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September 21, 1978 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1978-09-21

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iE3 ai1i~

High -- upper 60s.
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Vol. LIX, NO. 13 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Thursday, September 21, 1978 Ten Cents Sixte

en Pages

on ballot
in bid for
After a two month struggle, City
Councilman Earl Greene (D-Second
Ward), candidate for the U.S. Second
District Congressional seat, announced
yesterday that his name will appear on
the November election ballot.
Greene told reporters at an afternoon
press conference that the Michigan
Court of Appeals has ordered the State
Board of Canvassers to submit his
name on the ballot. He said the court
had already informed his lawyers of the
decision but would not release its
specifics until today.
GREENE, WHO officially announced
his candidacy in March, has encoun-
tered numerous obstacles blocking his
path to oppose incumbent Carl Pursell
(R) on the November slate.
In July, the State, Board of Can-
vassers ruled Greene could not qualify
for the August 8th Democratic primary
because his petitions contained illegible.
signatures. The state agency said that
many people failed to check a place of
residency next to their names.
Greene's staff researched the state's
elections code and discovered .conflic-
ting sections creating confusion as to
what requirements a candidate must
meet to be on the ballot. One portion of
the code indicates a person needs at
least 15 percent of the party's vote in
the primary to be placed on the fall
ballot. Another section declares a per-
son must only receive a plurality of
write-in votes.
IN AUGUST, Attorney General
Frank Kelley, opting for the more
lenient interpretation, ruled Greene
would only need to receive a majority of
write-in ballots.
But although Greene easily acquired
the most write-in votes, the State Board
of Canvassers refused to place his
name on the ballot. They ruled that
Kelley's opinion contradicted the
state's election laws and would
establish a dangerous precedent
enabling too many candidates to
qualify for the ballot.
Greene immediately filed a suit
against the state board, charging they.
See GREENE, Page 7


quits; power

Cosby addresses state's lawyers Daily Photo by ANDY FREEBERG
Cigar-chomping comedian Bill Cosby substituted for New York Senator Patrick Moynihan as yesterday's opening speaker
at the State Bar of Michigan's annual meetings in Detroit. But the day's most worthy comments came from Harvard Law
professor Archibald Cox. See Page 11.for story.
g g to 21

Spreading posters, brochures, and
bumper-stickers throughout state
communities to plead its abstinence
case, the Coalition for 21 is scrambling
to keep drunk teenagers off the high-
ways by convincing voters to raise the
drinking age from 18 to 21 in November.
Withthe support of churches, school
administrators, and automobile
organizations, the coalition collected
the signatures necessary to place the
ballot question before state voters in
hopes that they will hike the drinking
age and, according to the coalition,
automatically decrease the number of
automobile accidents.
COALITION members have aimed
their campaign at churches, sending in-

formation to clergy and encouraging
them to hand out pro-legislation
Opponents of the proposed amen-
dment have been concentrating their
forces on college campuses, urging
students - who would be directly affec-
ted by the legislation - to vote against
it. These "anti-21ers" say many people
don't realize that, unlike the already-
passed proposal to raise the age to 19,
which is scheduled to go into effect
January 1, this new proposal has no
"grandfather clause." This means that
those who are 18 to 20-years-old now
would have their present drinking
privileges taken away from them until
they turn 21.
Supporters of the change counter

AATA OK's hospital access plan

that a higher drinking age will decrease
the number of automobile accidents.
"THE YOUTHFUL driving record
was twice as good as older drivers'
before the drinking age was lowered,"
claimed Allen Rice, executive director
of the Michigan Council on Alcohol
Problems (MICAP) and a member of
the Coalition.
"It will take more than merely an age
change, but (raising the age) will slow
down the amount of alcohol provision
for those who are younger," Rice ad-
Although not involved in the
Coalition, the Automobile Club of
Michigan, a division of the American
Automobile Association (AAA), has
come out in favor of raising the
drinking age to 21.
In 1972, when the age was lowered
from 21 to 18, said Tom Freel of the
AAA's Motor News, the organization
"said it (the age) should be left at 21
because of the effect on deaths of young
THE MICHIGAN Medical Society has
also stated it has "taken a position in
favor of raising the age to 21." The
Society bases its stand on "the numbers
of tragic (traffic accident) cases
physicians have been witness to - par-
ticularly of those under the age of 21,"
according to Media Relations Coor-
dinator Mert Scolten.
"The physicians are aware this is not
a particularly popular position,
especially with young people," Scolten
acknowledged. He added, however that
the Society believes raising the
drinking age would "help curb" the
problem of accidents.
Another reason offered for raising the

PRETORIA, South Africa (AP) -
Prime Minister John Vorster announced
yesterday he was resigning for health
reasons after 12 years as South Africa's
unchallenged political leader. His
departure was likely to trigger a power
struggle over who will direct this
racially divided nation.
He also announced that South Africa
will go ahead with elections this year
leading to independence for the
disputed territory of South-West Africa,
also known as Namibia.
THE 63-YEAR-OLD leader said at a
news conference that he could no longer
fulfill the "strenuous duties" of office,
but he said he would be available for the
largely ceremonial job of president.
A caucus of Vorster's National Party,
dominated by conservative Afrikaners,
is to meet September 28 in Cape Town
to pick a new president and prime
The new prime minister likely will
face a flurry of international censure
for the "go it alone" decision on
AMONG TOP contenders to replace
Vorster are the 'hard-line defense
minister,Pieter W. Botha; the staun-
chly conservative minister of plural
relations, or racial affairs, Connie
Mulder; Labor Minister Fanie Botha
and Foreign Minister Roelof F Botha.
The Bothas are not related. The name
is common here among Afrikaners,
descendants of the original European
The potential fight for the top job has
led to warnings in the Afrikaan press to
keep party unity at a crucial time in
South Africa's history.
READING FROM a prepared
statement, Vorster said "the South
African government does not wish to
close doors" to further negotiations on
the Namibia question with the United
Nations or the Western powers.
But he said his government found the
United Nations' proposal for a peace-
keeping force of 7,500 "totally unaccep-
table" and was not prepared to accept a
year-long transition period.
The government "cannot allow this
impasse to continue indefinitely," he
declared, and so will proceed with con-
stituent elections in the disputed
" The United Auto Workers have
decided to oppose both tax
reform measures on the Novem-
ber ballot. See the story on Page
" Are you hassled by swarming
yellowjackets? The number of
pesky little wasps has increased
this year. See the story on Page 7.s
For happeningsweather
se TODAY pge3

colony, has been administered by South
Africa'since 1920 under a mandate by
the old League of Nations, since
revoked by the United Nations.
In Windhock, the capital of Namibia,
the administrator-general of the
territory, Justice Marthinus Steyn, said
elections for a 50-member con-
stitutional assembly would be held
November 20-24.
The resulting assembly, Vorster said,
will decide the territory's future-in-
cluding the option of accepting the U.N.
political party, the pro-South African
See VORSTER, Page 7
claim to
halt revolt
MANAGUA, Nicaragua (AP)-The.
government said yesterday that it has
smashed a 12-day uprising against
President Anastasio Somoza in which
the Red Cross said at least 1,000 persons
were killed.
Opposition sources outside the coun-
try said the rebels would fight again to
end 41 years of authoritarian rule by the
Somoza family.
Nicaraguan lawyer in exile in Costa
Rica and mentioned as a possible
coalition president if Somoza leaves of-
fice, predicted that the president would
fall before the month ends.
The government said it had cleaned
the remaining rebels friom Esteli, a city
of about 30,000 on the Pan American
highway north of Managua. The city
was retaken by national guard forces
Tuesday after heavy bombardment.
Ismael Reyes, president of the
Nicaraguan Red Cross, said his
estimate of more than 1,000 dead did not
include reports from Esteli. He said
many more Nicaraguans were woun-
ded. Other Red Cross officials said the
toll wass high in Esteli, especially
among civilians.
"IT'S ALL OVER up there,"
Maximiliano Kelly, Somoza's personal.
secretary, said of the uprising during
which rebels controlled most of north-
western Nicaragua. "We've got it all
cleaned up in Esteli."
Associated Press photographer Red
McLendon, stopped at a National
Guard checkpoint overlooking Esteli,
said he saw red and orang flames
shooting from three heavy fires and a
See NICARAGUA, Page 11


The Ann Arbor Transportation
Authority (AATA) Board passed a
resolution last night endorsing the
Huron Valley Corridor Final Plan
In 1990, if AATA is granted funds
from state and federal governments, it
will attempt to make the hospital more
accessible by car from the northeast. If
money is available there would be
reconstruction of the Fuller Road
Bridge over the Huron River so that the
road is shifted south through Fuller
Field. In addition, the approved plans
call for the reconstruction of the Fuller
Bridge over the railroad tracks north of

University Hospital.
THE HURON Valley Corridor Plan is
the result of a study done by the Ann
Arbor-Ypsilanti Urban Area Transpor-
tation Study Committee (UATS) and
recommends improvements and new
implementations to the existing mass
transit system. The AATA Board joins
the Washtenaw County Road Com-
mission, the Ann Arbor City Council
and the Ann Arbor Planning Com-
mission in their support of the
THE AATA endorsement does not
commit the Authority to actually im-
plement any of the suggested
programs. It merely conveys its sup-

"Our endorsement is an endorsement
to the concept of the plan and not a
commitment to take any certain steps.
Questions of funding still must be con-
sidered," said Thomas Iackley, Plan-
ning Coordinator.
The University is expected to work
with the AATA in the implementation of
access improvements.
Another project would be the
development of a high frequency bus
service. This service will provide ad-
ditional scheduled buses every five
minutes during the peak travel hours.
The third project is a series of small
programs designed to improve existing
service. These plans include a car-pool
van-pool project and park-ride lots.

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Whistler's art scratched
that there will prnbably he no insuirance claim."

A mysterious scratch was noticed Saturday morning on
one of the James McNeill Whistler paintings currently on
display at the University Museum of Art across from the
Union on South State Street.
"We didn't see it happen," said Museum Director Brett
Waller, "and (we) didn't know who did it. Consequently, we
have no idea how it was done."
WALLER EXPLAINED that Whistler's "Daughter Of
The Concierge" was damaged by a 5/8 inch by 1/8 inch scrat-
ch, first noticed Saturday morning between 11:30 and 12:00
during a routine check of the works on exhibition.
Wailer described the tear as "the kind that would only
take a second to do," but added that there is nothing to in-
dicate that the blemish was made intentionally.
"It's been hard for us to determine if the damage was
done accidentally," said Waller, "it may have been a case of
someone gesturing just a little too close."
THE PAINTING is one of 105 works in the exhibition
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The scratch was treated by a professional conservator on.
the staff of the Inter-Museum Conservation Lab in Oberline,
Ohio. The repair was done at the University with the per-
mission of the Worcester Art Museum, said Waller, and took
less than 20 minutes.
"It's been hard for us to determine ,if
the damage was done accidentally, it,
may have been- a case of someone ges-
turing a little too close."
-Brett Waller, Museum Director
WALLER CONSIDERED the incident "just one of those
things that happens.
"In the five years that I have been here," he said, "I can
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