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October 12, 1978 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1978-10-12

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Vol. LIX, No. 31


Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, October 12, 1978

Ten Cents

Twelve Pages


Carl Pursell is so confident he'll win
re-election to Congress that he predicts'
he'll receive "the most substantial vic-
tory in the state."
"I'm very pleased with the campaign
we've been running so far and I think
I'll be able to carry all three counties,
and even the city of Ann Arbor," said
the incumbent Republican represen-
tative from the Second Congressional
WHAT MAKES Pursell's prediction
most unusual is that Ann Arbor has
typically been a Democratic stronghold
in congressional elections. In 1976 when
Pursell edged Democrat Ed Pierce for
the same seat, the city voted over-

whelmingly in favor of Pierce.
But Pursell believes this race will be
different because he faces Earl Greene.
"Mr. Greene (City Councilman from
the Second Ward) has never held a
state office and therefore has no record
to refer to,. I think the people in the
district are looking to keep the man who
has the experience and the record and
that's me," said Pursell.
PURSELL BASES his confidence on
the combination of a solid legislative1
record and his self-proclaimed "ac-
cessibility" to constituents.
The one-term representative said in a;
recent interview he has exhibited
leadership in several crucial areas. He1
stresses his devotion to solving the

substantial re-election victory

nation's energy ills.
"Energy will be one of the nation's
most pressing problems throughout the
1980s. I have worked hard on trying to
sear6h for an alternate source of
energy, something this country needs
badly," he said.
HE HAS worked with energy experts
in Ann Arbor in the field of laser fusion,
and considers it essential that a solution
to the energy crisis be found as soon as
Pursell is also extremely proud of his

efforts to establish a nationally-funded
program to pay for the studies of the
country's academically talented
Pursell contends there are many
youths in junior high school and high
school who are so much more
academically talented than their peers
that they have become bored with their
studies. Pursell said a program is being
created to fund special studies for these
talented youngsters.
"SENATOR JAVITS and I have been
working hard to establish this program
and it's something I am very proud of,"
he said.
But Carl Pursell believes he is special

because he is different from his
colleagues in Congress. He spends
every weekend in Ann Arbor.
"I think I am the only congressman of
19 in the state who lives in the district.
Too many of them spend their time in
Washington and never come home to
see their constituents," said Pursell.
PURSELL SAID he has attended
many town meetings and is accessible
to any constituent who has a particular
grievance or complaint about gover-
"Maybe Howard Baker's (the Senate
minority leader) program is right,
whereby Congress is in session for only
six months, while they are in their
See PURSELL, Page 12


Thirty University professors are
circulating a letter which denounces
the Political Science department's
denial of tenure to Assistant Professor
Joel Samoff, marking the first time
faculty members have organized on his
Several Samoff sympathizers began
distributing the letter to coincide with a
ceremony Monday night when the
professor was given a University award
for distinguished service.
SAMOFF, WHO WAS denied tenure
by his department's tenured faculty for
the second time in February, said he
will officially appeal the decision in the
near future.
The letter, signed by the faculty
members and 15 campus ministers,
said Samoff's "exclusion from the Uni-
versity would deprive us of someone who
had made a distinguished contribution
to University life and would be a great
loss. We urge everything possible be
done to keep him n the faculty."
Alan Wald, an assistant English
professor who signed the letter, said the
faculty members decided to take the
action to show that Samoff's departure
would hurt all of the University de
"WE HOPE TO make the Political
Science department aware that Joel is
respected among departments," he
Wald said while the letter doesn't
represent the start of a faculty cam-
paign on Samoff's behalf he did not
reject that possibility. he said if mem-
bers of the Political Science depart-
ment and University administration do
not respond to the letter, the faculty
members may take other action to
show their support for Samoff.
Samoff said he nor his colleagues
have received any official response to
the letter. '
SAMOFF IS KNOWN for his exper-
tise in South African affairs and has
been called a "Marxist political
economist." Observers claim the
quality of the professor's research and
his political views are among the
reasons for his tenure denials.
Samoff was among seven University
professors to receive the distinguished
service award. The major criterion for
the honor is the professor's s"impact on
the life of the student body as a teacher
and counselor."
A segment of Samoff's citation reads,
"The important international
reputation you have achieved in the
fields of African politics and political
economy is greatly admired by your
SAMOFF SAID HE has waited
several months before filing an appeal
because he hoped an informal
procedure could be arranged.
See FACULTY, Page 5
Mideast - Israeli and Egyp-
tian leaders began gathering in
Washington yesterday for the
peace conference intended to iron
out the Camp David peace accor-
ds. See the story on Page 3.

reached on,
energy b ill

Ates " erent drum
Consonant street composer-professor "iShak ey Jake" takes a break from his regular beat to bemoan his expertise.,


negotiators compromised on the tax
portion of President Carter's long-
stalled energy program yesterday,
agreeing to tax fuel-inefficient cars and
provide tax credits to homeowners who
insulate their homes.
The agreement resolved the last
remaining difference between cham-
bers on the energy plan the president
submitted to Congress in April 1977.
previously approved the measure. Sen.
Russell Long (D-La. ), the top Senate
negotiator, said he would take the plan
directly to the Senate floor for prompt
He predicted it would pass and be
sent to the House.
House leaders hope to get the bill by
this morning so it can be combined with
four other parts of the energy program
that previously passed the Senate.
Yesterday's agreement, signed by 10
of the 13 Senate negotiators, formally
buries two other taxes proposed by Car-
ter-the crude oil tax he once called the
centerpiece of his energy program and
a tax on the industrial use of oil and
natural gas.
A MAJORITY of House conferees had
signed the agreement on Monday.
Under the compromise, new fuel-
inefficient cars would be taxed begin-
ning with 1980 models getting less than
15 miles per gallon. By 1986 the tax
would apply to cars getting less than
23.5 mpg and would range from $400 to
The energy-tax legislation also in-
cludes some $1 billion in tax credits.
UNDER THE measure, individuals
could take a tax credit of 15 per cent on

the first $2,000 for home insulatiort,
storm doors, storm windows, and fo
other energy-saving equipment-up to
a total credit of $300.
The credit applies to purchases made
back to April 20, 1977-the day Cartei
submitted his energy proposals ti
LONG TOLD reporters the net effect
of the package would be to "help people
save energy" although h
acknowledged that this savings would
not be very high.
Senate conferees rejected a proposa
by Sen. Robert Dole (R-Kans.) to fur-
ther water down the so-called "gas
guzzler" tax.
Dole indicated that he might conduct
a mini-filibuster against the bill as a
result. Long said he planned to take his
chances by bringing the bill to the
Senate floor anyway.
A BIG FIGHT is expected in the
House Rules Committee today on the
leadership proposal to put the energy
bills in one package.
They were treated separately in
Senate consideration, but House
Speaker Thomas O'Neill (D-Mass.)
claims putting the parts together will
make controversial portions-like
natural gas deregulation-more
However, opponents of the gas-
pricing section, which calls for decon-
trol by 1985, say they will fight to get a
separate vote on each piece of
Other sections of the bill deal with in-
dustrial coal conversion, electric-rate
setting and , various energy-
conservation programs.
The full House is expected to get the
energy legislation tomorrow.

If your walls or wastebasket are
lined with parking tickets, it is time to
get rid of your car before the city tows it
or immobilizes it with the "boot."
Three city employees are spending
eight hours a day roving the city in
search of cars owned by people who
have accumulated ten parking tickets.
These spotters have been accumu-
lating an average of $1,000 a day in un-
paid parking fines for the city since
August 24.
BASED ON A computerized list of
violators license numbers, the spotters
search for cars around the city, in-
cluding University lots on central and
north campus. Once a vehicle is found,
the spotter checks with the dispatcher
for how many tickets the car has on its

record. If there are ten or more, a
limited duty officer is sent to the scene
and the car is towed or booted. A city
ordinance dictates that cars cannot be
towed with less than ten violations.
The boot is a clamp attached to the
wheel and axle of a car, making it im-
mobile, until an employee of the city's
department of Streets, Traffic, and
Parking (STP) removes it.
The boot is applied only when there is
enough time for the violation to be
processed by STP employees and if the
car can be retrieved by the owner
during working hours, according to
Mike Scott of STP.
SCOTT SAID TOWED cars can be
released at any time of the day or night
because that is done through the police
department. The boot can only be
released by STP officials.

;ow cars
Between August 24 and September 22
the spotters found cars with fines worth
$23,406 but no figures were available on
how much of that has actually, been
Three months ago the city began a
"push for outstanding violations," Scott
said, then on August 24 the spotter
program was initiated as the first of
three people were hired to scan the city
for cars. The three workers are: Jane
Gaitskill, Jerome Burgen, and Walter
Brooks. They are paid $3.50 per hour.
WHEN ASKED WHY the tag spotters
are being paid by the hour and not by
the car, City Administrator Sylvester
See PARKERS, Page 12

City Council delays
special session again

For the third time this week the on-
again-off-again special session of the
City Council - intended to consider
bond financing for a new parking struc-
ture - was postponed.
This time no laws prevented the
meeting. The Republican caucus coun-
ted heads and realized they did not have
enough votes to pass the proposals, so
Mayor Louis Belcher called off the
"I COULDN'T GET the votes
together so we cancelled the meeting,
said Mayor Louis Belcher.
City Administrator Sylvester Murray
confirmed the reason for the second
delay in reviewing the funding
proposals. "We're not having a meeting
because there simply wasn't enough
Republican votes," he said.
The matter was delayed Monday

The bond must be approved by the
Municipal Finance Commission which
already has a backlog of 200 ap-
plications, according to Murray. He
said bond applications are being sub-
mitted to that office at a rate of three
per work day and they are processed at
a rate of 15 to 20 per week.
"This (postponing the decision)
means simply that we are one week
later and one more week of risk" is in-
volved, Murray said. He had originally
wanted the forms to be in the com-
mission's office by yesterday to get the
project on next week's agenda.
"It didn't turn out to be as big a deal
as everybody thought it was," Belcher
said. The mayor said he did not know
the project was going to be on Monday's
agenda. Murray said he "assumed" the
mayor would want it on the agenda.
COUNCILMAN Ken Latta (D-First
Ward) said "Sy (Murray) put it on the

SALISBURY, Rhodesia (AP) -
Philip Mwanza stared impassively
at the newspaper's banner headline:
"Race Discrimination to Go."
"It doesn't help me, doesn't affect
me at all-I don't have enough
money," said Mwanza. "But I sup-
pose it's a good thing. I don't mind."
LIKE MWANZA, most of
Rhodesia's 6.7 million blacks look at
Rhodesia's plan to replace skin color
with wealth as the basis for entry to
the 260,000-white minority's
cherished institutions-schools,
hospitals, suburbs-and see no dif-
ferences for themselves.
The country's new biracial gover-
nment, formed by Prime Minister
Ian Smith as a move toward a black-


.' . ) f' IF


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