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October 19, 1978 - Image 14

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1978-10-19

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If you're thinking about buying a quality cassette
deck, like the Aiwa AD 1250, there's an advantage to
buying it at Tech Hifi.
We'll give you a 7-Day Moneyback Guarantee in
writing. Which) gives you an entire week to play the
Aiwa AD1250 in your home. In the unlikely event it
doesn't please you, return it to Tech Hifi and we'll
give your money back. Without giving you the third
Also, at Tech Hifi you'll get a 60-Day Defective
Exchange. It means that if you have any trouble with
your new cassette deck within the first two months
(and we can't fix it in 3 working days), we'll replace it.
All we ask is that the returned unit be in good condition,

complete -iP wW I
with packing.
At Tech Hifi, Aiwa cassette decks are returnable
and exchangeable.
And, thanks to the enormous buying power of the
62 Tech Hifi stores, they're also affordable!
With the purchase of an Aiwa AD 1250 (or any
other cassette deck) at Tech Hifi this week, you'll get
a FREE BASF PRO III C-60 Ferrichrome cassette
(retail: $3.99)plus a $5.00 rebate coupon, good on
any purchase of 10 BASF Professional Series cassettes.

r _ _.i C

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