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October 01, 1978 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1978-10-01

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ne vicnigan vaiiy-bunday, ctober 1, 1978-Page 3



Take Ten

Red China marked its 19th anniversary with an announcement
that Mao's 26-month-old purge was to be widened to "purify" the 17
milion members of the Chifiese Communisty party. Also on Oct. 1,
1968, presidential candidate George Wallace travelled to Flint and at-
tacked the Supreme Court and "federal bureaucracy in general." Said
Wallace to a bearded protestor: "You'd better have your say now,
because when I become president you'll be all through in this coun-
The hand-shake shuffle
It looked for a while as though it would be a big day for the two
U.S. Senate candidates: Democrat Carl Levin was slated for a Far-
mers' Market appearance, followed by a hand-shaking session at the
Duke game; and incumbent Robert Griffin had also planned to
promote his campaign just before kick-off time at the stadium. Well,
Levin showed up yesterday morning to compete with tomatoes for the
attention of potential voters-only to discover he couldn't politick-un-
der the Market roof. He resigned himself to grabbing hands as shop-
pers left the market burdened with bags of apples and cabbage. But,
politics being what it is, things evened out. A careful half-hour search
for Griffin at the announced gate revealed only his stickers (including
a mysterious "I urge you to vote for Bob Griffin," without any
reference to the speaker). No Griffin. And Levin? Oh, he had decided
to go talk to steelworkers instead. Ann Arbor's too much trouble.
Happenings . .
... begin today with a 25 kilometer March of Dimes Bike-a-thon
at 9 a.m. The bikers are meeting at the corner of N. University and
State Streets; then at 11:30, poli-sci. students and faculty are meeting
in front of the Union for a departmental picnic in Dexter-Huron Metro
Park; the second and final day of the annual Fall Art Fair and the fir-
st-ever Michigan Union Arts Open House will open at 10 a.m. and run
through 6 p.m. in and around the Union. Today's demonstrations at the
fair include printmaking at 1 p.m., leaded glass at 2 p.m., batik at 3 to
5 p.m., and weaving, also at 3. Move on to an introductory lesson on
Siddha mediatation at the Siddah Yoga Dham, 1520 Hill St. at 2:30;
then at 4, the School of Music will present "Encores From In-
terlochen" in Rackham Auditorium; and Hillel will celebrate the
Jewish New Year with orthodoz services at 7 p.m. and reform services
at 8 p.m., at 1429 Hill St., and conservative services will be held at the
Mendelssohn Theatre in the League at 7:30 p.m....
.. on Monday, happenings begin at the Student Publications
Building with Michiganensian graduate portraits being taken from 9
a.m. to 9 p.m.; beginning at 10 a.m., Chabad has services for Rosh
Hashanah; George Gawrych will speak on "Social and Political Con-
ditions in Turkey, 1977-78" at the Center for Near Eastern and African
Studies bag lunch at noon in the Commons Room, Lane Hall; the
Muslim Student Association presents Umar Hassan to speak on "The
History of Islam in America" at 4 p.m. in the MLB lecture room Ii;
also at 4, New York University Law Professor Aryeh Neir will speak at
Rackham Amphitheatre on "Defending Freedom for the Enemies of
Freedom: American Nazis and Free Speech"; at 7 p.m. the Women's
Studies Film Series continues with "Taking Our Bodies Back: The
Women's Health Movement" in MLB Auditorium 3; Lovejoy's
Nuclear War will be shown at 7:30 p.m. in the Kuenzel Room of the
Union; and at 8 p.m., the Ann Arbor Committee for Human Rights in
Latin America will present the movie "Mexico: The Frozen.
Revolution" at 1433 Mason Hall; also at 8 will be two recitals spon-
sored by the School of Music: an organ recital by Timoth Wissler in
Hill Auditorium and a student piano chamber music presentation in
the Recital Hall in the School of Music.
On the outside . .
Grayskies will continue to envelop the area today. The mercury
should reach a high of 63 and a low of 48.

By The Associated Press
Union pickets who virtually shut
down the nation's rail transportation
system for four days honored their
leader's call to go back to work yester-
day under a court order. Spokesmen for
railroad lines across the nation said
trains were beginning to roll.
"We had trains rolling within a mat-
ter a hours," Union Pacific spokesman
C. r. Rockwell said in Salt Lake City.
"We've got everything running that
there is to run."
spokesman Willis Cook said normal
operations were expected to resume
"very shortly. Everything has to get
rolling again . . . the coal mines, the
shippers ... all industry is involved in a
think like this."
The strike that began July 10 by the
Brotherhood of Railway and Airline
Clerks against the Virginia-based Nor-
folk & Western Railway grew to tran-
scontinental proportions last week as
the union threw up picket lines at 73
other carriers providing N&W with
mutual aid pact financial assistance.
The clerks struck in a dispute over
job elminations due to automation and
union representation of supervisory
THE PICKET lines were honored and
the movement of manufactured goods,
raw materials, agricultrual products
and Amtrak and commuter passengers
on 200,000 miles of track came to a halt.
The picket lines started coming down
Friday night following U.S. District
Court Judge Aubrey Robinson's tem-
porary injunciton reinforcing President
Carter's back-to-work order.
Railroad officials said perishable
goods would get priority as shipping
"Reports coming in through the night
and this morning to clerks union
President Fred Kroll indicate that just
about all pickets have been removed,"
Henry Fleisher, spokesman for the
union, said in Washington yesterday.
"The union is in virtually complete
compliance with the court order.
Reports from the field indicate great
satisfaction with the anti-reprisal
feature of Judge Robinson's order."
The union had asked Robinson to or-
der railroads . not to take reprisals
against workers who struck or refused
to cross picket lines, and until the judge
agreed, Kroll would not order members
back to work.

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8:00 p m.
Reserved Seats $8.50-$7.50
Tickets go on sale Wed. Oct. 4 at Crisler Arena in Ann Arbor at 11 am.
Tickets also at all Hudsons and Huckleberry Party Store in Ypsilanti.
Sorry, no personal checks.
Beginning Thurs., Oct. 5 tickets at the Michigan Union Box Office
(M-F 11:30-5:30 763-2071). Tickets also at all Hudsons and at Huckleberry
Party Store.
To order by mail: send self addressed stamped envelope and
money order or certified check only to: _


Michigan Union Box Office
530 S. State Street
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109


University of Michigan's Office of Major Events presentation.

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A Guide to the Campus of
The University of Michigan
The first official guidebook to those unique and historic buildings
which mark a campus rich in tradition. Handsomely illustrated with
photographs and a new aerial map of the campus, the guide is de-
signed to enhance visits to the Ann Arbor campus of the University
of Michigan and will prove invaluable to alumni as well as students
and their families.
paperbound $3.95
P.O. Box'104 Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106
Send me copy(ies) of A Guide to the Campus of The University of
Michigan @ $3.95 per copy. Payment is enclosed.

20UU A. o 21 hours after our deadline The Daily received word
over the wire that Pope John Paul I was dead. The Daily was just then returning from
the printers in Northville- tp late to add any new information. Dedicated Daily
newstaffers contacted Editors .nd the Shop Superintendent to produce a Daily extra
edition on the Pope's death. An extra edition was deemed impossible but Daily Staffers
did not give up. They decided to improvise by copying the wire service release, press-

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