The Michigan Daily-Tuesday, September 26, 1978-Page A renaissance o By MARK DIGHTON Even for a person known for unusual tastes, my assertion that one of my favorite films is WR: Mysteries of the Organism, by a Yugoslavian named Dusan Makavejev, always gets more than its share of confused looks. No doubt the fact that I still can't pronoun- ce the filmmaker's name detracts from the credibility of my story. Still, I've never seen another film that" explored the interrelationship of politics and sexuality with such depth and humor as WR. Even Makavejev's Sweet Movie, which explored the same theme, wasn't as, satisfying and en- joyable. It came disturbingly close to falling prey to the sexual exploitation that it was 'trying to lampoon. Still, it was far above the average European, film and certainly far,, far above al-. most all American films. I THEREFORE came to the Yugoslavian Film Festival that ran in- termittently from September 15-24 with high hopes. I expected to see more films in the same style as WR and Sweet Movie - extremely political and outrageous. What I found was nothing of the sort. Not to imply that I came-away disap- pointed. The films were a diverse group - from light comedies to the most unrelenting tragedies, from deeply Yugoslavian to the most universal themes, from the traditional to the modern socialist point of view - each of which attained an almost un- believable level of excellence. The cinematography and camerawork were the most outstanding festures of most of the films. In many of them, such as I Even Met Happy Gyp- sies, each scene was so perfect that it could have been the work of a Renaissance master. The faces seemed to glow with a light of their own. The ""% * * FT" background' was always unobtrusive, but profoundly affected the mood of each moment. The most excellent example of this was Beasts, a somewhat surreal film about a group of people living on an island besieged by darkness and almost ,constant rain. They do not know how they have come to be on the island, nor where the island is. They live in unin- terrupted fear and anxiety - and darkness. Even indoors, the candlelight seems obscured by the darkness threatening to flood in. OUTSIDE, THE only light is provided by an occasional streetlamp or window and its reflections off the wet cob- Yugoslavian by the film could have just as easily and imaginative cinema. Th been directed at the American system. of the films in the festival ar None of the films came close to being as last two years, and as such, adventurous as either of Makavejev's, the level of progress they h both of which satirized so many in- toward their goal. stitutions and systems that it was at ALTHOUGH we don'ts times difficult to tell where the direc- coverage of their political s: tor's real sympathies lay. Yugoslavian directors are n A LOT OF the differences in the style willing to expose the social p of the films could be due to their respec- their country. There are tive periods of time. In the forties and themes of the struggle betwe fifties, the government's doctrine of socialist and traditional thi "national realism" controlled the the spread of industrializ theme of each film. A moral in line with materialism through the cou official doctrine was demanded, and If these films are any me the treatment of present-day social major problem in Yugosla problems was strictly taboo. The rift must be the number of menw 0 e majority e from the , represent have made see much ystem, the much more roblems of recurrent en modern nking, and ation and ntry. easure, the via today Nho have to find work in foreign countries, such as Germany and Sweden. In the most brutal rendition of this problem, Don't Lean Out, the worker's place in these foreign countries is one of alienation - from their families and fellow workers. All of the Yugoslavians in Germany are seen as either dead or dying, com- THEY MADE IT PRETORIA, South Africa (AP) - Five women have qualified as the first instructors in the South African Air Force. The women completed the same courses as the men and stood their ground in fitness drills, the obstacle course, marches and the classroom, where they scored more than 80 percent in the written examination. A representative from the Financial Aid Office will provide counseling for graduate students re- garding loans and work-study programs. Meetings will take place every other Wednesday from 9 A.M. to 12 Noon begin- ning September 27. For appoinfment, please call 764-2218. Cane uoreground), a police officer, offers the only alternative to Peter's institutional life in "Special Education," one of the films featured in the Yugoslavian Film Festival, sponsored by the Ann Arbor Film Co-op. The festival ran from September 15-24. blestone streets. The faces of the char- acters are almost solely climpses, as they rush through random pools of light. And because their clothing is almost totally black, often the only thing you see is the warmth of apparen- tly disembodied faces, seemingly the characters' last stronghold against the ominous gloom. Unfortunately, the festival films have not been as daring politically as they have been cinematically. Only Special Education could be seen as a direct political statement. An obvious indic- tment of the institutional treatment of social problems, it could also be more broadly interpreted as an attack on the regimentation of socialism. Then again, many of the points made between Tito and Stalin opened the door for a wider variety of styles in the mid- fifties. Tito encouraged the growth and freedom of artistic movements, while the Soviets were drawing ever tighter reins. In the sixties even more advances were made in the name of art. Direc- tors addressed themselves to the con- temporary issues in an increasingly uncompromising fashion. In this climate were fostered the films of Makavejev. During the early seventies, though, a swing back toward the less humanistic 'side of Marxist philosophy led many of the leading directors, including Makavejev, to a fall from favor. Since that time, the Yugoslavian directors have been struggling back to an honest i 7 i -- - ciemrni: i aient but no pizazz By ERIC ZORN A lazy Sunday afternoon was an espe- cially appropriate time to hear a San- dor and Laszlo Slomovitz concert. The twin brithers, performing as Thee Gemini, present as extremely accom-' plished folk music act with a repertoire of traditional songs and fiddle tunes from America, the British Isles, Hun- gary, Israel, and South America. Their weekend concert at the Pendle- ton room in the Union was very warm' and low key, a pleasant interlude in the day, but the overall lack of electricity generated by the brothers left the edge off what could have been an absorbing performance. WHEN THEY both picked up guitars to play one of their own classical soun- ding instrumentals, the large crowd was transfixed by the intricate inter- play of the two six strings. During a series of South American melodies each brother had a pan pipe, and together they were able to play a scale only by alternating back and forth. The tune they proceeded to play was marked by# dizzying trade-offs to complete the melodic line, and, as if that weren't enough, Sandor provided the per- cussion on a drum-like object suspen- ded in front of him.' Earlier, Laszlo provided the classical pennywhistle melody while Sandor knocked out the 'rhythm on an inter- national percussion instrument called the bones. The player holds four wooden slats, shaped like spare ribs, between the fingers, two in each hand, and waves his arms in the air to get the 'clacking sound which is reminiscent of the sound one gets when knocking soup spoons together on the thigh as they do in Appalachia. "There's no connection to the spoons except in sound," ex- plained Sandor later. "One, bone is stationary and the other moves to slap against it." SLOMOVITZ explained that he is learning the bones from a 78-year-old Ann Arborite, Percy Danforth, the man 'who has revived local interest in bones. "It's a very dated musical effect," says Sandor. "In fact, there are references to bones in Shakespeare." As if to authenticate the instrument's name, the then pulled forth "two or- dinary spare ribs" which he had in his kit and demonstrated that they worked ac wai.tll ne th mnrp~ a',zwu umnniien possible, they taught the chorus to the audience and had them join in, which is always appreciated by Ann Arbor folk buffs. AFTER THE first couple of numbers it was hard to figure out why the Slomovitz' aren't at the top of the folk music industry, such as it is. It's a rare weekend that an act with such superior musical ability graces the Ark, a local showcase for national folk musicians. The problem is basically that their act isn't dynamic enough to slake the public's thirst for entertainment. The two musicians are so personable, low keyed, and sweet that the warmth tends to cloy. The folk tradition is filled with ironic and witty bards who manage to hold the audience spellbound even when not thrashing their instruments. Let no one suggest that Gemini need resurrect the Smothers Brothers, but there will be no fires lit under the public's feet un- til the act gets a little more snappy. IT'S NOT CLEAR, though, that the twins are especially anxious to make themselves national celebrities. It's true they "do this for a living," but Laszlo claims they're very happy with the way things are and with the current growth of their popularity. "We played at the Fox Hollow Folk Festival in Petersburg, New York, and from that date we've had a lot of in- vitations to play at clubs and cof- feehouses out east." The immigrant Hungarian brothers have been slowly widening their following, and hope to cut a record soon. Laszlo realizes that there are limits to how far a group can go in traditional music, but his attitude is typical of the generous and sincere artists who populate this musical genre: "We play it and people like to listen to it. Who can know the future after that?"a INMI The University of Michigan --Professional theatrePrram THE UNILERSITY OF MICHIGAN OFFICE OF MAJOR EVENTS PRESENTS in the Power Center SALLY ANN HOWES EARL LOIS WRIGHTSON & HUNT COsf YUNDICS als sarrngTERRY SAUNDERS MARTIN MULL WEDNCESDY, SCPTE M BUR27 HILL AUDITORIUM 7.50 6.50 8pm 5.50 October 6-8 HERMIONE GINGOLD IN P flsica1 ?ntertaius eat MUSIC & LYRICS BY STEPHENJ SO.NDHEIM February 2-4 ICuu,;nuKIwi US vveunrdbuuy