I Page 6-Tuesday, October 10, 1978-The Michigan Daily SACUA wants voice on Library Council Coupon contracts may be forges (Continued from Page 1) + I By ADRIENNE LYONS The University Library Director met with members of the Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs (SACUA) yesterday to discuss a plan which would give SACUA the right to participate in the selection process for members of the University Library Council. .The proposal would allow SACUA to select seven of the nine members of the Council from the University faculty at TAKING THE LSAT? Join thousands of law school applicants nationwide in Amity's LSAT Review Seminars CALL TOLL-FREE FOR DETAILS AND LOCAL SCHEDULE INFORMATION: 800-243-4767 Ext.761 large. The other two members would be recommended by Library Director Richard Dougherty. THE PROPOSAL also provides that SACA be kept up to date on any library buiness. If the full faculty Senate Assembly approves the measure, it will go to the Regents for final approval. According to the present rule, Council members are selected by the Regents and approved by the University president. Each member is recom- mended by the Library Director. Among the qualities Dougherty said SACUA needed to look for in choosing Council members were the need for people who can spend a lot of time and effort on Council work, and the flexibility to be able to attend frequent meetings. "Members must transcend traditional acadmeic departments," Dougherty said. He explained that faculty members can't assume that they represent their particular depart- ment. chants affected are honoring the coupons despite the fact that there are no contracts between "The Enter- tainer" and themselves. LeMar explained that three salesper- sons, including himself, solicited the memberships from area merchants. "I gave the other guy (the anonymous employee) the easiest possible ones (stores to canvass)", LeMar said. "These were ones that were either published in newspapers or were published in other passbooks. I didn't give him any that he had to be creative on," he said.- "I DON'T think he was trying to defraud me,"'LeMar continued. He ex- plained that because these establish- ments were already in other passbooks he felt the employee assumed that they would sign up with "The Entertainer" but did not '"understand the im- plications of it." Meanwhile LeMar's legal problems appeared to be mounting. According to Hughes Pottiker, president of the Bir- mingham-based "Entertainment '78", his company is -investigating possible legal action against LeMar because of the similar name of LeMar's company. "We sent the book ("The Enter- tainer") on to our patent attorney because we feel it may be an in- fringement on our name," Pottiker said. POTTIKER SAYS his 17-year-old company has a "national registration" on the title "Entertainment." LeMar admitted that in choosing the name "The Entertainer" he was "trying to get a name close to theirs to take advantage of their advertising without trying to fool anyone." LeMa said that his graphic logo distinguishei his dompany from "Entertainmeni '78." In a related development, LeMai admitted he has applied for a non-profil organization's license under the name "University I-Board." University I-Board is the corporation that will be doing the door-to-door can vassing while I-Board Inc. will be making the profits, LeMar explained. LeMar said that while such a practicj is "not ethical", it was legal. Council contemplates parking structure r JIMMY CARAS, 5-time world champion Pocket BilliardExhibition Thurs. Oct. 12-4 PM and 8 PM MICHIGAN UNION BALLROOM FREE ADMISSION (Continued from Page 1) THE CITY MUST purchase land presently owned by the bank and air rights-which Murray hopes will be free-to extend the structure over the existing bank building. The housing could be complete simultaneously with the structure, Belcher said. The propsed structure will have about 500 parking spaces at a cost of $5,000 per space, according to Murrary. Critics of the plan-in other words, the Democrats-say the cost of the project will be picked up by drivers who park in other structures and at meters around the city to compensate for the initial cost of the new structure. INCLUDED IN THE administrator's memo outlining the plan was a statement from Assistant City Ad- ministrator Patrick Kenney, who said monthly revenue per space would have to be $59.30 to break even. Kenney said in his memo, "This may- well be a difficult task," and he stated that the present average monthly revenue per space is, now $29.59, and $32.83 at the Maynard structure. He also cautioned that it will take several years to build a clientele for the new lot which will fill enough to be cost effective. Morris challenged figures presented in the memo that qualified Maynard as a structure operating "filled to capacity" at 87 per cent full between 1:00 and 2:00p.m., which the report stated is peak use hours for lots.e "THE HOUR studied is the period the highest use and not the average vacancy, nobody should be fooled into thinking we're getting that revenue all the time," Morris said. Belcher and Councilman Louis Senunas (R-Third Ward) both called upon the Democrats to give the struc- ture bipartisan support in vew of the parking situations downtown. They based their plea on the concern for the health of the downtown business en- vironment, which Belcher said has been steadily improving over the last few years. Councilman Earl Greene (D-Second. Ward) directed his questioning to Murray and the burden this project would place on the debt status of the city. The debt service expenditures decreases annually, and Murrary said the increased revenue gained from the structure should make up for the in- creased burden provided that the yearly cost is near 30 per cent of the operating revenue. i i may/ Both Councilmembers Susan Green- berg (D-First Ward) and Greene asked Murray if there would be a peak point of debt cost which would make the project prohibitively expensive at the outset. Murray said the decreasing debt cost and increasing revenues should bal- ance the burden. Greene asked Murray if the debt cost of the project rules out the Main-Packard proposed senior citizens housing and parking projects. Murray said the Main parking struc- ture cost per space were estimted at $8,000 per space, and in his opinion the cost is "exorbitant" and he would not endorse it. However, Belcher-in a stinging attack on Morris and the Democratic caucus-said he will fullfill his promise to carry out the Main Street project. Proposal lengthens school year if ' ' You'll Find A Home for Your Masterpieces IN *THE GERBIL, The University's quarterly literary magazine Submit your stories, poetry, pen and ink drawings, and black and white photographs to the Hopwood Room in Angell Hall NOW for our first issue of the year. Be in on the start of something wonderful. Join the Gerbil in further- ing YOUR career and upholding a fine literary tradition. (Continued from Page 1) waste of valuable class time), and that exam days fall too close to Christmas Also, irregularities in the number o Monday classes in relation to Tuesday classes was cited as another cause for drafting a new calendar. The proposals were merely a suggested means of alleviating dif- ficulties and were brought before the faculty to gauge their support of either measure. THIS SUMMER, Professor Jones was appointed by the Senate Advisory Committee on University Affairs (SACUA) as one-man task force to come up with an alternative calendar. In essence, his proposal would regularize the number of days in the Fall and Winter terms, (to 67 and 69. respectively) thereby alleviating any t problems caused by the irregularity of the calendar. Although Jones' proposal would mean an average of one more class day in the Fall term, it would also necessitate the starting of classes on the Tuesday after Labor Day, and the elimination of one study day. His proposal would also call for en- ding the final exams earlier than in the present calendar. Ernest Zimmerman, Chairman of the Academic Calendar Committee has come up with an alternative proposa] which would call for increasing the number of class days to the maximumri allowed by the calendar. Although this plan does not regularize the number of ' class days in a term, it does lend itself to a higher average number of days in each semester. Therefore, the number of class days in the Fall term would range from 66 to 71 days over the next eight years. His measure would also necessitate the start of classes on the Tuesday after Labor Day, but would in- clude all three study days. FACULTY MEMBERS were not en- thusiastic about either measure and complaints were registered for a variety of reasons. Many felt that star- ting classes right after Labor- Day would only serve to bring about a huge rate of absenteeism among the student I ~ti I Iii KEEP WARM in a HANDMADE SHEEPSKIN COAT Men's, women's, and children's sizes. EMPORTS 320 E. Liberty 769-5555 f Go Ape with Your Camera Photo Contest! r InterVarsity Press presents: -"9 - lJZI Z 20 body for that week. Others argued tha f this would mean that orientation an I lecture preparation would have to star before Labor Day, - a condition whic students, teachirg assistants a professors might find unpopular. Several professors expressed con- cern over the legalities involved witly teaching assistants' contracts. Sinc these contracts start on September 1o the academic year, they feld a change in the calendar might jeopardize th( training and orientation period whic Inormally would take place in the begin~ ning of September. Dean Billy Frye called for an infor mal vote on the two proposals, ang although- most faculty members favored Prof. Jones' plan over that o Prof. Zimmerman, the overwhelmin majority were satisfied with th present calendar. Many felt that the gains of the new proposals were so negligible that fur ther time should not be waste discussing the matter. Most of the faculty members however, agreed that having the Thursday after Labor Day as the first day of classes in the Fall term was an acceptable partial com- promise to the problem. The faculty also discussed th progress -of the English Compositio Program which has made changes i the writing requirements for freshman and transfer students. English professor Danial Fader made a report to the faculty which indicated that a great number of freshpersons will be required to take a writing workshop to improve their writing skills. UNIQUE LIBRARY HIGH POINT, N.C. (AP)-Where would you go to research on Thomas Chippendale, Thomas Sheraton or George Hepplewhite, 18th-century fur- niture designers? Why, right here. A granite house is home for what is believed to the largest furniture library in the world. The library is the lifework of N.I. and Bernice Bienenstock, who have spent 50 years traveling together all over the world in their search for the 4,000-plus volumes. Bienenstock is publisher of furniture trade magazines. Designers from nearly every major furniture factory in the nation have worked with the books, and many museum curators have visited the library to do research, he said. INSTANT CASHI WE'RE PAYING $1-$2 PER DISC FOR YOUR ALBUMS IN GOOD SHAPE. 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