-Saturday, September 30, 1978-The Michigan Daily POOL IHC lion AvS GR S"1920 At [MAN I I A I I A I a L _S djust see no 21st / lux W8FP 3bdrs I r A Av. 'edivte Occ 961-1200 flon & Infn" LYN GAR o -1,fr I N.Y ~n" 4 "- CALL 764-0557 FKSTIHILLS !A .s ItL WYP'INI'I ;35UyV:RLE W I,y flp CAse'4.s Jr* to assjin diversified AI ,h Sood ro.,. a & { nnam llorist. MMS$.type 8:30-4 260 - Ftwn II-2PM P-a' e . 049 Lex Av/TS dally. 724-x773, 6S a LOST-IRISH SETTER, Male, 2 years old, Ryan. Please call 994-5287. Reward. 17A1006 FOUND-A down vest at Dooley's on Wed., Sept. 27. Call 662-1917. dA1001 CALCULATOR FOUND in record dept. of U. Cellar beginning September. Owner must identify to claim. Ask for Lisa or Chuck, 769-7940. dA1001 REWARD If my Kerr Dental Motor and handpiece are found about 8" long w/black and white ident. tape name engraved on it call 761-6616 anytime or 668-8240 after 7 p.m. 06A103 LOST-FEMALE NORWEGIAN ELKHOUND, black & gray, curly tail, $50 reward. 973-1752 after 6 D.n. 00A1001 Available for Immediate Occupancy Furnished, modern 2-bedroom apartments near Packard and E. Madison. Newly decorated with large bedroom. $330 per mo. with,12 mos. lease; or $390 with 8 mo. lease. Call McKinley at 769- 8520 for more information or appointment. 26C1006 SINGLE ROOM in 2 bedroom Village Green Apt., near North Campus. Ed Preston, 663-8602. 22C930 Female housemate wanted; non-smoker. Now to Jan. 1. Call 668-6875 or 665-9388, leave message. AIR CONDITIONER, Sears-Kenmore, 5000 BTU stroke hr. Used only three weeks. $90. Call 994- 5279 or 763-3493. 10B1003 FOR SALE-Acoustic bass :a size, German made. Good condition and sound. Call Andy at 996-0193 before 2 p.m. any day. dB1003 MAYTAG portable washer, -excellent condition. Needs no hookup. Ideal for apartment. $85. 769- 2425. 98B1001 1973 HONDA 350, excellent condition, 3000 miles, 2 helmets. $550. 764-7775, call persistently. 91B1006 MUST SELL single East Quad dorm lease im- mediately, male or female. Janet, 764-1694. 5 60B1003 GET GREAT second hand fall fashions at Saturday sale, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. at 500 S. Fifth Ave. (near Packard). Indian and Oriental shirts, straight leg pants, etc. dB1001 FOR SALE-Used three speed men's bicycle, elec- tric typewriter, classical guitar, and a colorful style desk. Bike will sell cheap; rest in excellent condition. Call Elaine, 662-4270 and leave name and number. dB1001 BEDS, CHESTS, MATTRESSES, COUCHES, CHAIRS, REFRIGERATORS, STOVES, AND much, much more. 10,000 square feet of good used iurniture and appliances. Drive 30 miles to Jackson and save at Cash 'n Carry Used Furniture and Ap- pliances, 817 E. Michigan Avenue, Jackson. 22B1001 IBM SELECTRIC I typewriter. Excellent condition. MINOLTA SRT-101 camera body. Recent complete overhaul. Split-image screen. $95. 668-1929, David. 66D430if WANTED-ROOMMATE M/F. Clean, quiet Co-op. Room and Board $150 per month. 761-1058. 05E1003 FOR SALE-LEASE for female room in Bursley double. Available immediately. Call Sue, 995-5274. dE9a3 [0 JO LEASE for sale, male/double. Call 971- 182 5:30-6:30. 14C1003 EASE AVAILABLE NOW-Baits, female, upper- ass grad., private, quiet. 763-3923, persistently. 03C1001 00 GOOD TO BE TRUE! Two spaces available ow in 4 woman East Quad apt. Call 663-2176 or 5-4871. 01C1005 - OZY HOUSE needs 2 women, non-smokers. 663- 76, messages at 761-2274. , 78C1pQ1 BARGAIN--$89 small room for female in large >me near campus. Co-ed, mostly students, relaxed mosphere. Call 995-3953. 46C1003 ARGE 2-BDRM. furnished apt. located across om U-M stadium. Available Oct. 16. $378/mo. eludes heat, water, free parking and balcony. ear campus bus stop. Call 994-3955. San Souci partments, 1036 S. Main. cCtc 'EST SIDE-Two bedrooms, very large kitchen nd living room (could be used as third bedroom) ith garage, available Oct. 2. $385. 663-0892 eves. 54C1001 WN ROOM IN HOUSE available. No lease, $117/ o., female preferred, not imperative. Call per- stently 995-5211. 74C1004 ffice space for rent. On campus location. Inexpen- ve. Ideal for student groups or faculty research. or information call 662-5189 between land 4 p.m. 02C930 LAST CHANCE for League bowling. Men's, women's and mixed. Sign up now at Union Lanes. cF930 A GROUP is being formed for children of Holocaust survivors to share thoughts on the influence of the Holocaust in their lives and to discuss mutual concerns. All who may be interested call Howie at 769-3184 or Hank at 995-0254 (keep trying). 74F1001 BETH, I want to-.. . meet you but I'm out of town this weekend. How about next week? Stan in 33. dF930 ED with the knobby-knees-GO GREEK! dF930 SHY, HANDSOME, semi-athletic, intermittent smoker, 25, wants to meet unpretentious woman. Interests include: Walter Percy, Thomas Wolfe, Physics, Gustav Mahler, Bela Bartok, Beethoven. KeithJarrett, Pat, Metheny, Tim Buckley, Nick Drake, Leonard Cohen. Tennis, and Sherlock Hglmes. If you would like to meet me for dinner call 1-576-4678 or write Box 266, Royal Oak, MI. I'll even play tennis if I have to. cF1013 HIGH HOLIDAY SERVICES-ROSHi SHANAH Orthodox (at Hillel) -Oct. 1, 7p.m.; - Oct. 2, 9a.m.; Oct. 3, 9a.m. Conservative (at Lydia Mendelssohn) Oct.#1, 7:30p.m.; Oct. 2,9 a:m.; Oct. 3, 9a.m. Reform (at Hillel) Oct. 1, 8 p.m.; Oct. 2, 10a.m. cF1001 BOWLING, PINBALL and BILLIARDS-Open 'til 1 a.m. tonight at the Union. cF930 WINE PRESS-Want to buy or ,rent. 662-5844. 87F1001 1979 GRADS-The 1979 Michiganensian t U-M award winning vearbook) is now takinaG raduate por- traIns at our office' at C.'Mayta -(n ttoSAD), Spaces are limited, so make,,ya-ur appointment today. Call 764-0561 weekdays from 9 a.m.-9 p.m. or stop by our offices in the Student Publications Building. dF1013 PROFESSOR, 30, wishes to swap some vegetarian cooking with interesting and attractive lady. Phone 994-3305 between 5-8 p.m. 42F1001 FOR ACTORS, DANCERS, MUSICIANS, painters, craftspeople, directors, sculptors, and other artists in the University community, and for anyone in- terested. An open house at the new Canterbury Loft, .332 South State Street, second floor, near Nickels Arcade. 4 to 6 p.m. on Fridays, September 29 and October 6. pcF1006 MEDICAL STUDENT seeks woman with no in- terests. Call 1-576-4678.i cFIOO4 Office space for rent on campus location. Inexpen- sive. Ideal location for student groups or faculty research. For information call 662-5189 between 1 and4p.m. 03F930 RECOMBINANT DNA molecule seeks female virus interested in taking over the world. Call 1-576-4878. cF1004 FOR SALE-Lease for female in Bursley double. Available immediately. Call Sue, 995-5274. c 930 EXISTENTIALIST wants to be left alone. cF1004' AREA COUPLE NEEDS attractive, straight models for private photo sessions. P.O. Box 8058, AA. 37F1001 MARIONETTE SEEKS FEMALE puppeteer. No strings attached. Call 1-576-4678. cF1004 HAYRIDES AND HALL RENTALS Lake Susterka-483-5010 70F1003 NECROPHILIAC seeks quiet woman. Age no object. Call 1-576-4678, cF1004 Rosh Hashana Services Followed by festive meal, At the Chabad House 715 Hill Street Corner Oakland Dial 99L-E-A-R-N Sunday, Oct. 1, at 7:15 p.m. Monday, Oct. 2, 10:00 a.m. Morning services Afternoon Services, 6:30 p.m. Followed by march to Huron River Evening Services, 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 3, 10:00 a.m. Morning services' 6:30 p.m. Afternoon services cF1001 PAID VOLUNTEERS WANTED For University research on influence of valium on langauge. 1-2 hours on Oct. 21. Pay is $5.00. Call immediately, 764-0349. , 26F1003 ERWIN FARMS f PICK YOUR OWN APPLES Open 7 days, starting Sept.; 15, 9 a m.-6 p m. McIntosh, now, $4.50/bushel, $2.50/'2.Red Delicious, starting Sept. 29; Golden Delicious, Northern Spys, Ida Reds, starting Oct. 6. 58354 Pontiac Trail, New 'Hudson. Follow Pontiac Trail 412 miles past South Lyon, on ieft. 437-0191. cF930 NEED COPIES? THE WORDPROCESSOR. We do copying, typing, binding and printing. Ask about our 10% discount cards for students and faculty.. 211 S. STATE STREET 662-3969 7 days 1202S. UNIVERSITY 662-6401 cFtc MAKE LOVE!-NOT WAR (It's good for our business) Austin Diamond 1209S. tUniversity 663-7151 Specializing in custom engagement & wedding rings _ _cFtc OFFSET AND XEROX FAST LOW COST DUPLICATING COPYQUICK-769-0560 1217 S. University cFtc HELP WA NTED $5.00/HOUR WOLVERINE DEN--Waiterpersons M/F, full/part- time. Apply in person, Wolverine'-Den, 1201 South University. 97H1006 PART-TIME TEMPORARY Painter's helper, $3.00/ hr. 995-0715. 97H930 PARTTIME OR TEMPORARY FULL-TIME PROGRAMMER We are looking for a person to write programs on Wang 2200 for in-house applications. Programs to be compatible with management information 'system running on IBM 370-168. Contact the Per- sonnel Manager at Lithocrafter's 140 Buchanan, Chelsea, MI (313) 475-9145 An Equal Opportunity Employer 88H1005 NEEDED, PART TIME, kitchen help, floorman, waiters, and waitresses. Apply in person, 310 May- nard. 83H1004 THE ARBY'S ROAST BEEF restaurant located at 3021 Washtenaw Ave., Ann Arbor; 3015 Washte- naw Ave., Ypsilanti; and 2245 West Stadium Blvd. are accepting applications for full and part time help. Positions great for students and mothers wanting to earn extra cash 'for holidays. Please apply daily at any of the 3 stores from 2-5 p.m. 81H010 MEN!-WOMEN! JOBS ON SHIPS! Ameican. Foreign. No experience required. Excellent pay. Worldwide travel. Summer job or career. Send $3.00 for information. SEAFAX, Dept. H-3, Box 2049, Port Angeles, Washington 98362. 96H1001 PART-TIME JANITORIAL WORK, Mornings or weekends. Near campus. Call 668-7278, evenings before 12. cH1013 NEED EXPERIENCED WAITRESS, daytime, full time. 421 E.Liberty, apply within. 861006 WORK STUDY JOB NO. 0031, clerical, typing skills needed immediately. Call Mike at 763-2203. 58H1008 MEDICAL TRANSCRIBERS, experienced only. Salary incentive. TASK 761-4146 55H1008 PART TIME-Small creative office (advertising, art, potography, journalism, video, etc.) needs dedicated assistant for phone, filing orders, book- keeping, AR/AP, taxes, errands. Flexible hours. Will train beginner with potential. 769-8661. 75H1006 FEMALES WANTED for modeling, fashion work, no experience necessary. Call Howard at 665-3925. 77H1005 KEY PUNCHERS, experienced/inexperienced, will train. Work/study applicants encouraged. Call Anthropology, 764-7445. 79H1003 Duties to perform will be switchboard operator and greeting customers. Hours will be 2 pm-7 pm, Monday through Friday. The salary will be $3.50/hr with Full benefits. If interested contact ADP Network Service, 175 Jackson Plaza, 769-6800 Ext. 654. 82H1005 ORGANIST WANTED: Auditions on Oct. 11, 8:00 pm abNorthside Community Church. 761-6145. 99H1008 PHOTO FINISHING. Two ositions. full time w' will train. No calls, Sun. Photo, 3180 Packard. Join our rapidly growing firm. . 98H930 WORK study position-Engineer/CCS/Social Science Major for data collection and analysis in Medical School Knowledge of MTS helpful but not necessary. Contact Alan Hull, 763-1153. 09H930 RECREATIONAL SPORTS DEPARTMENT is looking for INTRAMURAL VOLLEYBALL OFFI- CIALS. No experience necessary. Contact Ellen Gold 763-3562. 04H1001 NEEDED-Waiterperson 11 am-2 pm Mon.-Fri. Kit- chen help evenings daily 5-12 pm. Will train for both. Call Frank-Mary's Fabulous Chicken and Fish. E. Huron St. 663-5151, 439-1934. 93H930 Pizza Delivery Drivers Must be 18, no car necessary, 10 to 30 hrs./week. Apply in person only after 4:30 p.m. Omega Pizza, 101 Washtenaw Place, across from Couzens Hall. 38H1003 FIRST HAND ARTS management experience. Creative .and conscientious people needed for newsletterand advertising workstudy positions with the University of Michigan Artists and Craftsman Guild. Call 763-4430. 07H901 THREE EXPERIENCED full-time maintenance personnel. Must have own tools and transportation. Must be familiar with all phases of heating, plumb- ing, electrical. Starting salary $4-$4.50/hour Apply at McKinley Associates, 611 Church, 769-8520, Ext. 41: 61H1006 DELIVERY PERSON NEEDED for evenings, daily. Also, student to do preparation cooking-will train. Call Frank at Mary's Fabulous Chicken, E. Huron. 663-5151 or 439-1934. 35H1003 R.N.' L.P.N.'s Full and part-time positions are available in this acute care hospital affiliated with the University of Michigan Medical Center -Full Civil Service benefits -Liberal paid vacation (R.N.'s 5 weeks annually -13 paid sick days annually -Comprehensive health and life insurance programs -Liberal retirement plan -Current license from any state acceptable Starting Salary: R.N.'s-$12,986 to $18,258 L.P.N.'s-$9,514 to $10,623 For interview please contact: Mrs. Diana Quinn VA Hospital, Ann Arbor, MI (313) 769-7100, Ext. 232 An Equal Opportunity Employer cH1013 EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITIES for responsible, hardworking students are available with The Mich- igan Daily. Monetary compensation is small, but the experience is invaluable. Applications are now being taken for business staff positions in adver- tising and finance. Apply in person, The Michigan Daily, 420 Maynard. dHtc BUSINESS AND DISSERTATION TYPING by experienced professional. Kathy Black, 665-3416. cJtc PROFESSIONAL EDITING for the final quality of the manuscript Ruth Gladstone-769-2931 pcJtc PROFESSIONAL TYPING THE WORDPROCESSORS. We handle dissertations, manuscripts, resumes, legal and. term papers. Rackham quality guaranteed. Also copying, printing and binding. 1202 S. UNIVERSITY 662-6401 7 days 211 S. STATE STREET 662-3969 cJtc MATH-SCIENCE TUTOR-Algebra-calculus, physics, chemistry. Guaranteed results. Call Mike, 971-8282, evenings. 47J1004 THE SECRETARIAT DISSERTATION & MANUSCRIPT Typing, Copying & Binding 812 South State Street 994-3594 9-4 Mon:-Sat. cJtc IMPROVE YOUR GRADES! Send $1.00 for your 256-page, mail order catalog of Collegiate Research. 10,250 topics listed. Box 25907-B, Los Angeles, CA 90025 (213) 477-8226 1 JANITORIAL Approx. 9 hrs./week, $4.00/hour. Need transporta- tion. Call 971-7676. 28H1004 WEBERS INN Kitchen help full or part time positions available. Good pay and benefits. Call 769-0486, ask for Bill. 50H1003 Wanted, male or female student to stay in home with elderly lady close to campus. Free room and board and $100/month salary. Call 474-4205 after 6 p.m. 87H830 EXTRA HOURS earn you $500 per 1000 stuffing envelopes with our circulars. For information, write S & S Enterprises, 6750 Hetzeler Rd., Middletown, Ohio 45042. 25H1011 DOMINO'S Commissary now accepting applications for kitchen help and drivers. Apply in person, 2865 Boardwalk Drive, 9-5, Mon.-Sat. 668-4602. '74 MAVERICK. Excellent condition, some rust, 49,000 miles, $750. 429-9215. 07N1002 '74 PINTO Squire Wagon, auto., radials, 49,000 miles, mechanically good, 8950 or best offer. 663- 2757. 08N1003 '67 PONTIAC GP, radials, very clean, $225. 668- 7470 or 665-0724, persistently. 18N1007 '75 GRAND AM-CLASSIC. Loaded. Mint condition. Must see. $2500/best offer. 971-2723. 00N1005 1972 MARK IV. White with black top. Classic, clean. Florida car. $2500. 995-3699. 89N1004 1974 FIAT 124 Spyder. 5-speed, convertible, mag wheels, stereo. Navy. $2500. 995-3699. 90N1004 '72 CAPRI-AM/FM, good condition, 4 good radials, 4 speed, best offer. 665-9731. 52N1004 '74 VEGA WAGON, Air, AM. Best offer. Weekdays after 6 p.m./weekends, 434-2208. 95N1001 1974 FIAT 124 convertible. 26,000 miles and FM, good condition, $2,500. 971-7390. 33N1004 FIAT 128, 1974, 4 door sedan, very good condition, 52,000 miles. $1,100.761-1058. 20N1002 '65 CHEVY II-66,000 miles. $225. Snow tires. 994- 5219. TICKETS TOP DOLLAR PAID for U-M season football tickets. Please call 662-3210, anytime. 92Q1006 I NEED ONE TICKET to Horowitz concert. Call 663-9625 after 7:30 p.m., persistently. 72Q1003 WANTED-ANY MSU-UM football tickets. Call' 973-9794 any time. 40Q1001 WANTED-U-M football tickets Call Ken, 425-7125. 49Q1031 MUSICA L MDSE. R ADIOS, R EPAIRS USED SLINGERLAND 5 piece drum set. Call Don at 761-9431. cXtc USED BUNDY CLARINET, good shape, $150. Call Larry at 761-9431. cXtc FENDER STRAT-KUSTOM K-250 amp. CryBaby Fuzz-wah. $700 or best offer on each. 971-2723. 99X 1005 USED GEMEINHARDT flute, closed hole. Call Larry, 761-9431. cXtc NOW IS THE TIME to replace your diamond needles for stereos, up to 30% off. Apollo Music Center, 769-1400. cXtc GIBSON RD GUITARS in stock, road fender Yamaha and Martin brand names included in our fine selection. Apollo Music Center, 323 S. Main. cXtc STEREO-Fischer 201 stereo receiver for sale. Good conditon. $50. Call evenings, 668-1650. dX930 GUILD GUITARS now in stock along with Gibson, Martin, and. Yamaha. Drop by to see us soon. Apollo Music Center, 323 S. Main. cXtc USED LUDWIG 5-piece drum set. Gold sparkle> 769-1400. cXtc USED IBANEZ LES PAUL. Call Larry, 761-943 pcXtc GARAGE SALE one day, Lakeview Estates Club- house (Geddes and Prospect Rd.), 9-5 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 1. 82W1001 ROOMMA TES GRAD. STUDENT for own room in co-ed house beginning immediately, share cooking, $75/mo. Call eves. 761-5460. Close to campus. 85Y1003 ONE OR TWO PEOPLE needed to share house with fireplace. 668-7278. cY1013 WANTED- 2 UM-MSU FOOTBALL TICKETS. OUTING CLUB trip (bicycling and canoeing). Meet Sunday, October 1 at Main entrance toRackham 11a.m. or call Robert at 662-2020. dP00 SUBSCRIBE TO THE DAILY Call 764-0558 Jr DAILY CROSSWORD PUZZLE Edited by Margaret Farrar and Trude Jaffe S 1978 Los AngelesTimesS yndieste Ann Arbor's IM Oldest Finest Natural Fooa ACROSS 1 Vicuna's cousin 7 Taste 10 Large quantity 14 Induce to proceed 15 Babylonian deity 16 Sacred Egyptian emblem 17 Burrowing rodent 18 Eleven years ago: Rom. 20 Poky one 21 Lathered 22 Displeasure 23 Careless 25 Culinary herbs 27 Sundry 30 Part of Greece 32 Had a snack 33 Member of an Indian sect 35 Slacken 39 Loving 41 Mythical being 43 Days of- 44 Ultimate goal 46 Glided.- 48 - Arbor 49 Great name in baseball 51 Versus 53 Man's name 56 Robin Hood, for one 58 Have-at 59 Kukla's friend 61 Malaga's sea: Abbr. 65 Rogue 67 Locale of a recent wedding 68 Animation 69 Whippet 70 Be- many for 71 Bank (on) 72 Letters 73 Concur DOWN 1 Offertory 2 Spare 3 Branch of the Amazon 4 Delight in 5 Ice buckets 6 Leaf cutter 7 "Spy in the sky" satellite 8 If 9 Shoe 10 Actor Schell to friends 11 Iron block 12 Sound of bagpipes 13 Flings 19 Where Croesus 21 24 26 27 28 29 31 34 36 37 38 40 42 45 47 50 52 53 54 55 57 60 62 63 64 66 67 reigned Soft For the most part Paris'suburb Stadium call Top-hat school Offer for sale River into the Delaware "- Pinafore" Of the dawn Samovars Confined (with "up") British title mat Manpower Greek tutelary deities Pub's cousin Namesakes of a peace goddess Frisk Brisk Not widespread 'Echoes Metallic vein Engagement Sacred image Street sound At all Bird of old i0 I'll 12 13 16 Need individuals who can canvas between10-20 hours per week. (24 hour phone) 995-5665. 25H930 LIGHT HOUSEWORK for parents of newborn. Two hours 2-3 times a week. Own transportation. Near North side. 769-4488. 73H1001 HOUSEKEEPER-1 day a week. Must have own transportation. $4.00 per hour. 663-0892 after 6. 04H1004 HELP WANTED, Part-time for T-shirt store, days. 663-7155. 15H11005 FULL TIME DISHWASHERS at 421 E. Liberty, Thanos Lamplighter, apply within, wages $3/hr. 13H 1006 CLERKS WANTED for dry cleaning plant. Flexible hours. Armen Cleaners, 663-4785. 60H1005 YOUNG, AGGRESSIVE students needed. Great pay, flexible hours. Benefits. Call Neil, 971-5139. 64H930 NEED HELP at Burger King, all shifts, prefer days. or close. Call after 2:00 p.m. or before 10:00 a.m. Kevin, 994-4367. 63H1012 SENIOR TYPIST, experienced only, good salary. TASK 761-4146 56H1008 SECRETARIES UNLIMITED Specializing in Secretarial/Clerical placement. Our fee is paid by employer. Call 994-3091. SECRETARIES UNLIMITED 320 N. Main Ann Arbor, MI 48104 An Employment Agency 68H1008 COLLEGE STUDENT wanted to assist handicapped man and help with inside and outside house tasks. Will trade for room, board and loving family. Call 995-8855. 69H1005 SALES PERSON Full or part-time. Need mature person. Prefer tail experience. Willoughby's Boot Shop, 971- And ds ..AS ADAS VEEK NO WFEA TURING ENCHILA and TOST1 7 DAYS AW 314 E.Liberty Ann Arbor 662-2019 RELEASE YOUR INNERMOST FEELINGS ON THE OPPOSITION! New Monogramed Urinal Screen in School Colors! * The newest, most direct way to let out your school spirits! * Approximately 7" across * Features a large screw through the monogram (in case some dough-head doesn't get the message right away) * Use as a urinal screen, wall hanging or even as a necklace pendant! (Caution: It is wise to decide where you're going to put it before using) * Emotional satisfaction guaranteed! Return this coupon with 2 bucks Right away! Be the first person in YOUR can to have one. Please send me (qty.) urinal screens @ $2.00 each Specify Q Ohio State Q Michigan Yah, Yah, I've Sent The Money With My Order. 1dNAE I J2 3 4 5'J6 -4 -4-- 7 21 24 Moog I -F 3z ss !~I 29II 25 26 34 31 35 36 37 38 12 43 34I 1540. 76H1001 ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE j21 ElS .P AIT J. TSII1S I TO11RYTEDUUIPSHOT COME ABOARD The fastest growing full-service seafood chain in the nation-Red Lobster Inns of America is proud to be part of the city of Ann Arbor and would like you to be part of our crew. Openings are immediately available fors Bar Help/Bus Help Host/Hostesses