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September 07, 1978 - Image 49

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The Michigan Daily, 1978-09-07

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The Michigan Daily-Thursday, September 7, 1978-Page49,
Students keeping in tune

(Continued from Page 43)
recommends that student musicians
prepare a piece for the fall audtions,
but that it isn't absolutely necessary.
The top vocal organization on campus
is the Chamber Choir, according to
Thomas Hilbish, director of University
choirs. "It's a select group of 40 voices"
which meets twice a week for an hour
and a half. "About 99 percent of the
Chamber choir performers are vocal
majors," says Hilbish.
Another group of vocalists, the
University Choir is also made up of
primarily Music School students.
THE VOCAL equivalent of the Varsity
Band is the University Arts Chorale,
directed by Lawrence Marsh. About 90
non-music majors rehearse for four
hours a week in Angell Hall and present
at least one major performance each
term. Auditions are required for the Ar-
ts Chorals but it is open to almost
anybody who can read music and carry
a tune, or at least thinks they can.
The Michigan Men's Glee Club is
open to "everybody, except girls," ac-
cording to Hilbish. But there is a
similar activity for women, the
Women's Glee Club which formed last
year. The men meet six hours a week
and have, in the past, performed all
over the world. The group has just
returned from a summer European
For those who are capable of singing
and dancing at the same time, there is
the Amaizin' Blues, a small, well-
rehearsed group which once presented a
command performance for former
president and University gradute
Gerald Ford.
THE UNIVERSITY also accom-

modates musical types with a leaning
towards symphony. The Music School
offers two highly professional groups,
the University Symphony Orchestra
and the University Philharmonia.
Membership in these organizations is.
quite restricted.
But for string players, as well as wind
players and percussionists of a lesser
caliber, there is the All-Campus Or-
chestra. This group is explicitly for

non-music majors and often includes
professors and the spouses of Univer t
sity staff and students. Although the
quality of this group is nowhere near
that of the Music School's superior
symphony orchestra's, the All-Campus
Orchestra nevertheless performs a
wide range of established symphonic
works. Members practice together two
and a half hours a week and earn one

Capra to Warhol, Bergman to Rhomer
Cinema I1 shows a wide variety of films at a reason-
able rate, $1.50 (cheap).

In the past our schedule has included: Annie
Hall, Bonnie & Clyde, Rocky, Flesh, Contempt,
Murmer of the Heart, Rashomon, and many others...
Cinema II is one of the three major film co-ops
on campus serving the film going community.
Watch for us this fall showing four nights a

Art Fair crowds turn S. University into a sea of humanity.
People, paintings, pottery
and varied Art Fair fare


The two forces converge upon the
city in late July. The first to arrive sets
up camp in thestreets and awaits the
other's onslaught.
Although at first it may seem like a
military skirmish is about to erupt,
actually the buyers and the sellers who
come to town for the annual Art Fair
are here to cooperate-to get a bargain,
make a profit and have some fun.
THE ART FAIR packs more people
into town than even the Ohio State foot-
ball game. And the four-day event is
one of the city's biggest money makers
with hotels booked a year in advance
and local stores and restaurants jam-
med with Art Fair shoppers.
During the fair over 1,000 artists
display their creations in wooden
booths along S. University, State St.
and Main St. There are actually three
separate fairs, located on the three
major streets, with the one on S.
University the biggest and perhaps the
Artists come from all over the coun-
try to participate in the fair which is
one of the best-known in the nation. For
some, selling their works in booths is a
ay of life every summer but for many
And now
at your
film co-o
(Continued from Page 41)
semester's viewing are films of less
popular European directors like Rene
Clair and Agnes Varda, Andy Warhol's
cinema du bland, and comedies by
everyone from Woody Allen to Mel
Brooks, the Marx Brothers, Monty
Python, and the silent classics. For
those who relish the cult circuit, there
are the obligatory multitudinous
showings of Harold and Maude, King of
Hearts, O Lucky Man!, and Night of the
Living Dead. The Ann Arbor Film Co-
op also manages to dig up a share of ob-
scure cinematic artifacts, including
such sub-standard fare as the films of
auteure favorite Samuel Fuller, Norman
Maile's experiments in movie
machismo, Brian, De Palma's little-
seen early work, and various short
films made by famous directors (Scor-
sese, Polanski) before they hit the big
ROUNDING OUT the schedule is Ann
Arbor's 16 Millimeter Film Festival.
Films of every variety (animated,
humorous, "experimental," dull) are
submitted from all over the country,
giving the selection committee enough
leeway to guarantee this yearly event a
large percentage of genuinely top-notch
efforts. The festival stretches for a
week in the middle of April, and is one
of Ann Arbor's most celebrated artistic
For people like myself, who spend
half their waking hours in movie
theatres, Ann Arbor is definitely an
ideal place to be. For those not yet un-
der the spell of the god Cineramus, the
opportunities for film-going here may
well'prove that becoming a movie buff
is too much fun to avoid.

local and student artists the annual
event is a unique opportunity to make
some money and earn some pride.
BECAUSE SPACE is limited, artists
must go through a screening process
during which fair coordinators look for
talent and originality before awarding
a coveted booth. To participate in the S.
University fair, sponsored by the
University's Artists and Craftsmen
Guild, participants must submit their
applications almost a year in advance.
However, many artists avoid the
procedure, prefering to lay down a
blanket just about anywhere in hopes of
pawning off their handmade jewelry or
Local merchants get into the act too
by bringing clearance items out of their
stores for display in sidewalk sales. In
fact, the Art Fair was originally a
gimmick to boost sales during the city's
'Bargain Days' almost 20 years ago.
Today, of course it's vice versa.
GEORGE WILD, the proprietor of
Wild's Mens Shop and a veteran of
some 15 Art Fairs stresses the impor-
tance of the Art Fair for local merchan-
"Business-wise the fair is com-
parable to any four days in December,"

he says. "It is extremely important."
Wild explains that the Art Fair is not
as important "as far as profits are con-
cerned" but the real value lies in
"liquidating all the odds and ends."
Wild .points out that the values are
genuine and most businesses market
their goods at 50 percent off.
S"They've been a lot of fun," says Wild
of the Art Fairs he has participated in,
"but frankly they're very tiring."
Wild also notes that the weather can
"make or break" Art Fair trade. "If
you have good weather you have a good
sale, but if it rains-catastrophe."
LAST YEAR over 250,000 people
flocked to the city to pursue the pottery
and scan the paintings. Naturally, the
influx only adds to the city's already
dismal parking situation and in recent
years the Ann Arbor Transit Authority
(AATA) has enacted a shuttle bus
system to transport shoppers into town
from parking areas on the city's
But despite the crowds and the
usually hot, sticky weather few deny
that the four days of confusion and
congestion are worth it. Long after the
crowds have disappeared the art, and
memories of good times remain.


Forty-two presentations

during the school


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Tues.-Thurs.-1 1:00-3:00, 5:00-8:00 p.m.
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Reservations Suggested-(313) 668-8300
Poets on Poetry
Donald Hall
Goatfoot Milktongue
Twinb ird
Interviews, Essays, and Notes on Poetry,
paperbound $4.95
Galway Kinnell
Walking Down the Stairs
Selections from Interviews
paperbound $4.95
William Stafford
Writing the,
A 1iCr ( nwI l

A wide variety of music and dance
is featured in this 100th season...

All Series tickets are sold-out. A limited number of single
tickets will go on sale September 5 at 54-$15.
Vladimir Horowitz, pianist............ Oct. 8
Emil Gilels, pianist..................NOct. 12
Nathan Milstein, violinist.............Nov. 5
English Chamber Orchestra and Vladimir
Ashkenazy, pianist/conductor..... Nov. 10
Isaac Stern, violinist...............Dec. 7
Moscow Philharmonic Orchestra....... Feb. 3
NDR Symphony of Hamburg......:.. Feb. 28
Nicolai Ghiaurov, Bass.............. Mar. 17
Detroit Symphony Orchestra......... Mar. 25
Cleveland Orchestra................ Apr. 17
A vailable in series of 4 concerts at S5-$30 or 8 concerts
at $30-$60. Tickets for individual concerts go on sale
Sept. Sat $3.50-s10.
Alvin Ailey Dance Theater..... Sept. 29-Oct. 1
Martha Graham Dance Company.. . Oct. 23-25
Viennese Gala...................... Oct. 27
Dimitri, Clown-Mime...............Nov.l
The Fred Waring Show............... Nov. 9
Tchaikovsky's "Nutcracker" Ballet. Dec. 14-17
The Play of Daniel................... Jan. 9
Mozart's "Marriage of Figaro," Canadian
Opera Company (3 and 8 pm)....... Jan. 14
"Pirin," Bulgarian Folk Ensemble. ... Jan. 16
Paul Taylor Dance Company...... Jan. 26-27
Los Angeles Ballet............... Mar. 12-14
Tickets for the Series of 8 concerts available until Oct. 14
at $25-$45. Single tickets go on sale September 5 at .4-$7.

Tickets for the Series of 4 concerts available until Oct. 1?
at 512-$22. Tickets for the individual concerts go on sale
September 5 at $4-$7.
Eugene Fodor, violinist.............. Oct. 17
Murray Perahia, pianist............ Oct. 30
Judith Blegen, soprano.............. Jan. 12
Paul Badura-Skoda, pianist........... Feb. 9
Tickets for the Series of 3 concerts available until Oct. 15
at 57.50-$15. Single tickets go on sale September S at
Bugaku, from Japan...............Oct. 15
Aspects of Peking Opera............. Feb. 20
Yakshagana, South India............. Apr. 9
Tickets for each oj these concerts go on sale September
5 at $5-59.
Julian Bream/John Williams, guitaristsOct. 21
Andres Segovia, guitarist..........Feb. 17
Russian Festival of Dance..........Mar. 24
Tickets go on sale September S at $246.
University Choral Union, University Symphony
Orchestra and soloists....... ..... Dec. 1-3
Ticket sales begin December 1st.
The Philadelphia Orchestra........ Apr. 25-28


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