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October 19, 1978 - Image 11

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The Michigan Daily, 1978-10-19

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The Michigan Daily-Thursday, October 19, 1978-Page 11

Age hike won't reduce drinking


Colombia to smash

(Continued from Page 1)
ck and roll musicians," Carver poin-
i out. "They won't be asked to tour as
ANOTHER SETBACK for the night-
ub 'would be a loss of business on
eekdays, Carver said. The old, adage
verybody loves Saturday night" ap-
ies especially to people over 21, who
nnot afford to sleep through a mor-
ng at the office the way many studen-
sleep through their early classes.
Without the barrage of students
king breaks from their weekday
udies, the bars could lose money.
een nights," at which cokes at in-
ted prices would be served, have
n considered as a solution. "We'll
yve .to mix it up," said Carver. "Teen
ghts, concerts, and going for an older
owd on weekends ... it will be a lot
ore complicated."
Carver indicated he resents the fact
at many establishments that have
aditionally catered to older crowds
e not working to fight Proposal D.
eople think it isn't going to affect
em, but it is," the Second Chance
ner declared. "If we try to compete
thZelda's (Greenhouse), which we
11 be doing, somebody's going to go by
CARVER SAID he believes package
uor stores generally favor a raise in
e drinking age, because when people
n't drink in bars, they will have
iends buy them liquor from stores.
"The breweries and liquor companies
en't giving any money (to fight the
oposal)," Carver complained. He
id he feels it is a sign the companies
't think there will be any decrease in
cohol consumption if the age is hiked.
hen the breweries don't care, you
ow they don't think it (liquor sales)
11 change."
City Council member Susan Green-
rg recalls the alcohol situation when
e was attending the University in the
te 50s. "I know people tended to join
ats and go to frat parties to get
uor," she said.
WASHINGTON (AP) - The ideas
at gave rise to the modern
.yscraper were a family produc-
Elisha Graves Otis invented the
fety devices that prevented an
evator from falling if the lifting
ble broke. Then, at the urging of
s son, Otis used his patented inven-
ns to go into business for himself,
cording to Intellectual Property
ners, Inc. When the elder Otis
ed at the age of 50 in April 1861, his
o sons took over his plant, -which
d only a handful of employees and
as worth about $5,000.
But Charles and his brother Nor-
n were good businessmen, as well
fertile inventors, says IPO, a non-
ofit group dedicated to preserving
e patent system as an incentive to
inovation and creativity. They
adually improved their father's
eam-powered elevator through 53
tents of their own. By 1872, Otis
rothers & Co. NWas worth about
00,000. Today, the Otis Elevator
ompany, built on the family paten-
employs more than 50,000 people
nd'does business of more than a
illion dollars a year, IPO reports.

"I REMEMBER they did bring beer
and wine into the dorm," said the for-
mer Stockwell resident. "Of course,
there was always that threat of being
expelled from the dorm or even from
the University, because that was the
"Who's going to enforce those laws,"
should Proposal D pass, queried
Greenberg. "I think that's a big
question - I really wouldn't want to be
part of the University administration."
The Council member indicated she
feels raising the drinking age might ac-
tually tempt those "underage" to drink.
She said lowering the age in 1972
"eliminated some peer pressure"
among teen-agers. "People tend to
want to do what is considered illegal,"
she said.
GREENBERG CALLS the proposed
amendment "a very repressive act,"
and expressed a fear that "other
methods of oppression" might ensue.
"I'd hate to think curfews were next in
line," she sighed.
While many dorm residents are
claiming they'd refuse to set foot in
dornm bashes where booze was absent
from the bill of fare, residence hall em-
ployees such as Fresch are preparing
by "desperately looking for other ideas
for parties."
Ice' cream parties, according to
Fresch, are a possible solution.
"Hopefully, that's going to go over bif,"
said the business school senior. A
make-your-own banana split party is
being planned for Halloween.
SOME STUDENTS, such as Everett,
predict an increase in pot-smoking
should alcohol become taboo.
"I know I'd start smoking pot, though
I don't smoke it now," admitted one
South Quad resident who refused to be
"Now it will be a lot safer to get
caught with a joint than with a beer,"
said Fresch.

FRESCH SAID he hopes a raise in the
drinking age would not result in ten-
sions between the RAs and the students
on their halls.
"I hope I'm not going to be asked to
be a beer runner," he sighed. "But I
know I'm 'not going to patrol the
Some campus residents are predic-
ting a flourishing of the Greek system
as a substitute for dorm life under the
possible new regulation.,
"IT'S ONLY natural people are going
to still want to party," said Phi Gamma
Delta member Kipp Lanman. "If they
can't go to bars or have alcohol at dorm
parties, the fraternity and sorority
system is the only thing left."
Alpha Phi sorority senior Anne
Bonanata said, "I don't think drinking
is such an integral part of Greek life. I
don't think peoplejoin just to party,",
she continued. "As long as seniors are
allowed to drink, whether in an apar-
tment or sorority, there will be liquor at
Carver expressed his disappointment
that the "improvements" that have
been made in Ann Arbor sincethe
drinking age was lowered in 1972, such
as the downtown bar district
renovations and the livelier night life,
would be lost..
Back in 1971, recalls Carver, "there
was no place to go to drink, so you were
just cruising and boozing."

BOGOTA, Colombia (AP) - U.S.
Ambassador Diego Asencio warned
Americans yesterday that Colombia
means business in its threat to shoot
down planes if necessary to smash the
billion-dollar-a-year business of
smuggling drugs to the United States.
"They are loaded for bear and will
really try to do a job up there," the am-
bassador said of the Colombian gover-
nment's war against drug traffickers in
the Guajira Peninsula, which juts into
the C'aribbean.
week it was imposing tight restrictions
for the peninsula in the movement of
aircraft, boats and land traffic.
In an official communique, the
government said any aircraft operating
in the area below 20,000 feet must have
special clearance, and no flights would
be permitted from 5 p.m. until 7 a.m.
Unauthorized planes in the area are
subject to being shot down, the gover-
nment said.
estimated 70 per cent of the cocaine and
about half the marijuana consumed in
the United States comes from Colom-
bia. Most of it leaves from the Guajira
Peninsula by plane or boat. The Colom-
bian government estimates 'there are
about 100 small runways on the penin-
sula used by drug traffickers.
"What I'm concerned about . . . is
that there are going to be people who
won't take it seriously," Asencio said of
Colombia's intention to use air force
fighters to take on the drug traffickers'
planes. "I don't want to be shipping
back the bodies of any dead

The ambassador said the restrictions
were "extraordinary measures" and as
far as he knew it was the first time in
Latin America that a country had
resorted to such control of air space
when rot involved in hostilities with
another country.
EARLIER THIS year the gover-
nment raised the possibility of bombing
the clandestinely operated runways in
the drug smuggling area of northern
Colombia, but nothing ever came of the
President Juli Cer Turbv Av1n

rug traffic \
took office in August, and the current
war against drug trafficking is his idea,
Asencio said.
"I'm not really concerned about the
hard core trafficker, but I am concer-
ned about the jerk who thinks it's a
piece of cake" to haul drugs "and gets
... shot up," the ambassador said. "I
think they're really prepared to do
something in grand style."

made jet fighters.


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Thursday, October 19
12:00 -1:30 pm
In Person
Refreshments Served
t the University Cellar
downstairs in
the Michigan Union
-Death at An Early Age
-The Night is Dark and I am Far From Home
(just released)
-Children of the Revolution


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