem the West could have gained more concessionsh and that their attempts met with defeat. Meanwhile, it is all the more likely that the people of Namibia will remain unrepresented in their own country, giving those people all the more unfortunate reason to resort to guerilla warfare. controversy has arisen over the process by which his replacement will be chosen. The Michigan Student assembly has glected to not participate in the presidential selection process until the Regents guarantee adequate student representation by providing: * a consolidated committee consisting of equal numbers of all groups involved or formal lines of communications between those groups; " access to the Regents' complete list of candidates to all groups involved (the only ,three groups involved now are faculty, student and alumni); * adequate personal access to the candidates. Yesterday, the Regents approved the following: Guidelines for Advisory Committees 1. Each Advisory Committee may organize itself and meet as often as it wishes. 2. There is no objection to any committees meeting with each other. 3. Each committee is requested to prepare a statement of recommended future needs of the University and submit such statement by November 10, 1978. 4 4. All groups in the entire university community, including instructional staff, organized labor, and the public, are also. invited to submit in writing to the Regents Selection Committee by november 10, 1978 what they consider to be the future needs of the University. 5. On or before November 25, 1978, the Regents Selection Committee will develop the criteria and characteristics desired in a university President, based upon the needs of the University. 6. The criteria will be provided to each Advisory Committee and madeavailable to all other groups and organizations. 7. After the criteria have been established, each Advisory Committee is requested to submit names for preliminaryconsideration to the Secretary who will prepare biographical information in standard form (so as to treat all names alike), and then the name shall be sent to the committee of origin. That committee would then decide whether to drop the name or further consideration. If the particular committee decides to give a name further consideration, it would be sent to the Regents Selection committee, which would then distribute the standard form biography to the chairman of all committees, but without designation as to the source of the recommendation. 8. Besides the Advisory Committees, any group, organization or person may suggest names tothe Regents Selection Committee. The Regents Selection Committee can then decide whether or not they want to recommend that name for further consideration and if so, would then send it to the other committee chairmen. 9. If a name is suggested by the Regents Selection Committee, a biographical sketch will be sent to the chairmen of the three Advisory Committees. In this way, every committee will know the Advisory Committees would begin to have names to study. 10. Procedures should be developed by each Advisory Committee to insure a limited distribution of biographical material. Because the disclosure of a person under consideration would injure the viability of°a' candidate, a revelation of a name under consideration will be considered a breach of trust. r11. The Advisory Committees are encouraged to gather supporting evidence for favored candidates and forward educational articles to the Regents Selection Committee: 12. The Advisory Committees are not to conduct any interviews. This is the prerogative of the Regents Selection Committee alone. 13. There shall be no rankings by the Advisory Committees. 14. The three committees are advisory only and the Board of Regents.alone has the power to appoint and cannot share this power. 15. Nothing herein should be considered acceptance of any pre-condition established by any of the four Committees. No other arrangement, agreement oreunderstanding exists between the Regents Selection Committee and the Faculty, Alumni or Student Advisory Committees, other than those listed herein. 16. The Regents reserve the right to modify, alter, or amend any of these Guidelines, should the Regents deem it necessary. 17. The Regents Selection Committee has established an office at 4010 LSA Building, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109 (telephone 763- 3223 and 763-3224). Fred Wagman has been appointed Secretary to the Regents Selection Committee. Hallucinogens offer new horizons ' By Rasa Gustaitis SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. - Pioneers in scientific studies of LSD, psilocybin, mescaline Iand other psychedelics met in San Francisco this month to catalize further research, virtually banned by government action for more than a decade, on these forbidden drugs. "Insensible pharmacophobia .(fear of drugs), which does not discriminate between opiates and other drugs that might have medical or therapeutic use, i1%tultifying scientific research," complained Weston La Barre, an -anthropology consultant and former associate at the Menninger Clinic. "The requirements for LSD are so extraordinary that you wouldn't know what to o witht -once-y.u got t" said Dr., Oscar Janiger of Beverly Hills, who did early research with the compound. "I haven't used it since 1962 when the FDA came in and confiscated all the stock." HALLUCINOGENS are now unavailable to medical practitioners and are no longer being studied in any significant way, according to the researchers. In the 1950s and 1960s, up to 150 researchers in the United States experimented clinically with LSD and other hallucinogens, said Janiger, who is writing a history of that work. Sandoz, Ltd., the pharmaceutical house that held rights to the LSD compound, described the drug as an agent in psychotherapy and a means of experiencing the psychotic state. But supplies began to dry up in the late 1960s as Sandoz turned over its stock to the National Institutes of Health. Since then, LSD has been classified as a dangerous drug available only through the National Institute of Drug Abuse (NIDA). All research proposals must be sponsored by a medical institution and approved by the Food and Drug Administration. A NIDA spokesman said no LSD has been dispensed to researchers since 1974. THE OFFICIAL AND POPULAR attitude toward LSD is so negative that "people interested in beneficial use don't even try anymore," said Dr, Andrew Weil, author of "The Natural Mind" and a research associate in ethnopharmacology at Harvard University's Botanical Museum. "People working in this area," said Janiger, "havera kind of odiumaabout them. Who needs that?" But he insisted that so much has already been learned about the drug that it could be used iin much more sophisticvated ways if it were again made available. Dr. Stanislav Grof, who has conducted 2,000 sessions with LSD over the past 20 years at Johns Hopkins Medical Center and elsewhere, said he found the compound to be "a powerful tool for deepening our understanding of the human mind.'' LSD can be a catalyst or amplifier, he said, that "makes it possible to observe certain phenomena that are there all the time, but in hidden form." Grof said he witnessed people on LSD relieving experiences dating, back to their astrophysics, Einstein's and similar concepts that previously not been able ize- relativity they had to visual- knowledge could not emerge from a consciousness where man is not separated from the universe." He cautioned that "LSD is. not a medicament that will make insane people healthy," but it is useful to "shift the wave lengthsof the receiver. . . to allow new pictures." Participants at the San Francisco conference, which also dealt with the use of Albert Hofman, the Swiss pharmacologist who discovered LSD, believes the substance can provide a "new deepened reality consciousness." Hofmann said the drug can heal "the occidental neurosis - cleft 'What is needed today is the fundamental re-experience of the oneness of all living things. A misuse of knowledge could not emerge from a consciousness where man is not separated from the universe.' -Albert Hofmann, the discoverer of LSD consciousness - the view of man as separate from other living things." Such a healing is essential, he said, to overcome the environmental problems that plague us. "What is needed today is the fundamental re-experience of the oneness of all living things," Hofmann said. "A misuse of LSD: One case history By Rasa Gustaitis LSD and other psycho-active substances are, basically, catalysts for the mind, in the view of Dr. Andrew Weil, who told this story: In 1967, when she was two-months pregnant, a 26-year-old psychologist discovered a painless swelling in her neck and learned she had an advanced stage of Hodgin's disease, a form of lymph cancer. Physicians recommended abortion and radiation therapy. She instead chose surgery and cobalt treatments so she might keep the baby. She had had two previous miscarriages. But the woman's condition deteriorated. Doctors said she might live until the baby was born but not for much longer. The woman was admitted to a hospital and placed in a room with another cancer patient who was in a state of rage because she was dying. She herself felt no anger. Then another physician took over the case. He asked about her life and learned she was unhappy in her work and her marriage. Shortly after the roommate died. The new physician did something no person knowledgeable about LSD would now do: he gave the drug to the pregnant woman. Under its influence, he guided the woman's mind to the life inside her and to the thought that she was responsible for it. hallucinogens among American Indians; reported that experiments with mescaline and plilocybin have yielded similar results. La Barre said that psilocybin shows considerable promise in psychotherapy. "For people with heavily repressed emotions, pilocybin , seems far superior to sodiun amytal (a barbiturate sometimes used tO break through emotional blocks). With psilocybin, the patient remains conscious and therefore participates in his treatment." SIGMUNDFREUD, La Barre noted, gave up hypnosis treatment with hysterics because he believed the participation of the patient's consciousness is necessary for a cure. "Yet current experiments with psilocybin in psychiatry are," according to La Barre, "exactly nil, which I find deplorable." An official at the Food and Drug Administratioh said some psilocybin projects have been approved, but he would not elaborate. Dr. Norman Zinberg, a clinical professordf psychiatry at Harvard Medical School and author of the recent drug use report for tho president's Commission on Mental Health, told conference delegates that learning about hallocinogens continues to be inhibited by fear. "Research studies have frequently been flawed by their boas against the drugs themselves, their retrospective approadh, their failure to account for intervenibg variables, their lack of controls and their focus on deleterious effects," Zinberg wrote in the task force report. Zinberg has called for the decriminalizati'n of all drugs, including heroin, in the belief that prohibition only aggravated a drug's potential for abuse. He also supports nol- medical, recreational use of psychedelic substances. "Forces that are prohibitionistic, moralistic," he warned, may lead to people: to forget that "there is something useful in changing consciousness now and then io, a way people find felicitous and pleasant." Participants at the conference, attended by more than 200, agreed that the beneficial uses - - DIST FIELD NEWSPAPER SYNDICATE,197$ THE MILWAUKEE JOURNAL Congratulations! We've decided to parole you into the 20th century!' 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