P age 4-Sunday, September 24, 1978--The Michigan Daily e SO-OKING BACK THE WEEK IN REVIEW the anti-spying conference It is fitting that the University Orovides the setting for the first $ational Organizing Conference to Stop government Spying. 0The conference is occuring amidst an environment of awakening conscious- aess as students and faculty try to veigh the role of intelligence gathering 4gencies on campus. On the first day of the conference embers of the Campaign to Stop 0overnment Spying released docu- ents that revealed a California based atelligence collection unit has dissem- pia ted information on the lawful -litical activity of several persons to a 4tional network of police agencies. PRick Gutman, an attorney, d scovered eight copies of Law I forcement Intelligence Unit (LEIU) records after he was granted access to files of the Chicago Police Depart- rient's Subversive Unit.r #Gutman, who appeared at a press nference in Detroit on Friday, said ly 10 per cent of the 250 file cards he d access to involved clearly political cumentation of legal political tivity. }Ail eight copies were compiled sometime between 1971 and 1976. They low that surveillance has been ndueted on individuals with no or united arrest records. -Two of the cards contain no rferences to arrests or criminal ativity. One other subject had been arested for "wearing a disguise" while a fourth was arrested for. "tdaching criminal syndicalism," "banding cagether" and abandoning an automo- :'I'he constitution of the LEIU ecifically limits the group to processing information about "organized crime." aBut CSGS spokespersons insist the IU definition of organized crime was oadened in 1971 to include potential rorists. LEIU National Chairman Steve rtucelli denied the organization is 'I interested in "compiling political dos- siers." He said the files kept on in- dividuals were "pointers" and "in- dicators" that further information was available on the individual. Bertucelli refused to comment on what the further information might include. CSGS Chairman Morton Halperin specifically condemned LEIU's status as a "private organization." Thatr status keeps the LEIU immune to federal Freedom Of Information Act requests and state open record laws. Greene on ballot Second Ward Democratic Council- man Earl Greene has finally gotten his name on the November ballot. The Michigan Court of Appeals ordered the State Board of Canvassers to follow Attorney General Frank Kelley's ruling and place Greene on the ballot. The canvassers had originally ruled Greene could not officially run for Congress because some of the signatures his campaign had collected were illegible and many people had failed to identify their place of residency. But the Councilman, whose ward contains the largest student voter registration of any city ward, had his staff research the state's election code. Greene's staff turned up conflicting requirements for candidate registration. One 'portion of the code says a candidate needs at least 15 per cent of the party's vote in the primary to be placed on the -fall ballot. Another portion says a potential candidate only needs the plurality of the write-in votes. Kelley opted for the more lenient provision and ordered the Canvassers to put Greene's name on the ballot. The canvassers refused and Greene filed suit. The court concluded the Canvassers had overstepped their jurisdiction in overruling the Attorney General. Greene, who will now face one-term Congressman Carl Pursell, a Republican, in the November election, persistently charged the Republicans with intentionally blocking his way to the ballot slot. Purselrs aides and the Republican members of the Board of Canvassers denied Greene's charges. presidential tea Well, the Flemings opened their house for the annual tea and no one said anything interesting. The. students who came talked about everything from the weather to television but no one mentioned ever escalating tuition costs or the University's problem convincing the state legislature to boost appropria- tions for higher education. But the Flemings were gracious hosts at their final annual tea. "These occasions go through cycles," President Fleming said. "They used to come to steal the cookies now they come to see the house." "When we first came to the University, the atmosphere at these gatherings was very different," observed Sally Fleming. "The kids weren't terribly excited about being here." l 'U'recruits outstate The University's athletic program has always had a reputation for being one of the finest recruiting outfits in the country. Now the academicians have begun an intensive recruitment program of their own. Concern over the declining academic calibre of incoming students has prompted the admissions office to seek out talented out of state high school seniors. It is the first such recruitment program in the history of the University. "It is very important that this University should attract the 'blue chippers' of the academic world," said admissions director Clifford Sjogren. "It is also true that the quality of our out-of-state students has been dropping steadily." .The University's difficulty in attracting high level scholars is due to high tuition fees for non-residents. The tuition for non-residents at the University is within 10 per cent of rates at Ivy League schools. The admissions office will attract out- of-state students through loans and . merit scholarships. The office, through alumni associations throughout the country, will also increase visits to high schools. The Admissions Office has received limited funding from the University to finance the effort. Although the Admissions Office has mounted a recruiting push for more qualified students outside of Michigan Sjogren emphasized the new push would only be a small portion of an overall recruitment scheme. "Ninety per cent of our efforts are still, devoted to recruiting in-state students because they make up the vast majority of our undergraduate enrollment." GIN Contact your reps Sen. Donald Riegle (Dem.), 1205 Dirksen Bldg., Washington, D.C.20510 , Sen. Robert Griffin (Rep.), 353 Russell Bldg., Capitol Hill, Washington, D.C. 20515 Rep. Carl Pursell (Rep.), 1709 Longworth House Office Bldg., Washington, D.C. 20515 Sen. Gilbert Bursley (Rep.), Senate, State Capitol Bldg., Lan- sing, MI 48933 Rep. Perry Bullard (Dem.), House of Representatives, State Capitol Bldg., Lansing, MI 48933 'I -4 hie Et4,ch! ZUn:1 aZflIQ Anxious world leaders await Japan's military resurgence Eighty-Nine Years of Editorial Freedom : 2 VQI., UX,. No. 16 News"Phone: 764-0552 Edited and managed by students at the University of Michigan _ South African Prime Minister John OJorster announced last Wednesday he, will leave the powerful post he has held or the last 12 years. We are not sorry Io see Mr. Voster leave. But even as Mr. Vorster breathed the 0ords of his & signation, he took the opportunity to reaffirm for the world tat he and his government have no in- terest in justice and democracy. The p3-year-old prime minister, who at- Iributed his retirement to ill health, announced that South Africa had rejec- ked the United Nations plan to super- wise elections in Namibia or South- West Africa. The U.N. plan would provide a 7,500 ' eace-keeping force for one year in amibia during which free elections vould be held. But Mr. Vorster said he ound the plan "totally unacceptable." although he said "the South African government does not wish to close oors" on further negotiations with the J.N. or Western powers, Mr. Vorster eclared that they "cannot allow this mpasse to continue indefinitely." -Namibia, the new name for South- West Africa, is undergoing the tran- sition to majority rule. The country was placed under the protection of South Africa directly after World War I. But ,since 1946 the U.N. has, to no avail, urged South Africa to relinquish its strangle hold over that country and its economy. South ,Africa, however, has consistently opposed 'the South- West African People's Organization (SWAPO)-a group the U.N. has recognized as the legitimate represen- tative of Namibia's black majority. South Africa has labeled SWAPO as communist. Vorster's government has refused to accept the U.N. plan on the premise that SWAPO would become a powerful force in the government if elections were held without South African supervision. The South African government is backing the moderate Democratic Turnhalle Alliance, a coalition of tribal and ethnic groups also supported by white Namibians. These facts confirm the widely held belief that South Africa, and its systematic approach to racial segregation and discrimination, will never change-at least peacefully, or until South Africa is faced with economic sanctions. Mr. Vorster's retirement could have ieant the beginning of a free Namibia-unfortunately, it will not. Mr. Vorster's retirement could have meant changes in South Africa-unfor- tunately, it will not. Those now vying for the prime minister's post have shown that they are from the same mold that formed Mr. Vorster. They would be just as reluctant to change and just as impervious to world-wide censure for their racist actions as he was. Much of the world awaits Japan's threatened military resurgence in the same way people look forward to fires: with a mixture of fear and fascination. But the real danger is probably not a putsch by a small clique of militarists. Instead it is the government's commitment to developing an independent nuclear energy program which as a by-product could soon produce hundreds of plutonium bombs a year. Two U.S. government reports recently made public conclude that there is a genuine chance of Japan acquiring nuclear weapons in the 1980s. U.S. Navy and Air Force intelligence officials are quoted in one of the reports as seeing a "strong chance that Japan's leaders will conclude that they must have nuclear weapons if they are to achieve their nation's objectives in the developing Asian power balance." A SECOND REPORT made for the Pentagon by the Stanford Research Institute concludes that one option might be for the United States to provide "active cooperation and assistance. . . to prevent Japan from moving away from the U.S." The Japanese government itself emphatically denied any intention to build nuclear weapons. Foreign Minister Sunai Sonoda reiterated last spring that the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty prohibits Japan from acquiring nuclear weapons. Other influential policy analysts are even more emphatic in their opposition to any nuclear .development. "We're vulnerable and we know it," argues Makoto Momoi, -a prominent professor at the National Defense College in Tokyo. "Acquiring nuclear weapons only increases Japan's chances of being obliterated. Without weapons of that sort, Japan need not be a target for anyone else's either." If Momoi and even the Foreign By Roger Gale "Acquiring nuclear weapons only increases Japan s chances of being obliterated. With- out weapons of that sort, Japan need not be a target for anyone else's either." -Makoto Momoi Japan's top military men toward nuclear weapons as an image builder for a nation no longer secure that the U.S. will always come to its rescue. REGARDLESS OF her leaders' intentions, Japan is accumulated in its light water reactors-all built with American and British assistance. By 1990 the Ministry of International Trade and Industry projects that 60,000 megawatts of electricity will be generated in nuclear plants. If those projections are met, Japan could build as many as 1,000 bombs a year. Japan now has capacity to produce 7,994 megawatts of electricity through nuclear reactors, the second largest capacity in the world. Plans for new reactors have been delayed by loacl opposition groups, but the government and utilities are still intent on making nuclear the single largest source of power in Japan by the year 2000. THE IRON IN the American suspicion over Japan'sa nuclear intentions lies in the fact that the United States has supplied most . of the essential technology. The U.S. sold Japan 13 of its 14 operating power reactors plus another 13 now under construction. The U.S. has also sold Japan a number of weapons systems designed, among other things, to deliver nuclear already quite capable of building crude heavy nuclear weapons on short notice-perhaps in six months time. Building an armada of sophisticated, compact and reliable weapons could take up to 10 years. Besides official U.S. military analyses, a new report issued by the Ford Foundation estimates that by 1985 Japan could build about 300 plutonium bombs a year from the spent fuel the Japan Atomic Power Co. says it could be done for about $4 billion a year over 10 years. The government already spends well over $1 billion a year on nuclear R and D. The 1,000 megawatt reators now being built, each of which carries a $1 billion price tag, are not ideal for producing bomb-grade plutonium but at normal output they can manufacture about 200 kilograms of plutonium ayear, enough for about 20 bombs. Scenarios abound about what Japan could gain or risk by acquiring nuclear arms: Whethe Japan ever takes action will depend on how much credibility the U.S. r'etains in Japanese eyes-and on what Taiwan and South Korea achieve in their campgains to develop nuclear capability. It also depends on what the people, of Japan say about their country's military policy. A Japanese Defense Agency official says bluntly, "we have to hope people don't find out what is going on." He says that not because thee are secret doings- there is no evidence that any clandestine bomb research or development is being conducted-but because a sense of growing insecurity in policy- making circles could be catching and lead to an alarmist response * * * Roger Gale is a Japanese- based journalist who writes for the Asian Wall Street Jour- nal and Pacific News Service. I I I I .I i 1 1200 ej. increase since 1961 I : N 6-4 lbr 3'd~ttniqa t zuig O "- 0 Z 0 U- -J -J d 4- 1200 / inr~zt#~ine )9s 400 e~o ,nceas3 since 1900- 6.09 4.18 1.65 EDITORIAL STAFF Editors 10 chiet I)AVID GOODMAN GREGG KRUPA Managing Editors EiEEN gDALEY KEN IA RStGIAN BARBZAHS Arts Editors OWEN GLEI3BERMAN MIKE TAYLOR 3-+ SPORTS STAFF PAULi. CAMPBELLA ERN IE 1) 1. N B INfl ?SIIIAH{O HRWK MADDtOCK. Sports Edtor SxecutiveSports Editor Execut ive Sports Editor Exe.~cutIi ve'Sports Ed(ito(r 2, I I -