Page 12-Thursday, September 21, 1978-The Michigan Daily :S. BEGINS MAJOR PUSH FOR SUMMIT AGREEMENTS: Vance seeks Jordanian cooperation [AN Jordan (AP) - Seretar l kMM arsYf, .V VY {iQYY X ISK- 1 - lacul CUIVY was tovor va lchatini mn dl"+y+hs . rw ..wrr.... ., v y sfa - aa~ ~a State Cyrus Vance met with King ssein yesterday, opening a Aomatic drive aimed at making the mp David accords more palatable to ry Jordan and Saudi Arabia and eping hard-line Syria from derailing agreement. Vance met with Hussein shortly after yiving here and was understood to ve applied strong pressure, telling n that opposition to the plan could rage U.S.-Jordanian relations. ssein relies heavily on U.S. military i economic assistance. VANCE ALSO reportedly told the rdanian ruler that it was in his best erest to participate in the gotiations called for in the accords, ice Jordan will be neighbor to . wnatever Paiestinian entity mre E~1VL1UIU IRAy emerges from the talks on the West Bank of the Jordan River.' The secretary is also scheduled to meet with three other Arab leaders - King Khaled and Crown Prince Fahd of Saudi Arabia in Riyadh today and tomorrow, and President Hafez Assad of Syria in Damascus on Saturday. Vance said earlier that his mission was to explain to the "key Arab gover- nments not represented at Camp David .. . the contents, purpose and philosophy of the understandings reached ... so they can make their own decisions on how to respond to the invitations to them 'contained in the basic documents." THE FRAMEWORK for peace in the Middle East was drawn up by Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin un- der the sponsorship of President Carter during a two-week conference at Camp David in Maryland. The accord calls for, among other things, a five-year transition period in the West Bank and Sinai, leading to full autonomy for the people there who are predominantly Palestinian Arabs. Israel has agreed not to establish new settlements during the negotiations and inhabitants are to elect representatives to participate in the peace process. Left unsettled are the ultimate boun- daries of Israel, the nature of the autonomous Palestinian entity, the future of Jerusalem and the security arrangements for Israel. IN THE U.S. view, Jordan could have a strong influence on the makeup of the Palestinian presence on the West Bank if it accepts the invitation to join the peace talks. If Hussein boycotts, he runs the risk of seeing an independent Palestinian entity emerge, which could be antagonistic to the Jordanian monarchy. Jordan has said it would not be bound by the agreements and Saudi Arabia has said the terms "could not be con- .. siderdd as an acceptable final formula for peace." Hussein is also under pressure from those Arab states opposed to Sadat's negotiations, a so-called Rejection Front made up of Syria, Libya, Algeria, Vance met with Hussein shortly after arriving in Jor- dan and was understood to have applied strong pressure, telling him that opposition to the plan could damage U.S.- Jordanian relations. South Yemen and the Palestine Liberation Organization. THE FRONT was scheduled to meet in Damascus yesterday and a strong condemnation of the accords was ex- pected because they do not guarantee f TONIGHT af GREEK NIGHT Admission Free with proof of membership in a frat. or sorority DORM NIGH1 Admission Free with a meal card thru SUNDAY- ~ARADSI 59C OFF ADMISSION PRICES SUNDAY THROUGH THURS. DAY (during September) WITH VOTERS REGISTRATION CARD. I r"MUSIC AND MEAL DEAL Dine at the restaurant after 4:00 P.M. and receive FREE admission to Nightclub that eve t ning. SUN.-THURS. 26E..Lb. .994,5350: complete Israeli withdrawal from the West Bank and Gaza Strip, nor do they guarantee the rights of Palestinians to form a state. American officials said Vance would tell Hussein that while there are no guarantees on those two points, Israel has started a process of withdrawal that will eventually result in a satisfac- tory arrangement. The American officials, who declined to be identified, said they do not expect an immediate response from Hussein and expect that he will first want to consult with neighboring Saudi Arabia and Syria, the next two stops on Van- ce's itinerary. AMERICAN officials believe the Saudis may hold the key to acceptance of the plan, since their oil wealth bankrolls poorer states like Jordan, Egypt and Syria. Recognizing that power, the Carter administration has been cultivating the Saudis, most notably by selling them 60 F-15 fighter jets. The Saudis responded to the accords more critically than Hussein, and U.S. officials believe they are particularly upset that the plan says nothing about the future of East Jerusalem, now Israeli-occupied. Vance, it was learned, intends to point out that the American position on Jerusalem does not support Israel's. Israel contends that the city is in- divisible and must be the capital of the Jewish state. Arabs consider it a holy city for Islam and some have suggested it be divided or placed under inter- national control. HA IRS TYL ING TO PLEASE LONG OR SHORT DASCOLA Hair Stylists Arborland-971-9975 Eniversity-76-7354 E.Liberty-Wb-9349 Mple Village-761-4733 /1 Carter 's popularity jumps-7in pol NEW YORK (AP) - President Car- ter's popularity soared 13 points in the aftermath of the historic Camp.David agreements between Israel and Egypt, and Carter now gets a positive rating from the American people, according to the latest CBS News poll. Monday night's nationwide telephone sampling of 973 adults showed 51 per cent approved of Carter's performance," 28 per cent disapproved and 21 per cent had no opinion. IN JUNE, a CBS-New York Times' poll showed that 38 per cent approved of Carter's work, 41 per cent disapproved' and 21 per cent had no opinion. The New York Times is currently on strike, and, CBS spokeswoman Kathleen Frankovic' said the newspaper was not involved in. the latest poll. Carter's current 51 per cent.approval rating puts him midway between his low of 38 per cent in June and his high of 64 per cent in April 1977. The' President's dramatic popularity: leap was similar to those recorded by his four immediate predecessors after they scored breakthroughs or took= dramatic steps on the international front. According to past Gallup polls quoted by CBS, President Nixon's rating went up 16 percentage points following the4 Vietnam peace agreement in 1973; President Kennedy's popularity in: creased 12 points after the Cuban missile crisis; President Ford's rating went up 11 points after the Mayaguez incident in 1975 and President John- son's rating went up eight points after the first bombing of Hanoi in 1966. 1 114 E. Washington DOWN Lon HAPPY HOURS at REAT SAVINGS TOWN Super MONDAY NIGHT FOOTBALL on our Large 7 ft. TV Screen THURSDAY: Entertainment The Famed "GASLIGHTERS" All BEERS and COCKTAILS HALF PRICE 8:30 p.m. till closing '1 For the power you need Texas nstruments ....... ..for College and Career ( lk Interchangeable Solid State Software TM modules Each contains complete library of programs for specific applications area. Come in and see our selection. 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