Page 2--Sunday, October 1, 1978-The Michigan Daily
The Michigan Daily-Sunday, (
shaw liver nor(e
RAMRLINGS/ david goodman
RAN INTO Amy on State St. about a
I week ago. "David?" she asked, ten-
tatively, when she first spotted me. Af-
ter all, it had been a good seven years
since our paths had crossed. Memories
fade and appearances change with
We were religious school classmates,
and hadn't seen each other since high
school graduation. I did not even know
she was'in Ann Arbor.
"So what have you been up to these
past seven years?" I inquired. Amy ex-
plained that, after graduating from
Kent State, she had entered a Near
Eastern Studies masters program here
and was now studying economics. Two
degrees down and working on a third.
"What about you?" she asked. Where
had I been and what had I done? "I've
been in Ann Arbor pretty much straight
through," I replied, hesitating. "I'm
still working on my BA - just about
Seven years on a BA? Well, it's a long
story, but ...
There used to be a popular saying
that went, "Don't let classes get in the
way of your education." I can honestly
say I have followed that advice very
well. Too well, my parents might argue.
Along with hundreds - perhaps.
thousands - of others, I was swept up
in, the ferment and excitement that
marked this campus and community in
the first half of the seventies. The anti-
war movement, the 18-year-old vote,
student political activism and the
youth cointer culture all made their
mark here during those years.
I knew that I wanted to be part of-
those things, so I dove in head first. As
for academics, my ostensible reason
for being here, well, they would have to
take a back seat.
S O NOW, here I am, 25 years old and
still plugging away at my un-
dergraduate degree. My peers, mean-
while, are finishing law school and med
school, making money and making
Have they all lapped me in the track
meet of life? Sometimes, I feel that
John Belushi, aka Bluto, when told of
his expulsion from school in the film
Animal House exclaimed, "There go
seven years of college down the drain."
Have my seven years gone down the
Sometimes, I find it useful to have a
repertoire of glib one-liners on hand to
toss out when some 18-year-old
classmate, who was a sixth grader
when I started college, asks what in
God's name I'm still doing here.
"I'm involved in a special
decelerated learning program for the
intellectually deficient," is a typical
Such responses mask my sense of
unease about my super-annuated un-
dergraduate status.
But, when I sit down and ask myself
what I would have given up in order to
make up those "lost" years, I'm hard
pressed to name anything.
Would I forego the experience of par-
ticipating in efforts to build a third par-
ty in Ann Arbor to challenge the
traditional power structure for Poli Sci
Would I give up the chance to join the
successful campaign to decriminalize
marijuana in the city, and the unsuc-
cessful effort to create rent controls?
Might my life be better if I hadn't tried
my hand at politics by running for city
council, ringing doorbells and pumping
hands? My smiling muscles hurt for
months afterward.
M AYBE I should have returned to
school and not gone to world as an
underpaid staff writer for the late -
and little lamented - Ann Arbor Sun,
which was then one of underground
journalism's dying embers.
Maybe I should have stayed away
from the Byzantine, Barnum and
Bailey arena of student government.
And wouldn't it have been better if, in-
stead of joining the staff of the college
newspaper, I had kept my ass in the
'UGLI and my nose in my textbooks?
In this lies the answer, or at least my
answer. There is really very little I
would want to give up in exchange for
those years.
Those rich experiences have given
me insights that I will have with me
Besides, how many people would be
in a position to write the definitive
guide to college student life in the
seventies entirely from personal ex-
perience? Who knows - if I ever
graduate, maybe I'll try.
In Other "Words is a new weekly column
designed to offer faculty a forum through
which they can laud, criticize or simply ex-
pound upon topics relevant to students and the
University community.
"The kids today are passive and grubby-not
nearly so interesting as those ten yearsago.',
A friend was assessing his students and had made
a common observation, the current cliche in his
circle. He went on to the customary horror story
about the student objecting to a B plus because he
"had" to go to medical school and to a sigh about
stirring days in the late 1960's. There are many, of
course, who welcome the change, but the sense of
loss is pervasive.
What's at issue here? Perhaps it is nothing more
than the settled careerist's familiar fantasies, of
tilting with those who torment the world, throwing
off prudential restraints and wading into the
dragons, only to see his reverie cloud over and the
real world beckon again. That's harmless enough,
but perhaps there is at least a small note of bad
grace about it.
It might appear in a kind of double message from
teacher to student. If you are going to amount to.
anything-and, by extension, if you want to be
worth my time-you had better tie into this subject
and keep at it. Yet, if you are not out there stirring
up the social pot, taking on the bad guys, you are
dull and self-centered. The vicarious version of the
old fantasy can thus be damaging. Pushing students
out in front of the armchair army is a dubious
Shaw Livermore is a history pro-
MBIVALENCF, ABOUT making a living has
always been around university halls, as well
as elsewhere. Teachers will on occasion remind one
of how they scratched their way to stardom and on
another occasion expatiate on learning for learning's
sake, the joy of illumination and the values of a
liberal education. On still other occasions they will
condemn the world's moral ills and fancy
themselves among the new Galahads. These are
honest thoughts and they should be taken up
It is when they are expressed through a mildly
patronizing dismissal of today's student generation
that one can object. Teachers have a perfect right to
make their claim for an appropriate salary, just as
they have a perfect right to lament our blemished
society or regret the decline of -enlightened
reflection. They should not lay off on students,
however, the dilemmas that are sometimes posed
by these pursuits. Each of us must confront them as
personal obligations and not be satisfied with
indicting others.
It is not at all clear how we should understand the
1960's. The student dimension, particularly, was
nearly worldwide and had roots well beyond
American engagement in Vietnam. Practices in
schools and universities were attacked on a broad
front and those practices were altered in sometimes
dramatic ways. Telling points were made, mixed
liberally with crudeness and destructiveness that
still leave scars. The
different today.
moned to the barric
to that change. That the
others that they have si
IBM to fight for princij
change on the job front
sharply etched against ti
not so lush.
Can we translate
observations into a cha
discouraging for student
vaguely expected of the
inappropriate. I sensed
summer I and three othe
writing on the 60's with a
college students. We tho
stories of the good ohc
Columbia, but instead th4
dutifulness. Perhaps th
students wanted to be le
lives in the late 1970's an
made subtle surroga
maunderings of others.
The world is much too
games. We need each 01
there when we see more c
one's life, meanwhile, in
direction is surely an hoi
the goose...
sundany magazine RC STdC PLIZZLE
iL 21{Q 221M
jM 41'R 42 G
B iF 2 S 3 E 4 K 5
M1 23iG 24UQ 25.13 26
G 43.T 441~S 45;E 46i
M 27I I 28'R
0 47 Q 48 49K
9'U 10 IF i 12 13 a
D 30+F 31'0 32V 33-K
J 51jL 52 D 53 R
70,C 71 72E 73G 74 x
14 15A 16N 17
34 J. 35" A 36'M 34
1 189 19
I 38T? 39
F 2
G 40
; 61,
54 0 55,F
58 Q 59 6oc
H 63
G 83 R 840 85
I 103 B 104!C 105
H 650 66K
P 86 M 87I8
L 106 U 107 D 1C
67 Q 68
88 K 89
75 P 76 N 77
79 L 80 K 81! m 8
99 A 100 I 101 J 102
91 N 92! L 93 J 94 P
9M S 96 L
J 109 V 110 K 111 P 112;1 113 1 114 5 115 E 116.0 117 0 118 B 119
x 123 V 124 C 12
V 145 P 146, 14
S-16 B 168 A 16
25; L 12E61
P 127 U 128 M 129 5130 J 131
E 148 L 149 V 150 T 151' D 152
1 L132,B 133-J 134 j
3 153 S 154B 155 N 156k
135 C 136 0 137-G 138-K 139
9= U 1?
I 172 2T 17
P 174 B 175I 176'm 177 J 178±N
~ 1
157 V 1581G 159 L 160 J 161 P 162 I 163:B 164T
179 0 180 E 181°D 182 C 183 J 184.T 185 G 186
Copyright 1978
Guess the words defined at the
left and write them in over
their numbered dashes. Then,
transfer each letter to the cor-
responding numbered square
in the grid above. The letters
printed in the upper-right-hand
corners of the squares indi-
cate from what clue-word a
particular square's letter
comes from. The grid, when
filled in, should read as a
quotation from a published
work. The darkened squares
are the spaces between words.
Some words may carry over
to the next line. Meanwhile,
the first letter of each guessed
word at the left, reading down,
forms an acrostic, giving the
author's name and she title of
the work from which the quote
is extracted. As words and
phrases begin to form in the
grid,. you can work back and
forth from clues to grid until
the puzzle is complete.
A. Informer
8. Plant eaters
C. Put in peril; chance; risk
D.. U.S. Coins
E... as a mouse"
(2 words)
F. Refuse; rubbish
G. Tomes; brings under control
H. Parched; dry
I. Engaged in rough or
boisterous play
J. Fat chance (coil.)
(4 words)
K. Mother of invention
L. Mockjudicial proceeding
(2 words)
19 7 169 90 36 100
1 14 104 133 140 168 175 164 155 119
9 60 98 125 183 71 105 136
30 53 72 117 152 108 182
4 46 148 181 73 116 135
31 2 20 62 11 56
24 26 43 49 61 74 83 138 143 153 159 186
8 65 75 122 144 157 63
-a- - - - .. --- - _.
28 38 88 91 101 147 103 113 163 172 176 141
6 35 51 94 109 131 134 161 172 184
5 34 67 81 111 123 139 50-
80 93 97 126 132 52 21 70 16 121 149 160
FILM I/ch ristopher potter
Kitsch, cults, classics in A t
M. Augments; strengthens
N. Habitats supplysing the factors
necessary for existence of
0. Bug someone; imitate him
purposefully (3 words)
P. Tender attachments
Q. Creeping bird that cracks
open kernels to eat
R. Copy; mimic
S. Least possible or acceptable
T. Terribleness; dreadfulness
U. Linear magnitude; time duration
V. Mediocre man and priest
12 23 27 37 41 82 87 120 129 142 177
77 179 69 92 17 156
13 32 47 55 66 85 166 180 137 118
40 86 162 95 174 112 127 76 146
15 22 25 48 59 78 178 68 '
18 57 42 54 79 84 29
3 154 130 167 115 96 45
44 64 39 114 151 170 165 173 185
IF THERE is one cultural absolute
around this town, it's .the
remarkable fact that if you hang
around here long enough, you can see
practically every domestic movie ever
made, plus a growing 'number of
foreign offerings.
While Ann Arbor has long been one of
the relatively few meccas, outside the
east or west coasts, boasting a massive
variety of film fare, the past few years
have witnessed a profound . shift in
origin, with the impetus for screening
innovative works taken over from local
commercial theaters by campus film
It's a somewhat ironic transition:
Though the number of local movie
houses has doubled in the last five
years, the number of modest-budget
and foreign offerings has drastically
shrunk in inverse proportion to the
number . of available arenas. As in-
ation soars and mainline film
fdgets zoom comparably, theater
chains panic over exhibiting anything
less than a guaranteed blockbuster.
Why, they think, take a chance on 1900
when Grease can make everyone rich?
F OR INSTANCE, Ann Arbor's Camn-
}us Theater used to be an almost
excl-sive showcase of foreign films.
Now adays, if the Campus' manage-
ment has nothing new to show, they'll
simply screen The End for the third
time or Annie Hall for at least the
Much the same metamorphosis has
transformed the Fifth Forum Theatre,
once a specialiat in small-budget.
American "art" films, now geared
, s n ' 4b One of the rare oodnis 4 , 2y Z . 9C'p 1
(r7 t J °n erly sound pcture tHi '.'a°s"aa SO~ O Os,1
r WOMEN IN LOVE d he bathroom set so r' rP°^;..P ° .M ctihae C,
a t; ~he added to the "I i" so r. 49Pnao Ga lac iln v$P
e t t :oDir..Ken Russell, 1970. Alan Ba an interestil 'n ' 4a -,e P^° sPl sb n°
s 'a- + Oliver Reed, Glenda JacksonJeos too soph 7r bas.e,4'.s0e o". based 0r'
a.0°e m a" «-Eleanor Bran. The D.H. " .'r' o ring thef"
Od. le )O. 4 alaea'4 'n
a ; IValsn4(swet"is a l uP~w :provided two sets of anck' S cat ..v tebek, m a
a e i -a~ * 5 !Su F 'l 4roves in provincial q er i . °e 4 !^2 'PW'I.ita
a4aw l e the' q runes
.m p y ° 6 "t~ l suapn15s sac hell did w as to lace the csc ene .. sy : ~ ~'" 9.C ii ,~' .~a
u 8se) sweeping. ulsi~n" 9.9 ',444..
1.rona r ' eenayw o s r,1974)'"t'n mad as h
awh' a 0res kC Lawrence loathed. ""..' 5 ' . n4.;NOvorit, Bo~b oteTbe spoof
P-t °<P a e. e ° is '.~ hnnuz a tgi5 , ni x: h' r r,4o".o °^^d^ r 'and Christine Noanr
4O n C a w 9irer'n 05 nsata" 4 i ~ b1tirtc :. @" 4. ., J . th~e legendary Intern
44' "O 1 otx77. nA , uo ,,+ '.^' a"4 Or that would
,. d a a ' r ze_ t.. I +4,e,99natii. oa '"., '4. uies
(oshaa Logan, 1967) 'Once there ,as 'a place vn=49,a oIt ,.4,lh, k< v ,<c'5a yt o P mkyanMthaudi
The adventu~res of King Arthur', his Knights of the Ooundtabtr013 gMO % eoG2 yt f Rynld isth Bndt'ndhi
and Queen Guinevere are splendid and colorfual ini this f"t, ~0 ' ' 4. enod steBni n a
S _ 4£ ' c.~.~ .catch Burt. iMeanhile turt is tryil
verio ofth Lene-Lae usialbasd n TH.Wh 'r a~1O 9 ROa , "h a °g i ,pexas to Georgia to collect a $80.0
rn. "1 ^ 1 j ,, O a 0 B 6 . .with CtB. c-uanication and non-
toward mainstream long-runs like
Jaws II and Hooper. Virtually the only
remaining commercial outlet for out-of-
the-way films is, surprisingly, the four-
theater Movies at Briarwood, otherwise
perhaps the most garish cinema
establishment in town. And even there,
any film originating outside continental.
borders is normally limited to . a
maximum one week's run.
While this artistic retrogression has
caused considerable consternation for
serious film buffs, one significant by-
product of the dry spell is that it has
now provided an unexpected cultural
windfall for University film groups.
Traditionally, the campus film socie-
ties have been restricted to showing
reruns, obtaining films sometimes two
or three years after their initial release.
But the diminishing variety of the
commercial theater product has sud-
denly left the local groups unchallenged
in screening some Ann Arbor
which opened in New York two
months ago, was first shpwn in
Michigan this month by the Ann Arbor
Film Co-op, accompanied by its direc-
tor. Bernardo Bertolucci's 1900, which
was turning into the Italian Apocalypse
Now until it finally opened last October,
will make its Ann Arbor debut in a
couple of weeks, courtesy of Cinema II.
By filling this void, Cinema II has
taken one of many steps in recent years
toward increased diversity in campus
filmgoing opportunities, including
selections (The Sting, Murder On the
Orient Express) heretofore considered
antithetical to the image of the film co-
ops. Cinema Guild, the original campus
film society, - formerly specialized
almost exclusively in the old classics
like The Blue Angel, Vampyr, and M.
But its programming has since veered
toward the new and occasionally of-
fbeat, but more often mainline film.
Even the UAC's Mediatrics, formerly
the rib shak of the co-ops, specializing
in nothing but blockbusters, has finally
begun to step into esoterica with entries
like Wim Wenders' Alice In the Cities
and, the gay film A Very Natural Thing,
which to th
hasn't been
the coasts. A
come quickl3
discovered t]
good cocktai
bucks just
styles. Still,
seems to disp
tions, and
acoustical ad
its screenir
Films is' the
year, spons
Tenants' I
politically a
eras, Alterna
have been
societies. T
prisingly atti
Altman's N
exquisite Orp
Which lea
Ann Arbor
youngest, bu
and ambitiot
The Co-op's
and nation it
astonishing r
very likely t
anywhere els
otip -rel
10 58 128 171 99 107
33 158 145 124 150 110
See answer in next week's
i _ i