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Ann Arbor's Premier Discoteque
Page 6-Friday, October 6, 1978-The Michigan Daily
Strike empties
candy machines
Washtenaw jail
chief resigns post
If you've been thwarted in obtaining
your library study break candy bars
this week, you may still have to hold out
a little longer.
Employees of the Ann Arbor division
of the ARA Food Service Company,
which fills all the vending machines in
Ann Arbor, went on strike Monday,
following a breakdown last week in
negotiations between the workers and
the company.
ARA is also on strike at its Dearborn
and Wyandotte divisions.
ARA PRESIDENT Don West said the
strike is occurring because the com-
pany can't meet the demands of the
Teamsters Union, which represents the
"They're asking for a 50 per cent in-
crease in wages and benefits over the
next three years. There's no way we
can meet that - it's very unrealistic,"_
West asserted.
West said the company is ready to
meet at the bargaining table whenever
a federal mediator. calls for a new
bargaining session.
"WE'RE SORRY for the incon-
venience to the University of Michigan
students, faculty, and employees.
We're doing everything to get back into
operation," he added.
One ARA employee, however, denied
that the workers' demands amount to a
50 per cent wage hike, as West claims.
"I don't think we're asking for much,"
said Fred McQueer. "We dropped a lot
of the things we asked for, like extra
holidays, sick days, mileage and some
vacation time. Now we're just trying to
bargain for our cost of living demand."
After holding his post for less
than ten months the head' of the
Washtenaw County jail resigned
Following charges of serious
security infractions at the jail,
Washtenaw County Sheriff Thomas
Minick asked Michael Montgomery
to quit.
"I called for his resignation
basically because I feel that more
emphasis should be put on
security," said Minick.
as jail chief last December. In the
ten months that have followed,
several escapes have occurred that
have left the reliability of the county
security system in question.
The most recent case was an
escape two weeks ago by three in-
mates who jammed open a door and
scaled the fence by standing on foot-
stools. All three were captured
within a few hours of their escape. .
"In view of the seriousness of
these infractions I felt it was
adequate time for a change," said
Montgomery said that his actual
resignation was probably a result of
the escape but that the move grew
out of a mutual ,decision between
himself and the sheriff.
Minick added "The escape had
some bearing on my calling for his
resignation but that it is not the only
reason. Security is just not what it
should be and that is a reflection on
our entire staff."
Arby' s
Roast, Beef
Griffin changed tune on tax
proposal championed in race
Get your FREE souvenir
football with a 2-sandwich
purchase Saturday, Oct. 7
(Continued from Page 1)
release was meant to inform reporters
that, in the current session of Congress,
Griffin was the first to propose tax in-
Margie Lehrman, a Griffin press aide
in Washington, said yesterday the
senator "has said over and over, 'This
is not my idea."'
Lehrman also said Buckley's was
only one of four amendments proposed
for the 1975 tax-cutting measure and
"with all kinds of amendments" Griffin
didn't have time to research any of
them carefully enough to allow an af-
firmative vote.
JERRY ROSEN, Griffin's legislative
assistant, said when Buckley offered
the amendment in 1975 to the tax
reduciton provisions of HR 2166, "There
had been no hearings-the idea was
totally new" to Griffin. Rosen went on
to say that Griffin opposed the amen-
dment at the time but "the very next
* Stadium Blvd.
" Washtenaw Ave.
year he assigned some of us to look at
it" and tried to get it passed later.
Rosen said when then Sen. Robert
Taft (R-Ohio) picked up the idea in
1976, Griffin supported him. "Then in
1977, (Griffin) threw down the guan-
tlet" when Taft was defeated in 1976
and lead the tax index drive himself.
From his law office in New York,
former Senator Buckley said an article
printed in the Detroit News yesterday
which reported Griffin's negative vote
on Buckley's 1975 amendment and his
alleged claims to authorship of tax in-
dexing "left an impression I never
gave" since Buckley is quoted in the ar-
ticle as saying Griffin was '"unwise"~
not to approve the amendment in1975.
BUCKLEY SAID yesterday an
amendment "is one way to catch
somebody's attention with a new idea,"
and that "it was no surprise to me
whatever that it was tabled." He added
he thought he has been proven suc-
cessful in his attempt to "get the idea
rolling" since the Senate has a chance
to move the bill along next week.
Buckley said he "approves" of Grif-
fin's having first turned down the
measure in 1975,and then, three years
later, become its foremost advocate. he
said Griffin's vote "isn't an opinion
about whether it (the amendment)
(was) right or wrong."
In April, 1977 Griffin sponsored an in-
dexing plan that was voted down in the
Senate. Then Griffin, who sits on the
Senate's Finance Committee, watched
a new proposal, formed in conjuntion
with Dole, lose 10-8 in committee.
by a Pro
Um Stylists
at the UNION
Harold, Dave
& Chet
BUT NEXT WEEK the bipartisan
group hopes to convince colleagues that
"the hidden tax" of inflation should be
eliminated by allowing wage earners to
gain modest cost-of-living raises
without being forced into a new tax
According to Levin aide Steve
Serkaian, the former Detroit City
Council president "tends to, agree with
idea of indexing" taxes, though it
should be seen as only "one of'many op-
Levin's Director of Research Roger
Tilles said yesterday Levin's campaign
workers had known about Griffin's 1975
vote and had used the fact in adver-
tising, claiming that the vote was in-
consistent with Griffin's current in=,
dexing campaign.
On the two statewide tax-cutting
issues on the ballot this November, both
candidates ask voters to approve
Proposal E, .authored by Farmington
insurance company president Richard
Headlee. Griffin and Levin agree
Robert Tisch's Proposition J is too stiff
a tax slashing plan.
Today, Levin is scheduled to appear
at a rally on the Diag at 1:15 p.m.,
followed by a news conference in his
city headquarters at 711 N. University,
and a meeting with professional studen-
ts in 100 Hutchins Hall in the Law Quad,
at 2:30.
Beirut hit
(Continued from Page 1)
asylums, shelters, nothing is being
spared. In the name of humanity, in the
name of the most elementary principles
of human rights, in the name of the
children, women and aged people who
are dying by the hundreds, we urge you
to act."
The International Red Cross said it
issued the statement from Geneva
because its Beirut office was cut off and
it could not get supplies through to the
AT THE UNITED Nations, a senior
U.S. State Department official said
President Carter had sent a letter to
Syrian President Hafez Assad, who is in
Moscow, expressing Carter's "deep
concern . . . and the need for an im
mediate cease-fire to stop the blood-
The official, who would not be named,
also said a U.N. Security Council
meeting was likely to be called today if
the situation in Lebanon did not im-
40-09 -.M
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OCT. 13, 14-8:30 pm-
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