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October 20, 1978 - Image 12

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1978-10-20

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e 12-Friday, October 20, 1978-The Michigan Daily

ranian f orum
draws protest
A Spartucus Youth League (SYL)
um on political turmoil in Iran, held
at night in East Quadrangle, nearly
rned into a confrontation when about
Iranian students tried to disrput the
eeting. ,
rhe students, members of the
-ganization of Iranian Moslem
udents (OIMS), intetrupted the

keynote speaker, Sam Lewis, editor the
Young Spactucus, the SYL's newslet-
ter. The students, who were expelled
from the meeting after several angry
exchanges, joined a crowd of 30 in the
hall and began chanting "Down with
the Shah, down with the CIA."
Ann Arbor police were called to the
scene in case a disturbance arose. To
prevent any violence after the meeting,
the forum participants exited through a
back door that led to a kitchen exit.
"Our main concern was the protection
of life and property, and we moved
them out the back way to avoid confron-

tation," said police detective Lt.J
During the meeting, the SYL cha
that the mullahs, or high priests,
they claim are leading the revolu
are no better than the Shah, an
some ways are more reactionary.
This statement caused several of
Iranians present to loudly pro
claimking that the mullahs do not4
as the SYL alleges they do.
"Everything they say about myc
try is lies," said Reza Mujahid, a r
ber of the OIMS. "They don't k
anything about Iran, about

ad in
Af the

City officials want specific PBB
leakage tests by state, county


test, (Continued from Page 1)
exist other soluble chemicals.
"We have no plans to test the grounds
coun- for PBB leakage," he continued. "If the
nem- city or county requests state tests, of
know course we'll be willing to talk to them
the about it. But there's really no need for
anything like that."
John Newman, solid waste manager
for the city, says the PBB in the landfill
is disposed of safely.
"The landfill handles 350-400 tons of
materials everyday," he said. "I
believe that it is such a small amount
(of PBB) that it shouldn't be a
Newman also said the landfill is lined
with five feet of clay, in accordance
with state regultions, -in addition to
having natural deposits of clay ex-
ceeding that thickens along the bottom.
IN THE EVENT of leakage, steps
could be taken to minimize danger to
1 the local population.
"If the exact location of the leak is
Teenager raped
A 16-year-old Ann Arbor girl was
dragged into a van near State Street
and Packard Street and raped early
Wednesday evening, police said.
The unidentified girl was walking
alone on Packard Street about 8 p.m.
when a dark colored van pulled along
side her and two white males,
approximately 20 and 25 years of age,
forced her into the vehicle, according to
police Sgt. William Hoover.

S. Africa considers
elections run by UN

known, it could be dug out," said Ken-
ney. "If there was seepage, then rein-
forcement of the clay could be con-
While it is standard procedure for the
state to apply for a permit when it used

(Continued from Page 1)
minister of France - completed three
days of secret talks with South African
leaders on Wednesday.
PRETORIA has controlled Namibia,
for 60-years, the last 12 in defiance of
U.N. demands that it grant the territory
independence. Last month South Africa
rejected the latest U.N. Plan for a
peaceful transition to independence and
called its own elections for Dec. 4-8.
The Western five came here to per-
suade the South Africans not to go it
alone and risk international condem-
nation and possible U.N. economic san-
The pro-South African Democratic
Turnhalle Alliance is expected to win
the December elections; but the
guerrilla-backed South-West Africa
People's Organization (SWAPO), with
more time to prepare, could win later
IN A THREE-PAGE joint statement

issued yesterday with the Western five,
the Botha government said it was going
ahead with the December voting but
that now the elections will be only an
"internal process" to select leaders in
the territory and not a declaration of
independence. South Africa will con-'
tinue to administer the territory and
will negotiate with the United Nations]
on plans for transition to independence.
The Western powers said they would
consider the December elections '"null
and void." Diplomatic sources said the
South Africans had to go through with
the already-announced December
voting to save face.
Botha said at a news conference
yesterday that he would devote his
"best efforts" to persuading the local
leaders elected in December to go
ahead with the later U.N. elections. As
plans now stand, the 50-member con-
stituent assembly that will be elected
will have no real power.

the city facility, the Solid Waste Depar-
tment had no record of the grain dum-
ping. DNR officials claim the presence
of PBB in the landfill came to their at-
tention just last Monday, when it turned
up in Department of Agriculture files.


GEO hopeful as case proceeds

8:00, ps Im
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Tickets available at the Michigan Union Box Office
Monday thru Friday, 11:30-5:30
Tickets also at all Hudsons and
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To order by mail: send self addressed stamped envelope and
money order or certified check only to:
Michigan Union Box Office
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University of Michigan's Office of Major Events presentation.

Representatives of the Graduate
Employees Organization (GEO) may
schedule informal meetings with some
Regents in hopes of achieving a solution
to current labor disputes between GEO
and the University.
Hearings have been in progress since
last spring, under the auspices of the
Michigan Employment Relations
Commission (MERC), to determine
whether Graduate Student Assistants
(GSAs) are primarily students or em-
ployees. Should MERC decide they are
employees, as 'GEO asserts, GSAs
would gain the right to bargain collec-
orship Services
If your place 0/ worship is interested
in announcing its services in the Daily
p)e(se call 764-0S60..
International Muslim House"
407 N. Ingalls, Ann Arbor
Five Daily Prayers-Friday
prayer at 1:00.
Study circles every Sunday.
Arabic at 2:00; English at 4:00,.
Everybody is welcome.
For information call 665-6772.

MIKE CLARK, the GEO legal defen-
se chairman, said the tentative
meetings with the Regents would take
place after the Nov. 7 elections. He ad-
ded that before any agreement could be
drafted, many points would have to be
GEO Secretary Greg Scott said the
organization is generally optimistic the
Regents will help settle the labor
dispute, but declared "we want
something concrete to happen on the
terms we feel we deserve.
"We've been encouraged by some of
the developments but we're waiting for

the real thing," he added.
FOUR RESEARCH assistants and
three teaching assistants have testified
in this week's MERC hearings, which
are being held in the Michigan Union.
Robert Veracruse, the University's
representative, has been attempting to
prove the research assistants' work has
been primarily used for their own
dissertations, rather than to benefit the
GEO counsel Mark Cousens, on the
other hand, has tried to demonstrate
that if the research assistants' work did
benefit themselves, it was at the same
time aiding the University.

'U' hospital staffers
seek improvements

Negotiators from University
Hospital's House Officers Association
(HOA) reached an informal position
late Wednesday night during
preliminary contract negotiations with
University representatives.
HOA represents the interns and
residents at University Hospital, who
are demanding better working con-
ditions and improved patient services.
The negotiations are being presided
over by state mediator Edmund
HOA administrator Pauline Reisner
said her organization showed
"willingness to move" on its original
position during the negotiations.
"We've definitely softened our stance,"

she added.
Reisner said HOA altered some of its
proposals, retaining only a couple of its
original demands. "The mediator has
definitely moved us (HOA and the
University) closer together," she
However, HOA President Harry
Colfer stated the organization is
somewhat frustrated with the Univer-
sity's reaction to its concessions.
"I think we made a real effort," said
Colfer, "and their response was 'Well,
we'll meet back with you on the 30th.'
After we made all those responses,
they're taking 10 days to get back to us.
They're hampering the mediation."
University negotiator William Lem-
mer refused to comment on the Univer-
sity's position.



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