The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, October 10, 1978- f .4 I It gets down to what you want to do and what you have to do. Take the free Evelyn Wood Reading Dynamics lesson and you can do it-handle all the work college demands and still have time to enjoy college life. You can dramatically increase your reading speed today and that's just the start. Think of the time, the freedom you'd have to'do the things you want to do. For twenty years the ones who get ahead have used Reading Dynamics. It's the way to read for today's active world-fast, smooth, efficient. Don't get left behind because there was too much to read. Take the free Evelyn Wood Reading Dynamics lesson today. You can dramatically increase your reading speed and learn about advanced study techniques in that one free lesson. Make the college life the good life. With Reading Dynamics you can do it. I SCHEDULE OF FREE LESSONS MICHIGAN UNION BLDG., STATE ST. (across from Museum of Art) TODA Y:3:30and 7 PM WEDNESDAY, Oct. 11, 3:30 and 7 PM