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October 19, 1978 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1978-10-19

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l independence t
talks as 'helpful," but ministers said resulting 50-member constituent
they would release no details until assembly would act in a consultative
South Africa decides what it will do. manner, with South Africa continuing
The ministers are Vance, David to administer the territory, also called
Owen of Britain, Hans-Dietrich Gen- Namibia, as it has since 1920.
scher of West Germany, Donald The source said face would be saved
Jamieson of Canada and Olivier Stirn of and South Africa could move on to a
France. U.N.-supervised election next spring.
THEIR COUNTRIES drew up the OTHER SOURCES said the question
U.N. plan providing for a gradual tran- of U.N. troops-South Africa had
sition to independence with U.N.- protested the size of the contingent-
supervised elections in May or June had been largely resolved.
and a U.N. peace-keeping force. The 7,500 troops Secretary-General
South Africa's plan calls for pre- Kurt Waldheim proposed in his report
independence elections Dec. 4-8. on South-West Africa last month would
Sources close to the talks said the key now be a maximum, with actual
proposal left on the table was for South deployment much lower.
Africa to hold the December election, South Africa summoned leaders of
but to call it a referendum instead. The six South-West African political parties
to Pretoria Wednesday as the talks with
the ministers drew to a close. The
leaders left the territory on a special
government flight.
h I eNO REPRESENTATIVE was invited
from the black nationalist South-West
Africa People's Organization, whose
7 rayguerrillas have been carrying on a hit-
bb II and-run war against South African
troops in the territory for 12 year.
r works tonight, The Western source said thatto ease
19-7:30 PM South African concern that black U.N.
troops would appera to identify with

alks end
SWAPO, the contingent would be
largely Canadian with British support.
South Africa wants elections as soon
as possible, fearing the delay incor-
porated in the U.N. plan would give
SWAPO more time to campaign.
SWAPO as the representative of South-
West Africa's one million residents,
most of whom are black.
There is pressure from African and
other Third World and communist
nations to impose economic sanctions
against South Africa if it doesn't accept
the U.N. plan.
The senior U.S. official said he was
hopeful for a breakthrough before the
Oct. 23 deadline set by the U.N..
Security Council for Waldheim to
report back on progress.
South Africa took the territory from
Germany in 1915,during World War I, In
1920, when the old League of Nations
was dividing German territory as war
spoils, it assigned South Africa to ad-
minister the territory. In 1966 the
United Nations rescinded the mandate
but South Africa refused to give it up.
Western diplomats fear that if an in-
ternationally recognized independence
settlement cannot be reached, the
guerrilla war will widen.

Esmail paroled,
to, be, deported'

TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) - Sami
Esmail, an American student convicted
of belonging to a Palestinian guerrilla
organization, has been granted an early
parole and will be deported from Israel
in a few days, his attorney said yester-
Esmail, a Michigan State University
graduate student, was ordered expelled
from Israel with five months left of his
15-month prison sentence, attorney
Felicia Langer said.
SHE SAID the Israeli parole board
acted on a recommendation from the
justice minister. Israeli authorities
could not be reached for comment, but
U.S. Embassy officials confirmed the
Ms. Langer credited "tremendous
pressure'gfrom individuals and
organizations in the United States for
Esmail's release. She said he would be
freed in a few days and then would
leave for the United States.
The attorney said she did not inter-
pret the parole as a gesture by Israel
following the Camp David peace accor-
ds. She said the effort to free Esmail
began 10 months ago.
ESMAIL, 23, was arrested Dec. 21,
1977, when he arrived in Israel to visit
his dying father, who lived in Ramallah
in the occupied West Bank of the Jordan
River. He was convicted in June of
membership in the Popular. Front for
the Liberation of Palestine, a radical
Arab group.
Prosecutors said Esmail received
training at a liberation front camp in
During interrogation by Israeli
authorities, Esmail confessed. He later
said he had been mistreated and coer-

ced and pleaded innocent in court. The
court accepted the confession as
HIS ARREST stirred controversy in
the United States, where Esmail's sup-
porters said he had committed no crime
in Israel and his activities outside
Israel were legal where they occurred.
Under Israeli law, persons may be
tried for anti-Israel offenses committed
anywhere in the world.
Sen. James Abourezk, (D-S.D.),
claimed the FBI supplied Israeli
authorities with information about
Esmail, and he called for an in-
vestigation into alleged violations of
Esmail's civil rights.
ESMAIL WAS eligible for parole af-
ter serving two-thirds of his sentence,
which included time served before his
Ms. Langer said Abourezk and
Esmail's congressman, Rep. Bob Carr,
(D-Mich.), were among 60 prominent
Americans who signed a letter to
Israeli officials requesting Esmail's
Ms. Langer said the expulsion order
bars Esmail from visiting his relatives
in the West Bank.
ESMAIL IS in good health, the attor-
ney said, but has lost about 15 pounds
during imprisonment.
After the parole board session at
Damon Prison in Haifa, Esmail;was
allowed to meet his sister, brother, un-
cle and cousin, who came from their
home in Ramallah. They could not be
reached for comment.
Ms. Langer said Esmail will be tran-
sferred Thursday from Haifa to Ramla
Prison, which is near Tel Aviv's Ben-
Gurion Airport. He will be flown out of
the country in a few days, she said.


PBB-tal nted grain
buried in Ann Arbor,

(Continued from Page 1)
PBB. It came in contact with the
groundwater there and contaminated it
with four parts of PBB per billion. Milk
is considered safely drinkable at five
parts per billion," he said.
"We -are discussing such
a small amount of PBB
that it's not really worth'
talking about."
-William Turnery,
Department chief
State Department
of Natural
Despite assurances that there is no
danger to Ann Arbor area residents,
local politicians are insisting that the
Broadway Shows
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Open Monday and Friday Evenings

area be completely tested for PBB
"We won't take any chances," said
Republican Mayor Louis Belcher.
"They can tell me all they want to, but I
will insist on having the water tested."
ASSISTANT CITY Administrator
Kenney confirmed that the City would
"formally request that the county and
state perform formal tests on the area
very soon."
Councilman Ken Latta (D-First
Ward) said he felt that the disclosure
"indicates the depth of the toxic sub-
stance problem of this state." He
questioned the assumption that since no
other leakage had been found, no PBB
has leaked out.
"They are assuming that the
solubility of PBB is the same as other
chemicals," he said. Latta also said
that it was his understanding that the
landfill was not lined with clay all over,
but lined on the bottom with irregular
thicknesses of clay. "It is not a total
protection," he said.
The possibility of water con-
tamination is considered to be much
more likely in Lenawee County by state
officials. In June of 1974 an estimated
2.8 pounds of PBB was buried with 30.4
tons of grain near Adrian.
Officials have ordered an immediate
water testing program there.

New direct Mideast
negotiations scheduled

NOON LUNCHEON: Friday, Oct. 20
present a slide show and discussion
on the eleventh world festival of
students and youth in Havana, Cuba
GUILD HOUSE-8o2 Monroe

Israel scheduled new direct
negotiations yesterday, amid American.
assurances that all was going well in
the peace talks between them.
The direct talks, scheduled for late in
the afternoon, followed almost two days
during which the United States talked
separately with each side, including
meetings between President Carter and
each delegation.
"THE MEETINGS were productive,
and we're hopeful the progress will con-
tinue," said George Sherman, the of-
ficial spokesman for the conference. He
refused to discuss in detail what the
negotiators were talking about.
Sherman continued an American ef-
fort to minimize the impact of commen-
ts made Tuesday by Israeli Foreign
Minister Moshe Dayan after the
Israelis met separately with Carter.
Dayan said the negotiations had en-
countered difficulties and had turned to
Carter for help.
"WE'VE NEVER disagreed with the
fact that there were difficulties,"
Sherman said. But he said the meeting
with Carter was not extraordinary and
did not come about because of a crisis.
"There are no unresolved problmes
that are insurmountable."
Sherman refused to speculate on
when the talks might end.
Yesterday morning, there were
separate talks between the American
delegation and the Egyptians, followed
by talks between U.S. officials and the
Sherman said the head of the State
Department's legal bureau, Herbert
Hansell, was involved in both meetings.
His involvement has been an indication
in the past of an effort to draft language
for the proposed treaty after some
agreement in principle has been
THE ISRAELI delegation spent the
early afternoon at Georgetown Univer-
sity where Simcha Dinitz, the outgoing
Israeli ambassador to the United

States, was awarded an honorary
In a speech, Dinitz gave no details of
the negotiations, but indicated that
Israel has not changed its position on
the emotional issue of the future of
Jerusalem. The Camp David accords
do not address the Jerusalem question.
"Jerusalem has never experienced a
greater freedom of worship and access
to all religions than today. For 29 cen-
turies it was one city and for 19 years it
was artificially divided. Now it is one,
never to be divided again, and while
being the capital of Israel it will con-
tinue to provide inspiration to all people
of all religions," Dinitz said.

Din itz
ISRAELI POLICY has been to reject
suggestions that Jerusalem be par-
titioned or that it be made an inter-
national city and no longer the seat of
Israeli government.
Dinitz also defended the Camp David
decision to pursue a separate Egyp-
tian-Israeli peace.
"Surely the goal was and remains a
comprehensive peace in the Middle
East," he said. "But to convert this
goal into tactics and assume that unless
a comprehensive peace is achieved in
one move, no movement should take
place at all, is to stifle any progress and
to block any advance on the road to

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