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October 05, 1978 - Image 12

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1978-10-05

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Page 12-Thursday, October 5, 1978-The Michigan Daily


Thursday, October 5-7:30 pm
reading from their works
802 MONORE, corner of Oakland

Lightning strikes weather tower

* 4. .4... .. ~
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4.4.4..44. 4.4.
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4.4.4.~ ~4~4.4.4.~.................................... 4.4.44
~ 500 E. Liberty
(just of f State)

Various recording instruments at the
University Weather Observation Cen-
ter, located in the Space Research
Building on North Campus, were tem-
porarily put out of commission last
night when the weather tower was ap-
parently struck by lightning in the mid-
st of an electrical storm.
According to Dennis Kahlbaum, a
University weather observer at the
Center, a loud clap of thunder was

heard inside the building at about 8:55
p.m. "Apparently the tower was struck,
and a lot of the equipment was sub-
sequently damaged."
BRUCE BAKER, a lecturer at the
Weather Center, also attributed the
damage to an electrical surge such as
lightning, but added, "We don't know
for sure."
Instruments used for measuring wind
velocity and direction, temperature,
and solar radiation were damaged, as
were all recording and measuring

equipment at the center which run off of
A.C. current.
The extent of the damage in terms of
repairs has not yet been calculated. Ac-
cording to Kahlbaum, such damages
are difficult to assess "until we check
out- each recorder and sensor in-
ACCORDING TO Baker, most of the
equipment should be back to normal
functioning within a week, however,
some might have to be sent back to the
manufacturer. "The wind speed and

wind direction instruments had to be
fixed anyway," he added.
Because there are no back-up
systems at the Center, the students and
weather forecasters must rely on
teletype information from other
weather centers from around the area
until the equipment is repaired.
The incident was phoned in to the
Fire Department by campus security at
9:14. A Fire Department spokesman
said that there "was no indication of
lightning" at the tower.

Bar association

Candidlates meet

(Continued from Page 1)
THE MURDER trial actually was
held in another Iowa county and
O'Brien played no 'role in the
prosecution. He denies keeping secret
the fact that Triplett was drugged.
"I deny categorically that I ever did
anything to violate the rights of Ernest
Triplett," O'Brien testified yesterday.
Deacy said, "O'Brien's conduct in the
entire matter is the antithesis of the
professional behavior expected of those
who seek appointment to the federal
IN ADDITION, he said, O'Brien's
nomination suggests "overtones and
innuendos of political favoritism and
politics in connection with the federal

judicial appointment process."
Overall, Deacy said the ABA had
concluded in two separate in-
vestigations that O'Brien lacked com-
petence and integrity and was,
therefore, "not qualified" to be a judge.
After 1955, O'Brien worked in the
Democratic presidential campaigns of
the late Robert Kennedy, Sen. George
McGovern and the late Sen. Hubert
In 1976, he was Carter's Michigan
campaign manager and is currently a,
member of the Democratic National
O'Brien has broad support for his
nomination among others in the judicial

War-tax dissidents
protest tax collection

in Union de
(Continued from Page 1) ON THE SL
the candidates have met face to face in power,. Pierce s
debate. because of the
IN HIS OPENING remarks, Pierce volved. He saidt
attacked Republican actions on issues nate sources
including marijuana legislation, door- disagreed, sayin
to-door voter registration, and the Viet relatively safe a
Nam war. Colburn countered by major source ofE
claiming that many actions by the Colburn said h
Republican party did not necessarily in the amount of
reflect his own views or actions on the of highereduc
subject. debate Pierce
Colburn said that on his arrival in timistic that m
Lansing, he would immediately couldon'tfthink
propose three pieces of legislation to: 1)nk
open party caucus meetings to the increase at this
public, 2) provide for a "pilot program" don't know whet
to reduce high school violence, and 3) money for high
provide more Department of Natural diverted from,"
Resources field personnel to make sure Colburn charg
firms and municipalities are complying runyunsuccessf
with environmental regulations. really more int
Both candidates said they favor some know and I kno
sort of handgun control. Pierce started to be in Washing
to answer the question of whether he Pierce denied
favored gun control, but his opening did not-intend ti
comments on the issue were interrup- seat as a "steppi
ted by a loud gun-like blast from out- The audienc
side. Pierce clutched his heart, said mainly of stud
"yes" and slumped into his chair. stream of questi
Colburn said he also favors some sort didates througho
of handgun control, but expressed in the Pendleton
doubt about the effectiveness of such Union. Retiring
legislation in actually curbing the use.. sley also attende
and ownership of handguns.

UBJECT of nuclear
aid he is against its use
possible dangers in-
there are enough alter-
of energy. Colburn
.g that nuclear power is
nd should be used as a
he favored an increase
state aid to institutions
cation, but after the
said he was not op-
oney for increased aid
it's possible to have an
time," said Pierce. "I
are it (additional state
her education) can be
he added.
ed that Pierce, who has-
flly for. Congress, is
erestedin the national
hap the state one. "You
w that Ed Pierce wants
the claim, saying he
o use the state Senate
ng stone."
e, which consisted
dents, kept a steady
ons flowing to the can-
out the two-hour debate
Room of the Michigan
Senator Gilbert Bur-
d the debate. ]

About ten war-tax dissidents
gathered in front of the Ann Arbor Fed-
eral Building yesterday afternoon to
protest attempts by the Internal
Revenue Service (IRS) to collect war
taxes from two local ministers.
Rev. Anne Broyles, Methodis$
minister at the Wesley Foundation and
her husband, Rev. Larry Peacock,
pastor of Whitmore Lake United
Methodist Church withheld 50 per cent
of their federal taxes which they
believe is the amount spent for military
WHILE BROYLES and Peacock met
with the IRS auditors inside the
building, supporters of the Ann Arbor
War Dissidents group demonstrated
outside. They carried signs which read:
"Fund Human Needs: No War Taxes"

and "Human Rights Versus Pentagon
"They were fairly unwilling to listen
to us," said Broyles after talking with
the IRS. "We wanted to sit down and
just talk as one set of human beings to
another," Broyles said. She said they
were told "Go to your congressman,
don't come to us."
"They will get the money, but that is
not the point," she continued. "We want
to help other people see that some of us
are willing to take risks," Broyles said.
THE ESTIMATED 30 to 40 Ann Arbor
citizens who refuse to pay the part of
their taxes which are devoted to
military support meet on the last
Saturday of every month in the Wesley
Lounge. Many of the dissenters are
Christians who protest because of
religious beliefs. They say they believe
the government is devoting too much
money to military purposes, according
to part-time University student Cynthia
The. group stressed that it is not
against paying taxes. It supports the
World Peace Tax Fund Bill, presently
in Congress, which would allow con-
scientious objectors to allocate their
share of war taxes to a trust fund for
peace research.
We specialize in
ladies's and children's
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PBB may influence
child learning skills

(Continued from Page 1)
physical health," she said.
The report is part of a larger study of
children funded by the state health
department and held in Muskegon last.
September. The study involved 44
children, 25 of whom were born of PBB-
exposed farm mothers and 19 from
unexposed mothers.
The study, focusing on 19 of the 25
children of exposed mothers, found that
10 children with higher PBB levels did
not do as well as nine children with
lower PBB levels.
spokesman said all tests in both groups
fell in a normal range.'
The spokesman said the special panel
will review the MSU findings and
possibly order further tests.

The panel will include Edward Sch-
wartz, acting director of the pediatric
psychology section of the University'of
Michigan, Lester Weiss, chief of the
pediatrics department at Henry Ford
Hospital in Detroit, and William Rae,
chief of pediatric psychology at Henry
FARM FAMILIES which received
the full impact of the PBB con-
tamination tragedy are the only people
tested thus far who have shown health
problems apparently linked to PBB.
Several of them underwent intensive
medical exams and are now receiving
followup exams and treatment in
clinics at Sparta and Reed City and
from family practice physicians in
Traverse City, Lincoln, Saginaw, Mar-
shall and Allegan.

computer careers
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day's most advanced large-system tech-
nology was developed by a company that,
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Although we are growing at a rapid
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