Page 4-Thursday, October 5, 1978-The Michigan Daily he mtrch an mat4I Eighty-Nine Years of Editorial Freedom. Vol. LIX, No. 25 News Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan A Mediterranean Economic Community : a solution Salisbury, like the eye. of a hcalm and serene H OW LONG will it be now? How long before the countryside and cities of Zimbabwe are rife with killing? It seems that every day there is a gradual erosion of the peace and human rights which ironically existed in that country, also called Rhodesia, despite a vicious six-year-old guerrilla war. On Monday, the biracial transitional government of Zimbabwe banned the country's last remaining black daily, newspaper, the Zimbabwe Times. The newspaper, with a circulation of 20,000, was shut down in the "interest of public safety and security," according to the official government statement. The Zimbabwe Times has been critical of the transition government's policies. The Times also favored a peace conference which would include all factions including the guerrillas. This viewpoint hasn't been too popular among the white community since the guerrillas shot down an airplane with 56 civilian passengers aboard. Many of the crash survivors were slaughtered; some whites, especially Prime Minister Ian Smith, claim the revolutionary forces were responsible for the killings. Joshua Nkomo, co- leader of the Patriotic Front, claimed credit for the fall of the airplane but not of the slaughter which ensued. In either case, the whites are exerting their pressure in the government to keep the lid on as long as possible. The tighter the protective circle is drawn, however, the bloodier and longer the fight for power will be. Calm in the face of opposi ioh tends to have a tranquilizing effect. But such arbitrary action which limits the freedom of the citizen to know only adds fuel to the fire. Salisbury, the nation's capital, only one year ago was like the eye of a hurricane, calm and serene - while the rest of the country was virtually burning. Women's clubs still had their teas, men played croquet. Another year or so from now, there probably won't be any flowers in the parks of Salisbury. War is unhealthy for flowers and children. The hurricane will move on and Salisbury will be enveloped in flames. And as the hurricane moves south, it will pick up speed and momentum. ATHENS, Greece - With the world ecomonic crisis widening the gulf between Northern and Southern Europe, political leaders along 'the Mediterranean are beginning to give up on their northern neighbors and look south - across the sea - for a way out. Convinved that their economies are being stifled by Northern European domination, they dream of a Mediterranean Ecomonic Community that might some day meet the European Common Market on equal terms. Such a community will be the focus of discussion when the major opposition parties of Spain, Italy and Greece and the governments of Algeria, Libya, Cypress, Malta and the Palestine Liberation Organization, stage their second conference of Mediterranean Socialist Parties early next year in Athens. The first conference was last year in Malta. Next year's meeting looms all the more important because of the probably entry of Greece, Spain and Portugal into the Common Market. THE OPPOSITION parties - all serious contenders for power in the European nations hit hardest by the economic crisis of the 1970s - worry that Common Market entry will accelerate three already crippling trneds: " The economic domination of south by north, in which the south is trapped in its role as provider of food, sheap labor and low-level industrial products. . The use of divide-and-rule tactics by the north to exploit the natural competition between Greece, Italy, Spain and Portugal,- all of whom send their fruits,mwines amd olive oil north. " The monopolization of critical new trade and investment channels in the oil-rich nations across the Mediterranean )by the northern economic giants, leaving Southern Europe out in the cold. The proposed solution of the opposition parties, made more difficult and necessary if they are absorbed into the Common Market, is to form a united front to gain more leverage against the north, then to turn south and forge an ecomonic alliance with the oil states. The Malta participants argue that both Southern Europe and the oil nations must resist economic domination by Northern Europe and the United States if they are to control their own destinies. Thus, they have a mutual interest underlined by the bitter memories many of the oil states have of Northern European colonialism - in banding together. BUT THEIR ECOMONIC arguments are perhaps more convincing. Vittorio Orilio, head of the foreign policy section of t}oe Italian Communist Party, explained in a recent interview what Italy and similar countries have to offer the oil states in exchange for the energy and capital investment they need to fuel their own development. "Italy is not an ' extremely high-level industrialized nation," he said. "We have some very sophisticated production, but basically we have medium-level technology. And this is exactly what the developing nations want now . . . They want road construction, for instance, or hydroelectric plants - technologies which are both very By David Osborne important and which provide jobs for the populaton. "This is our tradition: civil engineering, road construction, plants. We can also help with mechanization of agriculture, with new technologies in agriculture." Already, he noted, Fiat is building auto assembly plants in North Africa; Italy and Libya are constructing a gas pipeline across the Mediterranean, and many Arabs are studying in Italian technical universities. ANDREAS CHRISTODOYL IDES, executive committee member of Greece's major opposition party, the Pan-Hellenic Socialist Movement, pointed to many of the same areas in an interview in Athens. "Greece can do a lot, particularly in light manufacturing. For example, we export a lot of refrigerators, clothes, even cars. "We also have a great deal of experience in construction. Greek builders are now in Iraq, Libya, Kuwait. And we have many students here from those countries, as well as Palestinians and Syrians, learning technical skills." Soviet fleets, which go absolutely free with n security agreements to regulate them, control their movements, to limit the dange of incidents." The ultimate goal of an overall security agreement signed by all parties with an interest in the area, such as the 1975 Helsink agreement in Central Europe. BUT THERE ARE many disagreements or specifics. While the Greeks in the PanJ Hellenic Socialist Movement talk of complet withfrawal from NATO and an eventual ba against the Soviet and American fleets in th" Mediterranean, for example, the Italian Communists are far more moderate. "We are not so foolish as to say that the American and Soviet fleets should leave the Mediterranean," Orilio said, "because we know that's not under our control. "But we hope to begin by measures o control - information, for instance, on the movements of the fleets and measures t{+ control the risk of confrontation, to se, whether ships are carrying nuclear weapon and soon. "What we want iq to go beyond NATO and include all the states of the area in a Convinced that their economies are being stifled by Northern European domination, they dream of a Mediterraneat Economic Community that might some day meet th European Common Market on equal terms. i " 7/ I -,2 C % i-c-, I DEP TINK / . DEPARTrMENT 4 . iii/ .,IIt u Why would the oil nations turn to Greece, Italy, Yugoslavia or Spain for these products and services, rather than Northern Europe? 'Because of cheaper prices," Christodoylides said. "Our labor is cheaper. Of course, we can't provide computers for them, but with the light industries they need, we can provide them cheaper." As sound as the logic may be and as much as trade between Greece or Italy and the oil states may rise in coming years, the Malta participants acknowledge that the Mediterranean Economic Community will remain a dream unless the left comes to power in Greece, Italy and Spain. THERE ARE ONLY four governments represented in the Malta Conference: Algeria, Libya, Malta and, Cypress. Yugoslavia, which has very close relations with the Greek Socialists and Italian Communists, was an observer at Malta but may participate fully in Athens. The Malta participants have outlined a second goal, however, that might bear more fruit in the short run: a Mediterranean security agreement to stabilize what has become an explosive area and guarantee its neutrality between the Soviet and American blocs. "The Mediterranean is still an area in which there is no clear ageement on security problems," Orilio noted.."This is an area in which there is a real danger of war. "There is the Middle East, there is the tension between Algeria and Morocco, there are the problems between Greece and Turkey, there is the-problem of the U.S. and peaceable solution. We want to become an element of peace in the area - which we do not consider it is." According to Orilio, the interest in a Mediterranean security agreement goes fa beyond the leftist policies of the Malt configuration. "THIS IS A position on which you can find, say, the ruling parties of both Spain an(, Greece, as well as our own governgient it Italy. Three months ago in Venice we had 2 seminar between representatives of many different parties, including those i government, fronr Spain, Portugal, France Italy, Yugoslavia and Greece. "It was only a seminar, there were n commitments made. But there was interes by all of them on the general problems - how to avoid war, to have peace and security in the Mediterranean, to create mor autonomy." "But I must insist," Orilio quickly adde "the initiative has been ours." Whether that initiative will bear fruit, only time will tell, "The Malta conference was only our first meeting," Christodoylides said. "We had a general discussion, but not on specific issues. We hope that at the Athens conference we can come to agreement on some specific questions." Davis Osborne, a former editor a Pacific News and staff writer at the New Republic, has been in Europe on assignment for Pacific News Service. 4 o4 J THE MILWAUKEE JOURI Dist. Field Newspaper Syndicat *1 f ts LI~iris FV1CKMA6! t0 YIN I C-1O r HOW6. 7. PEACE IS 6ASPING r(5 GAS( A111! A54 ap EiE & Wv6r 15AC r NiA6 CPOH jYo 4'! 9 ee? Kit 'Got a great idea, chief! A nine digit zip code - making it even more difficult to send a letter! We'd save a bundle on deliveries!' Detroit Police pioneers with domestic violence program till, IN DETROIT last year, nearly one- third of all emergency police calls involved cases of domestic violence, which led to 25 per cent of the city's homicides. Since domestic violence has traditionally been considered a "personal, family problem", most battered spouses are unaware of their legal rights, and most police officers are either too uninformed or insensitive to help out. Yesterday, Detroit took a pioneering step toward solving the problem of this great hidden crime, when it announced it would use a $90,000 grant it received from the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration to train police officers in answering domestic violence calls. Until recently, battered spouses had PEACE 15COMA 1?2S16& IF N &6t.16V6. S OF A)Ifvl MOE (~LCt 0 ( T86 1i e14 SVHI V7 may become incensed at being arrested and tried, and take his or her hostilities out on his or her spouse even more zealously. Aware of this possibility, many abused spouses refuse to press charges out of fear and an accurate sense of futility. Under the new program, there will be a full-time victim assistance co- ordinator to explain to battered spouses that they don't have to tolerate beatings even if they are afraid to prosecute. The victim assistant will be able to refer the spouse to temporary shelters or counseling services. In addition, the program will make police more aware of the options a battered spouse has, and will attempt __ Letters to the Daily To the Daily: I noted with interest today your comments on President Carter's remarks in Aliquippa, Pa. on the establishment of a P.L.O. (Palestinian Liberation Organization) office in Washington D.C. nYo ri emark: "Anv midasqt the Palestinian people. I moved toIsrael several years ago at which time I had the op- portunity to meet many Palestinians living in the oc- cupied territories who would refute the P.L.O.'s claim to leadership and to being the sole r.nrPC..taivP of the Paleiian. calls for the destruction of the State of Israel and refuses to United Nations Resolution 242. To this day, the P.L.O. still claims the disgraceful "credit" in the killing, the murder of innocent civilians, in the name of justice and nationalism. Am I to under- tind von crrectI ythattw e are pointment by other Arab gover- nments and, this representation would be willing to recognize Israel's right to exist and to par- ticipate in fair negotiations, then perhaps, the aspirations of the Palestinians would become a reality. But the P.L.O. is not the r...P.nfat:a Phiaan k ..