THE, STANDS See Editorial Page hie Sirn Iai1 FALLISH- High-54 Low--40 See Today for details Vol. LIX, No.37 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, October 19, 1978 Ten Cents Fourteen Pages Regen By MICHAEL ARKUSH Five of the eight University Regents have in- dicated that the 'banks and corporations holding University investments in South Africa are acting progressively to enhance the social, political and economic rights of the country's non-whites. The five Regents added it is extremely doub- tful that they will vote dujring today's meeting, to change their current policy which opposes University divestiture from South Africa. THE UNIVERSITY'S governing body based its conclusions on'a summary of responses made by the banks and corporations regarding their lan and investment policies. Responding to a University questionnaire, the majority of banks and corporations main- tained that their presence in South Africa has ts endorse S. African ho had a beneficial effect on the nation's non- whites and that divestiture could cripple its economy, provoking racial terror. Most of the corporations said they have af- firmed the Sullivan Principles, a set of guidelines written by Rev. Leon Sullivan, a member of the Board of Directors of the General Motors Corporation, which are inten- ded to promote equality among the employees of American corporations in South Africa. SPECIFICALLY, THE corporations said they are working to desegregate their work facilities, provide equal pay for all workers, in- crease the number of blacks in supervisory positions, and fund the education of many of the non-white employees' children. The bank executives said they would not discount the possibility of any further loans to the country's private sector. Most of them in- dicated they have ceased any loans to the South African government but loans to businesses and individuals would continue. The Regents voted in March to adopt a resolution to ask the corporations if they follow the Sullivan Principles and request infor- mation from the banks concerning their loan and investment policies. THE BOARD IS expected to review officially the responses during today's meeting. But the members' preliminary remarks indicate it is likely the banks and corporations will be praised and University investments will con- tinue. "I think that all the corporations have sub- stantially taken affirmative action along the steps we had requested. It seems that they are acting very constructively to end apartheid in South Africa," said Regent Thomas Roach (D- Detroit). Regent Deane Baker (R-Ann Arbor) added that the information received from the banks and corporations will probably not change the board's opposition to divestiture despite possible pressure which may ensue from University interest groups favoring with- drawal of U.S. corporate activity in South Africa. "SINCE THEY follow the standards we asked of them, I don't think there will be any change in our general policy," said Baker. Regents Paul Brown (D-Petoskey), Sarah Power (D-Ann Arbor), and David Laro (R- Flint) agreed with Baker and Roach. Board members Robert Nederlander (D- Birmingham) and James Waters (D- Muskegon) said they have not read the respon- ses thoroughly enough to make a comment. idings Regent Gerald Dunn (D-Lansing) was unavailable for comment. Baker also said that he believes the Regents have conducted a very comprehensive study on the divestiture issue. Kate Rubin, an active member of the Washtenaw County Coalition Against Apar- theid (WCCAA), said yesterday that the organization plans to protest against the Regents during tomorrow's meeting. She said the group is preparing a very "creative" program to illustrate its discontent with the Regents' decision. "The Regents just heard what they wanted the banks and corporations to tell them. They were just looking for nice letters and not con- crete explanations of things they're doing to liberate the people of South Africa," said Rubin. PBB-tainted ; grain buried at Dafly Photo by MAUREEN O'MALLEY REGENTAL CANDIDATE Gilbert Bursley addresses a question from the audience while flanked by his opponents Paul Brown and James Waters. Regental candidates lackluster 'City! By KEVIN ROSEBOROUGH The Ann Arbor City Landfill was the burial site of two and one-half tons of PBB-tainted grain in June of 1974, it was revealed this week. The disclosure was made by Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR) officials testifying at a state Senate hearing on poly-brominated biphenals (PBB). PBB, a toxic chemical used as a fire retardant, entered the food chain after' accidentally being mixed with cattle feed in 1973. ACCORDING TO William Turney, DNR environmental department chief, their department became aware of the burial only this week. "Recently discovered agricultural records con- firmed that some contaminated grain was taken from the Washtenaw"Farm and Garden Center in Dexter and taken to the Ann Arbor Landfill," he said. "It was estimated that there was about one and one-half ounces of PBB in two and one-half tons of grain." City authorities were notified on Tuesday. Washtenaw County Health Department engineer Barry Johnson said that he was not .aware of the existence of PBB in the landfill until contacted then by Turney. Johnson said, that he had, however, discussed PBB with DNR representatives in the past. "OTHER (LOCAL) dumping, in much higher concentrations, was discussed about one year ago, but never carried out," said Johnson. "At that time, there was no mention of any previous dumping." The City Land Fill, located just south of Ann Arbor on Ellsworth and Platt Roads, was constructed with a clay lining several feet thick, said Ann, Ar- bor Assistant City Administrator Patrick Kenney. He reported that recently the landfill was considered as a dumping ground for 'sludge con- taminated with poly-chlorinated biphenyl (PCB), another toxic chemical. In order to test the safety of the containment for this purpose, the local groundwaters were tested for chemical seepage from the landfill. "Nothing (no leaking) was discovered in those tests, taken two or three months ago," said Kenney. He admitted that the waters were not tested specifically for PBB, but since no other leakage was discovered, authorities "were confident (no PBB) has been leaking." EVEN IF the PBB had leaked out, claimed Turney, its dangers to local residents would be negligible. "We are discussing such a small amount of PBB that it's not really worth talking about," he said. He offered as evidence the case of dumpings in Gratiot County. THERE, HE said, "The Michigan Chemical Company deposited 80 tons of See PBB, PageS Neutron bomb' andfill By MITCH CANTOR A lackluster debate between the four Regental candidates in the Union last night reflected the low-key campaigns run by the men vying for two open spots on the eight member board. Appearing on the public discussion panel were incumbents Paul Brown (D-Petoskey) and James Waters (D-Muskegon) as well as challengers John Axe (R-Detroit) and retiring state Senator Gilbert Bursley (R-Ann Arbor). THE EVENT, sponsored by the student groups groups, the Mad Hatter's Tea Party, the Rackham Student Government, and the 'Michigan Student Assembly (MSA), allowed for brief statements by the candidates at the begin- ning and the end of the program with the bulk of the two-hour session reserved for questions from the audience. The major consideration presented by each of the four candidates in their opening statements was the University's economic status. Axe, a Detroit attorney challenging the in- cumbents, attacked the state ballot proposals. "If one or more of these pass I can see the University in a very serious condition," Axe said. BROWN ALSO hit the University's financial woes, insisting that "the annual appropriation (from state and federal governments) has not kept pace with our costs." Discussing the presidential selection process, Axe, Brown, and Bursley encouraged par- ticipation by all sectors of the University. Waters, however, spoke out in favor of allowing all groups to know who the candidates are to be considered by the Regents.- WHEN THE ISSUE of ongoing hearings bet- ween the Graduate Employees Organization (GEO) and the University came up, opinion among the candidates differed more than on most other issues. Waters reaffirmed his previous stand suppor- ting the union. "I would advocate bargaining with all employees whether unionized or nonunionized," he said. Axe also gave his support to the groups, saying he "would not object to the unionization of that group (graduate student assistants) if they voted' to do so." Brown and Bursley did not give definite sup- port to GEO. On the issue of divesting University funds from American corporations in South Africa, each candidate defended the Regents decision this March asking all corporations in which the University has an investment to abide by the Sullivan Principles, a set of guidelines designed to discourage discrimination. one stel WASHINGTON (AP) - President Carter has ordered production of the crucial components of the neutron weapon, but has not decided whether to go ahead with final production of the controversial weapon or its deployment, his chief spokesperson said yesterday. White House press secretary Jody Powell said that once the weapon's elements are produced, "it will take much less time" to assemble the weapon. The spokesman said he did not expect Carter's decision to have any impact on the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty being negotiated. Asked why Carter made the decision now, Powell replied: "We're simply ready to proceed now. To have engaged in a long delay would have nQ doubt closer been the subject of much speculation." Carter announced on April 7 that, he had decided to defer production and that his decision would be influenced by the degree of Soviet restraint in conven- tional and nuclear arms programs. At that time, he ordered the Pentagon to proceed with modernizing the Lance missile nuclear warhead and an eight- inch artillery shell - the neutrons weapons - "leaving open the option of installing the enhanced radiation elements." Powell said at the daily White House news briefing that the "crucial elemen- ts" needed to create the actual weapon would be kept in the United States. At the State Department, spokesman Thomas Reston said Carter was "doing now what he said he would do in April," See NEUTRONPage 5 STUDENTS THREA TEN TO BREAK LA W: Age hike won't reduce drinking Ladies' night discount S 1 may vioua( By BETH ROSENBERG and DAVID GOODMAN Ladies' nights have proven popular in area bars - they offer a chance for in- creased business and social activity - and they als aperto be illegal. Under state law, no one can be denied the use of facilities and advantages of public accommodations on the basis of religion, race, color, age, sex, marital status, or national origin. AN ANN ARBOR human rights or- dinance also prohibits such discrimination; however, no action is being taken against these establish- state iaw drugstore discounts to the elderly, and the cover charges in bars. "IF WE INVESTIGATED every one of these (as discriminatory), they would all be blown out of proportion and there would be no discounts." Second Chance, 516 E. Liberty, offers a Ladies' Night every Tuesday. It eliminates the cover charge for all women. "It's a very popular thing for us. It fills up the house," said manager Dave Rogers. "Everybody likes it (Ladies' Night). It's nice for women because there's no cover, and it'snice for men because Th ursday ' The possibility of' a legal conflict of interest on City Coun- cil was dispelled by the City At- torney, see story, Page 2. " A preview of the Gay teach- in, which begins tonight, see story, Page 5. * Former MSU student Sami Esmail was paroled and will be deported from Israel. See story, Page 8. " Five Western foreign By ELISA ISAACSON This November may bring some revamping of the local bars, a drastically lower turn-out at dorm par- ties and an increase in parking lot drinking. But according to local bar owners, dormitory directors and students alike, one thing hiking the drinking age to 21 will not do is curb the consumption of alcohol by 18-20-year-olds. "We'll just buy it illegally," declared South Quad sophopmore Dave Masson, claiming he knows of "tons of stores" that would serve underaged students. "Just because someone said they (students) can't drink, doesn't mean they aren't going to," said West Quad RA Joe Fresch. "It's kind of naive to think that." MOST STUDENTS who remember what it was like to be below the line of "IF THEY have to, the dorm students will drink in their rooms," R.A. Fresch said. "If they want to get drunk, they'll send a friend out to get them something." 'Just because someone said they (students) can't drink doesn't mean they aren't going to. it's kind of naive to think that.' - West Quad RA Joe Fresch manager Bob Storer, adding, "It's hard to say how much business we'll lose," because the now-popular student hang- out might attract an "older crowd" if teen-agers are barred, he said. "Many people, when they turn 21, decide they don't want younger people in the bar and say 'Get them out of here'," Storer explained. Some establishments, such as Second Chance, are considering changing the atmosphere if the proposal passes. "We've thought about it quite a bit," said owner/manager John Carver. Carver said some of the options the nightclub's management has come up with are expanding the menu and making Second Chance into a "giant restaurant," converting itninto a disco, or staging a lot of national concert acts. BUT THESE PLANS are made reluc- tow,+y itnnr,.Ain a o Oarvn. At lianoS