4-Tuesday, October 10, 1978-The Michigan Daily mbe Sirbiau maiI Eighty-Nine Years of Editorial Freedom. Vol. LIX, No. 29 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan Will South America's giant cast off the military cloak? C - CD~r'P - , VJrItA KYI=-- r' rA -/j / IOX /. DIST FELD NEWSPAPER SYNDICATE 47 THE MILWAUKEE JOURNAL 'Congratulations! We've decided to parole you into the 20th century!' j m SAN PAULO, Brazil-The impending Nov. 15 elections in Brazil could signal an important new trend for this country, the contintent's major industrial power, and for Latin America as a whole: a shift from decades of authoritarian military rule to civilian democracy. While the next president of Brazil will be a general, as the chief executive has been for 14 years, the two leading candidates are clearly generals with a difference. One, Gen. Joao Baptista de Oliveira Figueiredo, is the hand-picked candidate of out-going President Ernestor Geisel and is committed to a gradual liberalization supported by the ruling party. The other, Gen. Euler Bentes Monteiro, is the candidate of the opposition Brazilian Democratic Movement (MDB), an array of increasinlgy powerful civilian and military factions that demands a quick return to civilian rule and a number of liberal programs. IN ADDITION, the election will decide the future make-up of the congress, which looks as if it might fall into the hands of the opposition party. In the context of Latin American military dictatorships, the election itself is almost as significant as its outcome. Just three years ago, such a contest would have seemed unimaginble, as would thedrecent spate of political activities, trade union strikes and the lifting of censorship that has preceded the election. Many observers attribute the new political activity in Brazil to the failure of the country's much vaunted "economic miralce," which has sown disaffection among both workers and industrialists. The "miracle" which lasted five years, catapulted Brazil to prominence among developing nations. The 10 per cent enocomic growth rate between 1968 and 1973 gave rise to a vast new working class ripe for unionization. The industrial work force tripled between 1964 and 1978. BUT IN' RECENT YEARS the growth rate has steadily declined, dropping by 50 per cent in 1977. Industrialists feel dispossessed, claiming the economic campaign primarily benefited foreign-owned multinationals. And the growing labor unions also have grown angry, as real salaries depreciated by more than 50 per cent. "A miracle?" exclaimed an auto worker in Sao Paulo. "When prices go up 40 per cent a year, the only miracle is how I manage to feed my family." Today, 95 per cent of the population recives wages of $80 to $400 a month. With rent and food at U.S. prices, the majority live on beans, rice and manioc flour. The situation has given labor unions an increasingly important voice. Last May, despite a government ban on strikes since 1964, metal workers in Brazil's key automobile industry held the largest "work- stoppage" since the coup.- THE STRIKE BEGAN May 12 when 2,500 workers at Saab-Scania walked out. Before it ended, 50,000 workers had joined the work stoppage, bringing Brazil's huge, foreign- owned automobile industry to a halt. In the context American military ships, the election itself is al- most as significant as its out- come. Just three years ago, such a contest would have seemed unimaginable, as would the recent spate of of' political activities, trade union strickes and the lifting of censorship that has pre- ceded the election. By Nina Wallerstein President Geisel, fearful that bringing in troops might hurt his reform image, simply decided to prohibit news coverage and to leave the solution to the multinationals, which eventually granted 11 to 15 per cent wage increases. The metal workers' victory marked a major turnaround for the unins, which in 1964 had been decimated by the arrests and exile of militant leaders. Now, key locals are again electing militants who are demanding wage increases and increased job security. of Latin dictator- His promise of "safe and gradual reforms" is seen as dangerous and too swift by the military hardliners, and timid and stalling by the more liberal faction. GEISEL'S HAND-PICKED successor, Figueiredo, ran unpposed for the ruling party nomination last January. A balding, tallish man, he was best known as the chief of Brazil's military intelligence service, a post that won him little support. Following the nomintion, he warned, "If the opposition wins, government reforms will be endangered. Our country might even explode." Figueiredo's pronouncements drove many dissatisfied industrial leaders, as -well as the liberal wing of the military, to seek an alternative. In August they joined the MDB opposition party to settle on Bentes, a highly respecred four-stary general who declared, "A return to democracy needs to come from the bottom. The government's reforms'come from above." The MDB, formed in 1964 as the only legal opposition party, represents a broad range of political views. All opposition politicians not in jail or exile, moderates and communist alike, find themselves in the same party. Skeptcis in the party question how general-any general-can lead Brazil t democracy. And indeed, the cautious Bentes has done little to upset conservatives. promising not to lead Brazil int "confrontation and radicalization." WHOEVER WINS in November, the new spirit of political activity in Brazil is not likely to diminish. Liberal and radical politicians already are discussing plans to rebuild the parties that still are illegal, and exiled leaders are corresponding with local followers about returning soon. In vew of this, President Geisel and Gen. Figueiredo have devised a 'plan many feel could diffuse the opposition. They would dissolve both parties before the election. If this happens, opposition candidates might scramble to form new parties than unite behind a single front. And in recent weeks, the increasing level of left-win and anti-communist demonstrations and arrests have raised serious doubts for some that a smooth transition to more liberal policies is possible. Said a schoolteacher in Rio de Janeiro, "No one understands what's happending. For the first time the government is tolerating strikes and demonstrations. But I'm not too optimistic. The military could decide to arrest everyone once again." But for the time being, at least, politics again are alive and well in Brazil-a fact that other Latin American dictatorships are closley watching with interest. Nina Wallerstein is a North American correspondent for two Brazilian periodi- cals. She recently returned to California from a one-year visit to Brazil. This article was written for Pacific News Service. / 4 A pRe 4 4 Diggs and justice 0 EP. CHARLES DIGGS, Demo- crat of Detroit, was convicted tprday on 29 counts of padding his iployees' salaries to pay his own rtonal bills. The jury of nine women hd three men, all black save one, jd Detroit's senior black ressman guilty of defrauding the . government - and hence the tax- Jers - out of more than $60,000. t ep. Diggs now faces up to five Wis imprisonment on each of the 29 fitnts - a total of 145 years in jail - i a fine of $191,000. Rep. Diggs now seems bent on a4hpaigning for reelection in the 13th 4 rict of Michigan where he has Oigned since 1954. "I'm still a 4hdidate and I expect to be elected," jAgressman Diggs said after his )pviction. He said he will present tfself for seating as he has for his at12terms.d Legally, of course, Rep. Diggs has vry right to run for reelection. The ales on that were made clear by the Ipreme Court in the Adam Clayton owell case in the 1960s. And if he is, as expected, the high court has l[eady ruled that the House has no tice but to seat Rep. Diggs. jo, given that Rep. Diggs is etermined to take his case to the qeple - having lost it once already in curt - there now appears to be only uree means of serving justice to eaigressman Diggs and the country. edeally, the voters would take into eount that Diggs is a convicted felon iho has defrauded them of $60,000. 4I , ideally, the people of the 13th 'jtrict would impose the ultimate gAsure and vote Diggs out of office. The incident, however, has been somewhat clouded in the minds of 13th District constituents - thanks to Rep. Diggs. He has managed to turn a 29- count indictment into some kind of political persecution. He has convinced the voters of the 13th to stick with Charley Diggs because the Justice Department is out to get him. He has also added just a hint of racism, hoping to further polarize and add to the suspicians of his predominantly black constituency that he is being hounded by the white establishment. So Diggs is going to be reelected, and he is probably going to be reelected by an even larger majority than he has been before. Diggs has wrapped himself in the cloak of martyrdom. Second, once seated, a two-thirds majority of the House will vote to expel Rep. Diggs. Expulsion is a form of inter-House censorship that hasn't been utilized since the Civil War. Even this is indicative of how unacceptable a form of censure expulsion really is. Congressman Diggs is, after all, elected by his constituents - with the full knowledge that he is a convicted felon - and so it should be up to his constituents and not his House colleagues to remove him. There is then, only one acceptable tact for the 'future of Congressman Charles Diggs. If he really cares that his district has adequate representation, and if the man had any honor at all, he would resign. Rep. Diggs should resign immediately and give his party time to nominate an able replacement. For the sake of his constituents and his country, Rep. Diggs must resign. ANOTHER KEY ISSUE in the current political trumoil is the fate of the thousands-of politicians and union leaders who were arrested or driven into exile by the government since 1964. President Geisel has promised as one of his reforms to revoke the law that permitted the president to dissolve congress and suspend civil rights and to let 500 deposed politicans run for ioffice again, but not until after the November election. But again, the reform falls short of the opposition demands. The National Amnesty, Committee has called for the release of 200 " political prisoners and the return of some 15,000 exiles, as well as an accounting of the hundreds of "disappeared." Such issues have not only stirred debate among the divergent interests of the MDB, but have resulted in factions in the military governmnt itself' Geisel is now flanked by generals on both the left and right critical of his policies, and he seems to lack the kind of support in his own government necessary to change the rules. rr 1S 02 -rPA (-n J OF TO C1)Al- X1 vc &Wsoc1 L.&4L-T t a S0IAV l ActkCIC-Y I OU N tOr' i1rTR a kfLO SOCIAL- NaeZFAPU V1?4,;ATMY3 A()O HOOZW ' rAM A CM*S6CVA7?VE Pa"ORMnC mESImX5 TO tAR \ -. .". . J t ' -- "- o I'' P~teZWG i. ik) AU- T810~65, MDI 2AIl~i- Editorials which appear without a by-line represent a con- >nsus opinion of the Daily's editorial board. All oth(r editorials, . s well as cartoons, are the opinions of the individuals who sub- ., it them. . :.. .. ... ..: . .....:.:... I Letter to the Daily Humphrey-Hawkins: No dream, an illusion To the Daily: Your Daily editorial of Tuesday, October 3, entitled "Humphrey- Hawkins bill: More than just a dream," should have been headed with the title, Humprey- Hawkins Bill: More than just a dream-a total illusion. In calling the bill "one of the most important pieces of legislation yet to be decided by the Senate this year" and "a bill from which every American will derive benefit," the Daily falls them, continue to pretend that the Humphrey-Hawkins bill will aid the unemployed. It will not. Humphrey-Hawkins, falsely called the "full-employment" bill sets a goal of four per cent unemployment to be reached more than five years after the bill is passed. If it would actually reduce unemployment to four per cent,' it might be criticized as inadequate. The Humphrey-Hawkins bill contains no provision that would provide a single job for any unemployed person. work. An identical statement of purpose was adopted by Congress in the Employment Act of 1946. But not a single Congress or administration since then has found it "practicable" to provide jobs or all who want them. The Humphrey-Hawkins bill openly opposes any massive, federally funded programs to put the unemployed to work. It says its purpose is "to maximize and place primary emphasis upon the expansion of .private employment." Humprhey-Hawkins ruled out any tampering with the private- and other exercises in futility-anything to avoid a clash with the Democratic Party. That is why this bill is not "a first step" towards providing jobs but a step to head off the kind of movement that can win jobs. The Young 'Socialist Alliance and the Socialist Workers Party have an emergency jobs bill that shows the direct, simple, straight-forward action that would be taken immediately and without hesitation by any government that truly represented working people. Far from a low-key lobbying -Cf- .. 4,L EDITORIAL STAFF Editors-in-chief Arts Editors OWEN GLEIBERMAN MIKE TAYLOR DAVID GOODMAN GREGG KRUPA Managing Editors EILEEN DALEY KEN PARSIGIAN BlARB 7.AHS NIG1I I F( )I{S: Jeff IFrank, Gary Kiinski. (;eoflLai'cofi. WVa r i Iteinunger. Liz \hic. I'rie ( lson. Keain IHosebolrough. D iane