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September 21, 1978 - Image 11

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1978-09-21

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claim to
hat revolt
(Continued from Page 1)
ilumn of black smoke rose from the
A warplane circled the city, spraying
achine gun fire. Troops of the
ational guard, which is Nicaragua's
army and police force, said the plane
was attacking fleeing rebels.
McLENDON SAID the rebel troops
n the barricades appeared tobe
.eenagers with old rifles. "They were
very young and didn't seem to know
Nhat they were doing," he said. "They
"ere very much different from the
ropps normally controlling access to
cities where the rebels had been
There were no reliable casualty
reports from the national guard or from
the rebels, who are led by the San-
dinista National Liberation Front.
Opposition groups vowed to fight
against Somoza and called the gover-
nment actions in the four cities
"genocide, extermination and an-
THE REV. ERNESTO Cardenal, an
elderly Roman Catholic priest who
claims Sandinista membership, said in
San Jose, Costa Rica, that the
guerrillas were not defeated.
"The Sandinista front has not lost. It
has had a great victory. The fact that it
could not hold the cities for a long time
and had to withdraw does not signify a
defeat," he said.
The uprising, the latest and bloodiest
in nine months of violence in
Nicaragua, began September 9 with
rebel attacks on cities throughout the
SOMOZA'S 7,500-MAN national
guard, armed and trained by the United
States, finally bottled up the rebels in
the three northwestern cities of Leon,
Chinandega and Esteli. Leon fell Satur-
day. Chinandega fell Sunday.
The Sandinistas take their name from
Cesar Augusto Sandinio, a Nicaraguan
who led guerrilla warfare against U.S.
Marines in the 1930s. The group was.
strongly Marxist-Leninist when foun-
ded in 1960 but this year has been sup-
ported by conservative business and
clergy groups in Nicaragua that want
Somoza out. A nationwide strike that
businessmen joined to try to force his
resignation is in its fourth week.
Somoza has vowed not to step down
until his six-year term ends in 1981.
C REPORTERS WHO visited Leonand
Chinandega after the towns were
recaptured quoted residents as saying
the hardcore Sandinistas had been
joined by youths fighting with a variety
of weapons.
When the guard began its air bom-
bardments, the residents said, the San-
dinistas slipped into the hills.
National guard troops would not im-
mediately permit reporters into Esteli
but those who visited Leon and Chinan-
dega said entire blocks were burned.
Residents buried civilian dead in un-
marked graves for fear the ntional
guard would link any gunshot death
with resistance and arrest other mem-
bers of the family. Most of the young
men fled Chinandega, the residents
said, because they feared arrest by the
F it's great-
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Deadline set or EMU striA

YPSILANTI (UPI)-A judge, acting
on a lawsuit brought by a student who
claims he's getting cheated out of a
college education, yesterday gave both
sides in the Eastern Michigan Univer-
sity (EMU) strike four days to settle
their differences.
If thereris noagreement by 8 a.m.
Monday, Washtenaw County Circuit
Judge Ross Campbell said he would or-
der striking faculty members back to
work under their old contract which ex-
pired Aug. 31.

ROSS SET THE deadline at the con-
clusion of a seven hour show cause
hearing on a suit filed by Eric Williams,
a 23-year-old EMU senior from Grand
Rapids. Williams, unable to get an at-
torney to take his case, presented-his
own arguments.,..r
The judge said the strike was "paten-
tly illegal" and agreed with Williams
that a long walkout could cause
"irreparable damage" to thousands of
Williams, a senior who plans to enroll.

in law school next year, argued that the
university failed to inform him when he-
registered for the fall term that he
would have to cross picket lines to at-
tend classes. His suit names both EMU
and the American Association of
University Professors, which represen-
ts some 600 faculty members.
ALTHOUGH THE judge declined to
issue an immediate back-to-work or-
der, he also refused to dismiss
Williams' suit as requested by an
AAUP attorney.

EmUs fa
tember 13,
were sched
students att
mediate rea
the union s
ning of thes
court order.
tedly farf
economic i
economic is
In Detro
tinued ye

The Michigan Daily-Thursday, September 21, 1978-Page 11
!e settlement i
culty walked off the job Sep- university with an enrollment of 35,000
the day fall term classes students.
lIed to begin for about 18,000 Wayne State President Thomas Bon-
the Ypsilanti campus. ner released the text of a letter he snt to
AAUP officials had no im- faculty and staff members urging a
action to yesterday's ruling, quick settlement to the dispute and'
aid last week at the begin- pressing his disappointment that,
strike that it would obey any unions rejected a nearly $1 million c
tract improvement.
FM THE AAUP were repor- "I am disturbed, baffled and dee l,'
from settlement on both worried," Bonner said. PTV
ssues and some 11 key non- "No further offer is possible withox*
ssues. -more cuts, possible layoffs and ev
it, a strike by 1,600 ad- tually a tuition increase. In good e
e and clerical workers con- science, I cannot authorize this in .
sterday at Wayne Stae ness to those affected and the overa
-the 'state's third largest good of the university."

Cox nixes Nixon return

Former Watergate Special
Prosecutor Archibald Cox said yester-
day during a Detroit appearance he
does "not think there is any place" for
former President Richard Nixon in
public life.
Acknowledging a "bifurcated feel-
ing," Cox said, "I still think that all of
us should unsparingly condemn what he
did." Cox also expressed sympathy for
the personal anguish Nixon suffered as
a result of his resignation.
Detroit's massive Renaissance Center
heard Cox say: "I don't want to see you
(Nixon) suffer, but when you're looking
for a position of public trust, I'm not
going to forget the past."
professor, who was fired by Nixon
during the famous "Saturday Night
Massacre" in 1973 made his remarks at
a press conference before delivering a
speech to the Labor Relations Law Sec-
tion at yesterday's opening session of
the forty-third annual meeting of the
State Bar of Michigan.
The lawyers at the Ren. Cen. expec-
ting to hear Senator Patrick Moynihan
were instead treated to twenty minutes
of gags delivered by comedian Bill
Claiming that his lawyer had inven-
ted a new word, "write-offable," Cosby
told the assembly of attorneys: "I paid
$30,000 for it."
Cox tackled a variety of questions in
lis forty-five minute news conference.
Questioned about guidelines regulating

the relationships between university
faculty and intelligence agencies which
are now being considered at many
campuses across the country, Cox ex-
pressed his opposition to "any under-
cover work on campus on behalf of the
CIA" and particularly to undercover
recruiting of foreign students.
COX WAS ONE of the framers of the
guidelines drawn up at Harvard
University. University officials are




Cox expressed doubt, however, of the
necessity for the establishment of a
nation-wide organization to counteract
government spying.
"Qualitatively, I am sympathetic to
their point of view. But quantitatively, I
don't see enough spying to get excited
about it," he said.

* ii
i ..
. 71


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