The Michigan Daily-Saturday, October 14, 1978-Page 5 Joel's image suits his show DAILY EARLY BIRD MATINEES -Adults $1.25 DISCOUNT IS FOR SHOWS STARTING BEFORE 1:30 MON. thou SAT. 10 A.M. ti 1:3b P.M. SUN. & HOLS.12 Noon til 1:30 P.M. EVENING ADMISSIONS AFTER 5:00, $3.50 ADULTS Monday-Saturday 1:30-5:00, Admission $2.50 Adult and Students Sundays and Holidays 1:30 to Close, $3.50 Adults, $2.50 Students Sunday-Thursday Evenings Student & Senior Citizen Discounts Children 12 And Under, Admissions $1.25 By ANNE SHARP Billy Joel, the little sloe-eyed entertainer who did a turn Thursday night at Crisler Arena, has got it made. e has an appealing face which looks btl on album covers, a smooth, strong voice and a distinctive delivery style hehas a coy, babyish way of rounding ff this "ow" sounds), a good musical backup, and a knack at piano playing and songwriting. All he needs now is an image that the people will remember, and he's got that all figured out. On the inner sleeve of The Stranger album, and on publicity posters for the Crisler show, Joel looks up at us with liquid brown eyes, a pair of boxing gloves slung round his neck. The gloves were a brilliauit move by his publicists, because Joel looks like he could by Sylvester Stallone's little brother. Joel wants to come across as a tough, street- wise, sophisticated John Garfield-type character, with a mouthful of poetry, ready to kick ass at a moment's provocation. His dark suit, frayed collar and black tie, East Coast- centered lyrics, and elaborate piano bar keyboard style, all convey this image. AT FIRST, Joel kept pretty much to AMERICA N ROMANCE by mike taylor IF YOU MISSED Patti Smith's "poetry readings" at Second Chance this Iweek, you missed two of the more eccentric events in Ann Arbor's oft- amusing arts calendar. Though Monday night's crowd had ample reason to be at her after a half-hour set of jokes, half-baked songs, and insults traded with row- dies, Tuesday night's group got a show they're likely to remember for some time. The previous evening's Patti Smith, an eerie blend of gloom and nervousness, had been replaced byone who glittered with ebullience; Tues- day night, Smith was confident, charming, and, most importantly, successful as an entertainer. Though without her band, she thrilled us with poetry and rock 'n' roll versions of "Poppies," Redondo Beach," "Hey Joe," and "Gloria." AFTER TRYING to interview Smith earlier this year, and confronting a brick wall with a patronizing sense of humor instead, I was apprehensive about attempt number two. But as soon as she walked into the room, I knew something was different. The dark clouds I remembered hovering above her last February had drifted away; instead of a scowling ghoul, I was facing a person who looked relaxed and eager to talk. We chatted for about half-an- hour, discussing everything from Patti's poems and music to the role of breakfast cereal in America's future. I asked her about "babel field," a poem from her book Babel. With lines lil a i couldn't plug in anywhere so i hid my amp in the bushes and threw my guitar over my shoulder. it weighs less than a machine gun and never runs out of ammunition. it seems to use rock 'n' roll as a metaphor for warfare. "It's just a fantasy I have about battles of the future being fought by young people, by children, and what they do is they go out in the fields and they put up millions and millions of amplifiers - millions of them. I thought they could have guitar battles like snowball fights where no one ever really hurts each other, but there is clearly a winner. You have a sound battle. It is neo-warfare, but it's not destructive. The guys that lose gotta bury their guitars into the ground no matter how rare the guitar is and stick the neck up, so then you got millions of bayonets covering the whole field." "I named the book Babel because I love the Babel Bible story. The reason ltI ,Athe story's a real nice story is that it implies that there was a time in our history where man did indeed universally communicate. When man achieves that state, universal communication, God himself said it, anything in which man imagines is possible. I think we can do anything we want to. I think it's the most underground desire. I think the seed does exist. It's a neat thing to think about. If you worry about, say your children coming into a world that's only going to be shittier and shittier and filled with chemicals and fucked up with bombs, it's a good thing to think about." BUT MANY FOLKS think of Patti as a rock 'n' roller rather than a poet or philosopher, so naturally our conversation turned to her musical plans. "We're goingto be doing a group album soon, and I'm going to be working on a solo record. What we're involved in in terms of the future is far beyond Easter. Easter was really . . . it was like when you feel like you're drowning for a long time, and you think that there's no hope, and all of a sudden there's something to grab onto. It isn't life itself, but it does sustain you until your next step. Well, on the next record with the band I'm really hoping that it will be either the ultimate statement of the band or the first in a series of ascending ultimate statements. It will either be our last album or the beginning of a whole new voyage. It's going to be a very important album for the band. Either way it's going to be a great album because we have a lot at stake. It's all or nothing." As for her solo album, she said, "I'll play clarinet on it. It will be more like field music, more like horizontal adventure." When this brought a puzzled look to my face, she added, "not so much songs, but a more linear kind of adventure, because I'll be doing most of it myself and that's the way I approach things.", Since I share with Patti a keen interest in the future, I asked her if she saw any changes in store for America. "I'd like to see us less obsessed by economics. The whole country is trying to pull its pants up to the middle class, upper middle class. They're so obsessed and scared about that stuff that they keep consuming stuff to prove to themselves that they're up there, you know. They gotta get out of that kind of thinking. It's bad all those things they buy kids - all these toys and this millions of cookies and hundreds of cereals and stuff. But then I guess things aren't so bad. I mean there were millions of cereals around when I was a kid. You just have to be a strong kid and resist them." Patti Smith resisted, and ate shredded wheat for years. And look where she is now. his piano, accompanying himself on "The Stranger" and "Piano Man," Gradually, he slipped in snappy bits of stage business; for "New York State of Mind," he produced shades and a too- cool-for-words stance. Mike in hand, Joel bounced around the stage during "The Entertainer," looking like a hybrid Tom Jones and Steve Tyler. At one point Joel disappeared offstage, then raced back on again in a black leather jacket for "Only the Good Die Young," undoubtedly the rowdiest number of the evening. Joel looked perfectly in character with the first- person narrator of this song, a hood's love complaint to a sheltered papist girl, appropriately named Virginia, with words calculated to offend any right-thinking Catholic- You got a nice white dress anda party on your con/irmnation You got a brand new soul And a cross 0/1gold But Vir inia tev don't gir dyou quite enough infl/or/mation You didn 't count on me When You were counting on your rosarY From what Joel played from his brand new LP 52nd Street, the album promises to live up to the quality of last year's Stranger LP, a delightful and popular recording. "My Life" is a defiant tune about self-actualization which may be this year's model of the hit "Movin' Out (Anthony's Song)." For "Stiletto," Joel summoned onstage a group of intimidating-looking roadies in rolled-sleeve black T-shirts to provide the song's fingersnap obligatto. In the future, watch for Richard Cannata. Often spotlighted in the show were his throaty, Jobimesque saxophone solos (saxes are a big part of Joel's musical image). This talented musician also plays top-notch woodwinds (flute, clarinet) and keyboards. Not breaking with tradition, the Crisler audience applauded, screamed, stamped their feet and lit Bics at appropriate mnoments during the performance. They rushed the stage during the finale and the most popular number, "Only the Good Die Young," and naturally made sure that at least one well-aimed Frisbee missed the star by inches. Grant received The University recently received a $90,000 grant from the National Science Foundation for the project, "Terrestrial Heat Flow Measurements in South America." The project is un- der the direction of Prof. Henry N. Pollack and postdoctoral research associate Icaro Vitorello in the Depar- tment of Geology and Mineralogy. 25% off EVERYTHING in our South University Centicore Bookshop 1229 S. Univ. I1. 2. TICKET SALES Tickets sold no sooner than 30 minutes prior to showtime. No tickets sold later than 15 minutes after showtime. UAC Mediatrics presents M "A.S*Ho (Robert Altman, 1970) A thinly-masked anti-war satire set in Korea, but aimed at Vietnam. A "saucy, outrageous, irreverent film. Nothing is sacred, not medical surgery, chastity, womanhood, arm disci- pline, marriage, war movies, or the great American institu- tion of football."-Time. Sat. Oct. 14 Nat. Sci. Aud. 7 & 9 admission $1.50 A2 Premiere-Two DAYS ONLY! After five years of dissention and litigation, Bertolucci (LAST TANGO IN PARIS), has triumphed with this epic. An all-star cast and huge budget, the film traces the lives of two boys born in Northern Italy on the same day in 1901. Alfredo played by Robert DeNiro is the heir to the vast land holdings of his grandfather, Burt Lancaster. Olmo played by Gerard Depardieu is the bastard son of the patriarch. Sterling Hayden. "A love poem for the movies, part opera-novel, part American Western, part Little Red Book."-Pauline Koel. ANN ARBOR PREMIERE! (4 hrs.) TONITE at 7 pm only SUNDAY at1 pm & 7 pm CINEMA I Angell Hall, Aud. A $1.50 a MANN THEATRES Wed. Matinees ALAGEseats $1.50 MAPLE VILAGE SHOPPNG CENTER 769-1300 ' until 4:30 I 'I SSNOW r ETIMES Sat-Sun-Wed 1:30 4:00 EY M flIJN T P ICTiU RES P RE SE NT S SHOW 0