Y. ... .e< Rail clerk strike ends; union obeys court. ruling OPPOSITION TO MEET WIT The Michigan Daily-Saturday," September 30, 1978-Page 7 H U.S.: WASHINGTON (UPI) - U S. District Judge Aubrey Robinson _or- dered the nationwide four-day rail strike ended yesterday-and the president of the striking rail clerks sent his members back to work im- mediately. Robinson signed a "double-edged" temporary restraining order that direc- ted the strikers to return to work and forbade more than 100 railroads from taking reprisals against the strikers who have disrupted virtually all the passenger and freight rail transpor- tation in the nation. FRED KROLL, president of. the str king Brotherhood of Railway, Air~e and Steamship Clerks, em- phasized all workers who were on strike would be protected. "With this tremendous victory, I urge our people to immediately return to work," Kroll said., "We're going to start getting them back immediately. I don't anticipate any problems." ROBINSON'S ORDER stated that the railroads and the union, its officers, employees, agents, members "and all persons acting in concert or par- ticipation with any of them, are hereby enjoined and restrained from resorting to self-help including strikes or lockouts during the period in which the status quo provisions of section 10 of the Railway Labor Act is in effect." Such a period would run up to 60 days from President Carter's creation of the emergency board under the act Thur- sday. Robinson's order will expire at 6:45 p.m. on Oct. 10 unless further extended by the court. Robinson set Oct. 10 for a ,hearing on a preliminary injunction against the strike. THE JUDGE acted after a one-hour hearing in which the BRAC and the railroads could not work out a legal' agreement aimed at reopening rail operations and contract negotiations. Earlier yesterday, the Justice Depar- tment filed suit against the union and 139 railroads asking that there be no strikes or lockouts during a 60-day "cooling off" period under the Railway Labor act. The suit contended that "unless the strikes are enjoined, the United States ... "will suffer immediate and irreparable injury for which it has no adequate remedy of law." THE CRIPPLING walkout began Tuesday as an outgrowth of a dispute between the Brotherhood of Railway, Airlines\ and Steamship Clerks and the Norfolk and Western Railway Co., with displacement of workers through automation the main issue. BRAC President Fred Kroll said his workers needed assurances from the railroads therek. At least 6,000 auto workers were laid off at General Motors plants in Dayton and Vandalia, Ohio, and Southgate, Calif. The giant GM complex in Lor- dstown will be shut down today because of shortage of parts. Ford said at least 10 of its 20 U.S. and Canadian-based plants have been disrupted. There also were layoffs in the eastern Kentucky coal mines and coal preparation plants. Somoza mMANAGUA, Nicaragua (AP)-The BroadNOpposition Front and President Anastasio Somoza apparently are at odds over what five countries will try to mediate an end to the anti-government violence that has torn Nicaragua this year. A U.S. Embassy source said yester- day, "Initially we hoped there would be a quick decision on the mediators but it may be a couple of days now." AN OPPOSITION source'said the front wanted Colombia, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala and. the United States as mediators. Op- position leaders are meeting with U.S. Embassy officials. The embassy source said Somoza was balking at Colombia's participation because that country signed a letter to delays mediation the United Nations criticizing Somoza. there. A U.S. Embassy source said the The letter was written by the exodus started Wednesday. Matagalpa Venezuelan government, one of is 60 miles northeast of Managua. Somoza's critics. There have been no reports of The Broad Opposition Front is a fighting in the country since late last coalition of 16 political parties and week when the 7,500-member natiol unions that back a general strike guard finished putting down guerriii demaning Somoza's resignation. Also opposition in five cities. n seeking Somoza's downfall is the San- The U.S. Embassy confirmed th at dinista National Liberation Front, a Eden Pastora, "Commander Zero," the guerrilla organization with civilian leader of the Sandinista attack on the backing. The Red Cross says 1,500 per- national palace August 22, had given sons have died in clahes between the Somoza eight days to resign. Pastora national guard, Nicaragua's army and promised in a Costa Rican broadcast to police force, and Sandinista-led rebels lead an attack on Somoza's concre te since early this month. bunker office in Managua. HUNDREDS OF Matagalpa residen- The embassy source also confirmed ts were evacuating yesterday because that Radio Havana was warning of rumored rebel plans to launch residents to leave Managua because a another attack on the national guard pending attack. Advisory role OK'd by faculty (Continued from Page 1) would occur without the three commit-' tees learning who the other committees have nominated, and without any knowledge by anyone as to who is on the Regents list. Current guidelines call for the names of nominees to be exchanged between committees through retired University librarian Frederick Wagman without his revealing which committee selected which nominee. According to Livermore, there are currently no guidelines defining the ex- members tent to which the fifteen-person faculty committee can communicate with the ten-person alumni and student search committees. Livermore said he expects the Regents to release more infor- mation on that subject, but added that he "would be very surprised if the Regents precluded communication between committees." Nominations for the faculty search committee are currently being accep- ted from faculty members. The names of the members chosen by SACUA will be announced October 13. The Michigan Student Assembly is now accepting applications for the C entral Student Judiciay Apply 3909 Michigan Union by 5:00 p.m., October 5, 1978 Y Toga! Toga! Toga! - . fl 3 (Continued from Page 1) was pounding on the cashier's window saying "To-ga! To-ga!" he said. "She loved us and let us all in free." But the cashier wasn't the only theater employee glad to have toga- wearing customers. As soon as a dance scene in the movie began, several of the ushers joined Farr and his friends dan- cing in front of the screen. "THEN LATER ON the concession people ganged up on us," Farr said. "They said 'Do you guys remember the food fight scene?"' As soon as Farr and his friends acknowledged they were familiar with that segment of the movie, concession workers began bombarding them with buttered popcorn. Audiences at the Briarwood movie theater, where "Animal House" is playing, are a little tamer than the'one Farr was a part of in Ohio. But usher Chip Cummings said that hasn't stop- ped University students from selling out the film most every night. Toga parties at the University have not reached the height of popularity they have at the University of Wiscon- sin, which expects to host 10,000 toga wearers at an all-night festival begin- ning tonight. But it might take more than cold Michigan winds to end the new found toga tradition on the Ann Arbor cam- pus. World mourns death of Pope John Paul I (Continued from Page 1) the official sealing of the apartment doors. The doors will remain sealed un- til a new pontiff is chosen. ALBINO LUCIANI was ordained a priest in 1933, worked in the parish of his local village, then in a nearby town, where he taught religion. Later he was deputy director of a seminary and one of the top aides of the bishop of Belluno in northern Italy. Pope John named him bishop of Vit- torio Veneto, a diocese south of Belluno, in 1958. Pope Paul made him patriarch of Venice in 1969 and elevated him to cardinal in 1973. Upon his election as pope, he took the names of his two immediate St. Thomas, one of the nearly 1,600 Virgin Islands, is one of the few which are large enough to support habitation. The others are small cays or islets. Lookin for a mate? Advertise in the Personals Call 764-0557 predecessors and said he would devote his pontificate to following their exam- ple. HE HAD NO time to make any major pronouncements on dogma or ethics, but in an address to a group of U.S. bishops last week-he said of Pope Paul, "His teaching is ours." He urged them to give special attention to saving troubled marriages. His medical history included jour operations - a relative said they were for his tonsils, a broken nose suffered in a fall and two for gallstones. He also suffered from an unspecified lung ailment and rheumatism, but he was not known to have had any chronic heart trouble. His reign was the shortest since that of Leo I, who died after 17 days as pope in 1605. Five other popes have reigned for less than a month. Theshortestgwas the reign of Stephen II in 752, who died three days after his election. The Vatican announced that the Congregation of Cardinals, which runs the Holy See during the period between popes, will hold its first meeting at 11 a.m. today to set details for the nine- day mourning period and to plan for the electoral conclave. U-N STi - f. r \ ' October3-5, October 6, Uni fj >;~ \ $120,000 WOrth4 BLUE JEANS AN~ WRANGLER LEE3 & BIG SMITH .FL '// WOOL SWEATER~ WESTERNT PRICES ARE 50-70%B NO FACT JA II I lOam-9pm 10am 3pm he Micligan )n Bailtoom of inventory JD CORDUROYS, NIX $8.99-9.99 ,LANDILUBBER, ANNEL SHIRTS, ZS,GAUTZ E TOPS, OPS ,T-SHIRTS, ELOW REIAIL DRY SECONDS LNS .99 4 Bowling, Pinball and Billiards~ Open till 1 AM tonight at the UNION U PARTHENON GYROSN 11 I11