Page 10-Tuesday, October 3, 1978-The Michigan Daily Combined compli'." (Continued from Page 1) Several SACUA members raised fears that the joint process might result in a list of compromise candidates with none of the first choices of any of the committees included. Others were con- cerned with the proportion of represen- tation on the joint committee and with the possibility of one group "vetoing" the choice of another. While Arnson stressed that MSA was not seeking a firm commitment from SACUA, Rubin expressed disappoin- tment at SACUA's reaction. "There didn't seem to be in that room very. much pro-student sentiment," she said. -RUBIN SAID because MSA did not receive any kind of definite response from SACUA, it was "back to square one" in planning its strategy in the presidential selection process. MSA recently passed a resolution to boycott the process until' it finds student representation in the selection "adequate." The Regents have asked for MSA's final decision on whether or not it will participate by October 16. Arnson and Rubin also raised fears that the Regents will not divulge the names on the list of nominees that they draw up, as was the case in 1966. Ac- cording to Rubin, one Regent has agreed that the Regents must open their list to inspection by the other input sought by MSA committees. But according to Arnson, another Regent has "been opposed to anything anyone's wanted to do positive." Rubin later identified the second Regent as Dean Baker (R-Ann Arbor). MSA received support fop its proposals from at least one faculty member. In a September 26 letter to SACUAS, Humanities and engineering Prof. Robert Weeks criticized the role of the faculty currently plays in picking President Robben Fleming's successor. "For the faculty merely to submit names, limits the faculty to a role so peripheral as to border on the meaningless," Weeks wrote. Council GOP, will not appeal bu (Continued from Page 1) the morning of May 24, 1978." BELCHER ADDED that he met with Murray at 8:00 the next morning and obtained the necessaiy information to decide on the changes. When asked why the group would not appeal as a party and use Republican party funds, Belcher said, "The process of going after the constitituionality of' the act would be too cumbersome." He added, however, 'that the slate legislature should more clearly define many vague portions of the law. The Republicans said they felt they were complying with the law when they met since both parties had requested ( The Center for AfroAmerican and African Studies PRESENTS- Prof. James de Vere Allen THE UNIVERSITY OF NAIROBI LECTURING ON "THE ECONOMIC HISTORY OF THE EAST AFRICA COAST RECONSIDERED" WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1978 12:00 Noon to 1:30 P.M. Center for AfroAmerican and African Studiesj 1100 S. University Please be on the lookout for seminar presentation by Dr. Donald Spivey, visiting professor of history, on "Race Building Separatism and Education," October 11, 1978. ALL WELCOMEI Refreshments Served Iget ruling the opinion of city attorney Bruce Laidlaw in May 1977 on the legality of caucus meetings under the open meetings act. BELCHER ALSO expressed con- cern about the effect of applying the law to political party conventions and other party gatherings. "The political process must be protected," said the mayor. He also raised the question of how many members are legally allowed to be present or gathered together if a quorum is not required. In response to a question, the mayor said the caucus has not met with a quorum present since that May meeting. When asked if caucus mem- bers are alternatively staying away from meetings to avoid a quorum, thus remaining legal, Belcher said "(the caucus) is complying with the law." "Nothing is ever discussed at caucus that is not discussed at Council," said the mayor, and added "Six can meet and not discuss things that should be public." CMEJREK SAID another questionable area of the law is where it says "the deliberation toward a decision" must be open. Cmejrek said it is unclear what "deliberation" means and whether it applies to caucus meetings and council meetings, or strictly council. Belcher objected to the law's requirement that caucuses meet in public places since that excludes in- dividual homes. AP Photo PRESIDENTIAL APPOINTEE Allan Smith risked dinner in West Quad dormitory last night to discuss his nomination with residents of Adams House. Seated from left to right are Adams House RA Joe Fresh, RD Bob Cindric, Smith, and Tim Snow, West Quad head librarian. Smith digests questions at Quadj By TOM MIRGA University presidential appointee Allan Smith fielded questions like a golden-glove shortstop in a question- and-answer session that followed din- ner with over 100 residents of West Quad's Adams House last night, although Smith claimed he had no idea what his new job would hold in store for him. "Some people told me that they thought that accepting the position took a great sacrifice on my part" the silver- haired Law School professor told a group of students in the Adams House lounge. "THEY POINTED out that I was giving up a fine job in San Francisco," he said, "not to mention that my golf game would probably also suffer as a result." Regardless of those pitfalls, Smith said it was "an honor being chosen the president of such an institution" and that he was intending to enjoy working Palestine Human Rights Committee Organization Meeting October 6, 1978-7 PM Mich. Union, Conference Room 6 in the Administration Building again in January. RA Joseph Fresh was influential in bringing the former Law School dean, and once-Vice President for Academic, Affairs to Adams House for a taste of West Quad cooking. FRESH SAID, "The staff of our house thought it would be a good idea to bring Smith to the dorm and begin to establish his contact with, the studen- ts." Fresh said the staff's success of having resigning President Robben Fleming "over for dinner" last Decem- ber prompted them to extend the same invitation to Smith. "The Regents have made perfectly clear to me,' said Smith after .dinner, "That.they do not want a delay in momentum while a new president is chosen." Smith also said he did not, want to initiate long range programs or studies that might "tie the hands" of his successor. "It is inthis context that I will have to balance my decisions," said Smith, "although I cannot say just what issues will come up before me this year." SMITH FOUND himself, confronted by a wide range of topics from the students, varying from dorm* cafeteria consolidation to the qualifications of foreign1-speaking teaching -assistants. The 66-year-old law professor handl all inquiries with ease, answering al questions smoothly in a thoroughly ob jective manner. "He didn't bullshit us, that's for sure' said one student after the session. "Yo can tell that he doesn't have anything t, cover up and that what he doesn't know he'll work hard to find out about," sai another. "Last Tuesday, I tried to reac President Fleming to speak to hir about matters concerning tht position," Smith told the group. "I HAD GONE to his office while h was out, so I had asked the secretary to see the president's appointment calen- dar. I looked and saw that it-was full al' the way through to the following Mort- day," Smith said. "That's when I remembered just why I left my former position in the Office' of Academic Affairs and went back to teach in the Law School," he said. Smith said that at age 66, he was already one year too old to even con- sider keeping the position of president, in view of the University's 65-and-ou policy for administrators. "I will be happy and willing to hol the position for a while," Smith sai "but I am also looking forward returning to the Law School where I ca manage my own tiie." I , , - I r A college education is no longer limited to the rich, the brilliant, and those with four years to while away. The very essence of the experience is now available in one bigger-than-economy-size volume that has already been called: "The best of the best" That's a direct quote from the editors of America's oldest humor magazine. They believe this BIG BOOK OF COLLEGE LIFE has it all-extraordinary humor, stimulating erotica, instant self-help, deep meaning, and at least 3 illustrations. "The sex revolution is over, and you are the loser:' That's a direct quote from the book. The authors realize that sex is not only part of college life, it also sells books. They therefore include a great deal of advice for bewildered young people.. But sex isn't everything Actually, the authors feel the same way about sex that the immortal Vince Lombardi felt about winning. But for those with less active libidos, they include complete information on: Univer- sity Health Services; College and Fear; How to Write a 5-Page Paper;, Metamorphosis of a Col- lege Room; "I Have a Twenty- Page Paper Due Tomorrow; Final Exams; and Making Alumni Connections. For $5.95-$47,994.05 less than the alternative-you can't afford to be without the complete HARVARD LAMPOON BIG BOOK OF COLLEGE LIFE. From The Table of Contents: The Unnecessary Stu- } dent Aptitude Test (UNSAT) A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to 710 Verbal, 790 Math Study: The Best Medicine The Amorous Curriculum Mexican Medical Schools .,. ..:. ..{:'{':::tp:::"}" v:. . ?'. "A .r .r.. .... .. ......... ti : ::. S":.:; li FRIDAY OCTOBER 27 CRISLER ARENA, ANN ARBOR Reserved Seats $8.50-$7.50 Tickets go on sale Wed. Oct. 4 at Crisler Arena in Ann Arbor at 11 am. Tickets also at all Hudsons and Huckleberry Party Store in Ypsilanti. Sorry, no personal checks. Beginning Thurs., Oct. 5 tickets at the Michigan Union Box Office (M-F 11:30-5:30 763-2071). Tickets also at all Hudsons and at Huckleberry Party Store. - ~ m;7N=