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September 23, 1978 - Image 10

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1978-09-23

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Page 10- Saturday, September 23, 1978-The Michigan Daily
Recount goes on; Colburn leads

Results released yesterday from a
preliminary recount show that Univer-
sity professor C. William Colburn still
holds a five-vote margin over Ann Ar-
bor City Councilman . Ronald
Trowbridge (R-Fourth Ward) in the
GOP race for nomination to the 18th
district State Senate seat.
The Washtenaw Board of Can-
vassers, under state supervision,
recounted all the machines and repor-
ted no irregularities.
county clerk, said yesterday the board

will recheck the punch card votes Mon-
day and Tuesday and report the final
official tallies by late Tuesday after-
But the official winner will not be
known until the State Board of Can-
vassers meet late next week to'certify
the results.
The recount became necessary when
the August 8th primary results showed
Trowbridge with a slim, one-vote vic-
tory over Colburn. Colburn filed for a
recount and paid the necessary fee of
$870, $5 for each of the district's 174
ON TUESDAY, the County Board of
Canvassers began recounting the
district's absentee ballots. The board
found that some of the ballots contained
"crossover" votes, places in which
choices were marked for both the

Republican and Democratic slates.
Under state law, this practice is not
Discounting the absentee ballots,
Colburn overtook the city councilman
and maintained a five-vote lead before
yesterday's recount.
Crawford said the canvassers would
examine the votes closely to spot any
irregularities in the electronic ballot
"On Monday and Tuesday, the board
will see if there are any problems with
the rotation and code number on the
punch cards," Crawford said.
Although Washtenaw County com-
prises eighty per cent of the district's
electorate, votes also had to be recoun-
ted from Livingston, Jackson and
Lenawee Counties. So far, no changes
have been reported.

LOBBY 4& 5

Peace drive stalled;
Vance still pushing
(Continued from Page 1),

that an autonomous Palestinian gover-
nment could be elected for the territory
and that peace talks could proceed over
its future even without the presence or
formal consent of Jordan.
IN THE letter to President Carter
dated Sept. 17, Sadat wrote: "To ensure
the implementation of the provisions
related to the West Bank and Gaza and
in order to safeguard the legitimate
rights of the Palestinian people, Egypt
will be prepared to assume the Arab
role emanating from these provisions,
following consultations with Jordan and
the representatives of the Palestinian
An administration official, who spoke
to reporters on condition that he not be
named, said he was hesitant to inter-
pret exactly how far Sadat was willing
to .go in negotiating on behalf of other

But he added that, "It could mean
that if the Palestinians were comfor-
table with President Sadat negotiating
for them in the initial stage, in setting
up a self-governing authority, there's
nothing in any of the documents that
were signed at Camp David, or after
Camp David that would preclude that."
The 13 days of negotiations at Camp
David with President Carter, Egyptian
President Anwar Sadat and Israel's
Prime Minister Menachem Begin
produced two agreements on a
framework for peace and for future
negotiations about disputed issues in
the Middle East.
The basic Camp David agreements
provided that Israel and Egypt would
sign a peace treaty this year returning
the , Sinai and set up a general
framework for a broader agreement
covering the Palestinians.
The broader agreement provides for
a five-year transition period during
/which Israeli military forces would
remain, but only in specific garrisons,
and for an elected Palestinian Arab
government that would take over civil
rule and participate in negotiations
over the ultimate future of the

Daily Photo by JOHN KNOX
ANN ARBOR police officer D.A. Cutsy (far left) looks on yesterday as her colleagues explain to 28-year-old Yvonne
Duffy that she cannot sell goods on the Diag without a permit.
D isabled womrnan defies police

A handicapped Ann Arbor woman
caused a stir yesterday by refusing to
heed police orders to stop. peddling
clothes and sea shells on the west side
of the Diag.
Yvonne Duffy, confined to a
wheelchair, spent several hours
selling her goods until her efforts
were halted by city police who said
she needed a permit from the
Michigan Student Assembly (MSA).
The conflict, which ended yesterday
afternoon with police issuing Duffy a
code violation for peddling without a
license, began last Saturday.
ON THAT DAY, police officer D. A.
Cutsy approached Duffy and told her

she must obtain a permit to sell, ac-
cording to Duffy. Despite the war-
ning, the 1973 University graduate
continued to vend her goods yester-
When told by Cutsy yesterday that
she must pack her goods and leave the
Diag, Duffy refused, and said she had
never heard of the University
regulation against selling without a
Cutsy, accompanied by a contingent
of city police officers and University
Safety Department officers, once
again ordered Duffy out of the Diag
and said they would drive her home.
AFTER AN hour of unsuccessful
prodding to make Duffy go home,

police issued the code violation 'and
confiscated her goods. If Duffy
doesn't appear in the 15th District
Court by October 13, her violation will
turn into an arrest warrant and her
goods will be destroyed.
But Duffy, who said police are
treating her unfairly, said she hopes
she is arrested so the public can find
out how police have treated her un-
E.D. Fish, University safety officer,
said cases of people selling goods on
the Diag without permission rarely
come up because "most know the
"I didn't start out to do all this," 28-
year-old Duffy said. "I just wanted to
sell clothes."


Wife cleared in murder trial


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PORT HURON (UPI) - A woman
who described herself as a battered
housewife was found innocent Friday of
first-degree murder in the fatal
shooting of her husband.
Patricia Gross, 27, of Port Huron,
was cleared of the charges following
about four hours of deliberations by a
jury of three men and nine women.
Gross, sobbing heavily, jumped from
the defendant's chair moaning, "Oh my
God," after the verdict was announced.
Friends and relatives in the courtroom
embraced her in the courtroom em-
braced her in an emotional scene.
A MOTHER of three, Gross had been
charged in the March 20 fatal shooting
of her husband, Walter, but contended
she acted in self-defense.
She testified during the week-long
trial that her husband beat her on
numerous occasions during their nine
years of marriage, wasconstantly ac-
cusing her of seeing other men and
would not let her out of the house.
But Gross, in testimony that often
was interrupted by her outbursts of
crying,'said she still loved her husband
and regretted that she had killed him.
The husband died of seven gunshot
wounds inflicted with a semi-automatic
.22-caliber rifle. Gross told police who
arrived on the scene that day that her
husband had threatened to kill her prior
to the shooting.
Payne and Thomas Shay, testified that
they once helped Gross and her
children leave town by bus to go stay
with relatives in Mississippi following a
beating that left the woman with a cut
and swollen ear and bumps all over
her head. Gross said she returned with

the children after her husband
threatened to harm her relatives.
Other witnesses told of how Walter
Gross once grabbed his wife by the hair
in a local tavern, threw her on the floor
and then kicked her repeatedly.
On the day of the shooting, Gross said
her husband came home intoxicated,
started yelling and screaming at her
and said he would have beaten her "if
you weren't holding that kid" - a
reference to the couple's seven-month-
old child.
HE LEFT the house, returned about
30 minutes later and the bickering
resumed. When he started walking

towards her, Gross said, she picked up
the rifle and fired at him repeatedly.
Police reports showed 10 Shots were
fired in rapid succession.
Defense attorney Gary Fletcher said
he "felt like falling over in the cour-
troom" when the verdict was read. But,
he added, "I thought that they reached
the correct decision based on the
evidence presented."
Various women's rights groups of-
fered to help Mrs. Gross post bond after
spending two months in jail and help
pay her legal fees, but the offers were
turned down. She accepted financial
help from relatives and friends.

'U' actively recruits
out-of-state schola'rs.


(Continued from Page 1)
country who can contact top students
and tell them of the University's
benefits," said Sjogren.
To assist the intensified recruitment
drive, the Admissions Office has
received limited funding from the
University for mailings and travel.
Admissions Office officials, however,
are quick to point out that recruitment
at the academic level is still aimed
primarily at in-state students.
"It is still only a very small portion of
University resources which are being
used to recruit out-of-state students,"
said Edward Dougherty, assistant to
the vice-president for academic affairs.
"Ninety per cent of our efforts are
still devoted to recruiting in-state


Student Publications Building
420 Maynard Street
Ann Arbor, Mich. 48109

students because they make up the vast
majority of our undergraduate
THE UNIVERSITY is also interested
in increasing the enrollment of top-
notch minority and lower-income
"We've been trying for years to at-
tract these students, but they are much
harder to get hold of," said Sjogren.
"Though they may be of the highest
academic standing, they often come
from schools which have serious
Admissions Office officials say they
are confident their recruitment efforts
will be successful.
"By looking-at the improved in-state
scores, one can see that our recruit-
ment around the state has been very
successful," said Sjogren, "and we
want to keep this school at the highest
academic standard possible."
WASHINGTON (AP)-If there seem
to be just too many cars on the roads
today, it's undoubtedly because the
nation's miles of roadway are not
keeping pace with increased traffic,
says the Road Information Program.
The information service reports there
are 1.8 million miles of paved roads in
the United States, an increase of 16
percent since 1968.
But cars, trucks and buses have
increased 43 percent during the same 10
years, from 101 million to 144 million, it



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