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October 11, 1978 - Image 1

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See Editorial Page




High-O s
See Today for details

Vol. IIX, No. 30

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, October 11,, 1978

Ten Cents

Ten Pagei

Hopes high,
This is the first of a two part That optimism powers Greene's bid Rep
series on the race for the U.S. for the U.S. Second District stro
Congressional seat, a campaign which a po
Congress seat from the Second has continually been hampered by ofi
District of Michigan. Today's story major obstacles-like getting on the peop
focuses on Democrat Earl Greene. it-

Greene chases

Purse ii

Campaign headquarters tend to have
a temporary quality about them and
Earl Greene's office above Moe's Spor-
ts Shop is no exception. But amid the
fold-up chairs and campaign posters,
the Second Ward Councilman projects a
calm and optimistic air.

"I FEEL I do have a chance," said
Greene, who is considered the underdog
in the race. "My opponent (incumbent

in N

publican Carl Pursell) is not that
ng-he is beatable. I think if there is
ositive alternative, if there is a spark
imagination created amongst the
ple and if we have the time to do
he and his cronies managed to pull
'months of organizing out of the
npaign because of their
nanigans-we will beat Carl Pursell
rovember." ,
he question of time, however, is
arly a key factor in Greene's cam-
gn which was slowed down con-
erably by a two month struggle to
his name on the ballot.

The problems started when the State
Board of Canvassers ruled Greene's
name could not be on the ballot because
of illegible signatures on his petitons.
The one alternative left open to Greene
was to depend on write-in votes. He
easily received enough votes, but the
State Board of Canvassers still refused
to place his name on the ballot.
Kelley ruled in Greene's favor and
Green was finally allowed to run when
the Court of Appeals ruled that Kelley's
decision should stand.
Now that the campaign is at last un-

derway, the organization is beginning
to run smoothly, according to
Greene. "Ann Arbor and Washtenaw
County are very tightly organized. The
staff is high quality but it's like running
on empty everyday. They've got to pull
together an organization that is a mon-
th behind time."
But Earl Greene, who would seem
just as comfortable singing in his well-
trained tenor an aria from "Don
Giovani" as shaking supporters' hands
on a rain drenched day on the campaign
trail, feels he is the one candidate who
can pull it off and bring together the

diverse factions of the district.
"IT'S A VERY difficult district to
start with," said Greene. "There are
the Ann Arbor crazies, the Monroe
farmers, and the Livonia nouveaux
riches and no one component trusts the
other. I feel that I am the kind of person
who can relate to all three factions.
"I have a Southern farmboy
background and can relate to people in
Monroe by virture of my bible belt up-
bringing. The people in Livonia like me
because I don't have long hair and ap-
pear to be a hippie and I am
See HOPEFUL, Page 2


quits U.S.
SAL Tpost
resigned yesterday as the chief U.S.
negotiator in stratetic arms talks with
the Soviet Union, clearing the way for
Defense Secretary Harold Brown to
take charge of administration efforts to
win ratification of a new treaty.
.Warnke's resignation was announced
by President Carter yesterday morning
as Warnke was testifying before a
committee on Capitol Hill.
THE PRESIDENT said he accepted
the resignation with "deep regret,' and
praised Warnke for having "enhanced
the security of the United States and
made a lasting contribution to world
Administration sources, speaking
privately, emphasized that Warnke was
not forced out and has personal reasons
for quitting his job as director of the
Arms Control and Disarmament Agen-
"It was entirely for personal reasons.
I regret the necessity to do this," War-
See CHIEF; Page 2

Open Meetings
Act postpones
Council session

Ex-Mayor Albert Wheeler spoke to approximately 20 people yesterday at a luncheon at the International Center
concerning his roles in the city and University while he held the mayor's seati-See story, page 2.

Picnic style meals in big dorms

Mayor Louis Belcher once again found
himself in a quandary over the Open
Meetings Act last night. The mayor had
requested a special session of council to
meet and consider a proposed new
parking structure. But Belcher had
made his request for a Tuesday
meeting no earlier than Mondy
night-not in time to give the public 18
hours notice of that special session, as
required under the act.
The only way the 18 hour requirement
could have been avoided, according to
Assistant Attorney General Vince
Leone, is if it were an emergency
AS A RESULT, Belcher postponed
the meeting until 5:30 tonight to avoid a
second clash with the law.
Councilman Ken Latta (D-First
Ward) said he discovered the more
recent violation and informed attorney
Gerald Lax and City AttorneyBruce
Laidlaw who both said the meeting
could only be held if there were an
emergency. Latta said he also informed
the mayor's secretary, and then "the
word got around City Hall real fast."
The last time Belcher encountered
the Open Meetings Act was when Judge
Gene Schnelz found the Republican
caucus in violation of the law by holding
a closed meeting on May 23, at which
city budgetsamendments were
discussed. A suit was filed by three
members of the Democratic caucus,
the League of Women Voters and
students Paul Pratt and William
AS A RESULT of the judge's ruling,
the city's budget was thrown out, and
city administrator Sylvester Murray's
temporary budget was reinstated.
Murray placed the parking structure
plan on the Council agenda Monday
night, but City Council did not have a
chance to preview it. Due to the absen-
ce of three members of Council and the
mayor's departure from voting with his
own Republican caucus, the vote was
Murray expressed disapproval when
consideration of the structure was

delayed until yesterday. He later ex-
plained the city must submit the plan to
a commission in Lansing by today, in
order to obtain approval for the $3.1
million bond with which the city needs
to finance the project.
Murray said his main concern is that
the Municipal Finance Com-
mission-comprised of Attorney
General Frank Kelley, the state
superintendent of schools and the state
treasurer-grant approval before
either of two controversial tax
proposals on the fall ballot is enacted.
See PARKING, Page 7
SALISBURY,- Rhodesia (AP) -
Rhodes ia's interim government an-
nounced plans yesterday to strike down
segregation laws, clearing the way for
blacks to live in white neighborhoods,
attend white schools and use white
hospitals - if they can afford it.
The proposed changes must still be
acted upon by Parliament, and there
were reports it might be called into
special session.
The proposals were lauded by the
biracial government as a significant
breakthrough despite the fact that only
the wealthiest of the nation's 6.7 million
blacks will be able to afford the in-
THE AVERAGE earnings of blacks is
about $830 a year compared to $9,240 for
Rhodesia's 260,000 whites.
Bishop Abel Muzorewa, chairman of
the govenment executive council said,
"It is finished. All racial discrimination
is finished, scrapped." His remarks
See RHODESIA, Page 7

Thanks to a shortage of , student
cafeteria workers, residents of several
dorms have been using plastic
tableware to eat most of their dorm
fare off paper plates. Food service of-
ficials at Bursley, East Quad, and
Alice Lloyd simple can't attract enough
students to operate the dishwashing
machines, so it was either institute the
disposable utensils or use dirty dishes.
Most of the other dorm cafeterias on
campus are also having trouble finding
student workers, but by and large they
fare sufficiently staffed to provide
regular dishes and tableware.
SOUTH QUAD diners have also been
eating off paper lately, but according to
food service director Nathaniel Jones,
South Quad is only waiting for a ship-
ment of new dishes. He said the dorm,
like most others, is experiencing
trouble getting workers, but there are
enough student workers now to operate
the dishwashing machines.
Most student cafeteria workers are
paid minimum wage, $2.65, but

Associate Housing Director Norman
Snustad doesn't foresee a wage in-
crease to attract more workers. "I don't
think that would increase the pool of
students willing to work," said Snustad.
Snustad said he believes two factors
other than the pay scale may be more
responsible for the slim number of
student cafeteria workers. Snustad
speculated that many students made
"good money" this summer and
therefore don't need the work, and they
are under increasing pressure to study
to earn high grades.
HE ADDED that the University has
competition. "Student labor is being
sought throughout the city," said
Eventually, more non-student
workers may have to be hired at a
higher pay scale, said Snustad.
Bursley food service supervisor Bill
Durell said that dorm's labor problem
is especially acute because of the
remote location of the North Campus
residence hall. Unlike some of the Cen-
tral Campus dorms, said Durell, Bur-

sley is unable to draw from the large
pool of students living in off-campus
housing near Central Campus.
Not all dorms are having trouble at-
tracting workers, however. All student
positions at West Quad are filled, ac-
cording to student personnel supervisor
Lynne Ziskind. She said to many
students, the employment serves as a
"social activity" as well as a source of
income. Many of the workers who are
non-dorm residents once lived in West
Quad, she said, so the dorm work allows
many of them to see their friends.
ZISKIND SAID she enjoys a good
relationship with the workers, and
therefore usually doesn't have much
trouble finding people to work shifts.
"It's hard to say no to a friend," she
said. "I have a good group and I'm
Durell said the use of paper plates at
Bursley will probably continue for
some time. He said the dorm is allotted
by the administration only a certain
number of full-time employees, which
" Refugees from Cambodia
are claiming that their gover-
nment is still terrorizing its
people by reducing food rations
and stepping up executions. See
story, Page 3.
" Patti Smith returned to A2
Monday night and gave a puz-
zling performance to a raucus
Second Chance crowd. See story,
Page 5.
" Michigan coaches expect a
fierce aerial attack from the
MSU Spartans when the two Big

have to be paid a higher wage. He said
students are needed to fill the peak time
positions. Durell added that if he hired
additional full-time workers to fill the
vacancies, at some times during the
day "I'd eventually have to create work
for them."
When Bursley students are served a
meal, such as spaghetti, which isn't
very well suited to paper plates, Durell
said earnest efforts are made to
provide regular utensils. "I don't-know
that the students are really suffering,"
he said.
He said no cost analysis has been
made to determine how using the
throw-away service compares in cost
with using the regular plates and

Carter urges action on job bill

R Dquits
House duties

nationally broadcast news conference
yesterday, President Carter said he
would veto a Senate tax-cut measure
(see related story) and conceded it is
now "unlikely" that Congress will ap-
prove his proposal to create a new
federal Department of Education
before it adjourns this weekend. But he
said he is pushing for a vote on the
Humphrey-Hawkins full employment
bill before then.
Carter said he had met with Senate
Republican Leader Howard Baker of
Tennessee and House GOP Leader John
Rhodes of Arizona and had received
Baker's assurance he would not stand
in the way of a floor vote on the em-
ployment measure. The president in-
terpreted this to mean there would be
no filibuster threat.
THE MEASURE would set a national
goal of reducing unemployment to 4
per cent of the labor force by 1983.
"I have been calling the undecided
members of the Senate on getting
commitments for cloture and had good
results this morning," the president
reported. "We still have a ways to go."

"BUT I THINK throughout the Camp
David talks and in the minds of myself,
Prime Minister Menachem Begin, and
President Anwar Sadat, they are in-
terrelated," he said.
Carter also yesterday acknowledged
indirectly that the CIA has been making
payments to Soviet defector Ardakay
Shevchenko, but denied that the agency
was paying the full $5,000 per month
allegedly paid to a female companion
for the Russian.
The president also said he has not

decided whether he will submit a US.-
Soviet pact on strategic arms limitation
to Congress as a treaty, but "my
preference" is to do so.
Carter, who has said he hopes to con-
clude such an agreement this year, is
considering whether to submit it as a
treaty, which would require a two-
thirds majority in the Senate, or as an
executive agreement, which would
require only a simple majority of both
the House and Senate.

Senate OK's tax cut;
Carter vows a veto

DETROIT (UPI) - Rep. Charles
Diggs Jr. (D-Mich.) said yesterday he
was stepping down from his official
duties until after the Nov. 7 election, but
he vowed to remain in Congress despite
his conviction for payroll padding and
mail fraud.
Diggs, 55, the nation's senior black
congressman, said he has no intention
of resigning even if higher courts let his
29-count felony conviction stand. He
said he will let voters in the downtown
not ~t- 'ta i.rit whn have elec.te~d

whelming favorite to defeat Republican
challenger Dovie Pickett at the polls
despite his legal predicament.
State GOP Chairman William
McLaughlin has called for Diggs'
resignation or expulsion by a two-thirds
majority vote of his colleagues. Diggs
said only three congressmen have ever
been ousted, and that was for treason
during the Civil War.
"THE ONLY qualifications to be age
and citizenship," Diggs said.

From Wire Service Reports
President Carter said at his press
conference yesterday he will veto the
Senate's $30 billion tax bill that passed
late last night-a bill that exceeds the
House-passed version by almost $14
Carter did say he would accept a
compromise bill closer to that original,

fair, and equitable.
The key provisions of the tax-cut bill
passed by the Senate last night are as
" Permanent reductions in individual
tax rates that, with other provisions,
would result in 1979 tax relief of about
$19 billion. These reductions would be

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