Gar teach-in hits homophobia The Michigan Daily-Thursday, October 19, 1978-Page_5 Ladies' night may violate law by A)RIENNE LYONS Providig the opportunity for everyone b gain awareness of gay issues, tle first Ann Arbor Gay Lifestylet Conference will begin tonight atthe Michigan Union. The coference offers the chance to study he role of gays in society through rarious workshops, films and concrts. ORGAHZERS of the conference explaine their reasons for having the prognm. "This country is going more aid more right-wing and fascist.' ur purpose is to tell people that the have nothing to'fear (from gays),"said Kathi Timmons, of the LesbianAdvocates Office. Timmons said homophobia (the fear of homosexuals) is very strong, in Anr Arbor even though the cam- pus has a liberal reputation. Tim- mons ited torn-down-drag banners that ware advertising the conference as an example of homophobia. "Hdnosexuals aren't seen as being oppressed by (heterosexual) people. Even in view of the Dade County ordinance, gays aren't seen as a minority," Timmons said. THE CONFERENCE also provides a chance for local.gays to meet each other. "Within any group, there are people you'd like to be with. This conference will give peopel who don't get out much a chance to meet people and find out what's going on. It's to let people know they aren't alone, and that everyone, has questions (about their sexuality)," Timmons said., The conference is being funded by several different groups. Michigan Student Assembly (MSA) and the Literary College's student gover- nment (LSA-SG) both donated $500. The Pilot . Program donated $100, and the Women's Studies depar- tment and the American Civil Liber- ties Union (ACLU) each contributed $50. "We expected more difficulty in obtaining -funds," said Martina Myers, the head of the fund-raising department for the conference. "There's been a slight shift in opinion. People are seeing more benefits from the Gay Advocates Of- fice," Myers added. MYERS'SAID the People's Action Coalition (PAC) was a large influen- ce in getting MSA's support. Accor- ding to Myers, last year MSA gave no financial support to the Human Sexuality Office's activities. Tonight's feature is a film, entitled "A Very Natural Thing." Workshops begin tomorrow morning and will cover such topics as "Justice is Blind" which focusesoh the legal problems facing gays, and "Sexism in the Movement," which will discuss how gays oppress each- other. Most of the workshop facilitators are members of the Ann Arbor gay community. Friday night Charlie Murphy, a male singer and songwriter, will be featured in concert. Sunday night, singers Ginni Clemens and Ami Pierce will perform for the con- ference. FIGHTS GERONTOLOGY 'MESS': pro By T'OM MIRGA University social woik Prof. Howard Jo escribed the current stte of some two thous logy programs across ;he country "a complic say the least." "Ten years ago,' Johnson said, "only a han rograrms existed, none of which were degree p ut a renaissance of itterest in the subject has ithin the last few fears, particularly on th mpuses. "These ew programs have spr pidly," the professr said, "that many in the e quality and coitent of these programs estionable." "IT WAS IN THIScontext that Johnson, wh ssociation for (erontology in HigherI 'Take a lcwk right here in A bor, wherethe Ann Arbor Tr tation Autlority plans to disc its Dial-A-kde service. For m the city's ellerly, it is their o to the outsile. Take that aw what's left fer them?" -T-Prof. HowardJ (AGHE) acceptd the position of heading nationwide studyhat he hopes will help defin for education prorams in the field. The study, whuh is being co-sponsore'd by and the Gerontolgical Society, has just enter month. "Over oe hundred experts in the fie tology have beeuidentified," said Johnson, "a now being survyed in an attempt to find essential knowldge and what is of secondar Jon Johnson speks from a position of autho Johnson speks from a position of autho problems of th nation's aged. he not only is th of AGHE, bufalso the director of the Univ stitute of Geritology, one of the country's ol of research atd study on aging. JOHNSONCITED health and the cost of he services, hosing and transportation as just. eadings tudy areas in which major problems for the elderly exist. ihnson has "Take a look right here in Ann Arbor, where the Ann and geron- Arbor Transportation Authority plans to discontinue it's ated mess, Dial-A-Ride service. For many of the city's elderly, it is their only link to the outside. Take that away, and what's dful of such left for them?" )rograms." Johnson also pointed out shortcomings in federally sprung up sponsored nutrition programs for the aged. "We spend a he nation's hell of a lot of money on these programs," he said, "but ung up so not much in the way of basic research has been done on e field feel the subject of nutrition for the aged. No one has a clear is highly idea if the program is meeting it's goals or not." o heads the IT IS HOPED that the study will help to clear up some of Education those problems, according to Johnson. "We are trying to come up with recommendations for use by those in- Inn A r- stitutions that are in or planning to enter the business of gerontology," he said. "Our objective is to see if there is a anspor- consensus on what might be described as a 'core' ontinue knowledge base for the field and a secondary base for those people active in the field." A lany of Johnson said the study team of twelve top experts in the nly link field are looking for a "distilling" of ideas from the results of the survey, which will be carried out in three parts over !ay and the upcoming months. The University currently sponsors a graduate study in gerontology, in which students may enroll in the Specialist lohn on in Aging Certificate Program. The University does not of- fer a single degree in the field, instead allowing students a two year to specializ f sg&t logy while earfin a degree in the e guidelines ._ field of their ' 'il' . , JOHNSON SAID he favors this system, believing that y the AGHE "there is not a sufficient distinctive body of knowledge to ed its eighth warrant a separate degree program, nor is there an ld of geron- adequately defined set of skills needed to work with the and they are elderly. out what is "We are literally taking food and medicine out of the y importan- mouths of those aged people living on fixed incomes," said Johnson. "They face a large number of problems, and rity lon the those problems are far more inter-related than those of any other age goup." rity on' the"We may be able to predict the size of the older he president population in the year 2000, but we can't predict it's versity's In- health, housing or other needs," the professor said. It will dest centers be up to the educators of the country to broaden the scope of their studies, Johnson said, and intensify "a greater alth related sensitivity to the problems and potential of the aged a few of the among all students in all fields of study." (Continued from Page 1) he said. "The people coming in cer- tainly don't object." Rogers also said the bar has no plans for a Mens' Night. - ONLY ONE other Ann Arbor bar con- tacted offers a similar discount. Don Cisco's, 611 Church, also admits women free on Tuesday night, according to manager Tom Gotler. Gotler said he was not aware of any legal restrictions against such Neutron bomb one step closer (Continued from Page 1) preserving the option of building the bomb but delaying a final decision on its deployment. In addition, Reston said, Carter or- dered the production and stockpiling of some, but not all,"of the components needed to convert the newtshells and warheads into neutron weapons. Reston would not say how quickly the new shells and warheads could be con- verted to neutron weapons. Other department sources, speaking privately, said it could be done quickly, but they refused to specify a time period. Defense Secretary Harold Brown flew to Europe this week to inform the European allies directly involved in the neutron bomb controversy of the President's decision, State Department officials said. .1 is preserved on AVAILABLE AT: The Michigan Daily Studehf Putblicndtion Bnld. 420raynardtreet AND Graduate Library promotions. "I've never had the question raised," he said. L. G. Fenerli, owner of the Rubaiyat restaurant and bar, 102 S. First Street, said his club does not offer any such promotional evenings. "I don't think anyone would dare to do it because it's illegal," he said. CLINT CASTOR, owner of the Village Bell, 1321 S. University, said his restaurant does not have Ladies' Nights, but has had them in the past. "At some time we called it that (Ladies Night). I don't know why we don't have it any more," he said. The Village Bell has whiskey sour night on Mondays, and, according to Castor, more women than men drink them, but "anyone may get the drink for $1.00." Denise Duggan, manager of the Spaghetti Bender, 23 N. Washington in Ypsilanti, said that the bar has Men's night on Wednesday and Ladies' Night on Thursday. "THESE NIGHTS are better public relations for the bar because more of the opposite. sex show up," she ex- plained. 1 lakad FREE f 10 black, andwhite copies or buy 1 color photo t-shirt transfer and get another copy of it free. We can put anything on a t-shirt (from prints, 35mm slides, album covers or your artwork, etc.) DOLLAR BILL COPYING Specialists for Dissertations and Resumes Next to Sec of State above Don Cisco's Expires 11-20-78# 611 Church St.-665-9200 -*** * *** *** ** * *** Department of Journalism presents, Louis Filler Antioch Un:versity * Whiskey Ring and Watergate:Dnamics in* * Muckraking and Social Reform* Thursday, Oct. 19-3:10 p.m. x Natural Science Aud. *- . Anyone may get a discounted drink at the Spaghetti Bender on Men's Night just by asking, according to Duggan. On Ladies' Night, Duggan said, women are given a card when they enter, which is used for a discount. She also said this policy might be reconsidered. The Daily ran an advertisement for Ladies' Night at Second Chance on Tuesday, and, according to Daily business manager Nancy Grau, will not do so in the future. "We can't run an ad like that because it's discriminatory," she said. Any ad which sets limits on a group of people is illegal, and a newspaper may refuse to run the ad, added Grau. If a local establishment is accused of violating the ordinance, the city attor- ney would prosecute. The maximum punishment is a fine of up to $500 and 90 days in jail, according to Marshall. A spokesperson from the state depar- tment of civil rights cited a recent case against a car wash owner who offered aiscount prices to women. The case eventually was resolved when the owner changed to a "People Day," where everyone got discount rates. DECEMBER GRADS! ,COmmencement wi llbe held on December 17, 1978 ALL CAP & GOWN orders MUST BE PLACED BY NOVEMBER 15 LATE 'ORDERS are subject availability and $2 late fee. to Budget director slams Tisch plan E-. Z Wu N- NA N Hu 1Z !- NA NA 2 Ou 7 H N~ STUDENTS STUDENTS STUDENTS SecoM Smw DOWN VEST 2 outside zip pockets 2 inside pockets high jacket collar long bock $24 406 E. Liberty-663-6771 1'/% blocks West of State St. STUDENTS STUDENTS STUDENTS C M f1 C C O m t -4 u+ Gown Rental $6.75 $7.50 BACHELOR MASTER Hood Rental $5.75 Deposit $2.00 $2.00 I DOCTOR $8.00 All orders must be prepaidI MON.-THURS. 9-9 FRI. 9-5:30 $6.50 $2.00 IN FULL when placed. SAT. 10-5 Total $11.75 $18.25 $19.50 SUN. 12-5 L' - r MARQVETTE (UPI) - State Budget irector Gerald Miller said yesterday enters = 35 per cent of all Michigan ouseholds - will be fleeced by ap- roval of ?roposal J, the Tisch Tax Cut mendment. "Renters are going to end up paying ignificanly more if Proposal J passes, iller told Upper Peninsula reporters nd community leaders at a tax feform orum. PROPOSAL J author Robert Tisch aid even though their income taxes ill rise, renters will benefit because heir landlords will lower their rents. ut Miller said lower rents are im- r obably and renters will be stuck with harply increased income taxes levied omake up for the $1.7 billion property x cut. He said expecting landbrds to lower ents is "like asking a rabbit to take a iece of lettuce to a friend - it just on't happen." Miller said many honeowners expec- i ig to benefit from Psoposal J, which ould slice property tax assessments in lf, may be in fot a sad surprise cause they also wil lose $300 million n property tax credis.' A SENIOR CITI|N with a $6,000 in- come and a $600 tax bill "will get ab- olutely no relief under proposal J," filler said. A couple makiig $10,000 and paying 00 in property taxes, he said, will end ~p paying $80 nmare in net taxes under amendment to the Constitution. Tisch and fellow tax crusader Richard Headlee would not say how they'll, vote on the other two tax proposals. 6 HEADLEE, AUTHOR of Proposal E, the Headlee Tax Limitation Amen- dment, did say, however, he was misquoted by news reports that, he favored the Tisch plan. "He can't give you a tax cut - only a tax shift," Headlee said of Tisch. Headlee's proposal would prohibit government spending from growing at a rate faster than citizens' personal in- come. It would not reduce current taxes. Robert Lytle, author of the so-called voucher plan for school funding, said.he supports the Headlee Amendment and "the jury's still out" on Tisch. Under the voucher plan - Proposal H - all property taxes used for school funding, about 65 per cent of the total property tax bill, would be repealed. The legislature, presumably through the income tax, would be forced to devise a new method of school funding. comp~uter careers Corn uter Careers aAmdahL. VvhereYour IdectaaeVlbe a conerence exploring Sexual Orientation sponsored by Office of Student Programs Human Sexuality Office a weekend of workshops, concerts, films workshops: Michigan Union 9 AM-5 PM Friday, Oct. 20-Sunday, Oct. 22 CONCERTS: FRIDAY, OCT. 20-Canterbury Loft, 332 S. State St. CHARLIE MURPHY-gay male singer and Time: 9 PM, songwriter in concert. donations accepted CO-SPONSORED BY CANTERBURY LOFT SATURDAY, OCT. 21-(location to be announced) Computer professionals are aware that to- day's most advanced large-system tech- nology was developed by a company that, not too long ago, was virtually unknown. It was during late 1975 that the company first attracted widespread industry attention. Now, Amdahl is a major contender in the large systems market: a group of highly tal- ented high technologists producing the world's highest performing general purpose. computers, the V/5, V/6 and V/7. With a worldwide installed base of 470 series sys- tems rapidly approaching a half-billion dollars. Although we are growing at a rapid pace, we are committed to retaining the same creative environment that characterized the company when we began. We are still small by computer industry comparisons. We are still friendly. 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