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Ten Page
Vol. UIX, No. 12 Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, September 20, 1978 Ten Cents
WASHINGTON (AP)-The mood of to depart for J
triumph that swept the capital with the Arabia in an efi
successful end of the Camp David the accords.
suimit was shaken yesterday by sharp President An
words from Jordan's King Hussein and planned to fly
lingering differences over inter- today to mee
pretation of the accords. before returning
While President Carter and the THE JORDA
leaders of Egypt and Israel tried to Hussein disc
maintain the momentum toward peace, agreements in
their hopes were jolted by an official sation with Crow
announcement in Amman that "Jordan Arabia and the
is dot obligated morally or materially emergency ses
y the agreements signed at the Camp cabinet.
David summit." White House
THE ANNOUNCEMENT by a Powell said hed
spokesman for the Jordanian statement "as a
government came as Israeli Prime view expressed
Minister Menachem Begin prepared to that they are aw
fly to New York before returning home. Powell said no
Minutes after Begin's plane took off Jordan was oblig
from Andrews Air Force Base, ts.
Secretary of State Cyrus Vance planned DESPITE H'
ordan, Syria and Saudi there was no indication the Are
fort to enlist support for leader, whose support is consider
critical to the success of the summi
nwar Sadat of Egypt had changed his mind about meetir
y to Rabat, Morocco with Vance.
t with King Hassan Observers in Washington regarded
g to Cairo. as a hopeful sign when Hussein, Kir
NIAN spokesman said Khaled of Saudi Arabia and, late
ussed the summit President Hafez Assad of Syria agre
a telephone conver- to meet with Vance.
wn Prince Fahd of Saudi Saudi Arabia also expressed rese
en during a four-hour vations yesterday about the outcome
sion of the Jordanian the summit, saying the agreements d
not constitute an acceptable "fin,
press secretary Jody peace framework."
id not see the Jordanian BUT AN OFFICIAL Saudi con
ny contravention of the munique issued after an emergen
I to 'President Carter, Cabinet meeting refrained fro
aiting a full briefing." outright rejection and did not critic
oone had suggested that Egyptian President Anwar Sadat.
gated by the agreemen- The communique, broadcast b
Riyadh radio, urged the Arabs to er
USSEIN'S reaction,
hosts jazz fest
Ann Arbor this week is a jazz
fan's aphrodisiac.
The Ann Arbor Jazz Festival,
heralded by local connoisseurs of
jazz as the best festival this side
of Newport, Rhode Island, opens
tomorrow and runs through
Among the more than 75 jazz
notables appearing will be
Dexter Gordon, saxophone;
Freddie Hubbard,, trumpet;
Archie Shepp, saxophone; Kenny
Burrell, guitar, and Art Blakey
and The Jazz Messengers.
ALSO APPEARING will be the
local II-V-I Orchestra conducted
by David Swain.
The four-day sound extrava-
ganza marks the first time Ann
Arbor has hosted a major music
festival since 1973. The following
year, City Council banished the
Ann Arbor Blues and Jazz
Festival to Canada, because of
problems with litter and alleged
drug trafficking.
THIS YEAR'S festival, to be
held in Hill Auditorium, is
dedicated to the music of Duke
Ellington, who for fifty years
composed and directed some of
the greatest jazz music ever
She JORDAN, Page 7
Student sues
EMU over
profs strike
As the walkout by professors at
Eastern Michigan University (EMU)
enters its second week, talks between
striking faculty and university officials
will move from the school's Ypsilanti
campus to Washtenaw County circuit
court today as both sides prepare to an-
swer to a lawsuit filed by an EMU
student last week.
Aerial tragedy
Two AT6 aircrafts collided last weekend during the National Air Races in Reno, Nevada. Both pilots were killed. A spectator
snapped this photo moments after the collision occurred.
See JAZZ, Page 5
Gas proposal overcomes hurdle
WASHINGTON (AP) - The Senate
yesterday beat back, 59-39, an attempt
to sidetrack the bill deregulating
natural gas which the Carter
administration has made a top
domestic priority.
The vote rejected a bid by opponents
to return the compromise - removing
federal price lids from the newfound
gas by 1985 - to a House-Senate
conference committee for redrafting.
Senate leaders said that would have
killed the bill.
THE TEST vote keeping alive the
plan was a clear victory for the
President, who has been waging a
* The Michigan Student Assem-
bly will push the Regents for
more student input in the selec-
tion of a new University
president. See Story, Page 7.
* Nicaraguan troops continue
to stamp out the final rebel
strongholds in a faltering
rebellion against President
Somoza. See Story, Page 10.
. For happenings, weather
and local briefs,
see TODAY, page 3.
heavy lobbying campaign for the
compromise on this key portion of his
energy program.
Opponents, who had conceded in
advance that the White House would
win the first vote, said they planned to
offer other motions to block the bill
during the next few days.
Carter has said enactment of the bill
is vital to U.S. prestige abroad, to
finding new domestic gas supplies and
,to curbing oil imports.
SEN. HENRY Jackson, (D-Wash.),
told colleagues enactment of the
compromise is crucial to U.S. energy
But Sen. James Abourezk, (D-S.D.),
a leading opponent, called it
"monstrosity legislation" which he said
would force unwarranted price
increases on consumers. And Sen.
Robert Dole, (R-Kans.), .labeled the
bill, "a desperate attempt to give the
administration some credibility in the
energy area."
The motion rejected yesterday
included instructions to Senate
conferees to strike the pricing
provisions which are the heart of the
legislation'and to return to the floor a
bill merely giving the President
emergency powers to deal with natural
gas shortages.
SENATE leaders said returning the
bill to the conference committee that
took 10 months to frame it would be a
death blow, mainly because House
conferees likely would balk at such a
But underground rules previously
agreed to by the Senate, any number of
such motions can be offered up until 1
p.m..next Wednesday - when the bill,
assuming it survives the attempts to
return it to committee, will face a vote.
Anti-spying conference to be
held at Union this weekend
Attorneys, academics and concerned
citizens from all over the country will
converge in Ann Arbor this weekend for
the first National Organizing
Conference to Stop Government Spying
this Friday, Saturday and Sunday at
the Michigan Union.
Billed as a "nuts and bolts"
organizing effort by Ann Arbor
coordinator and graduate student Tom
Shaker, the conference will be
concerned primarily with devising
strategies to try to counteract domestic
government spying and harrassment.
"THE TIME for being shocked is
over. Now it's what can you do about
it," Shaker said. "This is taking it a
step farther than everybody just being
Saturday night's plenary session will
feature Morton Halperin, chairman of
the Campaign to Stop Government
Spying, (CSGS), which is co-sponsoring
the conference, along with the
University's Viewpoint Lectures
Halperin, who resigned as a senior
staff member of the National Security
Council under Henry }issinger in 1969,
will speak on the presence of
intelligence agencies on college and
university campuses. Reports of
recruiting and other activity by the
Central Intelligence Agency and other
intelligence groups has caused many
schools - including the University - to
consider drafting guidelines regulating
See ANTI, Page 2
Mmmmm good
A charity ice cream eating contest took place yesterday at the Farrell's in Briar-
wood Mall. Eastern Michigan University's Kappa Phi Alpha fraternity won the
event by consuming 51.5 lbs. of ice cream in one and a half hours. A thousand
pounds of ice cream were donated by the Briarwood Movies and Farrell's.
Proceeds went to the Washtenaw County United Way (other photo on page 2). '
Campus lawyers tangle
with student problems
varied enough so that alleged. cheese thieves,
disgruntled tenants, angry consumers, spouses
our staff, from income guidelines to no income
guidelines," said Rose.
landlords before signing a lease. "Wait until
you move in," he said. "You don't want to look