f, Vance, Gromyko hopeful on second SALT accord Daily Photo by CYRENA CHANG Take that-and that! Two members of the University of Michigan fencing club went for each other's throats in a demonstration joust on the Diag Friday afternoon. The fencing club meets every Tuesday and Thursday at the Coliseum from 6-10 p.m. Edgar Bergen dead LAS VEGAS, Nev. (UPI)-Edgar Bergen, who parlayed his wooden dummy Charlie McCarthy into one of the greatest comic acts in show business, died in his sleep yesterday of an apparent heart attack. He was 75 years old. The flip and cheeky Charlie, who con- tinuously kidded Bergen about his lips moving when throwing his voice, was gone, too, at 64. He would never rip off another, 'I'll mow 'em down!" CAESARS PALACE Executive Vice President Harry Wald said Bergen's body was discoyered in his suite about 4 p.m., a few hours before a performan- ce. Clark County Deputy Coroner Scott Browar said Bergen died in his sleep of an apparent heart attack. He estimated the time of deathks between 3 p.m. and 4 p.m. Bergen's body was taken to Palm Mortuary in Las Vegas, but a spokesman said it would probably be sent to Southern California for burial. AFTER MORE than 50 years in the business, the ventriloquist had announ- ced Sept. 21 that he and Charlie were ready to retire-Bergen going to relax in the sun and warmth of Palm Springs, Calif., and Charlie to the Smithsonian Institution. "What are you retiring from?" the dummy asked Bergen when the two an- nounced their retirement. "You haven't had to work since you met me." Bergen opened Wednesday for a two- week engagement at Caesars Palace. His last performances were to have been in Cincinnati and Cleveland in December. moo= Ail-night festivities rock Union (Continued from Page 1) UPC, WHICH is part of the Univer- sity Activities Center, was aided by the Michigan Student Assembly and other campus groups in sponsoring the All- Nighter. "Basically this is a coalition of different groups who are interested in promoting increased student use of the Union," Lebow said. Dave Neubuff, a freshman from South Quad, said he never knew what the Union was. "I thought it was just a place for alumni and buying concert tickets. I never realized there was so much in here for the students." Lebow explained, "This is UPC's kick-off event of the year, and we wan- ted to make it more than just a party. Everyone talks about changing and im- proving the Union. We hope this will help." ART SHOW LOS ANGELES (AP)-More than 75 Japanese, Chinese and Okinawan lacquerworks will be on view through March 25,E1979, at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art. The museum says a wide variety of objects-including chests, trays and boxes-"illustrate a number of lacquer techniques, including mother-of-pearl inlay, basketwork, carved lacquer and the use of gold." Tisch, Headlee clash tomorrow (Continued from Page 1) TISCH, AUTHOR of the property tax- slashing Proposal J, announced last week his opposition to Headlee's Proposal E, which would place a ceiling' on government spending. "I consider Monday's debate to be probably one of the most important debates I will participate in," because of the "caliber" of those attending, Tisch said. Attorney Irwin Ellman, who represented the group which challenged the voucher plan, said he is not worried that the proposal will become law. "IF THE PROPOSAL should pass in November, I am confident it would be challenged under federal law," Ellman said. Since the court already approved two tax proposals, both challenged by Zolton Ferency, the unsuccessful Democratic gubernatorial candidate, the justices "might have been hesitant to disapprove this one," Ellman said. The three arguments elaborated upon" by the Ellman group before the court were: " The petition circulated to get the proposal on the ballot was deceptive because it had a two-inch flyer attached to it - making the page larger than the regulation si'e - which was removed, before the document was filed. " The heading on the petition was not a true heading, as it was located on the side, rather than the top, of the page. " The paper misquoted a section of the state constitution that would be altered by passage of the proposal. The proposal violates the constitution because it provides for state funding of parochial schools. SUBSCRIBE TO THE DAILY-Call 764-0558 Bryan Bowers at Ark (Continued from Page 5) big breakfast and I go back to lid." After a few of his own songs, in- cluding the title cut from his album The View From Home, Bowers engaged the audience in a series of sing alongs. Everyone seemed to know "I'll Fly Away," and Bowers smiled, strumming away, as everyone else bellowed the chorus. The response was equally en- thusiastic for his final number of the opening set, "Walking in Jerusalem." "The autoharp is only magic when it's in tune,' said Bowers between sets as he -carefully checked over all five harps he carries with him on stage.: "They slip out of tune easily, and, since I'm a perfectionist about it, I spend hours a day getting everything just right. I've got to have one for each key, just like harmonicas, and that adds to the job." WHEN BRYAN slows down his picking style, it's easy to see how the fingers work together as they scratch the strings. The level of difficulty would be about on par with playing three finger banjo picking with all five fingers, without being able to look at the strings. The second set was as well paced and performed as the first, with Bowers talking easily to the crowd, but never rambling. All this was a lead in to a song with the message, "I'd no more love one kinda woman than drink one kinda wine." He continued with many songs familiar to the audience including "Liza Jane," punctuated with verses like: "I know a gal who lives on the hill/ She won't do it but her sister will." Bowers has a keen performing edge and magnificent taste for pacing, the content of the musical show, the ac- companiment to his vocal numbers, and the manner in which he related to the audience. An entertainer like this will hardly ever give a poor show, and it's incumbent on even the most casual folk listener to come see the captivating Bryan Bowers next time he visits the Ark. CLASSES NOW FORMING FOR DEC. 2nd LSAT CALL or WRITE Service University L.S.A.T. Preparation 1-261-LSAT in Livonia 33900 Schoolcraft Rd. Suite G-2 Livonia, Michigan 48150 The College of Literature, Science, and the Arts DISTINGUISHED SENIOR FACULTY LECTURE SERIES PROF. WILLIAM K. FRANKENA