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September 22, 1978 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1978-09-22

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High-mid 60s
Low-law 60s
See Today for details

Vol. LIX, No. 14 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Friday, September 22, 1978 Ten Cents Fourteen Page
Use of laughing gas on campus hits a new high
By DENNIS SABO The private use of nitrous oxide - more lasts for onlya short period of time." administered with proper amount of oxygen Some medical researchers believe persistent
It was once a fairly common party surprise, commonly known as laughing gas - declined A cannister gives about a three-minute kick and is used as a safe and effective anesthetic. symptoms of studied habitual laughing gas
Someone would produce a gas cannister at an in popularity on the University campus several and costs about 25 cents. The gas is inhaled Laughing gas is considered so safe that it is users, which include numbness in limbs, slow
intimate get-together and after a few deep years ago. But, now, use among students is through a nozzle top cannister, similar to making a comeback as a widely-used reflexes, and other sensations, are caused by
inhalations the laughs would begin. again climbing. whipping cream cans sold in stores. anesthetic in dentistry - making yearly check- peripheral nerve damage.
Each party-goer would slowly twist open the Some users find a supply of laughing gas at "There's an up-and-coming 'Wippet' craze," ups a pleasant experience.
valve on the tank and inhale as much as their various University medical facilities, including the laughing gaser added, referring to the "It's a safe anesthetic in comparison with Under proper conditions, many doctor
lungs could hold, pause, then let out the lung- the University Hospital. Others order it from product's brand name. "If you do three other anesthetics," said Dr. John Atwater s recretin ug wto far of s
full of "happy gas." Detroit area whipped cream distributors who (cannisters) in a row, you're gone." Washtenaw County medical examiner "But as a recreationcal danger since most of the of serio
SOME PARTICIPANTS would begin to sell the gas in cannisters without the cream. IN WESTERN states, laughing gas has there's danger in misusing any medication. edad ggas
snicker, others laughed until their eyes Nitrous oxide is a common propellant used to replaced shotgun bangs as the latest over-the- PARTY USERS, Atwater warns, often take One doctor, who admitted his professiona
watered and their stomach muscles tightened release whipping cream in store-bought cans. counter craze. In Denver, despite warnings the gas straight or for long periods of time. expedrienc wth lauging gas hadbeen
hiard. Still others sat content in their own world, "IT'S ONE of the most intense highs," said from wary health officials, head shops are Although they may be getting an euphoric kick, peiane saih if ghi ong gs needd aen
engulfsed in a numbing sensation, accompanied one Literary College (LSA) senior. "Its selling nitrous oxide to anyone who wants it. laughing gas sharply reduces the oxygen aant, said if his young son needed a
by a pleasant buzzing in the ears. intensity can be compared to LSD. Of course, it Under normal conditions, nitrous oxide is supply in the blood, which could be dangerous. recommend-nitrous oxideabove all others.


Fo ur acts'
kick off
Hill jazz
A lively performance from noted jazz
pianist Marylou Williams kicked off
this year's Eclipse Jazz Series last
night to a nearly full Hill Auditorium.
Williams shared the program with
three other acts - two quartets, one
skippered by Stan Getz and the other by
Max Roach - and the North American
premier of the double-suite "Force",by
Roach and Archie Shepp.
WILLIAMS received a standing
ovation when she appeared. Her per-
formance took a historic look at dif-
ferent jazz styles ranging from the
blues to avant-garde. She also included
a treatment of Duke Ellington's
"Caravan" in her portion of the show.
Eclipse officially announced the rest,
of its fall season yesterday, which will
include performances by jazz all-stars
Cecil Taylor and Count Basie. But it has
been a difficult task for Eclipse to bringt
this festival to town. A $20,000 loss is
expected, and several bookings were if-
fy affairs up to the last minute.
In the auditorium lobby, Eclipse
exhibited some jazz-oriented art,
primarily photos and paintings.

Vance fails
to get quick
Hussein OK

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia (AP) - Sec
retary of State Cyrus Vance failed to
get quick Jordanian endorsement of the.
Camp David accords and flew to this
desert capital yesterday to try to win
Saudi Arabia's crucial support for the
Although Jordan's King Hussein did
not commit himself to the accords, he
did promise not to close the door on the
new peace initiative.
Vance's visit here tested the Carter
administration's contention that.
cultivating the friendship of the Saudis
- by selling them F-15 fighter jets, for
example - has encouraged them to
play a moderating role in Arab world.
SHORTLY AFTER his arrival, Van-
ce met with King Khaled and Crown
Prince Faud in the royal "working
Fahd is the real power in the Saudi
hierarchy. Khaled takes little part in
day-to-day government affairs and suf-
fers from ill health. It was reported
yesterday, in fact, that he will travel to
Cleveland for heart surgery next
U.S. officials traveling with Vance
said the American envoy's mission is
being made no easier by public
statements made by Israeli Prime.
Minister Menachem Begin, including
the Israeli leader's sharp disagreement
with the White House over how long
Israel agreed to freeze ifs settlement
program in occupied territories.
IN DAMASCUS, meanwhile, Syria's
foreign minister said the Arab "rejec-
tionist" states would move to "foil the
Camp David agreement" and hinted
that this might include steps aimed
directly at undermining Egyptian
President Anwar Sadat's political
position. Vance is to meet with the
Syrians in Damascus this weekend.
Sadat was in Morocco yesterday,
meeting with that country's conser-
vative monarch, Hassan II, to solicit his
endorsement for the accords, reached

last Sunday at Camp David, Md., be
ween Sadat and Begin, with Preside
Carter's mediation.
JORDANIAN Foreign Minist
Hassan Ibrahim, seeing Vance off
the Amman airport yesterday, to
reporters Jordan still has reservatior
about the Camp David peace plan b
will continue to consider it and has n
ruled out joining in the negotiations.',
Vance conferred with King Hussei
for a second time yesterday mornin'
See HUSSEIN, Page 6
forced out
TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) - Jewish se
tiers fought with their fists Thursday
Israeli troops began to evict them fro~
a mountaintop outpost they had set
on the West Bank of the Jordan i
defiance of the U.S.-sponsored Cam
David accords.
A Defense Ministry spokesman sai
soldiers had to carry demonstrator
one by one down the rocky slopes to th
road a mile away.
ISRAEL RADIO said seven soldier
and seven settlers were injured in fisi
fights when the army moved in on th
unauthorized camp near the Arab tow:
of Nablus. Other settlers barricade
themselves in huts, the radio said.
On Tuesday about 100 settlers move
into the camp, but the government or
See ISRAELI, Page 6

Daily Photo by WAYNE CABLE
PIANIST MARY LOU WILLIAMS played a mellow tune with her funky bass accompanist last night *at the opening
of the Ann Arbor Jazz Festival. The concert series runs through Sunday.

AATA seeks'new funds

A growing Ann Arbor demands a
mass transit system to satisfy its needs,
officials say.
Yet faced with rising transportation
casts the AnnArbor Transportation
Authority (AATA) Board may find it;
necessary to make certain service ad-
justments as they finalize the fiscal
year 1978-79 budget.
Cecil Ursprung, AATA treasurer,
made a report to the board Wednesday
night in which he outlined possible ser-
vice adjustments. He emphasized the
need to combine the income budget and
the service plan.
"WE MUST look closely at what we
have, what we want to offer and what
we must deal with," said Ursprung.
The Board is interested in finding*

the $75,000 necessary for the coming
fiscal year. Federal funds are
available, but money must also come
'It has never been our
indention to have fares
pay the ride. In view of a
recent increase, I think
another fare hike would
be foolish.'
-AATA Chairman
Ed Pear
from other sources. Ursprung
suggested two possible plans for raising

'pays maj or, role
in are a transit plan
The University decided to hire its own
By JUDY RAKOWSKY consultants, the firm of Bather,
The University is searching for Wolsfeld, Jarvis and Gardner of Min-
money to carry out its part in a major neapolis, Minn. Richard Wolsfeld
transportation plan, which has already presented the findings to the Board of
received the endorsement of City Coun- Regents in February, which
cil and the Ann Arbor Transportation unanimously approved of the plan.
Authority (AATA). Under the plan, the University is to:
The plan is aimed at alleviating construct a commuter parking lot on
future traffic problems in the Ann Ar- North Campus; encourage com-
bor area by de-emphasizing the puterized car and van pooling; con-
automobile. The plan includes struct an alternative access road
upgrading streets and intersections, feeding the University Medical Center
employing incentives to encourage from the northeast'; raise parking rates
greater use of mass transportation, and to deter downtown parkers; and even-
other energy-saving measures. tualiv cnnstruct a nennle-mnover svtem

The board is mainly considering a
fare increase. Many board members
oppose this move in retrospect of last
year's hike and the effect it had on
ridership. ,
"THE DROP IN ridership can be
directly attributed to the fare in-
crease,'' said Acting Director Robert
"It has never been our intention to
have fares pay the ride, In view of a
recent increase, I think another fare
hike would be foolish," said Board
Chairman Ed Pear.
Another source of revenue would be
to sell advertising space on buses. This
idea had been raised before but was
voted down this past summer.
IN RECENT months AATA has ex-
HoDetroit Tiger Manager Ralph
Houk resigned yesterday. Les
Moss has been named as his
replacement for next season. See
story Page 13.
" Ex-president Ford told a
Congresional Committee the
Warren Commission would have
investigated further if it had
known about CIA plots to kill
Castro. See story, Page 8.
" State Rep. Perry Bullard
postponed a bill that would have
given state newspapers nearly
complete exemption for police
searches. See story, Page 5.
* The Health Service Han-
dbook explains how lactose

Denver boot stalks city

If you accumulate parking tickets,
watch out. Your car might get the boot.
Instead of towing, Ann Arbor police
are using the new weapon, called the
Denver boot, against repeated parking
law violators.
THE BOOT is a $350 metal contrap-
tion which police attach to the wheel
and fender of a car, imobilizing it. A
notice is attached to the windshield, and
the car owner must pay his or her out-
standing fines before the boot is
City ordinances say that a vehicle
may be towed or booted after it has ac-

cumulated 10 or more tickets.
"We're really on the alert now, and
we've been quite successful," said Cy
Hughes, manager of the city parking
THE AVERAGE fine, he said, is $200,
and the average haul is five vehicles a
day, meaning the boot brings the city
about $1,000 per day in revenue.
"We prefer to use the boot (rather
than tow). It saves us time and it saves
the motorist a lot of money," Hughes
said. He explained that when a car is
towed, a $25 charge is tacked on to
cover expenses. There are no such
charges for the boot.

Hughes added that with the boot
unlike towing, police are not respon
sible for theft or damage to the car'
contents. The boot helps police wage ai
offensive against chronic ticke
holders, he said.'.
Cars need not be parked illegally ti
be booted. Three full time and 12 par
time officers search the city an<
University property for vehicles witi
ten or more outstanding tickets.
The boot has been used in the city fo
a year. The Parking Department
See BOOT, Page 2

perience a certain degree of service
loss. As the budget is formed, the ser-
vice plan will also be evaluated.
"Our service loss is a result of a high
rate in absenteeism, low driver morale
and a shortage of drivers," said
Operations Manager Henry
A staff report indicated that members
See AATA, Page 5

Landers, Bell talk to bar

Special to The Daily
DETROIT-"I could talk about one
of several things today-Outstanding

noon luncheon, with Attorney Genera
Griffin Bell highlighting the ewenin
Bell talked briefly about his efforts t


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