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September 27, 1978 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1978-09-27

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The Michigan Daily-Wednesday, September 27, 1978-Page

Poet Hall inspires crowd
(Continued from Page 1)

Mayor appoints seven to group
to write tenants' rights booklet

with enthusiasm which explained why
the question was insignificant: as a
leader of campus literary activity for 19
years, Hall knew that his association
with a University poet like Weisberg
involved an intimate task --putting
feelings into "the wild inward stuff of
sounds," as Hall once wrote - which
went far beyond credit hours and
THE CROWD seemed to think he was
"good" while he gestured firmly with
his right hand and moved quickly from
poem to poem. The works included an
old Ann Arbor favorite hailing the vir-
tues and damning the faults of cheeses,
"0 Cheese":
Reblochon openly sexual; Caerphilly'
like pine trees, small at the timber line;
Port du Saint in love; Caprice des
Dieuix eloquent, tactful, like a
thou sand-year-old hostess; and
Dolcelatte, always generous to a fault.
Hall spoke in a very measured,
regular tone, punctuated by a gesturing
hand and swaying head. His reading
style varied little - even in the one

prose selection - except in the one or
two instances of sarcasm when he
would momentarily assume a role.
Accompanying "O Cheese" in Hall's
new collection of poems, Kicking the
Leaves, are "Eating Pig" - which
gave the audience a vivid description of
the poet's feelings while doing just that
- and "The Black Faced Sheep", one
of his New Hampshire poems, part of
which reads:
You were not shrewd like the pig.
You were not strong like the horse.
You were not brave like the rooster.
Yet none of the others looked like a
tamp of granite ,obat grew hair,
and none of the others
carried white fleece as soft as dande-
lion seed around a black face,
and none of them sang such a flat and
sociable song.
HALL AND his wfie, Jane Kenyon,
also a poet, will be in town until Friday,
when they return to Eagle Pond Farm,
in New Hampshire.
Today Kenyon will autograph her

new book, From Room to Room, in the
Hopwood Room of Angell Hall from 2 to
3:30 p.m. and Hall will do the same with
the three books he has published this
year from 4 to 6 p.m. at Border's Book
Following the reading, Jeffrey
Weisberg's brother Dan, a literary
college senior described the perfor-
mance as "very nice." His mother,
Lucille, said the event "would have
made Jeffrey, were he still with us,
very happy." She said when Hall's
poems and discussion touched on Con-
necticut, she could visualize the images
since she lived there as a girl.
Harvey Weisberg, Jeffrey's father,
called the reading "a beautiful ex-
perience," and "very impressive."

(Continued from Page 1)
tomorrow in Washtenaw County Circuit
Court. Rose said the intervention has
been postponed more than once, and
this will be the first substantive aspect
of the case to come to trial.
Referring to the case, Laidlaw said,
"It's hard to even take lawsuits too
seriously." He added that the suit con-
tains "frivolous" elements such as the
charge that the number of signatures to
get the amendments on the ballot was
insufficient. "Once the ballot is voted
on, the number of signatures makes no
difference," he said.
Laidlaw said he sent a letter yester-
day to all the lawyers concerned. "I'll
have to wait and see what those two
groups produce, and then I'll state in
the booklet those areas that are accep-
table or start from scratch."


He said he hopes some general
agreements can be reached before the
two groups of lawyers can write their
portions of the city-sponsored
document. He added that the different
sections might be distinguished by dif-
ferent colored paper to aid the reader.
THE APPOINTMENTS of the tenan-
ts' advocate attorneys were based on a'
list of people who applied for the job but
Laidlaw said he had to "go out and
enlist them (landlord advocates) and
armtwist them."
Some statements made in the
previous tenant's. rights booklet "just
aren't true," according to Laidlaw. He
added that some of the statements in
the booklet were more like what the law
"ought to be" than what it is. r
Rose said the previous booklet was

"censored by the political process,
because it was negotiated betwe(
tenant and landlord advocates anjWi
Council. ;
TEICH AND ROSE co-autheoed"tl
legislation under which they are no
working. Greenspon has been involv
in four rent strikes in the last two yea
in the Ann Arbor-Ypsilant area.
"I think it's important that terran
know their rights, and it's inipdrtai
that they get the right perspective
said Greenspon. He also said impi-ta
facts were omitted or not clarified
the past and he hopes this bookletw
correct that. /
Forsyth and Ellis said thy wee
unaware that they had been appointe
and Lighthammer could not be reach
for comment.

Diggs trial proceeds as planned

from wire reports
WASHINGTON-A jury of eight
women and four men was chosen
yesterday to hear the corruption trial of
Rep. Charles Diggs Jr., a founder of the
Congressional Black Caucus.
Federal prosecutors will begin

Ellington s spirit lives
at jazz fest finale

Diggs was charged with 21 counts of
making false statements to a grand
Diggs never appeared before a grand
Diggs, a Michigan Democrat, is
charged with receiving kickbacks from
three congressional staffers and hiring
three others solely to handle his per-
sonal and business affairs.
DIGGS HAS contended he is the vic-
tim of "selective" prosecution by
Justice Department officials and that
has done nothing wrong.
Gasch, predicting the case would last
two weeks, told propspective jurors
they would be sequestered for the trial
because of "widespread public in-

Diggs, 55, has been elected to the
House continuously since 1954 from his
inner-city Detroit district. The dean of
black members of Congress, he easily
won Michigan's Democratic primary
last month in a bid for another term.
THE 35--COUNT indictment retur-
ned in March charged Diggs with mail
fraud and concealing the alleged
scheme from the House finance office.
It said Diggs, who has pleaded inno-
cent, defrauded the U.S. Treasury of
$101,000 from kickbacks and payments
to staff members who did not work for
the House.
The government charged the scheme
was intended to pay the "personal,
business and House of Represen-
tatives" expense of Diggs, who has

been grappling with financial problem
for some time.
According to the indictmen
congressional employees who did n
work for the House included a worke
for the congressman's funeral hom4
the House of Diggs Inc., an accountar
who worked for Diggs, his family an
the business, and an attorney who als
did work for the funeral home, Digg
and his family.
IN ADDITION, the indictment. say
Diggs inflated the salaries of threesta
members who worked 'i-Mi hi
congressional office, and had them kic
back part of their compensation to pa
his personal bills.
Diggs is chairman of the Hous
District Committee,

(Continued from Page5)
were playing, it's tough to go wrong.
Starting off with a roaring "trip
through Ellingtonia" which contained
such classics as "Magenta Haze,"
"Perdido," and "Caravan," the group
highlighted many old tunes and also
played a few nice but undistinctive new
Primarily made up seasoned big
band 'veterans, the group features
several instrumentalists which solidly
build, upon the Ellington tradition.
Trombonist "boogie-woog," and
drummer Rocky White, who has a
roaring, cymbal oriented style, were
the most impressive.
Crazily shimmying across the stage,
Mercer time and again drew "from the
tradition," mixing up old and more
recent tunes: "Ko-Ko," "Jeep's
Blues," with a triumphant "In a Sen-
timental Mood" being the best of the
A SPECIAL treat of the performance
was the premiere of a piece Eclipse
Jazz commissioned bassist Charles

Mingus to write for the orchestra. Sim-
ply sent to Ellington with the title
"-29," the piece was anything but per-
It was a crazy tune, not quite a pat-
chwork of different elements but
definitely lacking enough strong
melody to fit in with everything else
that was played. Nonetheless, the piece
was in most ways a triumph, featuring.
dynamite solowork which helped an-
chor it, and an often shimmering pat-
tern of transformation.
Rather than trying to emulate
Ellington, Mingus seems to have gone
for the essence of this orchestral
wizard's style. And thanks to the band
and Mercer, the ten-minute piece was
generally a solid victory.
The orchestra finished up by bringing
out 'their vocalist, Anita Moore, Han-
dling such Ellington songs "It Don't
Mean a Thing If It Ain't Got That
Swing" and "Do Nothing 'Til You Hear
From Me," she won over the audience
and ecstatically finished up a set of
grand music.


SALTtalks, open again
(Continued from Page 1)
irrency manipulation charges but it does not restrain the two nations knockout strike" against the Sovi
ouded prospects for a new treaty for a from breaking out new weapons rocket force. This appeared to be aria
hile. systems if a new accord is not reached. tack on U.S. interest in developing th
But now the climate seems to be im- In his speech to the U.N. General large mobile missiles MX -and Tri4ez
oving. Assembly, the Soviet foreign minister II, accuarte submarine-launche
SESSIONS HAVE been scheduled for said an early conclusion of the missiles.

presenting evidence to support their
case against the congressman today.
Jury selection began after U.S.
District Judge Oliver Gasch refused to
delay the trial despite news story errors
about the charges against the Michigan
Povich complained that a Washington
Star story and broadcasts by area radio
stations on the eve of the trial had said

today and tomorrow in New York City.
The possibility remains open that the
talks will resume in Washington on
Saturday, with Carter taking part.
After six years of prolonged
negotiations the talks may be at a "now
or never" stage. An earlier, expired
treaty has been informally extended,

negotiations "is of particular impor-
tance." He said a new agreement "is
equally needed by the Soviet Union, the
United States and the world at large."
THE RED STAR, the newspaper of
the Soviet Defense Ministry, has
charged the United States with trying to
gain the ability to launch a "first,

The United States, trying to bieakth
deadlock over "modernization"ha
proposed that each side be permitted t
test and deploy one new land-based it
tercontinental ballistic missile and on
new submarine-based missile' durin
the life of the treaty, until 1985.







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