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October 05, 1978 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 1978-10-05

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Page 10-Thursday, October 5, 1978-The Michigan Daily


Blue defensive back has Jolly outlook

Mike Jolly.
601 per game
$1.25 per hour
to 6 P.M.
at the UNION

Mike Jolly hopes to make his living by running backwards.
Last Saturday the spirited defensive back intercepted two
Duke passes and for his efforts was named Big Ten Defensive
Player of the Week, as well as Michigan team defensive champion.
Someday he hopes to play in the NFL.
BUT BEFORE THE NFL Jolly plans on getting his Michigan
diploma, as Bo Schembechler insists. Not too long ago, though, it
didn't look like Jolly would make it academically.
"My grade point's 2.4 or 2.5, and that's not bad considering I
almost flunked out after my first semester," the 6-3 junior explains.
"I took classes I didn't know anything about and was put on
Schembechler set Jolly straight. "Bo said there'd be no way I'd
be back if I flunked out," says the mustachioed 20-year-old. "So I
went out and pulled a 3.0."
Studying does not come that easily to number 16 ("that's about
the number of hours of sleep I need during the season," he says).
On a typical day Jolly is up around 7:30, for either an eight o'clock
class or football strategy session.
Jolly fills his mornings- with class because practice starts
around 2 p.m. By the time practice and dinner are over it's 7:30.
"Then I may watch a little TV, I'm a real TV watcher, and relax for

a while before studying for a couple of hours," Jolly describes.
The hectic pace usually eases up after the football season, but
Jolly, who played four sports in high school, is going to try and
make the baseball team this year.
The Melvindalenative (Detroit suburb) hit .400 his junior year
in high school playing leftfield and .333 his senior year while
playing shortstop.
He has kept in touch with the bat and ball by playing in summer
leagues. "Bo said 'I'll let you play baseball as long as your start.
Otherwise I want you back on the football field (for spring prac-
tice')," explains Jolly.
Jolly went to Catholic high schools, spending his first three
years, at Dearborn Sacred Heart and his final year at St. Thomas
In high school he played both ways, starting at tailback and
defensive back. "It was fun to carry the ball, that's why I like
returning punts so much. But when I came here I was definitely a
defensive back," Jolly says.
As a senior just about every school that fields a football team
wrote Joly a letter. "I got a couple hundred letters, but I didn't an-
swer any of them," he says. "If they were really interested they
would come out and see me."
The slender youth was visited by Michigan and Michigan State.
He discounted Michigan State because of its probation problems.

"My mom wanted me to go to Notre Dame," Jolly remembers.
"But they recruit only the biggest guys and I'm not that big."
Jolly is the youngest of five children. The next generation in
his family is nine years older. "I grew up pretty much as an only
child," he says. "My brothers played football in high school and
they were really good.
"They always keep me in place," he continues. "If I think I'm
good they just say they would've been twice as good. One of my
sisters was such a good athlete the Melvindale football coach wan-
ted her to go out for the team."
After the Duke game Schembechler praised Jolly, saying: "It's
tough to beat Jolly. In fact, we have trouble beating him in prac-
One of Jolly's strengths is his refined backward running
technique. "There are a couple of ways to run backwards," Jolly
notes. "As a freshman I would just run backward and I would won-
der how the receiver could get to me so fast.
"But I watched (former U-M defensive back Jim) Bolden run
with one foot turned out, so I tried it," he adds. "And I found I could
run faster that way. Now all the defensive backs run that way."
It's these long, quick steps backward that Jolly hopes will
propel him into the NFL. And for now, he enjoys the game: "Inter-
cepting is the best. Hitting somebody really good is second best."



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Bonds balks at trade;
money not the issue
By The Associated Press
CLEVELAND-Outfielder Bobby Bonds says he doesn't care about
money and he does not plan to honor the last four years of his contract after
being traded by the Texas Rangers to the Cleveland Indians.
Since Bonds, 32, does not have any clauses in his contract which could
bar Tuesday's trade, his only apparent recourse, other than reporting to the
Indians next spring, would be to retire.
Such a move would forfeit, the final four years of a five-year pact
estimated to be worth $2 million.
"THEY CAN CRAM the money," said the much-traveled Bonds. "Money
doesn't make it. I'm sick of talking about money. It doesn't pacify a person
I don't play for money. I play because I like it."
Bonds, who hit 31 homers, drove in 90 runs and stole 43 bases for the
Rangers last season, came to the Indians, along with young pitcher Lem
Barker, in exchange for pitcher Jim Kern and utility infielder Larvell
ASKED WHAT HE would do if he does stay out of baseball next year, Bon-
ds said "I'm going to scout around and see if there are any high school jobs
open Maybe I can help out in a college."
Meanwhile, Cleveland General Manager Phil Seghi ignored Bonds'
stand and said, "We acquired power we desperately need and speed we
desperately need in one very talented man."

Daily Photo by BRAD BENJAMIN
MIKE JOLLY snatches an Illinois pass in this year's season opener. The junior
defensive back hopes that maneuvers like this will get him a shot at the pros.





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If Melissa Luedtke can be the first,
so can Beth Friedlander. Luedtke, who
works for Sports Illustrated magazine,
recently won female sports writers the
right to interview athletes in the locker
room. Friedlander, a sophomore at
Michigan, is attempting to put a
woman's water polo team together for
the first time.
Why is that so tough? Not only would
this be a first but the established men's
club is having problems of their own.
trying to find pool time for practice.
This makes the situation even more dif-
ficult for Beth and her female cohorts.
"We tried to do it (put a team
together) last year, but we didn't have
enough girls," explained Friedlander.
With no club to call her own last year,
Friedlander joined the men's team and
played out the season as the sole female

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'polo' in doubi


When she attempted to rejoin the
guys this fall, she swam into a barrier.
It seems the men's team wants to use
strictly men, therefore leaving Beth
without a team to play on.
According to Andy Katzenstein, cap-
tain of the men's club, "Everyone has
agreed, when it comes to games, we
want to win. We'd rather put in a guy off
the bench than one of the girls. So,
we've decided not to let girls play with
us this year."
"Believe me, there's nothing the guys
want more than a girl's team," con-
tinued Katzenstein. "We want to help,
but we don't want the responsibility of
runing both teams."
However, many females have ex-
pressed an interest in water polo this
year. Friendlander surprisingly
received calls from nine other women,
enough to start a team.
The final say now rests upon the
shoulders of Dr. Jack Reznik, Director'
of Club Sports for the IM Dept.
Friedlander hopes to meet with him
later this week to discuss future plans.
"If we're given pool time,
cooperation from Dr. Reznik and if the
University and the interest of the
women is still there, we plan to go all
out, have a team and win," concluded
the optimistic Friedlander.
Meanwhile, the men's club began
light practices last week and began
heavy workouts Monday. They
somehow overcame the pool hours' con-
troversy and are getting together three
times a week from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m.

With 25 guys out for the team, captain
Katzenstein foresees great things for
this year's club and claims, "The top 12
(traveling squad) are stronger than
After two scrimmages, newcomer
Irwin Futernick, a senior transfer
student from the Unviersity of Denver,
leads the team in scoring.
Katzenstein, who swam with Futer-
nick at Birmingham Groves High
School, calls the former all-state water
polo player the "one big scorer we neede
last year."
Others to watch this year include a
pair of first year men. Paul Fairman
and Eric Johnson, Fairman, a graduate
student from Ann Arbor, has played
two summers of water polo in Califor-
nia. Johnson, a sophomore from
Toledo, completely "outclassed his
competition" in the dormitory swim
meet a year ago when he won both the
200 yard freestyle and the 100 yard
individual medley.
Veterans J.C. Tremblay, a double
winner in the fraternity division of the
meet, and junior captain Katzenstein
form the base of a solid club line-up.
The team plans its first match for
Saturday, October 14 against Michigan
State, probably at the old IM pool. The
squad will later travel to East Lansing
for a tournament featuring MSU,
Western Michigan and Lansing Com-
munity College.

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Dean of the Law School
will present a lecture on


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