LSEI fcademic* udiciary Interviews unday, October 22 Sign-up sheet at 4001 LSA nt Government Office, Michigan Union *********** * Page 2-Thursday, October 19, 1978-The Michigan Daily HEW announces grants for U library, IPPS City attorney BEER & COCKTAILS By JOHN SINKEVICS Two separate grants which will aid the University's library system and the Institute of Public PolicyStudies (P- PS) were announced yesterday by the U.S. Department of Health, Education,; and Welfare (HEW). The first is a grant of $3,855 to the University Library for the purchase of additional books, periodicals, and documents. It was awarded under the College Library Resources Title II-A Program. The second grant, a $45,00 allotment was awarded to the IPPS to support graduate studies in public ser- vice. THE IPPS grant is divided into two areas: institutional awards and fellowship awards. The University will use the institutional awards to design graduate courses in public policy and service, as well as to provide for travel and salaries of some IPPS faculty members. The fellowship awards have been given to five graduate students to cover the costs of 12 months of study - $3,900. This is the fourth year that the University has received this grant, but because of the growing number of in- stitutions participating in the program, the amount which has been allocated is $20,000 less than that of last year. "We're disappointed that we're get- ting less this year, but we expected it to happen," said Jack Walker, Director of IPPS. "But because of the University's own stringent budget restrictions, this sum is still very important." THE UNIVERSITY is one of 74 colleges and universities around the country who will receive the public ser- vice grant. The money is provided by the Education for the Public Service Program, through which a total of $4 million is being awarded in 1978. Walker said that the grant is in- strumental in making the University's public service program one of the best in the country. "When this grant program first started four years ago, this University was the only one in the country receiving funds," he said. "I'd say we're (IPPS) successful, if you use student placement as a measure. All of our students get placed, and many have several offers from a num- ber of agencies." THE LIBRARY grant is part of a $10 million program initiated by the HEW to help make a greater number of resources available to post-secondary students. The office of the Director of the University Library said that 50 per cent of this grant will be used to pur- chase materials concerning minorities and urban development, and the remaining funds will be allocated for more general materials. . For the first time in 12 years, the library grants also are going to public and private nonprofit agencies which make resources available to college and university students. The Center for Creative Studies and the Cranbrook Academy of Art are the only two in- stitutions in the Detroit area which have received such funds. DOWNTOWN finds no BY JUDY RAKOWSKY City Attorney Bruce Laidlaw said yesterday that no conflict of interest was involved in City Council's resolution Monday night to approve the issuance of a $3.1 million bond to build a parking structure behind Ann Arbor Bank and Trust Co.'s Liberty Street branch. Laidlaw was responding to an inquiry from Councilman Earl Greene (D- Second Ward) about the bank's em- ployment of Councilmen Clifford Sheldon (R-Third Ward) and David Fisher (F-Fourth Ward. SHELDON IS a commercial loan of- ficer and Fisher is a certified public ac- countant for the bank. Both said Tuesday that they, did not feel a conflict was involved with their votes. The contract which Council voted on was between the city and the local building authority. The city must pur- chase some land from the bank if it carries out its present plan, Laidlaw said he did not find a conflict of interest in the resolution to approve the bonding for two reasons: * Ann Arbor Bank is not a party to the contract approved, and; " Under the state's conflict of in- terest statute, affiliation with public bodies is exempted. Laidlaw said he would advise Council not to accept the votes of Sheldon and Fisher if a vote to purchase the land from the bank comes before Council. The bonding proposal was sent to the Municipal Finance Commission in Lan- sing yesterday for consideration of Ann Arbor's financial capability in handling the bond. Mayor Louis Belcher said the com- mission will be looking at the revenue generated by the local parking system and the city's bond debt ceiling. He ad- 1 conf lict ded that construction details will b disregarded by the commission, whoa only concern is the city's financi health. Belcher said, "I never had a proble with those guys voting on that." went on to say that if a vote on p4 chasing the land from the bank com up, "I wouldn't allow them (Sheld and Fisher) to vote.'" LAIDLAW SAID consideration of t conflict was "messier than normal because "we have a pretty pathetical weak conflict of interest statute." explained that conflict of interest wi rigidly defined in the state's Politic Reform Act, but because of the way was passed, the Supreme Court thr4 out the entire law. Laidlaw added that Ann Arbor's c' charter defines a conflict as a contra which would directly serve an i dividual's financial interest, but it superceded by state law. Wh:ile the bonding proposal is beif considered in Lansing, Belcher said will try to iron out the details of U plan, which includes negotiating wi the bank and private developers w, may add housing to the top of the str ture. According to Belcher, the ba, negotiations should take about 30 da and the bond should be acted on in next 45 days. The lack of housing or another ditional use for the structure in present plan are the reasons Democrats give for their oppositic Belcher acknowledged that he will ha to enlist bi-partisan support in order approve the plan that eventually cor to Council for approval. At least three Democrats will have vote with the Republicans in order approve the plan, if a purchase frc the bank is involved. liIERING YOU WEAR FOREVER WVILL SAVE YFOU $10 RIGHT NOW. ENGINE E RING SEN109S McDonnell Douglas Corporation is one of the Nation's lead- ing engineering firms. Our goal is to continue to excel by developing state-of-the-art methods and equipment. Together with other engineers, you can contribute to the de- velopment of Advanced Electronic Systems and Mechanical Systems by using the most advanced techniques.1 You have spent several years to attain your degree-spend 30 minutes with a McDonnell Douglas representative and let us show you how to turn that degree into a career.- The McDonnellDouglas Representative will be at your campus on: Thursday and Friday October 26 and 27, 1978 Make an appointment through your Placement Office to talk to us about your future. MCDONNELL.. DOU/GLAS An Equal Opportunity Employer U.S. Citizenship Required CONp'O'a Oy JOSI~f f ATKALCOLLEGE WEK. OCTOBER16-21. ME B ST . ,-z MORE THAN A BOOKSTORE 543 East University 662-3201 Birth control may have WASHINGTON (AP)-The world's tinuing fertility decline, the aut' population time bomb, expected to say. begin exploding in the 1980s, may have IN INDONESIA, for example the begn defused by birth control'programs tility rate between 1968 and 1975 dr' in some of the most populous nations, ped 29 per cent, or from 6.5 to 4.6 bir two Chicago sociology professors said per' woman of child-bearing age, yesterday. authors say. In a report titled "Declining World They claim that a key'factor beh Fertility: Trends, .Causes, Implica- the fertility decline has been fam tions," demographers Amy Ong Tsui- planning movements in developi and Donald J. Bogue of the University countries. By 1976, 63 countries in t of Chicago write that in most developing world had launched th developing countries, birth rates have own family planning programs, t been declining faster than expected. ' authors say. "ONLY 10 years ago, doomsday They add that in 1976 almost $1 billi prophesizing called for mass star- was provided to developing countri vation, world chaos and possible world for family planning services war by tfle year 2000," the report says. numerous private foundations a "If recent trends continue, the world national organizations in the develol population crisis appears resolvable." world. The report says that contrary to demographic predictions, the world's average rate of childbearing declined THE MICHIGAN DAILY significantly between 1968 and 1975.,As Volume LIx No.37 a result, the authors estimate, in 148 i Thursday. October 19.,1978 a reult th auhor estmat, i 14 isedited and managed by students at the Univers countries the rate dropped from 4.6 to of Michigan. News phone 764-0562. Second cl 4.1 births per woman of child-bearing postage is paid at Ann Arbor, Michigan 40 in these seven Published daily Tuesday through Sunday morn age teyears.during the University year at 420 Maynard st4 Some of the most populated countries Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109. Subscription rates' which were viewed as seedbeds for September through April (2semesters) $13 by m outside Ann Arbor. population explosion, such as China, Summer session published through Saturt India, Indonesia and Egypt, were morning. Subscription rates: $6.50 in Ann Arbx showing evidence of major and con- ____bymailoutsideAnnArbor. . .. .. WING A JC U How would Freud relate to Cinci? Cold.Yet warming. Hearty, full-bodied flavor. Yet smooth and easy going down. And, Cinci Cream develops a big head on contact. Conflict. Conflict. Trauma. Trauma. Freud's diagnosis? We think he would have said, "It's too good to gulp:" And you will, too. In the final analysis. How hiring you can cost somebody $45,300 93,000,000 Americans now hold jobs. But that won't mean much when you look for a job, yourself. You'll have tough competition. You're among 17,000,000 more Americans looking for work over the next ten years. That's how many new jobs America must create, including yours. It's going to cost a lot of money. Before you get a dime of salary, whoever hires you will have to buy tools, office space, factory equipment and buildings-the things it takes to let you do your job. The average cost to companies is now $45,300 for each joIb. We don't mean you can't be hired until your employer finds exactly $45,300. You might walk into an existing job. But don't count on it. Not with 17,000,(X)0 competitors. Some companies can hire you for less than $45,300. But others-heavy industry, for instance-need much more, At Armco, our cost is now $57,520 a job. That money must come from whatever a company has left over after expenses. In other words, from profits. A company might borrow against future profits to make you a job. But still, profits pay for jobs because that's the only source companies have. If you asked your friends how much the average U.S. company clears in profits on each dollar of sales, chances are many of them would guess 25 or more. The truth is 5C or less. That's not much to put to work to make new jobs. Plain talk about PROFITS Over our company's 78-year history, Armco has averaged 5C profit on each dollar of sales. We pay out part of our earnings immediately in dividends to Armco's 100,000share- holders. So out of each nickel, we have perhaps 3 left to invest in new jobs. Building $57,520 jobs-3C at a time-is tough. At this rate, we must sell another $1,918,000 worth of products and ser- vices to clear enough money for a single new job. That's why better profits are important. They make more jobs. Even Government jobs. The Government's money comes from taxes on all of us who work. Next time some know-it-all. sneers at business, ask him what he'd do without it. He's sneering at his own job chances, and yours. Let us hear YOUR plain talk about jobs! We'll send you a free booklet if you do Does our message make sense to you? We'd like to know what you think. Your personal experiences. 'ilFacts to prove or disprove our point. Drop us a line. We'd like your plain talk. For telling us your thoughts, we'llsend you more informa- tion on issues affecting jobs. Plus Armco's famous handbook, How to Get a Job. It answers 50 key questions you'll need to know. Use it to set yourself apart, above the crowd. Write A rmco, Educational Relations Dept. U-1, General Offices, Middletown, Ohio 45043. Be sure to include a stamped, self-addressed business-size envelope. ':: ,.., .. .E...: '..:4 .-:7