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September 21, 1978 - Image 14

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1978-09-21

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F age 14-Thursday, September 21, 1978-The Michigan Daily

Devine hopeful while Irish stew


peorge. Maguire sat brooding in his
As Angeles office. The L.A. Kings
kneral manager was naturally upset
g the recent court decision which
,serted that his receiving Dale Mc-
urt as compensation for goalie Rogie
hon was illegal and uncon-
'Maguire was counting on McCourt for
0fresh spark in his beleaguered
rategy that has yet to bring him the
timal goal in all of sports.
"DAMMIT, I'VE been shut out for so
ng that I hoped that McCourt would be
le to stop it. Now I'll have to do my
nddes by myself again this season."
Maguire wanted McCourt out of the
asp of Red Wings general manager
Lindsey, who has long led the NHL
winning Griddes percentage. Also,
nsey's close location to 420 Maynard
ables him to get his picks in to the
aily long before the midnight
"Now I'll have to sit through another

season of Red Wing fans throwing their
small, two-item pizzas from Pizza
Bob's every time they score," Maguire
1. MICHIGAN at Notre Dame
(pick score)
2. Ohio State at Minnesota
3. Wisconsin at Northwestern
4. Stanford at Illinois
5. Syracuse at Michigan State
6. Iowa State at Iowa
7. Ohio U. at Purdue
8. Washington at Indiana
9. Southern Cal at Alabama
10. Yale at Brown
. Maryland at North Carolina
12. Arizona at Texas Tech
13. Baylor at Kentucky
14. Duke at South Carolina
15. Kansas State at Tulsa
16. Mississippi at Missouri
17. Washington State at Arizona State
18. Indiana State at Eastern Michigan
19. Central Conn. at Slippery Rock
20. DAILY LIBELS at Hebrew Univ.
(Sato night)

Dented and disappointed-but definitely deter-
mined-describes Dan Devine's once defeated
Fighting Irish of Notre Dame, as the defending
national collegiate football champions try to
recover from their upset loss to the Missouri
Tigers, 3-0.
"We didn't stand around licking our wounds or
feeling sorry for ourselves," Devine commented.
"We went right back to work the next day with one
thought in mind-becoming a better football team
than we displayed on opening day."
Besides their obvious misfortunes on offen-
se-324 yards on the ground and through the air,
but no points-the Irish did indeed finish the game
Steve Dover, a kick return specialist suffered a
neck injury and is probably lost for the season.
Starting guard Jim Hautman broke his arm and
will be out for six to eight weeks. He will be
replaced by Tim Huffman, brother of star center
Dave Huffman.
Injuries are difficult to overcome, but the disap-
pointment of a loss to an underdog at the home
opener may be harder to purge from the minds of
the defending national champs.
"If the team is disappointed, I don't blame
them," Devine said. "The team as a whole was
angry at the missed opportunities. They knew the
victory was within grasp, but sometimes when a
team becomes disappointed, that can have a very
positive effect as a rallying point that can
motivate them to do better this week. We learned
a very valuable lesson last week."

The lessons of the Missouri game makes Notre
Dame more determined to come back and knock
off once-victorious Michigan, a one-point under-
dog for this Saturday's game in South Bend.
"We were very happy about some things we ac-
complished on defense in our first outing," Devine
commented. "I don't think anyone expected us to
hold Missouri scoreless because of the numberof
people we lost through graduation on defense.
"But on the' other hand, all of us have to be
disappointed in our lack of success in putting poin-
ts on the scoreboard. We moved the ball well
enough between the twenties but we failed to take
advantage of scoring opportunities."
It was the offense between the twenties that
must really please Devine. Pete Holohan, playing
wide receiver for the first time in his career, led
the team in receiving with five catches for 70 yar-
ds. Nick Vehr also played well in his first game at
tight end.
"Our offense showed spark in certain
situations," Devine said. "We had a couple of
people in there who played much better than we
had any reason to expect. Holohan did great, con-
sidering he is really a quarterback."
The Irish have other motivations for this game
besides their desire to recover from their opening
loss. The game matches two of the best quarter-
backs in the nation, Michigan's Rick Leach and
Notre Dame's Joe Montana. Montana had a fair
passing game against Missouri as he completed 13
of 28, but had two passes intercepted.
Also, four of the nation's top running backs will

be starting in this game-Harlan Huckleby and
Russell Davis of the Wolverines and Vagas
Ferguson and Jerome Heavens of Notre Dame.
Heavens and Ferguson both gained over 100
yards in last year's resounding victory over Texas
in the Cotton Bowl. Heavens barely missed
gaining 1000 yards last year and there are many
indications that he will come close to that mark
On defense, the new starters performed very
well in their first games.
"Jay Case and John Hankerd (ends), who never
played a down at those positions, turned in fine
performances for their first game," Devine
remarked. He was also pleased with the play of his
tackles, Jeff Watson and Mike Calhoun and
linebackers Bobby Leopold, Bob Golic and Steve
The only positions that are suspect at this
moment are in the Irish secondary, where three
starters have graduated: Ted Burgmeier, Luther
Bradley and Ross Christensen.
The greatest excitement around this game is the
matchup itself. Michigan and Notre Dame have
not played in 35 years. There is a natural rivalry
by their location in the midwest and the two teams
have top reputations.
"The Michigan-Notre Dame game should
become one of the great intercollegiate series,"
Devine remarked. "I'm sure the game will draw a
lot of attention nationally. I know our players and
coaches are looking forward to meeting the very
fine Michigan team."

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Buckeyes pass into new error-

"Let's play Jeopardy!" The topic is
Ohio State football. The answer is
"1971." The question is, "Before now,
when was the last time that Woody
Hayes and his Ohio State Buckeyes had,
a losing streak of three or more
If you haven't realized it yet, the
Buckeyes 'are streaking, but in a
negative way. Woody and his boys have
lost their last three games. The streak
started last fall when the Michigan
Wolverines subdued OSU, 14-6. Then, in
the Sugar Bowl last January 2, the
Crimson Tide washed the Buckeyes
ashore as Alabama easily defeated the
Ohioans, 35-6.
Their most recent and third con-
secutive loss came last Saturday when

Penn State roared past Ohio State by
the score of 19-0.
During their current losing streak,
Ohio State has lost to three of the top
five teams in the nation. It was a
slightly different story in 1971. OSU's

last three games of that season proved
fatal. They first lost to Michigan State,
17-10, followed by Northwestern (you
read it right), 14-10, and Michigan, 10-7.
"Sure, we know the facts. But, if it
were three games in one season, it

would be a different story," said Steve
Snapp, OSU's Associate Director of
Sports Information.
Although their first two losses in this
unusual streak came last season, the
fact still remains that Ohio State has a
losing streak, and that they lost big this
past weekend.
In his season opener, Hayes pulled a :
major surprise when he started a,
freshman quarterback in place of a'
veteran. Rookie Art Schlichter, com-
pleted 12 of 26 passes for 184 yards
overall. Yet, his five interceptions did.
not help the quest for victory.
"Rod Gerald (a senior), had been
hampered by hamstring pulls two and a
half weeks prior to the opener," com-
mented Snapp. "Schlichter ran the ball

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Daily Photo by ANDY FREEBERG
WAYNE WOODROW HAYES, the "Fat Man," the silver-haired mentor of Ohi
State football. Wild Woody can do it all. The question is, can his Buckey s
Coming off a three game losing streak, the Bucks badly need a win at Minnesot,
this weekend to convince their fans they are for real.
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Thus, Hayes has given us another
surprise. Aside from the losing streak,,
Ohio State's game plan thus far this-
season hs had an unusual emphasis on.
the pass. Is this a new football=
philosophy for the often philosophical
Buckeye coach?
Hayes' success with the option-orien-'
ted offense is an established fact. Yet.
1 passing, not only for OSU but for the
, Big Ten in general, is a mysterious sub-
' ject. One that only Rose Bowl opponen-
ts have mastered in the recent past.
So why this sudden change by thee:
veteran coach? Because Schlichter is
that good. His credentials in high school
led him to be selected as Ohio's High
School Player of the Year in 1977.
On his post-game television show,
Hayes said there is "no doubt that he
will become the greatest quarterback
we've ever had."
"The use of Schlichter in the back-
field will give us a better balance bet-
ween the running and passing game,"
said Snapp.
As for Gerald, Snapp believes he will
be used as a quarterback when the
situation warrants it. And for those
other times, he will play a different,
position as he did last Saturday when he
was a wide receiver.
This coming Saturday, the Buckeyes.
travel to the land of Gophers. Which
quarterback starts against Minnesota
has yet to be determined, but from the
sound of it, Schlichter seems the likely
Don't underestimate the Gophers.
They beat Michigan last year in the up-
set of the regular season, and they may
just elongate the unusual Scarlet and
Gray streak.
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